IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa">Hi all, morning, thanks for all the best wishes

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Adeline - trying to wrap work up to last me till Monday! Haha...got to start getting ready soon cos have to be there at 7:30am too la.

You? Up very early too! Thanks for the lovely thoughts =)</font>
Minakochang, i dun think wisdom-tooth extraction will affect ivf. if your lucin start on early sept, shld be ok, still have 3-4wk before u start the ivf. To ease your mind, may be u can check with ur gynae first?
Nadia: which makcik you bought from?

Blissful: i have to tell coz mine involves mth end closing. Everyone will panic if im not around. Thats why need to tell to get back up for me.

Thanks for the encouraging words. Think the anxiety is partly due to my crazy cycle this month. Or maybe it's the reverse. Shld have started ovulating last week and till now no sign of it. So definitely will skip Jul now. I feel so silly to feel stressful now when merely taking BB temp. Can't imagine 2ww.
Lubna: It's my makcik urut...She sells it..I can pm u her no. if u wan...

Kitty_chan: Thank u...Thank u..Hope I can get it by today..so tired looking for it..heheheh..Thanks dear...

Syrah: Relax dear..i tink every sistas here goes tru the anxiety ..i had mine too before I started..but manage to calm myself...and just go with the flow mah...Having a relax mind is good...Best of luck dear...;-)
Lubna: Hers is pill form..small pills..i tink take abt 5 or more pills for 2x or 3x a day..I will pmm u her no. shortly...

Pink: Not sure the difference though..cos I threw away the Elken brand before buying the GNC..forgetful me..but it should be the same..
syrah- you're welcome. it's normal to be anxious, afterall, it's something important that we're going thru..

got something to ask you girls.. my ET is last sat, so today is considered D5 right? is it for sure that there will be cramp-like feeling or implantation bleeding if the embryos are trying to implant? cos i'm not feeling anything...no bleeding also..dunno is it a gd sign or not..
should feel a bit crampy. but the cramps is not constant, off and on.
as for implantation bleeding i never ever got any for both my pregnancies, it is common but not a must.
I know abt tis Elken brand. I took their spirulina for yrs coz my mum takes oso &amp; she is faithfully taking many yrs till now but I stopped liao coz I found very exp leh...$300 per bottle! Its a gd supplement anyway.

Now I'm taking folic acid, immunocal, COQ10 &amp; Dr Zou medicine. If I take spirulina, will I overdose on top of current supplement tat I'm taking now?
grumpus, baby33- thanks..i was getting a bit paranoid cos implantation supposed to take place within 7 days, but until now i still dun have any of the 2 symptoms..
dun count the days and start reading into every symptom or lack thereof.
just go with the flow, rest well, keep yrself occupied and before u know it is bt day
hopefulmummy, i dun hv any symptoms except for menses-like cramp n sharp pain abv pelvic area &amp; it happened fr d9/d10 aft my et. dun worry, sum ppl dun even hv any symptom but stil bfp.
Hi pink,
I think not bad; but I'm not been to another TCM, so no basis of comparison. :p

I heard AMK Ave 10 got 1 TCM quite good; but never been there.
Syrah: Yup me on Puregon D6 liao..this friday going for scan...Yes divert ur attention to something else..the best is to do things u really love..watever it may be..it will really help..hehhe

Blissful: Ur mum taking it huh...$300..oh i tink that's the big bottle one rite..I bought the small one..

Not sure whether u will overdose dear..me taking so many already....hehehe
hopefulmummy: ET is counted as Day0 so Sun is D1. I think important is to rest and eat well instead of thinking symptom. Good luck to you!

No time for such luxury now leh... Trying to clear as much work as possible. Think that's a problem with most of us. Thinking of the impending backlog of work that's going to happen in the near future so trying to tie up as many of the loose ends as possible now!

So what's going to happen after the scan on Fri? What's the next step?
Mayb I'll ask Dr Zou..hehe.. coz I oso saw her taking supplements like calcium pills, fish oil, grape seed etc... she oso takes alot of supplement, ya?
Syrah: Yup werk wise can't avoid mah...but take it easy...Sometimes we have to lay back and relax ourselves..of cos we dun wan to inconvenience our colleagues or bosses mah..but sometimes really no choice..do your best...the rest will have to wait after we come back BFP..heheheh..Stay positive..heheh

Hmm after Fri scan..see when my ER will be..heheh..dun know whether need more Stimulation..;-)
Blissful: yup u can ask Dr Zou...for me ..I wan to maintain good health..so I eat..tends to fall sick easily..but so far k..after taking the supplements..body seems k..but nowadays alittle bit tired cos the Puregon which Dr Zou says it's normal..Yesterday she saw me..ask me whether my head is feeling high..hhehe..i saw ya very sleepy and tired lor..hehehe

Lubna: u welcome dear..
Lubna: I will massage everytime I finish AF...just this time round didn't manage too..Wanted to do this week but doubt can...Already on stimulation...Yup she massage whole body and womb too...;-)
i used to take Elken Spirulina too.
Think I will go get their spirulina again. If im not wrong, Elken's one are organic.
they have in 500, 1000, 3000 tablets.
Can take up to 10 per day. =)
Nadia: is it advisable to massage every mth and can i massage when my menses still there? So you massage right after you finish your AF eh? Like d8 or d9 eh? Is yours gd and how much is the charges? i also have but i did not do it every mth. Do you think i should do it every mth?
ineedmiracle: yup u can continue with it..it's good for the body mah...

Lubna: The best is to massage after AF..not during AF...Yup i will massage ard D9 on wards..my menses is about 7 days..at least she can push ur womb if it's too low..I have been with her for many years...

U can do it every mth..For me I see whether I have the time..sometimes I do it once a mth..sometimes once in 2 mths..

I like massages..feel good after it..U can call the makcik..or you can continue with the one u have now...;-) Do take care...

Lubna: Tanks dear...

Blissful: yup feel good after each session...she did mention that when I start my accu my body feel softer to massage..not so hard like before..so accu really helps our body...She even joke and said..y nvr go accu earlier..hehe..I do feel the difference too..Glad Dr Zou's accu is helping..;-)
