IVF/ICSI Support Group

excited.. excited...
3hrs, thats fast... So, by 11am, u will know the result... Hmmm.... where can u go? Shopping center not yet open leh....

Think u log in to forum... we help u kill times.... hahaha.....

miracle:- me too... once i get nervous i will start talking rubbish..
and will be walking up and down... trying to get hold of others to talk to me... heehee...
<font color="aa00aa">think nurse say 3 hours but they too bz to call till past lunch la. fever going up: 38.4 now</font>
oh dear, may be u see doc to get some medicine? not good the fever keep shooting up. But must inform doc u under ivf treatment.
hi gers - had a 3hr nap after eating lunch when came home.

Still very mild aches at tummy area but i can still eat !! tomor hope to do some last min chores then can relax after ET on Sat.
<font color="0077aa">JJ
tomoro should be delegating chores to hubby. Write a to do list. lolz.
Glad that you are feeling great after ER.

Anyway ladies, today I was asking Dr Zou, why ladies who experience ohss tend to be positive in pregnancy. Dr zou said that because their body reacts very well with puregon. And the body hcg reaches the preg hcg level before the egg was transferred in. Therefore as long as they are able to proceed with ET, and the eggs implant, then it will easily be a BFP. hmm...the first person that comes into my mind is NADIA!... can't wait to hear her bfp good news.

She also mentioned that the follicles in each ovaries should not exceed 30-33...because if there's too many follicles, no room for follicles to grow, then follicles will be small in size. So i guess anything ard 20-30 should be reasonable. Ideal size of follicles should be 18mm, and she said our hospital really compromising, 16mm already considered good le..haha...</font>
rest well ok? Drink more water. Ya i oso buay tahan u still can joke. 38.2 consider hi fever liao. And gd luck to ur BT tmr!
all of us here will prepare our pong pong.

How's the accu? Pain bo?

Is ur 2nd AF after u failed ur ivf late or quite punctual? Mine is late for abt 3 days . Not sure nid to wait for hw long den consider too late to request medicine to induce my AF..
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
the first one tat goes in...like ant bite...the rest no pain...think i fats alot bah.
Dr Zou say accu needles so thin. compared to ivf needles, those are the pain one. so if you all done ivf/iui, haha...accu needle is nothing.

But i hear le, i was like..HUH? i cant imagine the jabs....argh...tink i need 2 mths to psycho myself to think needle not pain...injections not pain....</font>
Hi to All,
I haven't been catching up with the updates in this thread for the last couple of weeks. The thread is moving too quickly. And for those ladies who are in their 2WW, take care &amp; keep believing.

iloveshoes : Hihi, please take care and rest well.. keep us posted after your BT..excited for u..

syrah : Hihi, I am back again..
..Stress factor could have attributed to your longer cycle and that was what happened to me last month too. Many of us are just too overwhelmed with stress (Work stress + additional emotional stress due to IVF)..Think we really need to unwind our bodies &amp; minds before we embark this tough journey.
Miracle, dont worry. If we can do it, u sure can!!
i was scared the last time. Hb helped to inject for me. But after tht i do it myself. And i think i did better than him haaaa!
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
is it really better to inject ourselves then get hubby? i really duno....each time i see pple injecting...i will clench my fist...close my eyes and feel the pain...hahha...</font>
sisters - wanna ask if I can take tofu and beancurd skin now?

yesterday hubby casually mention to mil that during my 2ww, our 2 "babies" will be staying with her, she reply "I try to help whenver I can" I nearly drop tears lor
At first, i need hb to do it for mi cuz i dun dare to hurt myself. But after a week, i decided to do it myself. I felt better cuz i can control the pressure etc.
jabbing yrself is better, u can control the pressure in ... men are less sensitive when it comes to this type of pain...

then if u suddenly shriek/ scream .. can u imagine if he jerk &amp; the needle is in u ... AHHH
can't imagine ...
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
okie...when my time comes, i will know, who is a better 'nurse' hahah

why don't you try looking after the 2 yourself? for eg. my boys, then tend to poo poo in the morning and night or either. so i try to make sure my hubby let them clear their business before we goes to work. In that way, in the afternoon, they wont poo. Their meals will have it before we work, so during 2ww, will be before my hubby goes to work... Are your girls toilet-trained for pee pee?</font>
<font color="0077aa">JJ
while reading your post, i was trying to imagine..and i can feel the pain... ARGH!!!

maybe i try with myself, if really cant, then get hubby help... oh..someone please numb me!!!!</font>
so far i kanna 2 mild blue black from this cycle's jabs .. considered very little liao ...

miracle - then imagine if the needle breaks .. ahhhh ... hahaha .. ok sorry if this scares u
no la ... kidding ... the needle quite tough one ... i only wasted 1 needle for lucrin ... i used too much strength then it bend !

nope tomor then start tingkat ... today go hubby here to buy dinner for me
<font color="0077aa">JJ
after ER you still can joke, means you are perfectly well to proceed with ET.
you and pinkf must start to help me picture a beautiful image of jabbing myself mah...so that i wont have nightmare when my sept AF reports...it will be nightmare for 21 days leh.....</font>
miracle - my poodle can stay with me, cos she's trained to poo in the morning before we go work and we only feed them at nite when we return from work. my maltese, super duper stubborn! she'll pee &amp; poo when she's in the mood we try to coax until no saliva liao she just refuse, hubby worried if she poo after he go &amp; work then I cannot clear their mess, I cannot leave it there till he come home lah

re jab: hubby jab me during iui, he's ok with it. so ivf I'll let him have the honour to jab me, must "suffer" together mah
I'm fine actually .. just got lots of gas n keep farting .. poor hubby ...

