IVF/ICSI Support Group

grumpus- icic..wah..more inserts ah..having to do it 3 times a day i already want to faint..esp the 12am dose, cos i sleep at bout 10pm, then just fall asleep, must wake up to insert..

can ask those who consuming immunocal.
How u gers take 3 times a day ?? cos it did state to take n empty stomach.

Is it before yr meals (i.e. bfast, lunch m dinner ?)
Mic1980: If you have the protein powder from herbalife, there is no problem to take it during the stimulation period. Its contents are quite similar like other brands (amway, GNC etc). But once you know you are BFP, you should check with your DR again. As for Immunocal, we know after BFP we can continue to take it.
Hi hopefulmummy, I'm feeling fine. Hubby have been asking whether I feel anything diff, but actually I cant feel anything at all....not sure whether my embbies are growing well.

Yup, will be going for BT this fri. I am also going KKH today for pregnyl jab

Ladies who have BFP, pls advise whether we can still take half boiled eggs during 2WW
i take half boiled eggs all through 2WW and even when bfp.
i even took them throughout my whole last pregnancy. cos i had craving for half boiled eggs with black sauce and pepper
hopefulmummy: hmm no meds...any traditional remedy? maybe avoid those milk stuff and see whether it will help...;-)

got insert? wat's the insert for? argh i dun like insert...

JJ: me too sometimes take 3 times a day depends on how uncomfy tummy is...i take before breakfast everyday...noon and nite one no choice..sometimes i take after food..
kitty- how come you need to take pregnyl jab? the nurse din tell me i have to jab leh..

that day i asked the nurse whether can take half boiled eggs, she say cannot cos scared may get salmonella.but i also read some girls here are advised to eat half boiled eggs cos the protein will not be destroyed..
<font color="aa00aa">hopeful mum - better to lie diehorrea run its course and try to keep your food intake simple. If you stick to simpler foods, it tends to reocver faster.

I think its safer to not take uncooked eggs. Dr Zou says can take fully boiled just harder to take more at once since it takes shape and tends to fill up our tums very fast. I think if really want to eat raw eggs, then try to get organic or as fresh as possible</font>
emmh,,,why I need to take pregnyl jab and hopefulmummy dun need? Sisters at KKIVF, can advise?

H grumpus, thanks for the assurance. Hubby wants me to continue with half boiled eggs, but I'm worried whether can still take during 2WW.
Nadia- traditional method..i used to hear black tea helps, but tea is no-no for me now..think will observe for today..if tomorrow still not ok i will see doc.

grumpus- wah..you really are like a walking ivf dictionary leh! very assuring to have advise from you and the ladies here..
kitty- are always lying on the bed fr the past few days or you still walk around like normal? i have been confining myself to bed, except yesterday when i can walk around a bit..sat at the dining table to chat with my mum...
hopefulmummy: that's wat i thot initially tea..but then i remembered tea is a no no...make sure ur body dun de-hydrate too much...drink lots of water...
hi i wld like to join this thread. did my ivf 2 yrs back and was successful. i'm gg for FET this coming cycle to try for no. 3. today is Day 1 of menses. anyone going for FET this month ? i'm a bit nervous abt the FET. scared of failure since i have only 2 frozen embies. forgot what are the good foods to eat and precautions to take. anyone has recommendations?
hopefulmummy, I walk around as usual. even when shopping at Ikea on Sat and went Dasio again yesterday. Hope my walking will not affect my BFP. You're so guai, confining yourself to bed
kitty- i want to go ikea so much...just walkling around and looking at the things they have..esp the kitchen section..hehe..

i had to stay in bed also bcoa of the OHSS..move a bit then pain, burp also pain, sneeze also pain.. so now i got stiff neck..cos keep sleeping in one position dare not move..haha..
I'm worried looking at your posts. At CARE, we were given a long list of Do's and Don'ts after ET. Was told to limit each walk to 20 mins &amp; avoid stairs &amp; squats at least for 1st week. Don't walk/shop too much k? Anytime after BFP also can shop if feel well. Ikea sale will be back one.

After ET at paragon, we even travelled to beach road for lunch then back home. I will sometimes look back &amp; wonder if it's the travelling that caused my BFN 2 weeks back. U be more guai in case got regrets later k?
pinkM- CARE so nice, still give a list of do's and don'ts.. can you share a little of the long list pls?

hi baby33, welcome to this thread..sorry, i can't help much cos mine is a fresh cycle and i'm not sure if there is any diff between the 2..
Hi, me all the while been a silent reader here &amp; now would like to join this thread also....

