IVF/ICSI Support Group

If ask tcm they will say no to soft drinks be it rm temp or cold de lah. Haha if u ask dr loh he probably reply why not! Lolz
Oki u let us knw wat dr zou advise ;)
Actually asking on any soups etc that can perk up appetite n 顺便 ask abt 100+..I expected a no no from them too.. Haha...

Btw, ure support med till when?
Realized my prengyl till sun, but BT is following Friday wor..
Yes, I been back to TFC every 3-4 days for my beta. Nurse told me to go down to do beta if i don't feel assured. I haven't seen Dr Cheng yet. Think it should be singleton but i feel really blessed already and hopefully things goes smoothly...
day, I see
Everything will be smooth! Look forward to yr scan next week.
Ladies, try not to stop egg whites intake. Even now bfp le, Dr Zou still encourages me to take 2 eggs per day. She says something good for the baby. During 2ww, I did not really stop my egg whites intake also cos its high in proteins. So I believes it is beneficial in some way. If u find it hard to stomach like tt, I always buy cantonese pork/fish porridge outside, then go home and crack 2 eggs inside and eat together. I still do this occasionally now. But must make sure the porridge is hot enough for the eggs else will hv bacteria.
sesame - CARE also tell me not to stop my immunocal but I have to stop cos I cannot tahan the taste now. after this sat scan, next will be oscar test liao!
Yah.. Still taking. Down 3 eggwhites yesdae. Dr Zou ask meto reduce to 2 per day but at d rate I m going nw on bloatedness, I might resume back to 6...wana chk with her on this lor..
Finds Immunocal doesn't seems to help, eggwhite too..during this 2ww...

Chk w u... My prengyl jab ends sun but Bhcg next Friday. P test this thurs.
If d test pass means I won't b on any support after Friday???

3 days yah? That means earliest I can test is 2nd dec..
Now i see egg i sooo scared. Unless in scrambled form. So hubby will scramble 4-6 eggs during the weekends for me. Now he is incharge of cooking my meals on weekends. Haha not bad leh after i taught him hw to cook.

Will try to increase eggwhite intake slowly. Did u fart often during 2ww? Day n night im farting. Even slping. Lolz

Had yr lunch?
Hi sesame
Yes u r right.. Egg is impt during pregnancy too.. I remember i eat one egg every morning till my boy is born.. Think the protein is gd.. But i take hard boil as i worry virus..;) so happy for u that u r seeing ur bb later.. Update us k..

Hi Day
Thk u.. I read the content of ensure, it says can use it as meal replacement so does that mean with ensure, i no need eat breakfast..;) hee..
nope..havent take lunch yet.
the queasiness is back again..feel like puking lei.
took few mouthful of my morning porridge and tats it...want to puke again.
i think i am having it real hard for this 1st week. i cant even stand for 1min. was trying to warm my porridge but the pain resumes.
whilst waiting for poweron of my office pc,as wana confirm out of office is set, the twitching, nagging pain bugs me again. that is only about 3mins.
i can oli lie down lei..
day in and out, feeling abit down and lethargic last few days.

winnie say i gana OHSS liao.

clinic can run test to ascertain the severity?
yah, juz took immunocal.
Bloodtest can determine the severity. U go 24hr clinic n hv it check. Then get them to let u rest there while waiting for the results. Abt 1 hr.

Dun reheat porridge. Will gv u more wind if u take reheat porridge or cold porridge.
hi ladies

i m exploring into IVF as ttcing for a long time.
anyone can advise if any doc/hospital good in IVF?
juz call up kkivf.
if too unbearable, they suggest i go down for bloodtest..
considering to go as the nurse advise prengyl jab will not trigger bloatedness and nauseous. its only puregon.
her advise is to monitor few 2 more days if it worsens go to kk24 hr
D lunch today.. Minced meat beancurd, isit added with "cai por'? Finds that appetizing but dare not eat. I can't take d chicken, wana puke. D soup is nice, but Sichuan.. Liang... Can't take hor.. Left with Oli caixin