then when cough too hard will tummy ache .. other then that i'm feeling fine ...

the needle bend while its in the bottle ... if in my tummy i won't be here liao
= P
<font color="0077aa">winnie
haha..i like the 'must suffer together.." that's y i thought of get him to jab me since he oso scared needles...haha

hmm...use a broom to sweep up the poo. the dustpan use a plastic bag to wrap so tat can collect the poo? possible?
then...i'm not sure if using a pamper to wrap around her tummy area can collect pee? cos mine are boys, so if need to, we thought use baby pamper, go round the tummy area then he will pee in the pampers. cos boys tend to mark... hahah</font>
miracle - I train him from iui days. there was once he jab me then suddenly say "opps... sorry!" I ask him wat happen... he say I forget to turn the dosage *faint* I nearly skin him alive!
<font color="0077aa">winnie
hahah....your hubby so funny. I think this jabbing thing, if get hubby do, he is able to feel for us, and this bonds hubby and wife together....what you think? </font>
the bond is definitely there... then when he saw gynae doing the iui for me... he say if strike then #2 try natural, he doesn't want me to go thru the ordeal anymore
all the best for ure ET.

Gers, do you inform your bosses of the ivf? or in advance to take hl leave etc..or last minute bomb??
<font color="0077aa">winnie
tell him, this round strikes 2. then no need round 2 le... =)

i will probably drop the bomb. Will be taking MC for puregon stage, then just say need go op, then HL. no intention to say due to ivf.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">hiya, fever after icing 38 degrees liao. Managed to take some soup for din din
thanks for all the prayers!!!

winniepooh, want husband suffer together should ask him jab together, u jab urself, he jab himself with empty syringe hahahaah, then he will know how bad it is! i know..sadistic!</font>
if my staff know abt my ivf, it doesn't restrict to lunch time gossip, it'll be whole day gossip!

miracle - he say if this round strike 2 then no need to freeze embbies liao cos confirm + chop close shop!
<font color="aa00aa">flowers - no symptoms so maybe this is the only one? hahahahha first time know can have fever one leh!

Hope muscle pain in thigh eases up tomorrow else cannot step on car brake!</font>
actulli i tot of saying going for womanly operation.but wont reveal much. but the scanning alternate days...tat be quite obvious rite.
workplace and kk too far off, wont be able to make it in time back work, somemore i start work 8am.

ineedmiracle, puregon stage? tot jab ourself..u taking mc? wah, then many mcs lei..
shoes, how come you still can come online at 38 degrees

the other day I was at 37.4 I already KO liao, better go and rest ah

If tmr still fever plus cannot step on brake then better get someone else to drive or take taxi .... this is not the time to be super woman
<font color="0077aa">ceraine
haha...thought of take 8 days mc, thenplus weekends, i will have about 10 days, hope enough. Cos i dun wan to find reason to go alternate scan and BT, and scared wait tummy bloat, people start to question, so choose to take mc. So now i might think of a reason on why i need such long mc... haha...maybe say woman pain.....will see how it goes...mine somewhere in oct.... still have 3 mths to tink</font>
ceraine, I told my boss and some closer colleagues whom I know will keep a secret that I'm gg thru the IVF process. Other than that, I told the rest of my colleagues that I'm gg for some woman ops. But din tell them what ops it is cuz I don't want to curse myself ... haaa!
Hi ladies, after TTC for abt 3-4yrs and trying out TCM for over a year, I've finally succumbed to IVF procedure. Signed the papers 2 days ago and will start in Oct. I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice to prep myself? After listening to the long briefing by the nurse, our minds were in a whirl. So much info to take in... Any ladies here see Dr Zou Yumin concurrently with your IVF treatment? Any advice is much appreciated!! =)
<font color="0077aa">soul
most of the ladies here are with Dr Zou.
I'm also starting my 1st IVF in Oct, but I'm signing my forms in Sept. Which hospital and dr are you with?

You can start with some supplements like folic acid, royal jelly, fish oil, etc. As most supplements need 3 months to see results, hence this is a good time to start =)

Just feel free to ask any questions here...we all will help to answer if we knows.</font>
Welcome soul! Which doctor are you with? Some of us here took supplements to prep ourselves.

1. Fresh Royal Jelly
2. Vit C
3. Folic Acid
4. Spirulina
5. Omega 3 Fish Oil
6. COQ10

Some of the ladies here go to Dr Zou. For me, I've just started seeing her for the medicine. Have not started on the accupuncture yet.
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
now that i have to take supplement, and dr zou's med, practically the whole day im eating med. My cycle goes like this...

Supplement - Breakfast - Dr zou's powder - Lunch - Supplement - dinner - Dr Zou's powder - Sleep</font>
miracle, me too .. bleh ~ *lolx*. Btw I have not started my Immunocal yet! And have stopped my Ensure milk for few days liao. Mine abt the same as urs .. haaa!

Supplement - Breakfast - Dr Zou powder - Lunch - Vit C (cuz must take after food) - dinner - Dr Zou.

Hi ineedmiracle and pink! Thanks for replying so quickly.

I'm with Dr SF Loh at KKH who also did my laproscopy about 2yrs back. My left tube was blocked and I have PCOS, sadly. I did TCM for more than a year at Thong Chai with Dr Tan Siew Buoy but I didn't see results... maybe I am impatient but I figured I'm already 34 and cannot wait any longer.

I'm on folic acid and evening primrose now. So Dr Zou's medicine is in powder form?? The kind you dilute in water to drink? I'm scared of those. haha...
