IVF/ICSI Support Group

iloveshoes: enjoy ur 2ww.. do things u really wanted to do but no chance cos of busy work life.. allthe best!

nadia.. all the best to ur er and ET ya!!!

jj: BD can relieve stress!

babychloe55: if u can take beef, do try their flame grilled beef balls with pasta... i love it!

oh and also the rest from this thread, must stay positive and take care of your body! lotsa of baby dust to you all!!!

nadia - thanks! now my mummy dearest is going to brew tonics for me. my pils still dunno abt me going thru ivf. told them couple of years back, but I simply got no courage to embark till now
I must say we are in good hands with Angela. Good decision to start your cycle only when you've recovered. Take care!

Karen Sim,
I LOVE BEEF! Sounds yummy! Will have that for dinner. Thanks!
Congrats faith...spread ur baby dust to us

Wah...so many of us in 2WW now.

I just had my last jab of pregnyl. When is the earliest I can test? Itchy hands leh

I seems to be having pre-menes cramp. Getting worried
chloe - this morning hubby went to do SA test and thought since I'm there decided to ask some real stupid questions. Angela say cannot say soya beans, so I thought soya sauce also make from soya beans! Angie say is that also cannot take no need to eat liao cos soya sauce unavoidable in cooking so take in moderation. then I also ask can take de-caf coffee or not, Angela say by right cannot, but by left can take no more than 2 cups hahaha. lucky we're the only couple there if not must find hole to hide my face liao
ya, so many of us in 2ww.
hopefulmummy, tokkie & you are the senior among us.
Know easier said than done but try not to think too much about the cramp ok.
Have you 'standby' the HPT kit? Read better to get the Clearblue ones.
Aiyoh... I so excited for 3 of you ; )
Popy: Yes def looking fwd to 12 weeks...but still long...5 more to go!

winniepooh and babychloe: U are in safe hands. A few of us are from CARE...Angela is very experienced so you would be well taken care of
i told my fren soya beans related prdt best to avoid ... then she say huh .. she read that soya beans are fertility food !
Kitty_chan : You finished your pregnyl today, and I just started today only...whahaha..... 2 more to go.

BBChloe : You so cute... no senior lar, I only 2 days before you. Hopefulmummy & kitty_chan then are the seniors. Wahahaha... I was also thinking of getting HPT to standby, but now I think dun need liaoz..... my last pregynl jab will be on sun, so scared later got fake results...
JJ : I read somewhere also say gd to take soy products, but I guess everything in moderation mah... just try not to overload....
no matter how silly you think the questions may be, don't be embarrass about it & ask them k. I do that too. Everyone has been very supportive & encouraging.
Mel ocean, my HCG level is 2387.1

Wow! Now den I realised tt there are so many of us in 2WW! Me tried the HPT kit from D15 daily till BT! Call me kiasu... Kekeke... Srly, me totally no symptoms and was so depressed at one point... Somehow last wk there were 2 sistas here oso no symptoms n BFP! It so comforting after reading it... Hence think positive n bb dusts to all!!!
agree with you 100%. Thank you for your words of support.
Congrats on your bfp! Are you back at work or just resting at home for the duration of your pregnancy?
<font color="aa00aa">faith - wow, your HCG is really good =) how many embroyos did u transfer?
Yeah - every BFP is a great encourager to the rest of us </font>
Faith_Chen : Wow! You HCG so high! Congrats again.. do rest well yah!!!! Collecting all you BB dusts!!!!
Need loads!!!!
Faith, wow, ur hcg really high!!! How many embbies u've transferred? may be twin le...

Congrats congrats!! must grab...grab ur bb dust!! Do take care especially 1st tri.... Have a 9 months smooth pregnancy
OMG! I hope this is not shown during YOG!! I dun even understand whats she saying lah... my hubby say can't even hear what she say!
Faith - based on yr HCG .. like twins lei ... update us when u go see the heartbeat okie ...

Ya ya shoes - I was just reading that gigi lai gave birth via c-section to twin daughters.
the DH holding big banquet for the twin's 1mth party, suppose to have many tonic dishes as well as bird nest to supplement the mummy..

sigh .. if me .. i will just get to do diaper duty full time ...
<font color="aa00aa">JJ - also read that carina lau decided to give up having babies after ttc for 2 years.Should ask her join our thread so we can encourage her hor? rotfl</font>
shoes - really ?? she no longer young lei .. still delay .. maybe is a tactic .. so that media attention not focus on her...

sometimes celebrity have it worse then us .. want to go hospital / fertility clinic also will kanna taken photo then story splashed on news ...
<font color="aa00aa">Jj - but celebrities have access to best docs and no money concerns la, at least this is small money to them.

Pink - D, HAHAHAHAHAHAA </font>

finally 'went' to the loo. Now shiok liao.

Just to check with you, are you like me very emotional since ET? Don't know why but cried twice today...
