IVF/ICSI Support Group

ceraine - fail? u did iui? or u talking abt natural trying.. don't despair...
I tested total 3 times alt days since last fri...

Thanks Nadia! when u going back to dr zou? after hari raya festival over at least during this period just heck care & enjoy all u can...

JJ, u confirmed BFP!!!

Baby33, dun worry, ur day will come! Stay positive+++++, 3 more days to ur BT, yeah...

Tokkie, start ur lucrin stage liao hur.... good... good!

Babychloe, do update us ur good news!
<font color="0077aa">ceraine
48 days, not 48hrs. Dun blur. I'm your cycle buddy, dun worry. We must hand hold hand and bfp together. Your sept af will also report ard 3rd week sept right? So far you and me have the closest timing... Heee</font>
mel - ok will try not to think so much. yup 3 more days. i wish it were wednesday today. nope, still now symptom whatsoever. when you starting your cycle ?
I just read my schedule during stim stage is gonal-f + bruserelin! I show my dh his eye balls nearly drop out hahaha
<font color="0077aa">kopi
yeah we using sept cycle... So jabs starting in oct. Are you cycling with us too?
Looking at so many bfp, make me so excited,..</font>
Baby33, me roughly will do ET on 31st Aug base on my own estimation. Me sometimes feel very lost, wat if this cycle didn't make it, wat shld i do next step???.... well, me try to stay positive, if really is it, i've to accept the fact...

Today is ur day13? Tempt to buy HPT to test?
JJ: me gg back to Dr Zou only in Oct..not so soon..gonna enjoy and relax my body...heheheh..gonna take my time...R&amp;R at the moment..;-)
winnie, i dont understand. then should bruserelin be used before stim instead?
sorry if these questions sound silly, but am trying to understand more. thanks!
<font color="0077aa">Nadia
good to relax yourself before starting on FET. But in the meanwhile, continue with your supplements. cos supplements positive effects will start to kick in after 2-3 months of consumption.
Since you've already started on them previously, then do continue with them after fasting so that what was consumed previously will not have to start from zero again in Oct.

We will be here for you when you start FET...less stressful, and will bfp by then.. =)</font>
<font color="0077aa">mdmkhoo
you are starting ivf in oct. so by the time dec, you shld be about 2-3 mths preggy....make sure you have some allowance for your dress for customary hor =)

if bfp, means double happiness!!</font>
u start with suppression phase (lucrin or bruserelin)
when move on to stim phase, gonal-f or puregon is injected ON TOP OF lucrin/bruserelin.
so it's 2 jabs a day during stim phase
miracle, i am doing iui this month. if no good news, then will start ivf with sept af. so we will potentially be cycle buddies

who are you with again?
Hi, I am starting Lucrin in sept. Now an on microgynon to regulate my AF. I sorta went >.< when the nurse is teaching me to inject myself. Is it going to be difficult to inject ourselves?

Congratz JJ on ur +hpt.
<font color="0077aa">kopi
*touchwood*. then you better bfp, dun be our cycle buddy....
I'm with dr SF Loh of kkivf....u?

hee....cannot announce. wait till trimester 1 over then tell relatives. must pantang abit....too precious to risk it...get what i mean?</font>
miracle, thanks for your well wishes. hopefully i will have good news to share next month

i am with prof wong at nuh. so different hosp - no chance of "bumping" into each other. haha.
never mind, we will give each other moral support here, regardless of whether i go ivf or not....
ineedmiracle > I do hope I can tahan till then... coz now arh me overweight due to the Hormones disorder... My MIL she been nagging for 6years told her is Hormones Disorder she still like half believe... she say I so skinny eat until so fat... later wedding got tummy she will nag say so ugly got tummy...
<font color="0077aa">Mdmkhoo
yah lor yah lor...can i kpo ask...why din you want to wait till after customary then do ivf?

yah....i wan baby dusts more than cycle buddies...so awaiting for baby dust... </font>
<font color="0077aa">Mdmkhoo
you mean 6 years ago you are very skinny, then suddenly become fat? hormones disorder,meaning?

aiyah, tell her you as bride is okie with it, why she nag for what? alamak.</font>
ineedmiracle > Me and DH married 2 years liao and my BIL and his GF date same year with us 6 years in total.