Baby33, me also did my icsi 2 yrs back and now my gal 2 yrs old next month. Actually, i've failed my FET last June &amp; i felt rather sad... well, me gg for FET again this Aug when my AF report. Me left only 2 frozen embies &amp; i think this is my last chance &amp; i not going to have any fresh cycle anymore. Because me not young le...

Currently me only consume Blackmores Conceive well + Chicken essence (not everyday cos too heaty for me). Me with KKIVF Dr loh, how abt you?
EAT: pineapple, watermelon, banana (green skin), papaya, coconut, oysters, sashimi, rojak, bitter gourd, brinjal, brown cucumber, spicy food.

DRINK: cold &amp; gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa, Chinese herbal soup (eg: bak kut teh etc)


Have plenty of rest.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat mote fish &amp; leafy vegetables b
Remember to take your medications.
Inform DR if you feel bloated or have any menstrual cramps, bleeding, diarrhoea or vaginal itchiness or fever.
Do take prunes or prune juice if u have constipation.
<font color="0077aa">Dear ladies,
just to share....
a friend of mine, was so happy when she realised that she was pregnant. Went for the 5th week scan to see the sac.
Before her 6th week scan to check heartbeat, she had bleeding. admitted to hospital, checked and gynae told her no heartbeat from bb.

This i learnt a lesson. 2ww and 1st trimester is very very important. She continued working as per normal, and as teachers, we stand and walk and up n down the stairs alot. hence the only time we get to really sit down will be when students left the school. Whole morning we are rushing from class to class, standing to teach, climb up and down the stairs. And I guess this indirectly leads to her earli mc.

I really hope ladies who are doing 2ww, or just bfp, really please take care and minimise walking. We came a longer and tougher ways to get preggy compared to others, hence we really have to set our priorities right and not put our effort to waste.

Hi all,

Hopefulmummy : *wave* Thanks! Hope will have good news!
Exciting... do rest well, OHSS is no joke. Sorry to hear about you diarrhea. Maybe you can try to take some 100plus.

Kitty : Agree with PinkM, should rest more. My last ET last year, I also gungho, walk around alot &amp; was moving hse, though I didn't really do much. When I was thinking back, regretted, donno whether is it due to not enough rest that I BFN. So this time HB &amp; I decided I shall be guai guai and be confined to my bed all the way to BT.

Welcome BB33 &amp; Mel!
I'm also doing FET this month, but will be doing ET on this Thurs.
Hi Kitty Chan,

Yes, it is safe to take half boiled eggs during 2ww... think i took half boiled eggs until week 6 or 8. Of cos, not as much as 10 eggs... maybe 2 eggs per day, as i was very bloated then.

Pregnyl jab is also considered additional progesterone jab. You need not worry.
I have no idea why cannot take herbal soup. But I just listened. Many times during my 2ww, certain food was at entrance of mouth already then I have to put down spoon to refer to this piece of paper before eating or not eating!
Pink Martini : Thanks for sharing the info.

Ineedmiracle : I think not all herbal soup cannot drink but must take note of the ingredients. My mum did mentioned also, coz some of the chinese herbs are not suitable for pregnant ladies to drink. Like "10 quan da bu tang" &amp; Bak Kuk Teh. According to my mum, esp those that are sold at the hawker centre, the bak kut teh may have cinnamon, which should be avoided when pregnant. So I usually avoid those soups when I on cycle.
Hi tokkie, thks for welcoming me....
All the best to you this thursday... Jai you!

My FET on end Aug, hope my AF will report punctually!
miracle- i totally agree..teachers are really noble and the ammount of stress they get from the work is really intense..so many of my teachers friends always have to bring work home to do.not to mention sometimes they also have to deal with unreasonable parents..
thanks thanks... heee....but yet many public see us having easy jobs cos so many holidays... haiz..

but i've seen colleagues of mine taking HL, either last trimester or whole preg. so i told dh, be prepared I might if i really wanna make sure all goes smooth...hahah
tokkie- hihi! so exciting..at least of us will know our results...

