IVF/ICSI Support Group

is ok to carry on as normal. dun think is really necessary to be confined at home for the whole 2ww. if yr job is mostly desk bound, no reason can't go back to work, in fact the 2nd wk of 2ww when i went back home i found the time passed much faster and before i know it it's BT day already.
the 1wk at my mum's place is good cos i can relax but time pass very slowly.

btw, my dr only issues MC for one wk after ET cos she says that there is no medical evidence that proves that reduced activity increases the chances of BFP.

nadia, JJ, hopefulmummy
need your help.
Can let me know which are the days during lucrin and puregon, that we need to go back to kkivf early in the morning for BTs and scans.
Cos i forgot i might hv problem requesting for timeoff in the morning.
Hi ladies, what is the standard dosage for lurin?I'll start ivf when Aug menses comes, after that inform kkh then when collect lurin? 1 wk before injection or earlier?
hopefulmummy - 3 inserts a day ?? which hosp r u with ? do u know if FET needs to do insert ? i only did 1 a day during fresh cycle. i hate those with all my gut

tokkie - sorry, what is medicated FET ? you had to take meds before FET ? my doc ask me to follow my own cycle and do ET. scared it will be 1 wasted opportunity

i just went out to buy spirulina during lunch. hope to do a crash course detox before my FET. dont know if that works ?

grumpus - only 1 week MC for ET ?

anyone know how many days MC for doing FET ?
miracle- my scan and schedules as such;

D16 of lucrin- go for blood test to check if can start puregon
D8 of puregon- do ultrasound scan
D11 of puregon- 2nd ultrasound scan and every every alternate day after until you're ready for ER

baby33- yah, i have to do vaginal insertion of this pill called utrogestan, 3 times a day, 2 pills each time. i'm with kkivf. i dun like also, but no choice..
I reali envy my colleagues who can get pregnant so easily. Like turning on/off tap water! 1 colleague who got m/c 3 mths ago, now preggy again. The other colleague's wife who juz gave birth 1 yr+ ago, gona give birth to #2 very soon. I believe god will grant me my wish very soon....
baby33, ya me putting 2 embbies at 1 shot. For my age, studies & doc encourge to put 3 to enhance the chances but the fact is, me only left 2 in the embryo bank.... may be u still young that's why doc suggested u put 1 only...
You not only one, me too really envy my colleagues can conceive so easily... she 43 this year & just came back to work not long ago & now she preggy again.... haiz...

Baby33, at kkivf, you can request abt 14HL.
D21 of AF AM - go collect lucrin & nurse demo injection

D16 of lucrin AM - go scan & BT see if suppressed enough.

I haven't gone for stage 2 scans so can't advise u

kkivf's protocol is AM scans only. if u want to know if can accomodate for PM ... u need to call them to ask
blissful & mel: who is not envy of someone who can get pregnant easily. My sis who is 40 this year got pregnant. She even went for pap smear, mamogram, massage and swimming when she dont realise she pregnant. She thot her menses having some problem because she just take out her iud. Thats why i think if we are meant to get pregnant, we sure will.

btw, ladies, have u heard of spirulina? dont know if it is gd. btw, today is my 2nd day back to work after the HL and guess what, my HR said HL for ivf does not cover in this company. So angry coz my boss have checked with them before i went for HL.
ineedmiracle: Mine is similar to JJ but only earlier...

01.07.10 - Went to collect Lucrin (AM) - D16 of microgynon consumption

14.07.10 - BT/Scan & Collect Puregon

23.07.10 - Scan

Minokochang: mine is 10iu dear..collection is on that day itself on the injection day...
Dear all,

Can I check...how do u prepare yourself for embarking of IVF mentally? I can literally feel my anxiety mounting, heart beat racing. Aug nearing and seems like my mens will hit 1st or 2nd week of Aug. Initially I thought mens will not make it in Aug and only come Sept since my cycle is long. I thought I was mentally ready but now having all these flutterings. HELP!
Lubna: Spirulina..is good..I have read it does help in trying to conceive..even my makcik urut said so..I am taking it..
miracle- sorry, i was sleeping..likw what JJ said, they only do scans in the mornings..

syrah- i felt the same as you, esp so bcos i'm so afraid of needles that when i go for check ups and the doc has to draw blood, my family GP will ask me to lie down cos scared i faint from fear..

we even delayed our decision to have ivf for a couple of months..and on the 1st day of my lucrin jab, i just couldn't do the jab..i held the syringe in front of my tummy for 10 mins, and kept perspiring and crying..but ultimately, i know that there's no turning back and i just did it..from then on, it was easier as i do it night after night..

on top of that, we got to worry whether the eggs grow well, the embryos will implant properly, and also how to deal with the possibility of an unsuccessful attempt..but given all these, i'm sure the girls here will agree that we all gave it our all bcos we want children to call our own, and that is what pushes us to go thru all these..

press on and chin up yah? once you get the hang of it and know that you have a chance of pregnancy, it's easier to go thru it..
spirulina - i just bot today. its $99. not cheap but i took it on my fresh cycle and think it might have helped

mel, grumpus - thkz for info on HL. i think i can only take my own leave. maybe 3 days at most, cos dont want office ppl to know.
Lubna, was ivf stated in you HL? They should even know you go for ivf unless you tell them. Fight for your right k. HL us HL no matter what you go for .. :)
Nadia & baby33: u bought from guardian is it? how does it taste?

