IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi westbb,

thanks for explaining too. Hopefully tomorrow, my progress will be better than today.

Hi tomatoes,

Is it??? Great!!! So must take good care of yourself, ok? Today is how many days past transfer???

Hi Chemistry, Dang, westbb,

what did you use? gonal-F or puregon? thanks.

Hey tomatoes,

Is it true? wow! i'm so happy for you, congratulations!!! take care.

Congratulations! Very happy for you.
Hi Gals

Thanks for all your wishes.

Just came back from my RE's clinic. Yes, he confirmed that I am preggie now and ask me to have complete bedrest over the long weekend. He will see me next Tue again to see if my beta level has increased. Today is my 8dpt.

Actually I dun want to be too happy yet 'cos I want to see my beta levels next Tue first. Hopefully, it will rise to a good level.

For the rest of you out there, hang on there and you will surely see your BFP soon!
Hi Chemistry

No need to save $$ lah, b'cos everything is much more cheaper at KKH compared to what westbb and myself have been paying at pte hospital. Sometimes when I think of it, I really feel my heart burning.

Your follicles will surely grow well. I remember my last scan before the retrieval - there was a follicle which was 25mm.
Hi tomatoes,

But your $$ is sure worth spending right?
Actually, if can suceed, i also dun mind paying. So far how much hve u paid for your ICSI?

Hi berry,

I'm using puregon.
Hi forgetmenot, SSL, poohy

Thnaks for your wishes too

Actually I dun feel preggie at all. Just got occasional mild cramps and keeps burping. Dun know what to expect but just wait for my 2nd beta test next Tue and see how.

Hi Chemistry

I paid about $12K++ for my ICSI.
hi tomatoes,
same here..i oso dun feel preggie..i think cos still in early stages..
but i do hve occassional cramps..n i do burp alot...
u take care hor...
Hi Tomatoes,
wow great news! congrats. try to prob up your legs with a pillow, the nurse told me this will help to regulate blood flow to our womb and promote baby growth. When you get up from lying down, don't jerk up suddenly, turn to the side and support with your arms while getting up.
so happy for you!
Hi maltbibi
Thanks for your wishes. Your turn will come very soon too

Hi forgetmenot
You take care too
Btw, who is your gynae now?

Hi Cherry
Thanks for your suggestions. Will try to practise them
Hi Tomatoes,

I have to post again as i'm just so happy for you. You better follow your RE's order to have a good bedrest this long weekend, okay?
Hi Tomatoes,
I am so happy fo U !!!!! How come u tested on 8dpt?I was told to only test 2 weeks after. Now I am tempted to test .....
Hope I also get good news!
Hi forgetmenot

I will stick to my RE at least for 1st trimester to make sure every thing is ok. Then I might consider switching 'cos I think my RE is more to reproductive medicine. But my hubby wanted me to stick with him throughout. See how lor, thing are still so early and everything is not stablised yet.

Hi berry

Thanks. I will try to follow my RE's order but I really cannot tahan all day lie on bed. But I also tell myself for the sake of bb, will stay at home.

Hi dang99

My RE is always a very careful person. He wanted to know if there are any sign of pregnancy by doing an early bloodtest. This way, he can actually do whatever he can to make sure I have all the hormones needed to sustain the pregnancy. Actually b4 I did the bloodtest last Fri, I did use a HPT that morning and there was a faint +ve also.

I will pray for you that you get your BFP soon
Hi tomatoes,

Let me ask you again to make it clear, after your transfer you have to go to RE every two days for E2/blood test? Is it the one called BETA? Like Dang, i thought, you will just go back after 2 weeks for the blood test.

Dang99, good luck to you too. You'll have BFP soon, if tomatoes can test and see a faint positive on 8dpt, then, you can do it now too :)
Hi berry

After my transfer, I was asked to go back every 2 or 3 days to check my Estrogen and Progesterone levels. It was only on 8 dpt that my RE included the beta test as well.

Hi Chemistry

How was your scan on sat? When will you be going your retreival?
Hi tomatoes,

My scan on Sat is ok. This time, my follicles are bigger liao, most of them have exceeded 12mm. My gynae was there to review my case too. He just say my condition is "good" and I was told to continue with the jabs, at a lower dose 250iu for another 3 days. Tomorrow will have to go back for a scan again before they determine when to do the egg retrival. Dunno why, for the last 3 days, i have been feeling very lethargic, and tired. Guess must be the effect of the jabs... can't wait for the day to do my egg retrival!

So tomorrow u going for another beta test? Must update us ok.

Hey CT,

I was looking at the IVF chart which the nurse gave during the counselling. Noticed after the egg transfer, have to go back to KKH 3X for blood test is it? Any idea, what's that test for? Also, how many time do u have to go to KKH for the jabs after egg transfer?
Hi tomatoes

Congrats and I'm so happy for you. I'm sure everything would be smooth from now onwards as you've already gone through a lot of emotional and physical stress. I'm now seeing Dr Loh SF at KKH instead of Prof Chen. Hubby still has reservations about Prof Chen and have a hard time trying to persuade him all the time. He seems more open to Dr Loh. Starting my jabs today.
Hi tomotoes, CT, Westbb and all IVF buddies,

Just went for my scan this morning, and gynae has confirm me for the egg retrival on thursday. I will be taking the HCG jab tonight.

