IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ET2008, ya i noticed that too. Which dr do u go to? Yours is a jab.. mine are inserts.. I was thinking of testing it after thrus u think it's safe by then to test?
kopi > Arr... I try... not really have much time for exercise when reach home... must do alot of houseworks...
but maybe can squeeze in during weekends... humm... not enuff hor...
Susan: Congrats.....hope u will high HCG readings...strike 3...that will be good...;-)..Rest well and take care

baby33: Stay Positive dear....all will be fine..
r u on any pregnyl/hcg jabs at all? if u're not then u can try testing already.
if u r, then best to wait abt 5 days after yr last jab.
inserts will not affect the hpt results.
i realised the times when i reeeeealy lost weight is when i exercise intensively....and even with eating tons and randomly junk food, i managed to keep same weight coz of the exercise.

so khoo, yes, if you can, try to throw in some time to exercise. and your doc is right, slimmer will have higher chance of conceiving....

jia you!
kopi > i try... to do a 10 mins during weekdays and 20-30min during weekends

I also hope can slim a bit me Dec having my custormary wedding... hope can fit in the dress...
Hi grumpus, I am currently on the inserts.. no jabs.. i dun have any symptoms.. and it's driving me nuts to stay at home and keep thinking abt it so I wanted to try since i read that some of the ladies here did that too.. so I can go try already? Will it be too early as my BT is only on 30/8..
winniepooh & ineedmiracle,
Dr Zou is very dedicated in what she does + knowlegable about ivf protocol. She'll not push you to take her herb drink if you're not comfortable esp during the 2ww. For me, I believe that TCM helped me bfp.

Angela does not discourage us to do TCM but always remind me must take ivf medicines & Dr Zou herb drink at least 2hrs apart.
Thank you everyone... I hope it's accurate...

Baby 33, my Bt also this Friday. But I don't care le.. I only got 3 embbies no more le, none was able to be frozen. Keep talking to ur embbies, I talk to them everyday also make my hubby talk to them every night.
just now I just casually told hubby that some girls take MC from stim stage but I cannot cos nobody cover my work. he immediately say he'll lock me home from stim stage and he'll cover my work!! then I say my hp will still ring, the ultimate statement came from him... "I'll bring ur hp to work!!!!"
it is a bit early but u can try cos some ladies do get a +ve sign on D11 onwards. but if may be a false negative if yr hcg levels are not high enough to be detected by the hpt.
if u can hold out, wait a couple more days lor.
Hello Mel! So gd! Heeehee.... Me still on ocp till 29th... But starting my lucrin today!
hope this round will bfp!!!! Hee hee... Coz seeing so many sisters here having gd news 1 after another.... Hope my turn will com soon....

Bbchloe : big reveal tml?
ure hubb so cute lei..kekek

i am worrying on the scans part, how to give excuse wor. i start work at 8am and at tuas...no way i can reach office 9+ right?

is the queue very very long at KK?

did u inform ure boss u going ivf?btw, wat time is ure appt to sign consent form? i book mine, 8th sept,2.30pm but hubb wana change to 9th sept.
hmm....we might have chance to bump into each other hor.

congrats congrats..so happy for u.
so many bfp, realli feeling positive.hope my ist attempt will be successful too.
<font color="0077aa">winnie
your hubby so adorable. Sometimes how i wish my hubby can be like yours. Whenever i tell him things i read from the forum, he will just reply a 'orh'. This irritates me. And i get veri upset. Then he will try to stay interested in what i have to say.

I'm getting very upset, and very short tempered. Every small little things irritates me. And just yesterday, over someting veri trivial, i gave him a whatever look. And he got pissed till now.

Sorry ladies, i just need somewhere to air my unhappiness..else i will just explode and get very stress up. </font>
<font color="0077aa">ceraine
mine is in the morning 1030am. Got afternoon slots? That time i ask, the nurse told me all morning one. No afternoon. Hmm... </font>
You remembered I'm doing my scan tomorrow! Thank you, thank you.
Will be 7weeks tomorrow, pray hope can hear baby/babies heartbeat. So excited!
Will update as soon as I get back.
miracle - I understand this kind of frustration cos mine used to be like this too. he slowly change for the better after seeing me going thru iui, I think this is a very big wake-up call for him. I casually mention to him that if he's busy I can go to CARE myself, but he say we must walk thru this road together, no matter how busy also must go with me. then he say when start jab cannot have moodswing, I told him this is not for me to say liao

ceraine - when he told me abt bringing my hp to work, I really dunno to laugh or cry hahahaha
<font color="0077aa">winnie
sometimes i ask myself, why not i just jab myself? I can be independent too. I really hope things would be better for me when the time comes for me to start.

There was once he casually say, we must save up just in case i would like to take no pay leave for trimester 1. I was so touched when he say that. Cos at that point i feel that he cares for me and baby. Really hope this ivf can bond us together... Mayb married for so long... We need other things to spice life...maybe thats y my mum always say we need a kid... 2 dogs not enuf...

