IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi sistas,

I m also thinking of going to Dr zhou but one of my gf told me that Dr Loh fm KKH dont recommend us to take chinese medicine wor... so how ah? juz go for accu enough or not?

Highhopes I oso thinking of going on thur nite... duno stil available 'bed' for me or not...kekeke

<font color="0077aa">pinkaddict
yah..dr loh don't recommend tcm. erm...can always just go for accu. some ladies here only went for accu during their jab cycle. =)</font>
<font color="0077aa">winnie
yah lor. I'm sure dr zou knows what she doing. She wont harm us. Many also consume her med during the jabs and bfp. if Care and dr loh dun like tcm, then we dun have to inform them. Just let dr zou know what medicine or jabs we taking, and I'm sure she knows what to do on her end =)</font>
miracle - I dun intend to inform CARE they dun need to know anyway. after hearing bbchloe bfp with dr zou I also MUST go!
<font color="0077aa">winnie
yah lor yah lor. After babychloe tell me that she continue with dr zou medicine, I tell myself I MUST continue with her medicine though I don't enjoy drinking it...hahhaa..... do anything for the sake of bfp! Yeah!</font>
miracle - I must standby my sweets after taking dr zou med hahahaha... worse come to worse I just do accu without med
mdmkhoo - I'm not sure, consultation + scan is $70, but Angela told me whole treatment is within 15k, claim 6k from medisave I need to fork out 9k cash
<font color="0077aa">winnie
haha...her med more of tonic, to 'bu' our health. the yucky ones are those taken during af, other than that, rather tasteless, mayb cos i put more water, more diluted. heee......

then you do accu, get your hubby take medicine and do accu... lolz</font>
does anyone has the consultation of dr zou?
me just wondering how i can squeeze time to go see her if she does not open on weekends.
coz my office is at beach road and home at tiong bahru - both quite far from AMK
Congrats to JJ, prayhard and Susan!!! JJ.. I've been keep track you.. You are the one who use donor sperms right? So happy that you have finally BFP! I'm starting lucrin on 8sep.. anyone with me?
yayaya... i m starting my jab on 30/8 and I oso see so many sistas BFP via Dr Zou so think now is best time to go back to her.

Kopibaby...me worst lor... I work in Suntec and stay in Queenstown.
Miracle, I not using ds.. I bought immunocal but the packaging is different from fung and goh pharmaceutical.. Do they have same benefits? It is dark blue in color
kopibaby, I only went there once via suntec's north south line. When going home I took the normal route. I remember I reached home quite late the first time. This is why I very lazy to go...hahaha...
<font color="0077aa">mdmkhoo
there are some ladies who only rest for a week and went back to work after that. If you want to have hosp leave till BT, you can let kkivf knw.
Will you be informing your boss that you're going for ivf? If not, just say you going for some women's surgery, and need rest a week lor.

erm.. Im not sure about other kinds of immunocal. Where did you get it from? Maybe you can go google and check?</font>
ineedmiracle > i cant tell coz i just start working... I am covering someone ML i think that req carry heavy stuff and climb up and down not safe after ET right?
khoo - i know its easier said than done but i guess you may need to make the difficult decision of priotising what is more impt to you? - work or baby?...
i know some people in this thread had taken the big step of actually resigning from their stressful job in order to focus on ttc.
stress does have a major impact on ttc. i have personally see close frens getting pregnant after resigning from their jobs as well...

hopefully you wont have to make such a tough decision but it does seem (from what you wrote) that your job currently is not exactly the best environment for you to go thru ivf....

hope something will work out for you....
ineedmiracle > the preggy woman i covering kenna bullied by her Colleagues to do all the things for them. i am now caught in the middle... somemore i come so far liao no way ask me to stop and wait.

kopibaby> had tot the worse with DH if kenna sack i think i willing the most i get another job bah... like non office job for the sack of preggy...
Susan, Congrats! have a safe &amp; smooth 9 mths ahead..

tokkie, how r u? me wil do D10 1st scan this coming 26 aug, hopefully my 2 darling embies will survive the thaw.
try to start exercising now - take walks for 20 minutes a day better than nothing.

also, for diet, try to stick to more soup based like noodle soup. and dont snack on chocolate or tidbits...

a little goes a long way....jia you!
so many ladies bfp this week. i very stress. my BT this fri but i really dare not do hpt. cos i dont have any symptoms, been walking and shopping a lot. just on sat, i went RWS. and i started working on day 3 of FET cos didnt want to take too many leave. sigh... i'm so envious of JJ, prayhard and Susan. i have no more frozen embies. and i only put in 1 emby. sigh... want to cry now... so stress
Hi all, I am new here too. After reading your threads I am rather curious to ask 1 or 2 questions...

I had my ET done on 13/8 and is now in the 2ww period. Going back to work tomorrow and hope everything will be ok. I was wondering when i should buy the hpt kit and test myself cus i m dying to know.. can anyone advice me on that?
I am still on the inserts now...
