IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa">Yo tokkie!! wonders of technology!!! go eat lunch or something first whilst waiting la.

babychloe - yeah man...lots of company else yawn!! so will your name your kid chloe??</font>

3rd aug bt - kitty_chan, hopefulmummy &amp; me ....., heehee

Iloveshoes : I just had beef focaccia at spinelli. Finally a break from soup spoon lunch. Enjoy ur Kfc yah..
tell u something... have not gone to loo to do 'business'. Know they say embbies won't come/fall out but still so scared. Don't think can tahan anymore, got to go today. he3! (sorry for saying all these things here)
hopefulmummy - Yup as per what shoes said ... if twins, complications higher ... hence cheaper to go with kkh.

Even u switch to private, any complications they can't handle they will still send u back too kkh cos kkh is fully equip with everything !
<font color="aa00aa">tokkie, no KFC leh, u buy and send over? LOL.

Babychloe, I forcing myself to go each day cos I scared constipation then really need to push. drink some juice, take some yoghurt or whatever then go!

Please la, if we can talk about ovaries and embroyos, what is POO?!! ROTFL</font>
Yah man.... Luckily got free wi-fi here. If not bored to death. Somemore I'm not allow to walk ard.... Now forced to sit at 1 corner. So sad... Bugis junction so near yet so far cannot go walk walk... O well. At least some consolation get to come out a bit today.
<font color="aa00aa">just to add to what JJ shared, if from private switch to kKH, our bills will still be charged at private rate. A little "bo hua"</font>
babybchloe- wahaha...must be positive..then less stress and higher chance of bfp..hehe..

my test is 3/8..together with tokkie and kitty-chan..and another lady i met on the day of my ER but i think she don't come here to chat..nice lady who went thru alot to conceive..

shoes- icic..i thought they will persuade ppl to stay with them at TPS..i'm still deciding whether after bfp, go back to my gynae or stick with kk..cos my gynae at TMC very old liao, think ard 50 plus, don't think he can follow me thru till i old..whereas this Dr Tan at kk is quite young.. aiyah...i thinking only lah..haven't even bfp yet already thinking about so many things..fainted.

today i don't have ai xin lunch from mum..she got to go for her own check up..so will tabao..i ate fried chicken wing for breakfast..hehe..
<font color="aa00aa">tokkie, tok your head ah, what abt people like blissful and me, cannot even smell the petroleum on the roads ah!! freedom...enjoy every moment.

cannot lah. How can mummy &amp; daughter have same name? Next time someone calls one &amp; both will come running. he3! You mean you have thought of names already?
Going to have pork, egg &amp; cheese sandwich &amp; salad shortly.
DH buying your KFC or home delivery?

smart gal, go eat 1st. Enjoy your lunch!
Shoes : kfc delivery.... Wahahah

Bbchloe : it's ok it's part n parcel of life. Me oso quite constipated. Must drink loads of water n load on fibre. Just now my tcm ask me to take high fibre fruits like guava... N apple. But not fruits that is too sweet. Hmm.... Don't really know about the last part though
<font color="aa00aa">wah, so 3/8 a lot of revealing. Tat's next Tues!

I already draw up my decision tree in my brain liao, like if this scenario, do this...if that, do that. Steady not? *applause*

Eh you very cute, how you know people cannot live till 90 and practice till then? :p

fried chicken wing!!! yummy!!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">babychloe, ooo your real name is chloe ah. LOL, sorrleeee...No la, no names yet.

Didnt know KFC deliver. Sounds like a first class idea. Maybe tomorrow. :p</font>
Shoes : ouch! Pain... Wahahah..... Dun worry thurs coming soon then ur turn to go smell petroleum already.

Blissful : which stage u at now? Sorry too many sisters here kind of lost track.
<font color="aa00aa">yeah, think Thursday must go stock up on munchies and food and mags and errr what else ah...</font>
enjoy your 'outing'. he3! Tomorrow's my turn when I go for my BT. Hmmmm... now thinking what I should eat when there.

where are you staying? Can pop by tomorrow with KFC for you. You can come down &amp; pick it up.
shoes- wahaha...eh..if my gynae live till 90 i also dun want lor..later cannot see properly anyhow poke...haha..

steady lah you..i still thinking what to explain to my colleagues when i go back..cos since stimulstion stage i on leave liao..and already some ppl are asking my close frens at work what happen..
<font color="aa00aa">babychloe - thank you sweetie, no need la. hehehehe

So where u going to eat tomorrow? we live vicariously through you.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">hopeful mommy, I did tell my boss but to the others I just said I am FINE! Really am fine. SMILE!

If they ask further, just say women's issue - if ask even further say cyst or fibriods la. Common enough and they do regrow so sort of buy insurance for future excuses ! Not that we will need them !

