IVF/ICSI Support Group

will be waiting for you in MTB thread

babychloe: yup will continue to take care of my body to be ready for FET....do take care too...update us on your scan...;-)

I requested for 10 days of MC and Dr Loh said ok. The nurse said I was lucky as Dr Loh seldom give such a long MC for FET..not sure true or not but you can try..

And good luck for your FET. Jia you
flowers&fruits, O
Yes, I transferred 3 to max my chances
I transferred 3 during my failed fresh cycle in Dec'09 also.

I also took 6 mths to tiao my body before embark to FET.

Rest well before FET. In the past 6 months, besides gg to Dr Zou for acupuncture (twice per week) & taking her medicines faithfully, I take Blackmores Conceive Well Gold also. I learn to be more relax towards work (think my boss has already gone crazy..heehee...) and enjoy life a bit more...so rest well and good luck for your next try ya
i havenet book my appt yet.am tinking early sept too.

amt of puregon is determined by fsh, if i recalled correctly.

the way u describe ure relatioship with dr zou, very cute lor. actually she quite chatty one lei.

glad to know u feeling better.take care wor.

the HL will state Reproductive Medicine isist?
i intend to tell boss i going for female op. hmmm..hope HR dun suspect anything...
Prayhard, I ever asked dr loh how many days mc for FET in one of my visit. He asked me "how many days you want?". He knows my job is stressful so He is very accommodating. I need to travel to KL for biz trip. I told him to write me a memo to excuse me from traveling. He asked me wat reason shld he put. I said no need any reason. His name n signature r good enough. He abided n gave me the memo.

When I m/c, hl is 2 wks. He said if I need time to recover emotionally, he can give me mc/hl as long as I want.

But of course, dun catch him in his bad moods. He has mood swings!
Phoe & O,

Perhaps you would like to ask the nurse whether you can lie down for a little longer after the ET. To me, I think this helps. My dh actually asked the nurse to let me rest longer and I was very lucky that day as the couple behind me was late so the nurse let me lie there for quite a while. When about time, she asked me whether I want to lie down somemore, I said yes as my dh was buying medicines. She brought me to the IUI Room.

And I suggest dun pee immediately after the transfer. Try to tahan at least 30 min later.

During my fresh cycle, I went to toilet immediately and I had a "failed" feeling immediately..so now I learnt my lesson..try very hard to tahan not to pee...

These just my 2 cents worth ya...

I also remembered that you mentioned this before leh...actually my dh requested for 2 weeks but the nurse kept saying can't be so long lah & Dr Loh didn't say anything..so after some "negotiation", I said 10 days, can? Then Dr Loh said ok...
Prayhard: Thanks..Blackmore Conceive Well Gold..hmm shld go and check it out...thanks for the tip...will go and buy it soon...;-)..ya true I tink must relax more..will try that one too...sometimes werk can be very stressful....take a toll of me..gd idea..slow down on werk...hopefully can go short holiday before I start FET..hhehe..
ceraine - ya the mc will state Reproductive Medicine.

i can't believe my hse downstairs, 7-11 & ntuc don't sell hpt kits ... aiyo ...
Hi JJ & Prayhard - Congrats to u gals.

Halo everybody.. I m a silent reader here I got a questn to ask. Hope the sisters here can help. Will AF report even before the implantation occur? I did my ET on Mon (16/08) but i saw some blood stain today after i poo.. It exactly wat i will see few days before my monthly AF.. getting stressful noone knws abt my ivf thingy and i m alone at home...
by right with the inserts yr doc is giving u .. should not come at all yr AF.

Is the blood brown or fresh red ? alot ?
Abit pinkish.. its too early for implantation based on the calculator.. I also not sure the insert is properly inserted cos quite abit went the the panty liner each time.. i m v green reli quite lost..
u with NUH ? the inserts u using is it start with C one .... cos that one will come out abit pinkish

I'm with kkh & using the utrogestan inserts which will leak out completely white.

