IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats, JJ
prayhard - not too late, u can increased ur amount now

argh!!! today a lot of ppl burning incense paper, I'm having another round of asthma attack now! I'm expecting another round on tues cos its the 15th of lunar 7th mth!
JJ & Prayhard,
feel so happy for you girls. Congrats!

I have failed my cycle. my AF came yesterday although b4 that i've been having brown discharge for a few days. I was on a emotional roller coaster for the past few days. But once my AF came, i was feeling so devastated n had cried a few times. Feeling so sad and hopeless...even now as i'm writing.....I had stopped my inserts although the instuction state to continue despite AF come. Will be going for my test tml but i guess it's a definite BFN. Still trying to clam myself down now. Once manage to do that, will ask you gals for your "secret receipes" b4 trying for FET. Hope i will hv better luck next time. ha..ha..

Google the web to find more info. Think I should be safe...below is one of the info I extracted from the web..I just took another 5mg...anyway I emailed to Dr Loh also..still worry leh...hope everything is fine...

Folic acid
Folic acid (one of the B vitamins) is the only pre-pregnancy vitamin supplement that women who are eating a balanced diet need to take.

You need folic acid for the development of healthy red blood cells. Adequate intake of folic acid also reduces the risk of your baby being born with a neural tube defect, such as spina bifida. The neural tube develops very early in pregnancy, during the first few weeks after fertilisation. At this point, you may not have even realised you're pregnant.

It's important that you start taking folic acid supplements as soon as you start trying for a baby or realise you are pregnant. The recommended dose is 400 micrograms (0.4mg) daily, which you should take as well as meeting the recommended intake of 200 micrograms in your diet. Good sources of folic acid include fresh dark green vegetables such as broccoli, peas, brussel sprouts and chick peas. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with folic acid and it's also found in wholemeal bread.

A higher dose of 5,000 micrograms (5mg) of folic acid is recommended for women who have previously had a baby with a neural tube defect, are taking medicine for epilepsy, or have diabetes, thalassaemia or coeliac disease. If you have a family history of neural tube defects, then you should also take the higher dose. Speak to your GP about folic acid before trying for a baby if any of these apply to you.
Starz - ya should still go tomor for the test, if the result is BFP u still can get the support jabs ... Hang in there !! Many graduate at FET stage cos less stressful .... Be Strong Sista !

Wonder how's blissful, mic1980 ... they like MIA
Prayhard... initially i took 400 micrograms only but DR Loh said not enough de lah... so he asked me to take 5000 micrograms one... i took for 1.5 mths de... I get it fm KKH very cheap nia

Dr Loh replied me liao..he said better to consume more folic acid..so I will take another 5mg on top of the conceive well gold...actually I have taken one just now..just blaming myself that I should have realized this earlier, hope it is still not too late...so stupid me...
grumpus... check with u... you mentioned you cook 7pcs of cordeceps per time rite? May i know wat is the size of your cordeceps ah? I went Fu Hua to buy juz now... woo hoo... very x neh and they hv 6 different sizes... so I bought the medium size one, the sales person said muz cook 8 pcs per time. Duno she got bluff me or not. She said every 3 days eat once.... very xiong wor like tat. But another china lady yesterday only told me to buy the small size one and cook 6 pcs per time. Haiz... I duno who to believe now... confused!
Prayhard, dun worry. Is fine. I hv learnt tt during pregnancy, dun worry too much. Coz worry also no use. May as well just shut it off our mind.

Stars, pls dun stop insert. There is still a chance of pregnant. Some mtbs bled like af but are actually pregnant. Can u confirm with a hpt? If positive pls go down to 24hrs for additional support.
<font color="0077aa">pinkaddict
i also got the medium frm fu hwa. The lady told me drink once a week is sufficient. Was told if small will need put 7-8, so i assume medium about 5, since big one only need put 3. </font>

Did you eat the blackmore conceive gold thruout the cycle? coz the other day i ask the nurse, she say dun eat wor, quote "that one is to conceive naturally rite, now you are under IVF programme, so you tell me can eat or not"

ps: the nurse damn fierce sia, ask oso kana suan....