Then if they ask why leave so long? say u really wanted to make sure things recover, cos u know la, this kinda thing cannot play play</font>
that's what I plan to do when at Paragon tomorrow. Have to stock up on my food. Won't be buying too much cos don't want to carry heavy things + next BT 30th so can buy some more then.

hopefulmummy, tokkie, kitty chan,
I'll be the 1st one here waiting to catch all your baby dust on 3/8. Pray hope it'll be 'triple power' baby dust!
Hi, Sisters!

Went for my 2nd scan this morning and to my surprised, the embryologist told me tonight I will go for my Preglyn Jab and my ER will be this wed.

Nadia:- going to miss your accompany..
<font color="aa00aa">seaview - exciting yeah? i know the feeling. Good la...another bod for our 2ww camp!

babychloe -haha, so can ration your purchases. clever leh</font>
iloveshoes: Thank u..thank u..enjoy ur 2ww..

Seaview: Congrats to you...Yup will miss ur company too..nvm we still can enjoy each other company during our 2ww..Bore ourself..till BT...hehehe

Have to go accu everyday from today...heheh..
still haven't decided yet. Will go fix lunch now. Let you know what I'm going to have tomorrow later k. Or you can give some suggestion?

If change your mind about me popping by tomorrow with KFC, just shout alright cos it's no prob at all.
<font color="aa00aa">nadia - so unfair, why Dr Zou allow u go acu everyday pout. I wanted to, she told me dun need, just every other day. I even told her "I live nearby leh!!!

babychloe - enjoy your lunch!!</font>
seaview - that's fast !! good luck ...
I also ask dr zou when to come back daily ... she say 2 times a week enough liao ... hmmm ... will ask her again tonight
iloveshoes: mine no choice leh..she says my egg like growing slowly...so have to...will be shack lor..everyday..me stay far some more..but for my sweetheartz inside me..I will prevail..heheh..like going for war like that..hhehehe...
shoes- i told my boss too. i'm already imagining bumping into ppl at the toilet, then they'll ask me what happen, why so long, blah blah... some are already speculating that i'm on ivf..think i will just keep mum first until everything stable or let it run its natural course..
iloveshoes:- very excited and nervous...
Now already thinking whats will happen on Friday? Abit of worried that my egg would not mature..

Nadia:- Do update us on your ER? Nurse told me that before ER, need to fast..

Sisters:- Any suggestion? Do I need to drink plenty of water before my fasting.. :p
<font color="aa00aa">hopefulmom - Let people speculate la, you know when we are in office nothing better to do ma. LOL

Nadia - slow and steady is good. wins the race remember?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Seaview - fasting is for the GA. suggest you rest well and go into the entire thing happy =)

KKIVF wun trigger unless they see egg sizes are good la. Must trust them since we chose them ma :p Leave the worrying to them</font>
Nadia - still got me here !! *Wave*

Don't know is it immunocal really working its magic but i feel normal lei.. though it is just D2 of my puregon jab ....

I tried orange juice with immunocal (taste like orange julius foamy drink lei) then I tried with ensure (blends in until i can't really tell got immunocal inside.

Nadia - did u see yr puregon tubes if got remainding liqud inside ... i was seeing yesterday n look like got abit inside .. like 10iu amount ... Me on 2nd puregon tube tonight !
seaview- the nite b4 ER after 10.30pm cannot eat or drink..not even water.. must remember ok..and try to relax your mind..

shoes- yah lor.. will just leave it as that..
Seaview: k will check with them tomolo..remember rest well...more eggs to harvest by wed...;-)

iloveshoes: ya lor..slow and steady is fine..the dr actually ask me a few times..so k 1 more day Puregon..I said k lor..happily some more..heeeh..he ask me to jab Lucrin for morning tomolo..then i said i do every nite ..how ? he said k do morning for tomolo..i said k..then the nurse comment..to do jab every morning very stressful..i laugh...she said "aik u can laugh somemore.."i dun feel so stress leh..hehehe..hope they dun find me strange,..ahhaha
JJ: yes dear..i still got u...heheheh...*Wave Back*..;-)

Yup the Puregon got bal very little after 400iu...dun worry it's rite..as long as u turn the knob correctly...Stay hepi..embbies...will grow beautifully..If my ER thurs..ET shld be Sat..maybe can say Hi to You...;-)

Immunocal works for me well..I dun feel so bloated...;-)
iloveshoes: me cute heheh..i hope i am not weird lor...hehehe...

few more days...few more days...yippee yippeee dooo....;-)
hopefulmommy:- ok..
will relax myself...

ladies:- I find it very strange... my follicles is not many during my 1st scan.. On the 2nd scan, i saw my follicles increased about 20%.. so werid... asked the doctor, he just laughed.. Did anyone experience it?
seaview- its normal..when i went for my 2nd scan b4 ER, the doc said there will be 12 gd ones for extraction. on the actual day, they extracted 20.. of cus, maybe the others are not the desireable size..
