IVF/ICSI Support Group

any weight gained for the purpose of having a baby is definitely worth it!!


i breastfed my girl for one yr and managed to maintain my pre-pregnancy weight even though i was not on metformin anymore.
at one pt i was even skinner than pre preggie weight :p
but once i stopped breasfeeding i put back on abt 2-3kg so back to pre-preggie weight again.
ineedmiracle > Haha... I dare not say to them lah... just that we want our own way... but just came back from malaysia from DH hometown they too kampong thinking buay tahan lor...

Oh must pay de arh... my avg was like 8K - 11K depends still dun noe yet...

Ya I never agree to it yet... my mum say wow MIL give her $300 good enuff liao stay and eat ours... my mum say my MIL greedy... ask her want $500 rupiah izzit...
<font color="0077aa">Mdmkhoo
it wont be easy for you if she moves in.
and what your mum say is true. She will be staying with you, and living on you and hb, so to ask for $500 is too much lor.

you and hubby must be firm else MIL will eat you 2 up..hahhaa

I wish to bf as long as i can. cos i believe thats the best bonding we can ever have with our baby...Men don't get it. haha...

yeah if bf can lose weight, the more i wanna bf.. =)</font>
Baby33, hehe, proof that my memory still function well
Yup, this is my last FET liao as i only left 2 in the embryo bank, thaw all, hope my lil baobei will survive the thaw &amp; implant well in mummy womb.... fingers crossed
morning ladies.. had a terrible nightmare last night.. now cannot sleep already...

ET: i think I am the 4th patient that day... was holding my bladder too...and I was told that i only have 10 emb while they had took out 31... i had bad OHSS after that...
ET: a lot doesnt means good.. at least yours is 6/11.. mine not so gd.. only 10 out of so many..
did u askk Dr Loh what grade is your embryo?
innedmiracle: Yup will continue with the supplements after fasting mth over...that's my plan..thanks for the support..I do hope I make it with FET in Jan..can't wait..heheh...
I think they said that if u got too many eggs u will get that syndrome.. a few girls i met that day also had it but not as serious as mine.. i cant even walk that day after reached home..
Nadia, sorry being KPO, why dun u take the supplements in the evening time? May be u can check with gynae? not necessary take in the morning, rite?
<font color="0077aa">cc
your ohss is bad. seems like some ladies have bad ohss after er....

JJ seems to be one of those who have smooth ER to Et and 2ww....must learn from her....

if retrieve many embryos, ohss is common lor</font>
prayhard, bbchole, susan: did u gers BD after getting positive BT results or abstaining all the way...
I see my poor dh liao so deprived of BD
ya but if everything is gd i dun mind how bad it is.. last night's nightmare was horrible.. i dreamt that my menses came... then suddenly the dream switched and i was looking at a positive hpt... woke up so scared...
miracle, i thot the doc supp to monitor during stim stage to ensure that not too many eggs are "stimulated" in the ovaries? i believe it is to prevent ohss?
kopi > but got good got bad... the more eggs can choose if only like 3 - 4 eggs then cant choice and cannot store for future use if unsuccessful.

I told my dh to help himself...he said he knows cos we took such a tough path to get BFP, so must be very careful now...thus decided to tahan for the time being....
<font color="0077aa">kopi
on one hand the dr tried not to over stimulate the eggs, but if the present eggs yet to reach the maturity size, the dr will increase dosage to let it reach, i think....then at same time small eggs will be stimulated...so rather difficult for the dr i guess. so they try to have the best of both worlds, but sometimes our body just dun coorperate

erm...from what my colleagues told me, after 1st trimester then BD will be safer.... I already told Dh have to wait till 1st trimester then can...but he say for sake of baby, he will wait till baby born out...haha...say dare not take the risk...haha...i say will wait and see if he can really tahan... lolz</font>

If you read my early posting, I also dreamt that my AF was coming during 2ww...so worried and scared..so ended up went to buy HPT and test

So dun worry lah..some Chinese said dream always opposite compared to reality meh...think positively k...
hi ladies

anyone on short protocol (ie. no lucrin, straight start puregon/gonal-f) here? Can share with me after your AF report, signalling start of cycle, on which day start puregon/gonal-f injections? And jab for approximately how many days before ER?

thanks in advance!
mel: wanted to take at nite...but dun wan to..at the moment la..let the body feel free first..then take...i tink i very sian alreadi with popping..will do it once fasting mth over..so at least stick to same timing all the way till FET...;-)

Mic1980: gd to see u here...so long nvr see u..u kena warded...oh dear..well OHSS is a good sign...hope u r doing better now..take care...hope to hear good news from u too..
Hi miracle.. that is a lot of drip u took! u must be very dehydrated..

Prayhard: i think I will go buy the hpt tomorrow and test on sat.. but these few days I am extremely scared of seeing red..

I think maybe i shld go back to work soon so that I wont think so much...

Why is OHSS a gd sign may I ask? What is AF?

Going back to work is a good idea..that's what my dh told me cos I kept telling him what I have dreamt and how worried I am during 2ww...think he listened till very sian liao..heehee...

AF is aunty flow (menses)...

But today is what day after transfer? You can take body temp beside HPT...
JJ, better wait for ur first scan, and check with ur gynae. depending on the position of the bb.... smtimes doc would order no BD....
Morning kopibaby

He's driving cause he pick me up from my mum's place then I tell him you wan to stop your car first? His 1st reaction... What you buy again this time?? I tell him I buy something want him to pay me. He said I mad ar??

yest evening time sky very dark so when I take out from my bag he thought is the ovulation test kit. Faint... Ask him stop the car first and see, finally he saw it... Keep smiling not stop...

I tell him go and buy 1 more and test again... Just in case false alarm... he said ok ok...
Then every now and then, he take out and see and smile. I tell him ppl thought you mad.

this morning still see again before going to work, i tell him afternoon will disappear le... cause 24 hours le. he said go buy another one and test again and continue seeing.
Hi Prayhard.. thanks! My hubby never listen to me tok nonsense one.. he only answer "orh" to entertain me.. lol..but he dun allow me to go work cus he scared I careless.. I already had 3 mc last time already.. dr loh also say myy case give him headache.. lol..

Today is the 11th day after ET.. can i take body temperature anytime of the day? what degrees is considered positive?
Susan: congrats again!! I wish I will have the chance to show the kit to my hubby too.. I can feel the happiness both u and your hubby are feeling.. u must take care meanwhile...
susan - ur hubby is very cute. mine will only believe after hearing confirmation + scan from clinic cos few years back I played a very big joke on him hahaha