ppl..get ready your bag to collect babydust! haha..aiyoh...so positive for myself lor..cannot tahan..
miracle - u going to take 1st tri leave too ??
think it also depands if u taking those heavy classes like O level classes
hopefulmummy, mel ocean, tokkie - thanks for hte welcome. i havent prep my body for the FET thats why so scared of failure. maybe i should wait for next cycle to do FET... prepering body means eating spirulina and ensure is it ? or can we do this during 2ww ? my cycles are 6 weeks, thats why if i postpone i have to be guai guai for the next 6 weeks. maybe i should postpone till next cycle

mel - you putting 2 embies at 1 shot ? by stroke of luck, i put in 2 embies during ivf and am very blessed with my twin girls. they've just turned one. my doc advise me to put only 1 emby this time.

tokkie - you gg for FET too ?

just to share, i had a difficult pregnancy as well. started bleeding at week 7 and thought all was lost, and bleeding and spotting throughout 1st trimester. so dont be too discouraged. there ARE miracles.
you also taking 1st trimester leave?
If i start jabs in sept, and bfp, then 2mths out of 1st trimester will be nov/dec holiday. so left with jan the last mth. and if things moving okie, i can go back, else will have to take NPL. but bonus be affected...hahaha
oh no...I will be moving house on 31 July. Now that I hear from Tokkie, am really worried. I also need to climb stairs (living at mum's landed house). Did check with KKIVF, they say can climb stairs leh....

Any sisters who still BFP despite moving around as usual?
baby33- i started taking ensure b4 ET and after..my daily schedule is like this;

8am- vaginal insert utrogestan, light breakfast, and doxycycline- an antibiotic for 1 wk after ET
11am- folic acid, ensure milk
1pm- ai xin lunch cooked by my mum, who came everyday after ET to take care of me..mums are really very 'wei da'
3pm- vaginal insert
4pm- 4 hard boiled egg whites
6pm- dinner, doxycycline
9.30pm- try to get some sleep
11pm- bird nest
12am- vaginal insert

hope it helps...mine is a fresh transfer though..
baby33 : Yep. I'm on medicated FET, coz during my fresh cycle, E2 level too high, cannot do ET. So finally gg for my ET on Thurs.
kitty- try to climb or walk slowly if really no choice? i guess in moderation shld be ok..except for those no-no things like pineapple..just be more careful.
yah mummy are the best. When im not feeling very well, after married, and hb at work, my mummy will come over to take me to doc, especially when i have bad asthma attack.

But this round, mummy not told abt my ivf decision, so looks like i will be on my own, and depend on tingkat le.
miracle- i also have some asthma history..and bad eczema..i'm worried i will pass the bad genes to my babies..i can only pray it will not.

initially i din want to tell my parents also..for fear that they will worry and keep askingme.then make me stress..hehe..but i feel at least now that they know, they can keep watch in case anything happens.

tingkat also ok lah,as long as eat healthy..
miracle - no la ... if its stable i won't specially ask for HL to stay at home... will go work as normal ...

My work mostly sitting down type
only the 'ang moh' banana cannot eat. u know the very long and big one, usually used in banana split also. most of us know it as delmonte banana.
our tropical bananas, those short ones are ok.
this is the first time i heard of papaya cannot eat.

homemade herbal soups are ok if u know wat herbs to use. i avoid all herbal soups outside because there are many herbs not suitable for preggie and i dun know wat they put in it.

each follicle and mature egg will produce a certain amt of E2. so for some women especially those with many eggs retrieved (>20), their E2 will shoot up really high. too high = high risk for OHSS, hence sometimes dr will advise the cycle to be canceled.

after my ET i moved to my mum's place for one wk so that i hv some help with my daughter, plus my mum has a maid so my meals/laundry etc are taken care of. my mum stays in landed and i also still climb up and down few times a day. i did walk quite slowly though but that is also not intentionally but cos i was quite bloated and still uncomfortable.

i also still carry my daughter, squat down to bath her at times (when she doesn't let my mum bath her).
i worried they will stress me, also if results nt ideal, i dun wan to disappoint them lor. Cos i did tell them i've no intention to hv baby le.. To stop them frm stressing me. Haha

we onli entitled 30 HL per yr. So anyting more will be consider NPL.
ineedmiracle : E2 high due to all the jabs &amp; stimulation, resulted in high numbers of eggs retrieved( i retrivd 32 eggs, of which 28 are matured). Hence, mild case of OHSS.

Hi grumps,

Its always assuring to hearing from you....eating soft boiled eggs and also climbing of stairs but still BFP.

I thought of taking it easy by carrying on life as normal and not to stressed myself up with 2WW. Hopefully still can BFP.....