I didn't get to know how many potential follicles I have. But when I was doing the scanning, heard I got 7-8 on right ovary and 9-10 on the left ovary, smallest at 9-10mm while most are aroung 16-20mm. Hopefully, they will grow bigger today.

Hi Melody,

Are u doing for IVF/ICSI at kkh as well? I'm with Dr SF Loh too. U starting the down regulation jab today?
Yes doing the IVF/ICSI at kkh. Just returned to office from kk. STarted on Lucrin today. Is that called the down regulation jab? Nurse showed me how to jab and was very nervous to jab myself. After the jab felt embarrased as it was quite painless. I hope it feels like that for the rest of the days.
Hi Chemistry,

Best of luck for your retrieval and transfer. Have plenty of rest.

Hi Melody,

Yes, it is quite painless for the rest of the days, no worries.

big congrats! do take good care of yourself and bb

Hi Melody,

hey, we start our IVF cycle on the same day, today. So we got company liao.. I am with Dr CT Yeong, my hubby jab for me this morning, check with you, can we jab at night instead of morning? i forgot to ask the nurse...
Chemistry, your scan result sounds very good, congrats! all the best to your retrieval this thurs!

tomatoes, how's ur beta test today?

what a rainy afternoon, wish i was zzz-ing at home...
hi novem

glad to know i've got company. my hubby didn't come with me today. must go back and teach him how to do it. i didn't check with the nurse whether can jab at night. what she mentioned was that everyday jab around the same time. in the bottle its stated to jab in the morning. better to check with the centre whether ok to jab at night.
Hi Chemistry

Wow! You b doing the retrieval this Thu! So excited for you. The measurement and no. of follicles are very good leh... Do try to relax these 2 days
All the best and keep us update hor!

Hi novem & Melody

Thanks for your wishes
It is always good to have company and both of you have each other now. All the best to both of you too!

Melody, dun worry, I am sure Dr Loh is as good as Prof Chen. You are in good hands
Btw, if you can, you might wish to abstain from the list of food that Prof Chen gave me the other time (do you have it?). He told me b4 that the list food will decrease our chances in IVF. So if can, just try lor.

Hi westbb

My beta today is 207, up from 22 on last Fri. My RE is happy with the numbers but still order me stay at home for this week. Haiz... I am really bored at home. Hope you all can come more often to chit chat with me.

Westbb, I sometimes feel in my tummy area that my AF is going to come soon. Is it normal? I am very worried also.
tomaotes, congrats again!! u and your hubby must be very happy now
do u mean those AF-like cramps, i experienced them quite often during the early days too, even now occasionally i still feel it and will always send my thoughts going wild until it goes away.
Hi Westbb
Thanks for your wishes
Yes, we are happy but also worried
I guess it is only natural.

I do have mild AF cramps at times. But normally after a full meal, I will experience pressure in my tummy area as though AF is coming any time. So nowadays I try not to eat too full. On the other hand, maybe I am thinking too much ;p
Hi Melody,

really good to have a buddy along the way
my hubby learn how to jab on me last friday, it's me still haven't learn how, i think i will learn this weekend, weekdays too rush in the morning, that's why i ask you whether can jab at night or not loh..

are you going kkh for scan and blood test on 30th? the lucrin jab is quite cheap, i think it's the stimulation jab that's costly right?

Hi Tomatoes,

i actually dun really know what Beta means, at what level means you are preggie? and how's your diet like? bcos normally i only eat seafood and chicken, if can not eat chicken, is it alright to eat all seafood, as i seldom eat pork.. one more thing,,is it ok to eat dairy products like cheese, mike and yogurt? did prof chen mention abt this? sorry leh, ask so many questions...
Hi novem

Normally down regulation jab needs to be jab before 8.30am every morning. Yes, it is the stimulation drug that is the expensive part. But I am sure it is still much cheaper than pte hospital.

Beta level must be at least 20 to confirm a pregnancy. My diet during the IVF program is mostly pork/fish/seafood and veggie. Not much variety as soya bean products also cannot eat. I think dairy products are ok to consume. My RE never ask me not to eat those.

Feel free to ask any questions, no need to be pai-seh
Hi westbb

Thanks for your wishes, hope the nos they pick up is higher on Thursday. Actually, i tot it was still early for pick up cos remember Dang say that must be at least 18mm. I only got a few exceed 18mm, and the rest are within 14-16mm. But Dr say can, just trust him loh.

Hi tomatoes,

Good to know your beta has gone up!! Must listen to doc, stay at home and don't walk around ok? Ask your hubby to rent some VCD for you to watch, time will pass very fast one.

