IVF/ICSI Support Group

KKIVF just called! It's a BFP!!! I was very worried as I am one of those wifout any symptoms... Ladies in 2WW, and gg to be in 2WW, dun give up when there is no symptom!

congrats Faith!
Hi all! Me back!!

Faith : Congrats!!!

Just returned from the hospital. Thank God, E2 level is ok, but progesterone was on the low side, only 20+. So initially, doc only recommend additional duphaston as support. But being the KS me. I ask nurse how come no jab, and if jab is better. If yes, I rather take the jab. Heeeheee... as expected, when I went to clinic, the nurse say doc was laughing, as she thought she already very KS to give me duphaston, to support future pregnancy, but who knows, her patient, aka me, more KS, ask for jab. So now on jab every 3 days.
heard Dr Zou telling another patient who's doing FET the same thing...
But don't think so much now. Afterall, we are already in our 2ww ok.
Faith: Congrats Congrats...dear...Take care and have a smooth 9 months beautiful pregnancy...;-)

Seaview: Gd lor yours increase by 20%...ur body reacting well to the stim...Stay hepi...
faith- congrats!! so happy for you.. i'm one of those no symptoms at all one leh.. so a bit worried..now that i know someone also no symptoms but bfp...yayy!! i know i got hope already..

very very happy for you.. i'm taking out my vacuum cleaner..haha
Sistas...can I ask an advice...Tonite at 10.30pm I will chub Lucrin & Puregon..Dr ask me to chub chub Lucrin in the morning for tomolo..If I chub chub at 6.30am tomolo morning..is it gonna be too early? Thanks
babychloe : yah I will thanks. Now lying in bed... maybe will go take a nap shortly since I was up very early this morning.
I'm doing my cycle in Sept, now hoping to get more tips from u ladies as me & hubby having withdrawal symptons from coffee!
seaview: I didn't ...cos just she say..either u chub at home or at the clinic...now I am thinking shld i do it in the clinic..Just now nurse did for u..or u did urself?
Seaview: increased 20% more ah, very good. Hope you will be joinining BFP club soon. For those sisters going to ER and ET, good luck to you all!

Faith Chen: Congrats!
Nadia:- thinking of the incident made me laughed.. After I brought my medicine back to the clinic. The nurse asked me, u need to jab Lucrin is it? I told her, ya! Cos I didnt know i need to jab, until the doctor asked me. But, I did bring my Lucrin with me, as last friday the nurse want to check how much it had left. She then said;" then, can u jab urself." I looked into her eyes (thinking that, i tot u will help me with it), but I told her ok, i'll do it myself..
live:- thanks...
but i still find it very werid, cos the 1st scan is only last Friday... I had a feeling that the 1st scanning is not accurate... hehe
seaview: hehehe...so cute...so u did urself la..k la..if that the case..might as well i chub myself la...hahahah...Thanks la dear...
which hospital & doc are you with?
This is a wonderful thread. I'm sure you'll benefit lots from the ladies here as I did.
All the best in your 'journey'.
Congrats Faith ! Good to keep hearing abt BFP news !!
Think my spotting lessen liao ... I had relations with DH last night (>_<)*shy ... then he helped to clear the pipes of 'dirt' Wahahahahaha .....
sorry i being er-xin (disgusting)
winniepooh: welcome welcome dear..

Seaview: thanks dear...ya lor dun know when we can meet again...nvm la...cannot meet at KK..we meet outisde la..hehehe
Seaview: Usually they will not count on those small small one plus some hiding so can't see well :>

So for those sister who felt very disappoited on their 1st scan result, don't worry important is to remember to relax and rest well.
Hi Popy: How are you?
i am fine...MS was bad last week...no appetite for food, aversion for rice and water...
coping with fatigue and nausea...but am ok.
Winniepooh: u will have cycle buddy too in Sept..there are few sistas starting in Sept too..;-)

All of us will help each other...this forum is indeed a gold of treasure for keeps...heeheh...i learn alot from here too..The Sistas who BFP will also come here and help...;-)
chloe - I have my first appt with CARE last week and decided to stay there cos no time to do doc shopping. the price that Angela quoted me is abt the same as other pte clinics and hospital so just continue with them

nadia - I wanted to cycle next mth but I gather time is too short + I'm still coughing and taking cough med. better give my body time to recover before I cycle