Can bochap d No linage food thumbrule?? Eat abit nia.. Else realli no appetite..
This is what i feel. Cai por and sme liang food i take a bit. But i make sure i take in enuf red date tea. Y cant eat tofu? Nw most impt u need take food m water esp. The dr in kk24 told me must hv 2L water else will ohss de.
end up i boh hiu...took abit of the minced meat and few sips of soup.
yah...else no nutrition lagi worse.
have craving for Tori Q lei.

faithfully taking reddates drink too, 1L/day.
the rest will top with water.
i am cutting down on water at night else cant sleep due to constant toilet visit.
I wan shitake mushroom!!! Those fried ones. Yummy.
I oso 1L red date tea and 1L water. Kept running to toilet.

Today our soul buddy so quiet...

Din knw soya prdts liang. But in moderation right lah. Heeee
miracle - I saw one senior say she drink soya milk during 1st tri & after that got spotting. so now I stop all soya milk & beancurd. CARE say eat a bit is fine

pinkM - multiples on the way for u!! praying for God's protection on u & ur precious
Ure P result back Le mah??
I hv very very mild endometrosis which is treated Le.. Was advised not to take beancurd n soy products.. On off I will take thou..But I won't resist "dao pok"

Yah.. Soul very quiet。probably napping
hahaha me just logged on after watching one whole morning of cable tv. (DH subscribed for me after I complained of being super bored with free to air!) Now I am officially tv addict. LOL.

I hope you can jia you! I had OHSS and it was like how you are experiencing now - vomit, bloat like siao, loss of appetite, cannot sleep, bone aches and headaches.

No matter how difficult it is, try to sip water throughout the day. I didn't believe it and I suffered like siao on 2nd & 3rd day after ER. It was so painful. If water cannot, drink ribena? Nurse also told me to eat 3 egg whites everyday. *hugs*

What's your BT reading from today? Mine is 71.26. I asked and they said anything above 30 is good. I asked 31 leh? Nurse Audrey say that's ok too. haha
U shd try asking 30 lei... Sure tell u no gd.. Haha... Coz not above. Ure reading looks good.. So no additional support needed right?
I remembered I did progesterone level during normal cycles n reading r good too... Hope it remains same for IVF cycle :)

R u feeling better now??? Ure backaches n suan-ness okie Le mah.
I m feeling better now. Before lunch I pop sour plum, manage to finish more than a quarter of rice n all d vegetables.
Did u run bloodtesr to realize d OHSS?
Yeah.. Will Jiayou.. All will be worth it for BFP.I talk to my babe ask them guai .. No more queasiness.. So I can eat for them to grow healthily..
Sooooo touching.......u must be in tears
Will b a Long wait.
U intend to switch to private?? Actually his rates n private almost same right..
Congrats Sesame!!!!!! This is going to be so exciting! =D

My suan-ness and achy still there lor. But last night I was too tired I think, then when I fell asleep, all the pattern come out. HAHAHAHA! Too tired to care abt the pain I guess.

No leh, they actually chopped "HIGH RISK OHSS" on my papers/forms. And I have PCOS so it's only to be expected? The 24hr clinic doc also sort of confirmed it with my symptoms and tapping and touching my tummy??

Don;t eat too much sour plums lah, not good leh. Can suck on orange or lemon instead? Yup, we will all BFP BFP BFP!!!!!!!! =D

I think miracle taking nap. Cos inserts at 3PM. LOL. I better go lie down awhile also. You too!!
sesame, congrats on ur twins.

Ann, congrats on ur bfp.

Ladies, i've been out of action n sick to the core with ms. Dunno how long its going to cont to torture me. already lost 7kg...not very healthy. Any suggestions how to make it stop?
Bb Jo,
Pls do. If yr ms is so bad u need to take something, otherwise is worse for yr health n for bb.
There is also a jab u can take. The jab lasts for 6 hrs only though but very effective if u cannot even stomach the pill.
Sesame, yipee.. twins!! Double blessing wor!! Gong Xi Ni ;) Hope tat day will faster come for me too! No need twins.. singleton is more than enough.. Ha!

Btw.. Is it true tat weekly jog can aid fertility?