BTW, i just came back from kkh. Went to take the HCG jab. The needle so long... really scares me off!!! They jab on my tights but b4 the nurse do that my leg already soft liao!!! Now my tight still got that crampy feeling!!
Hi Tomatoes

Glad to hear that you are progressing well

Try to rest more at home lah.watch more TV or read magazines lah. mmm.. maybe can start reading motherhood magazine liaoz..
Hi Tomatoes,

tks for your adv...ya pte hospital is more expensive, but you are getting a more personalised service, and most important thing is you get what you most wanted - your bb ma

this morning, after the first Lucrin jab, that area became very red for a while, is it normal?
Hi chemistry
You so cute! You leg became soft when taking the HCG jab. Hee!
Use a warm towel to dab on your tights, you will feel better.

I have finished all the magazines in my home liao. So now I am really rotting at home.

Hi novem
Are you jabbing your Lucrin on your tummy area? Yes, it is normally for the first few times. After that, you will feel nothing. Btw, sometimes if you poke into your blood vessels, it might become blueblack, but that's alright. Just rub the area in circular motion and it will go away
Hi Tomatoes,

the numbers are really great, continue resting, read or surf, call somebody and talk on the phone for hours
I will surely follow your RE's food recommendation. How about beef? did he say something about it? i'm eating more of beef than pork, though i've totally avoided chicken now. Thanks.

Hi Chemistry,

I didn't know that it's on the thigh, it must be painful? Pls. do let us know how it goes on your retrieval, take care.

Hi Novem and melody,

You can also press hard the area for a few seconds first before jabbing to make it numb.
Hi berry

Yes, beef is ok too, as long as it is not chicken. Btw, do eat more of egg white. It will helps for during the stimulation stage. That's what I did during the program too

There is no one to call. All my friends are working too. So this is the only place where I can communicate. I am really pathetic hor? Luckily, I still have you all around. Hope you all still welcome me in this thread ;p
hi Tomatoes & berry,

tks for the tips

when it's my turn, i will spend the all day watching cantonese drama series, ha ha ha...

Hi Chemistry,

how long you intend to stay at home after the egg retrival? too bad KKH can get max. 10 days (include HL and MC)only
Hi Novemn,

Will stay home for 10 days. After that, if I feel ok, I will go back to work. Actually, I quite worried abt my work when I'm away, but I think it's important not to get stressed up after the transfer, so I decided to take the full 10 days MC loh.
Hi Everyone,
Today is 10 days after my embryo transfer day and I feel absolutely no preganancy symptons. No backache, no mild cramps , nothing! Really getting very worried.
Tomatoes, West BB... did u hav any symptons before u tested positive?
I actually did a HPT this morning and as expected its negative. I am using this new Digital Clearblue Kit tt either state PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT on the digital display... no blue lines to look at(so no faint blue line too!)Maybe I should jus get the normal HPT so I can hav the blue lines to look at.
Now am quite sad .....
Maybe I'll test again on Sunday. I will be going for my pregnancy blood test on Monday and the waiting is really killing me!!!!
Should hav taken my hubby advise not to do the HPT..cos now I'm really worried.

Hope ur doing fine. Have a good rest!
Hi Dang99,

I haven't been to all these so it's easier to advice...he he....don't worry yet, it's too early, plus your HPT has no lines to look at, better the normal one, at least a faint line will appear. I remember Micky (another successful IVF) said that she has no symptoms at all, so cheer up, too early. Still have lots of hope. Did you go for every other day blood test like tomatoes? to check your estrogen/progesteron level?
Hi dang99

Do not use set me as example that 8dpt, sure can see faint +ve if preggie. Some people get it slightly earlier and some slightly later. What I want to say is that I dun want you all to be disappointed or feel sad unneccessarily.

Do not use this -ve as reference, it may be too early for you to test. I also dun have any preggie symptons b4 I tested positive. But I do have giddiness, headache and nausea after I started my estrogen tablets (nurse told me I will have these symptons after taking the pills).

Even today, I do not have any obvious preggie symptons except for occasional mild cramps and pulling sensation at my tummy area. Other than that, nothing at all. Sometimes I still wonder if I am really pregnant...??

So continue to take good care of yourself and stay positive

dun get discouraged... wait for the blood test. Its the most accurate to determine positive or negative. Sometimes even hpt also not accurate cos ... u may implant later, beta level not detectable yet, and there are even some ladies who somehow, their hcg never go into their urine... so their hpt will always be negative and pregnancy can only confirm with blood test ... do cheer up!
Hi Gals,

Finally, i have got over the egg retrieval process today. I was so KS... got my hubby to bring along plastic bag and sour plum in case i vomit. But ended up he was not allow into the OT and resting lounge. Luckily, the anesthesia has no side effect on me.

Anyway, I got 19 eggs retrieved! Was so surprised with the nos cos they only found 17 follicles on Tues and some were pretty small which I doubt can mature. Hence, I was hoping for abt 10 eggs only. Hopefully the quality of the egg are reasonable. I will be going back for my egg transfer on Sat.

Hi dang,

Shouldn't conclude with just 1 test. That day when i was waiting for my scan, there was this lady, think she got -ve, but the radiologist say it looks like early pregnancy from the scan. So don't feel discourged, wait for the beta results.

Hi Chemistry

Congratulations on your 19 follicles retrieved!
Whooa!!! That's alot of eggs...

Have a good rest these 2 days to prepare for Sat. More eggs means more chances... So happy for you