Currently, im taking a supplement which was recommended by my sis and after taking that, i was told not to take any otehrs supplements because it contains all the nutrients in it. According to my sis, it helps to regulate your hormone properly and remove all the toxins in the body. My sis conceive at the age of 40 now after drinking 1 box of that supplement. I will give it a try first and see if its works. if not, i will try the spirulina.
Lubna, agreed with su_yana, fight for your right.
As for me, i won't take HL for my next cycle cos my last FET already took 17HL, my colleagues already starts guessing what happened to me... none of them know i go for ivf programme.

In fact, my boss quite supporting, she even ask me go & check with HR how many HL i left, if necessary, i can take the max. HL. I felt warm, but think twice, i better take leave to prevent unneccessy gossip...
its not stated in the HL but before i go that time, i told them i going for ivf treatment as i have no back up and i need them to find temp staff for me. Tomorrow i will talk to the HR boss.

Suyana: u get spirulina from which makcik?
mel_ocean, so oni yr boss knew abt yr IVF ah? Yr boss so gd & understanding hor. I'll not tell my colleagues too abt my IVF. So when date draws near to ER, I'll then find an excuse. But I'll tell my boss the truth coz easier for me to take time off for the scan.
Su Yana: can't remember the real benefits...but this info i got from someone:
A food that contained key minerals and nutrients required for: hormonal balance,
regular ovulation, and strong healthy sperm...

This food actually does exist! It contains protein (all of the essential amino acids), fertility enhancing vitamins and minerals along with phytonutrients and essential fatty acids necessary for optimal fertility.

I bought from her too..but finished..so I bought from GNC one..now eating the GNC one...

There is also someone who told me that there is this lady who ate this while pregnant..initially dr suspect baby is abnormal..but she continued with the pregnancy while eating this..and indeed..the baby is fine..not much major problem to health...;-)

Makcik also told me that there r some clients who managed to conceive..even my cousin says so...
BB33 : if it's based on ur cycle, then it's a natural cycle. Initially I was suppose to be on natural cycle last month, since period is quite regular plus can ovulate regularly. But who knows when doc decide to do natural then my hormones went haywire like taking lift up down up down. So had to abort the cycle and change to medicated cycle. Was on ocp and subsequently lucrin to suppress all hormones while the growing the lining. When lining reach optimal thickness, will do et
Blissful2010, yup, only my boss knew abt it... she so cute, even help me find an excuse to get away colleagues attention.. you know hur, women working environment la, always got endless gossips, even small sesame things, the broadcast to make sure everyone know... very exaggerated de....

So better zip the mouth tight tight
lubna - spirulina tastes 'green'

tokkie- oic. thks for informing. i hope my hormones cooperate. v scared leh. if put only 1 emby, chances will be much less. and then i'll only have 1 emby left. and thats assuming 100% survival after thawing. if not, i'll have to go fresh ivf cycle. dont know if i can take it again or not...

mel - wow your boss so amazing.
thanks JJ, Nadia, hopefulmummy,
looks like i'm left with not much choice but to commence using sept cycle, meaning jab starts in oct. Cos they will be having exam, or after exam, then much easier for me to ask for time off. My job really dun give me the luxury to start anytime i want.. =(
any idea beside FTS test, what other test we need to go through during pregnancy? coz i might be going follow my gynae to Mount E and hope all the test are done b4 go Mount E..also not sure what are the bill size like for delivery...haiz...i feel safe and comfort with her but if change doc, duno hw will be the feeling...
Hi ladies, I'll be removing my wisdom tooth in early Aug and ivf begin mid Aug. Lucrin should start only early Sep. Will wisdom-tooth extraction affect ivf? Any ideas?
Hi Ladies, those taking Omega fish oil, do you take 1000mg or 2000mg? I came across reading somewhere that a common amount in the capsule contains about 180mg EPA and we need at least 360mg of EPA daily

Su Yana, Pink: I am taking Spirulina with other supplements : Folic Acid, Royal Jelly, Prenatal Pills, COQ10 with Fish Oil, Vit C...Just that the GNC brand says to take 2 hours before meal...

Ineedmiracle: Not sure which is cheaper..The one I bought from makcik is for $90 but can't remember the no. of pills..Brand : Alken...a very good product...I finish that one first before buying from GNC..didn't get the chance to buy from makcik..maybe once I finish this GNC..I will buy from her...

Being a CIkgu is not easy...dun worry too much dear..all will be well..take it slow and easy k...;-)

iloveshoes: Best of luck in ur ET...take care..hope u have gone to bed by now...lots of rest ya...

Can I ask on whether anyone has bought brazil nut from Parkway Parade..Anyone knows what's the shop name..Can't find it in AMK or Tampines..Tanks