As long as it isn't fresh red blood should not be an issue.

After each inserts its best to lie down for at least 1/2 hr to 1 hr .. the inserts will sure leak out one, no point worrying too much on the leakage.
JJ - I m wif KKH and was given utrogestan as well. Tnk i will sleep early tonite den monitor again tml after my biz (i do biz everyday.. ee Paiseh!). Yeap.. as long as its not fresh red i still got hope.. Thks.
if really bleed go down to kkh 24hr cos by right should not come AF with the inserts we are doing.

Its 2inserts for 3times a day right ?

are u having hard stools ? constipation ? cos when i have constipation sometimes the stools too hard will injure the butt hole then when i wipe & see abit of blood (very slight) stain scare me ... but in fact its from the butt...

sorry gers for the graphic description
JJ, ya the inserts are 3 times a day. My poo are soft de but got to use some stg to push (ee.. ps again). I m sure its from the v so its worries me and i keep gg toilet to chk..

ET 2008, I got alot negative tots today.. bef tat was ok de...=( not sure implantation got occur at so early stage today is my D5 onli.
Actually the inserts can be used at the ass instead of the vagina. Less messy, wun leaked out and no need to lie down.
Hazel - I agree SF Loh got mood swing wan, i only had 3 consultations with him ... each time the feel is different.

Ceraine - Dr Zou is not chatty with me leh ... hehe tho I heard her chat with other patients quite abit ... but nv mind le I also not v chatty unless very familiar with the person
beginning when saw Dr Zou also the same, she didn't talk much. But now we chat non-stop. Guess it's the same for everyone, must warm-up to the person first.
During my 2ww, she called to check how I was. Mentioned to her I was goig to do hpt 2-3 days before my BT & she remembered, called to ask whether +ve.
She's a dedicated doc. You're in good hands.
implantation bleeding happens after implantation so around 5-7 days after ET. BUT not everybody will get implantation bleeding. does not affect yr chances of bfp in anyway.
i didn't get any bleeding at all for both pregnancies.
congrat to JJ and Prayhard and have a smooth 9 month journey! I can understand the feeling that when you know you are BFP, at that moment i also cannot believe it that i can have a baby in my life!
Thanks bear ! U also strike liao ??
I finally bought 2 more HPT .. will test later again.

was tempted to buy the more $$ where it will state the no. of weeks preggers .. but too ex for my taste..

Think i walked too much these few days ... I can feel more cramping/ aching ... but resting at home now...
I'm feeling fairly hot nowadays ... like yesterday i went shopping i felt abit cold then used my shawl to wrap but after awhile i felt hot again ...

Prayhard do u feel yr temp raising ?
JJ, try taking ur temp any time during the day. If u hv the bbt thermometer, use that to measure. It shld be higher than 36.7. Can go as high as 37.5. But no worry, is not fever.
really ? I don't dare to monitor my temp in case i see a sudden dip ... = P

but all i know is i will walk up sweating in the morning ...
Dun take bbt. Just take ur normal temp now at room temp. It shld be higher than 36.7.

Use bbt thermometer to take coz tt more sensitive
Take a few times at different timing n see. Dun drink water or eat anything or shower at least 30mins b4 testing.

My temp is higher when I am pregnant. For me, night time my temp is the lowest at abt 37.

My bbt is 36.9 when I just woke up. Just took, 37.2..

I would like to ask those ladies taking Conceive Well Gold, do you consume additional folic acid?
Actually hor, beside using HPT, another way is to monitor your body temp...during the first 11 days of my 2ww, I monitored..even though a bit scare to see the result lah...

My temp range from 36.8 to 37 when I first woke up, and it reached 37.3 in the afternoon..after tested hpt, I stop taking in the morning...but yesterday afternoon, itchy hand took again, it was 37.3...
prayhard - I still take additional folic acid when I take conceive well gold cos their folic acid only 3.3mg while we need 5mg daily. I'm kiasu I rather take more then worry not having enough in my body
