IVF/ICSI Support Group

Missed you so much n wonders where you've been.
Glad ure preg has stabilized n everything' s okie.
Agree that singleton is more manageable...

Congrats Congrats.. Happy for u.. Haha.. I queue queue for bbdust k..
Ure hubb took leave to wait for results yah?
actually for Dr Tham he say all food can be eaten even sushi or shasimi but in moderation limit urself the only thing u cant is buffet... no buffet only small meals feq meals
u terok....3 seeds after dinner?
me waiting for my dinner, asking neighbor to tabao as hubb be working late.
juz heat up afternoon soup
hehehe....dinner here loh.
having slight gastric and looking forward to dinner.
but the thought of it puts me off again, wana puke.
wonder, is there any medicine for remedies to improve appetite boh...
miracle > orh...
i will
CONGRATS!!! yeah, another bfp! U can relax loh!!
Is your 1st scan on 7th too?

Sistas, the Predictor brand abit not accurate ah... This morning I itchy hand, tested at 4am n saw no line! I got so worried... Quickly drank water n retest on digital clearblue 3hrs later...Luckily still show pregnant...

To play safe, I went to repeat BT... Nurse initially not keen to let me repeat since that day already confirmed bfp... but glad they gave in cos I showed my worried look... :p My hcg increase to 1936 today... Can hv a peace of mind... But I'm getting breathless n keep panting when I talk... Do u gals know if this is supposed to last till end of 1st tri or throughout whole preg?
Not sure when is my first scan..
Next wed go for another BT to chk the hcg level
can i know what is your level on your first preg BT?Mine 146
i have finished my insert and duphaston.. but nurse say no support needed till wed see result..
but i scare..
hi gals...
joanne, i can be ur cycle buddy in jan liao...
my dh given 3 weeks antibiotics, think he got infection from his sa test... means my ivf got postpone...
infection from SA? u mean result show infection or thru SA, get infection.
postphone is okie..meanwhile, can tiao your body..
Hi Sisters

Will Lucrin caused side effect like hot flash and emotional? This is the first time I felt this way after injecting for 2 weeks plus. Just cried for nothing? and I cant tell anyone hence sharing my feelings here
Thank you very much Winnie.
Thursday will be staring to take Puregon. Am very worried if I can handle the pen etc.... Seems so complicated compared to Lucin injection.
Whoa...!! That's so scary!
I would have done the same and go for a BT if I were you.
Why you go and test HPT at 4am leh??
Got go to work today anot??
I was also puzzled abt warm water and Ensure cos the instructions said room temp water. It was when my FIL was hospitalised that we realised that the nurses there have been supplying Milo + choc Ensure mixed into it, in hot water. DH asked if hot water ok, they said ok. So I'm also very confused. =| In any case, I guess it's safer not to use too hot water.

I also just had durians! My dad went to Geylang to hunt down for me. He kept complaining now not durian season, he walk very far and then finally found them. hahaha.

You're doing HPT when??? I also wanna do it myself at home before the BT! Very restless and excited liao. But still so far away... sigh
Hi Joanne,

Oh.... You need to remove your polyps
Pat on your shoulder. Once remove, you'll be fine. Hugs! When is the surgery? Did you ask doc loh abt the surgery?

I guess maybe I also need to do that also.. As I say before my pap smear test result shown that Ive polyps but I don't know how big it's.
Diana, u mean u actually bfp with twins? Y Dr Tham say not stable, u no bleeding right?

Imp22, doc saw 2 sacs when I went for a scan at 4 weeks +, so not sure is twins or not? But I not v hopeful cos my bchg level is not v high. Dr Zou told me to avoid taking liang food cos I got spotting lei…so u might want to hv a look at yr diet. Maybe it’s the cause of certain food.
really considered high for 16dpt? I'm not prepared for twins... Hope it's just a v gd level for a singleton... If twins, it'll b our extra year-end bonus! :p

I remember u hv 2 sacs when u went for early scan... Can I ask what's your hcg level on 16dpt pls?

my 1st bt was 290 on 13dpt... R u going back to repeat your bt on this Wed or next Wed? Don't worry, it'll sure increase! ;)
diana, hmmm, then I m curious y he say not stable? The jabs maybe cause side effects to you for puking, perhaps u shd cut down on it since now stable already?
Rainbow, I had early BT due to spotting, my bchg level is 134.9 on 13dpt, then rise to 338.8 on 15dpt. After tt I din go for anymore BTs. what abt yrs? I think u got high chance for twins.
diana, bleeding inside? Internal bleeding? Or cyst or something like tt?
Hope yr appetite improves..dun tire yrself during wedding preparations.
Pink M,
I auto wake up early again n cldnt get to sleep... Instead of forcing my eyes to close, I went to play w hpt... Who knows I got a big shock... :p

yap, I went to work... How's your 1st full day @ work today?
that time when i go scan during my first appt is 6 weeks plus... doc dare not confirm is twin he say too early liao so ask me to wait to 8 weeks plus to scan again... by then is confirm liao... so only see one nia
I took two BTs too... Think I'll stop taking for now... When's your 1st scan?

what did e nurse say about e wetting of your panties? Regarding e Ensure milk powder hor, if u notice, e powder is more difficult to dissolve when u use hot water... Use room temp water is better...
Rainbow, yr 1st BT result is already above kkh acceptable range, so a 2nd BT is not required. For me, cos I din even hit 250, so must repeat BT.
U can stop taking BT le, not pain meh? Haha...
My 1st scan is tml

sesame > haiz... no need preparation lah all done by dh's relatives in malaysia only go in there nia... but Dr Tham also write a cert to prove can travel all the way till my delivery normally he give till 36 weeks for my two frds me special all the way till EDD haha...