So just wondering if u did take it thruout, i might as well continue...
prayhard - Folic acid is ok to take more cos the excess will be passed out into the urine.
Normally 5mg is sufficient, I've been taking 5mg folic acid since start of my journey in trying for bb
<font color="0077aa">kitin
if im not wrong, conceive gold has the nutrients we need to conceive, so be it natural or ivf, we still need the nutrients. Mayb the nurse in bad mood =)

you also took the conceive gold right?</font>

That's what i thought too, when the nurse told me, made me scared until i stop eating the conceive gold for 2-3 days liao...

hhmmm...then i should just continue hor...
Yup - I took the blackmore conceive well (red soft gel capsule + pink hard tablet) finished 1 box .. however when started on 2nd box 1/2 way thru my stomach could not take in the pills anymore kept wanting to vomit after eating it
kitin - I stop conceive well sometime before ivf treatment cos i could not stomach it ..then switched to royal jelly capsules, bee pollen &amp; folic acid

During ivf stage 1 + stage 2, i continue this supplement intake.

during 2ww i took on/off cos i keep forgetting to take the supplements ..
<font color="0077aa">JJ
you mean conceive well consists of red capsules and pink tablet?

I think we shld start a spreadsheet that list down supplements and food each of us take and different stage, so that ladies who cfp dun have to keep repeating...
Pple like me so forgetful, also try my best to recall what i read... =)</font>
miracle - yup, need to eat both together cos they contain different nurients.

i mainly followed the do's &amp; dont's list during 2ww ... not strictly though
ineedmiracle... thanks for your advise. Did you buy the S$380 one? If yes, then i put in 5pcs too..hahaha. Btw, may I know what you cook it with? The lady told me to put some wolfberries and 3 red dates with a pc of lean meat(1 bowl of water)in slow cooker and drink it empty stomach in the morning.
<font color="0077aa">JJ
do continue with royal jelly, read that it helps with morning sickness. Your BT tml? Hubby going with you right? Now preggy must careful hor.. </font>
<font color="0077aa">pinkaddict,
you bought the better grade i guess.. Mine is $280. Cos told hubby i first time cook, also duno hws effect, so dun buy so ex, wait duno hw to cook, waste money. Haha... Really ex for some dried worms.. The lady told me paosheng and cordyceps + lean meat/black chicken. And cook for 2hrs. Yah use slow cooker.

End up asking my mum to cook, so wont be drinking in morning, erm..the lady oso din tell me. So i probably drink in the noon when i go over mum place.

Currently i drinking longan+red dates+wolfberries as tea. But the lady did say can add wolfberries. =)

check with you, drinking ginseng soup, similar effect as cordyceps and paosheng? Cos mum duno i drinking for ivf/preggy, so she kept say ginseng also good for 'ti shen'. Hee</font>
prayhard &amp; hazel: thanks so much for the advise &amp; tips. I shall not be paiseh to ask for the 'extra-time' ;P

jcxuan: how is yr test this morning?
I just bought another 2 box of conceive well gold yesterday even though there's no promo. I'm ok with the pills just that there's a pungent smell that I feel its really smelly!

currently this is the list of supplements that I'm taking

1) coq10 - 2x 50mg (as per CARE instruction)
2) conceive well gold
3) vit c 1000mg slow release
4) folic acid 5mg
5) cordycep pills - 2 pills before I eat breakfast

I've stop my epo + fish oil cos conceive well also have fish oil content
miracle...so how many pcs u cook each time? juz now tat lady kept asking me to cook 8pcs each time then told me the cheaper ones hv to put in double so i gong gong buy the medium size one lor... but i never buy paosheng leh although she asked me to buy lah...oh oh
got to buy somemore
hi ladies... i'm new here...

need some advise...

anyone with dr hendricks marianne sybille of kkh? seen her abt a wk ago... quite comfortable with her but think dr sf loh is the hot guy here...

do u gals get any mc or hl for the whole process? from injections onwards? hv a stressful job so think it will be good to have a good rest to maximise our chances...

do u tell ur boss tat u r gg for ivf? if not, how do u explain to them tat u need some time off work? dun feel comfy telling them...

sorry the the loads of qns... tks, gals...
miracle - really ?? RJ curbs MS ? ok i still have 1/2 opened bottle left .. will eat that finish ..

Prayhard - can advise what's the stuff to collect after BT results come back positive.
<font color="0077aa">pinkaddict
i told my mummy put 5 cordycep and 4 paosheng. But if u dun have paosheng, can put wolfberries and red dates. The main thing is cordycep. Cos hubby was buying paosheng for his mum, so he got a box, and me and mil share half.

most with dr loh cos he is more skillful. I believe a dr skill in er and et is very impt. I will be requesting mc during stage 2 stimulation stage.