BIL's GF's Family ask when BIL want to marry their daughter and MIL ask us to go custormary fast fast.

If not me and DH plan is give birth liao bring BB to the custormary wedding...
<font color="0077aa">MdmKhoo
BB to customary wedding, thats so cool. Your MIL so conservative one ah...must big bro marry then younger one can marry?

anyway if bfp, you also have BB with you at wedding, just that in tummy... =)</font>
ineedmiracle > Ya lor... somemore my MIL pianxin. she visit my BIL's future in law but she never visit my parents say she dun want ask we settle alone the guo da li things... sad...

Ya... my DH also looking forward that wedding me tummy got BB till now he still saying...
<font color="0077aa">MdmKhoo
Thats a BIG Difference.
Doctor never say how come will suddenly like that? Then you have pcos? which means your FSH is very high lor, thats why no need suppression stage....go straight to short protocol...you nmust be rather young thats why the nurse was shock that dr put you on short one.</font>
khoo - i heard about such a problem before, where the hormonal imbalance will cause huge weight gains. poor thing....then you will need to work even harder with the exercise and diet i mentioned about yest....

and thats nice! your dh and you so cool - wanna bring bb to customary.....cool bananas!
<font color="0077aa">MdmKhoo
are you staying with MIL? if not then dun bother she pianxin. most imptly, you have hubby loving and doting you. right?

Not many DIL is in good r/s with MIL one...hahah...</font>
Congrats Susan. So many good news. Hopefully I can be one of them also. Never have such good luck before. Somemore, had a bad dream last night. Dreamt that my AF came...haiz.. Today feel very lousy.
mel - yup im d 13 today. you remembered my ovulation date, haha. but i dont want to do hpt cos want to *sadly* live a few more days of ignorant bliss if bfn. and i think dont waste money on hpt since BT supposed to be most accurate. you're doing FET right ? how many you thawing ?

if i dont succeed this time, i'm gg to NATAS fair this weekend and treat myself to a well deserved break !!
ineedmiracle > Ya lor... Sad... Yup that is suspected PCOS the doc just say like that never confirm...

Oh izzit thats the reason for short protocol?

I am in my late 20s...

kopibaby > I tried sometime for a few mth it just went up and down the weight so upset...

We intend to bring BB to take wedding pic too... but my DH's relatives too conservative they want us take before wedding and we tell them bring BB to take they say that is family photo... where got ppl bring BB take wedding pic... =_="
did yr dr put u on metformin? there's some linkage between pcos and insulin resistance and that's why pcos ladies put on weight very fast and easily and find it very hard to lose weight.
my dr put me on metformin and i lost 10kg quite easily in abt 3 mths.
ineedmiracle > my MIL is Malaysian coz of FIL passed away she move to SG to work currently stay in rental flat from the company she work with... but she say after I give birth she is moving in with us coz she want to resign and look after her grandkid and charge me $500 per month as salary... +_+
<font color="0077aa">Mdmkhoo
they really old fashion...hahah.....tell them take together save money leh..hahah....

no wonder..late 20s....if FSH value is very high, then that will be menopause stage. so no need suppress hormones. hee...like that your ivf cycle also cheaper...cos Lucrin we must pay ourselves...cannot claim de wor</font>
<font color="0077aa">MdmKhoo
Wah.....and you all say okie? aiyoh...tell her you give her $500 then you eat what....hee....

i also suspected of pcos, and they say very mild, so never put me on metformin. Wah can lose 10kg..i also want!!!!</font>
grumpus > Sad to say... nope they did not do anything to help just give me folic acid and clomid for two cycles and do all sorts of test like HSG, blood test... once they give me Contraceptive Pill... they say help... i was like WHAT!
is yr FSH higher or yr LH higher? LH > FSH is pcos. FSH > LH is something else
if ratio of LH/FSH is more than 3 is considered diagnostic of pcos already.
the higher the ratio, the more severe the pcos.

<font color="0077aa">grumpus
i also very heavy and fat. obese leh.... so my mummy say next time preggy, i sure pui pui one....i so worried wait after preg, looks like orang utan...cant lose wait how?</font>