Im sure after this, you and hubby relationship become much better than before... </font>
i think generally guys do not tend to be as emotional as us girls. and they tend to "trivialise" things. i am not saying all hubbies are like that but mabbe majority?

for those of us who are married for long, like miracle said, mabbe need other things to spice up life.

for me, when i went for op last year, hubby didnt even offer to take leave and send me there. i guess its so common and often that he hears of people having op to remove fibroid that he thought it was a minor op - "no big deal". but i told him it was a big deal for me coz first time under GA and first time being cut up. then he saw how much pain i went through after the op during recovery that he "soften".

i told him my concerns about going thru ivf - that he may think its "no big deal" poking myself twice a day everyday. that he needs to be supportive. so hopefully he will be lor...

hopefully this ivf journey will make our marriage (for everyone here) even stronger
tokkie &amp; kopibaby,
yup! Tomorrow's 'the' day! I'm SOOOooo excited!

Guess what? Me pantang so haven't told anyone 'the' good news... except you girls
I'm very sure our relationship will be much stronger after this ivf and I'm 101% sure he'll love our kids a lot cos we really went thru a lot to have them (we're looking at max 2 kids)
<font color="0077aa">kopi
looks like im not alone in this kind of relationship. It can be very tiring at times. Feel so much better after hearing from u and winnie.
Im trying to be zen abt everyting, so that i will not be affected when i start my ivf. Another 48 days more to my commencement of my jabs.

Ladies, share with me, how you all be zen in work and in everything you all do. How to keep the cool. I need it.

my husband is more pantang. He say whole of 1st trimester, tell no one. Haha.... </font>
Thanks grumpus.. I think i will hold on for a while then..

ET: I am with the same doc too.. guess we shld have bumped into each other that day of ET..
babychloe - I told dh &amp; my close fren who was the only person i informed abt my whole ivf process.

i still debating to tell my mum or now .. think i will only tell her when i see the heartbeats
miracle - I bring a super bo chap mood to work, no very good but bo bian

chloe - my next appt with CARE is on 4/9, hubby need to do culture test &amp; BT + collection of my bruserelin jab!!!
48hrs to start ure jab?? i tot u starting oli in SEpt, or u mean ER/ET in sept? tot u signing consent form only in sept??? blur lei..

for me...i told hubb pain etc..i can endure..i ever went thru a 10hr spinal op and the pain is be so so much more intense than ivf.
its the fear of failure, uncertainities of ohss, progress of ivf i fear.and pre-ampt him i will hv moodswings..and need his support to walk thru this journey with me.also if i moodswing, realli not within my control.
so glad he replied, off course will give u support and walk thru with u...
during my first soiui, moodswing was quite bad, he has been very tolerant and patient. realli appreciates.

got lei, afternoon slots. maybe some cancelled?

wah..tmr is the day...excited hor..tonite can sleep boh? betu cant!!!

gers, if i intend to inform my boss i going for op and needs 2-3weeks hl,duno how he will react.duno how to break and when to break the news to him/.
any advises
hi! How are you feeling?
Hope can tahan &amp; not tell anyone else including my mum &amp; MIL till after 1st trimester. Will be hard...
My tummy big big liao. Cannot buckle my jeans!!!
hi hi!
Excited but surely can sleep. Been feeling very tired esp. past 2 weeks. Afternoon must definately take a nap. Really don't know how the MTB who go back to work cope with it. Salute them man!
babychloe - wah u sure can ren or not ... my own mum i will tell once confirm got heartbeat/s

i got buy from mothercare the belly extension .. got extra buckles &amp; buttons with cover up cloth to extend the waist size of existing pants... but the top must be long enough to cover up the zip area

I'm wearing rubber-ised skirt &amp; shorts whenever i go out now
will see how after tomorrow. Will be hard so don't know whether can don't tell them. he3!
Wa, so fast you bought the 'belly extension' thingy. Going to get that too after my appt. tomorrow.
have u been having the following:
- unable to find correct sleep position at night?
- getting hot &amp; sweating much more then usual
- farting alot more
none leh.
Only symptom I have so far is feel like puking. Was very bad about 6days ago. But now better. Followed advice from PandaWife &amp; Singapoh to take crackers when you wake up in the morning, then go back rest for about 20mins.
Only certain time of the day will feel lousy.
found this on some ivf google and finds it so inspiring..

You’ll never regret the heartache of failed attempts when you’ve got your baby.
woke up at 6am to pee (last test &amp; positive again !!) now can't go back to sleep...
later dh suppose to drop me off at kkivf so I can do my BT.. anxious... update u gers later...
*sweat, sweat*

Wah...u tested total how many times???
Dun anxious dun anxious..maybe d result shocks u w twins lei....

Me hor this mrning woke up w cramps etc..af shd report soon..ask hubb y fail can he tell me reason boh...