Stage 1 is suppression stage, think that one still okie, but when stimulating eggs, must have less stress cos stress affects the egg quality.

Depending on dr to gv the mcs before er. Er onwards have HL to cover...</font>
<font color="0077aa">pinkaddict
i told my mummy put 5 cordycep and 4 paosheng. But if u dun have paosheng, can put wolfberries and red dates. The main thing is cordycep. Cos hubby was buying paosheng for his mum, so he got a box, and me and mil share half.

most with dr loh cos he is more skillful. I believe a dr skill in er and et is very impt. I will be requesting mc during stage 2 stimulation stage.

Stage 1 is suppression stage, think that one still okie, but when stimulating eggs, must have less stress cos stress affects the egg quality.

Depending on dr to gv the mcs before er. Er onwards have HL to cover...</font>
Thanks miracle... btw did u ask yr dh to eat too? Also, u eating coq10 and conceive well gold? I only eat RJ + folic acid wor...CARE ask winniepooh to eat but why KKH never ask us to eat de?
Thanks..my dh also told me not to worry so much...

Dr Loh replied me saying that I can continue to take conceive well gold leh...I have been taking conceive well gold for the past 6 months liao...

I also dun know what medicines to collect leh as the nurse didn't allow me to buy/collect any medicines on the bt day...but after the result was out, she said can collect the medicines tmr...but I need to return to work tmr so my dh will be gg to KKIVF to collect the medicines on my behalf...tell you tmr can?
<font color="0077aa">JJ
thats what i read. but seems more popular in other countries. mayb you can ask dr zou if can continue anot...
will you be continuing with dr zou med to 'an tai'?

tats the diff between Care and kkivf. They provide better service, but cost also higher.
Im not take conceive gold.
Now i taking folic acid 5mg, coQ10 100mg, vit C 1000mg, royal jelly and dr zou med lor.
And every alternate day i will drink Anmum milk..... Think will be giving conceive gold a miss, cos really popping alot med. And hubby dun like me eating so much supplement. </font>
pinkaddict, ineedmiracle,
sorry for late reply, was out the whole afternoon.
the cordyceps i bought is abt the length of yr little finger. i didn't buy from fu hua this type so dunno how their sizing goes.
if u want to add wolfberries, red dates is ok. dun add also ok. these are just extra, more for taste.

ginseng better dun take leh. ginseng got many types, some are too bu (if there's such a thing), some are liang leh. if u're talking abt 'ren sheng' i was told is too bu for preggie. 'yang sheng' is liang.
the only one can take is pao sheng which is also a ginseng variety.
confusing hor....
<font color="0077aa">pinkaddict
i got mine from gnc. I bought the one with fish oil. Coq10 is 100mg.

i yet to start mine. So not in a good position to advise. But frm what i know, stage 1 is to suppress hormones, so that our body reach menopause state... Then stage 2 is stimulate our follicles in us so that they reach maturity, ready for fertilisation by the sperm. So to be, stage 2 is impt, a less stress environment will help the follicles to produce good eggs and mature in a good form.

Ladies who went thru ivf, please advise if im right anot. =)</font>

Today is the Day3 of my stim phase and am on GonalF. Apart from feeling listless, I am getting a slight "strain" feeling on the ovary where I last jab. Is this normal ?
<font color="0077aa">grumpus
lucky to have you. Think my mum referring to 'ren sheng'. So cant take. I better find a reason to tell my mum dun wan. The cordyceps and pao sheng given to her can let her boil 4-5 weeks. Then i must tell her no 'ren sheng' hee... So difficult to tell a lie...haiz..</font>
day - i didn't jab Gonal-f but puregon instead since they are the same purpose...

Ya during puregon there will be a feeling of suan-ness at the pelvis area where yr ovaries are cos they are responding to the stimulate drug .. remember to upz yr protien &amp; water intake to curb bloatedness
tell her u dun want to drink ren sheng cos scared too heaty. is true ren sheng is very heaty, the type ppl drink already can nose bleed type.
it will be there as long as u keep jabbing the gonal-f... after egg retrival (ER) sometimes the follicles still continue to grow cos of residue drug in our system ... Bloatedness will continue till 2ww for some .. so do remember to upz yr intake on water okie ...

<font color="0077aa">grumpus
yah hor... Thanx thanx.
Really appreciate your presence here.. Hee..

you also must come here often hor... When my turn to start, really need all the experience ladies to be here as advisor.=)</font>
