IVF/ICSI Support Group

I believe when they say crab is toxic is like those people with serious illness and just had op cant take crab.. Its the same for prawn.. Shell type seafood etc..
So if we are already taking prawn.. I believe crab should be fine also.. I also feels like having those crab meehoon claypot.. Black pepper crab... Hee..

If u worried then maybe dont eat too much at one go or eat too often..
if going out, make sure your DH accompany you. Now you are the queen in the family leh, so enjoy that priviledge. My mummy say eat crab, next time baby can't sit still, hyperactive. And i love crabs, so DH warn me no crabs if i ever get preg. So i must eat all before i ever reach ET stage. =)

i have a question here. During the start of lucrin till after 2ww, are we not allowed to have any sex? I remembered kkivf nurse told me safe sex before lucrin, then i din ask more le...
hmmm it is advised to abstain during 2ww but during lucrin/stimulation, its ok to hv intercourse
Mine is FET and I'm with Kkivf. Occasional cramps tat lasted secs too. My ET was 18th le. Think cos it's a sun do I go down on mondAy
this is wat it says on my ivf pamphlet. dun ask me why cos i never ask my dr why :p

1) during OCP and Lucrin
you and your husband need to use barrier protection (condom) during sexual intercourse.

2) Stimulation
During this phase, you may have your usual pattern of sexual relations

3) Embryo transfer (ET)
There is no restriction on food, work or activity during this period, including sexual intercourse. Resting in bed more than the usual has not been shown to increase the success rates.
Thanks pink-destiny and grumpus.

<u>So before and during Lucrin</u>
- must have protection

<u>During Stimulation/ Before ER</u>
- normal/ usual sexual relation, i.e. no need protection?

<u>After ET</u>
Every as per normal.
the pamphlet mentioned that resting more than usual has not shown to increase the success rates? hmmm...

Any ladies here who did not rest well during 2ww, still working, but successful in ivf?
pink destiny,
yup, no. 3 refers to period after ET, i.e. 2ww.

yup, i read it as during stimulation no need protection.
i'm with raffles hospital, my dr doesn't believe in bed rest. just as long as u dun over exert. in fact she only issues one wk HL after ET. meaning 2nd wk of 2ww will go back to work already.
i didn't take HL cos i'm not working. everyday i still cook for my daughter, feed her, bathe her and send her to school. only thing is hb will dabao our food and do the grocery shopping.

but i transferred 3 embbies and only preggie with 1. some ladies here practise full bed rest for 2ww and get twins/multiples lor.
Never buy.. Cos went pecfect mum and spring but nthing nice..

One big claw is ok lah.. I want to eat a whole crab lor. Haha
i will be using govt subsidies so only can transfer 2 embbies...telling DH if only we can have 3, but he tells me if fated to have, even 1 embbies also will strike. DH is always very optimistic. I'm the worrier. Mayb he always so 乐观 thats why sometimes feel him bit of bochup and not enthu. Dh always complain I'm very hard to please....haiz..

I guess some exercise is good. I believe is a balance - exercise and rest. As long we don't tired ourself can le. Your elder ger also via ivf?
ineedmiracle: haha same lor. we are worriers and hubbies happy go lucky and optimistic!
when i transferred 3 embies, he feared we strike triplets...while i worry it wun be successful
Grumpus, dun tempt me le......

Baby, was thinking of going suntect next week to see as there are a few shops there and also check out muji at marina square coz heard they have maternity wear there. Perfect mum not nice ar, my colleague just pass me the discount card.
Ladies, jus happened to pop in here. About the crab, i went to see tcm at TMC before discharged from hospital n we asked about taking crab during confinement n also during pregnancy.
According to the tcm, the legs of the crab has toxic/substance that will caused miscarriage. BUT.. She also said how about those fishermen that can't avoid taking crab as part of their meals n they still can carry baby normally.
So the advice is if your pregnancy is weak please avoid.
my mum always say, if it's yrs it's yrs, if it's not yrs, no matter wat u do also won't be yrs.

my elder girl was conceived naturally with the help of clomid. i took clomid for 6 months, only ovulate twice, 2nd time strike already.
this time i took clomid for one yr, only ovulate abt 4 times but never strike so we moved on to ivf cos my clomid dosage max liao. got preggie on 1st fresh cycle.

so it's all fated one..
vi4n, hmm...ok will take note abt the crabs. prawns ok? i have been eating prawns quite regularly as i dun take much meat now.

Agree with Grumpus. During my fresh cycle, i took 19 days of HL but somehow didn't have very positive feeling and that cycle not sucessful. This time, i only took 9 days HL, went back to work on D10 but i had a more carefree attitude and somehow felt positive and really BFP.
yah lor. all fated one...

Maybe becos staying at home for 2 weeks, nothing to do, so have alot of negative thinking, which i believe will inderectly affect our body. Whereas after resting a week, then finding other things to do, let us have lesser time to have negative thoughts bah.

when i told DH wanna put 3 embbies next time, he so scared wait all strike.. haiz...we put more to increase chance but guys tink otherwise. haha

you have to find something to occupy your mind, so that time flies faster for you while you are resting at home.

Ladies from KKIVF, can I check what determines the length required for Lucrin? On the paper schd given to us, it's written 2-4weeks. This is suppression stage right? So they will scan to see if enough suppression? Does it mean that regardless of how long your cycle may be, suppression will start on D21?
there should be a BT scheduled approx. 2 wks after u start lucrin. the BT will test certain hormones plus a scan to determine lining thickness which will determine if u can move on to stimulation.

did u also take oral contraceptive pills starting abt D2 after yr last menses? if u did then that will regulate the cycle and allow u to start suppression on D21
Gan: i failed my recently fresh cycle &amp; currently on queue for Dr appt only next month.

How many months apart do i have to wait to do e FET? Issit a standard for KKH to issue 9days HL for FET? i am so worry that i will be 'FIRED' by my boss if my HL continues...
I also eat prawn like nobody business... Haha..
I find no reason not to eat prawn le..

I find pecfect mum variety very little... And it look quite traditional.. So i personally dont like..
I will go for normal wear with bigger sizes or dresses instead of maternity wear... But i thk i will get maternity pants...
Hi all,

I will be embarking on my medicated FET soon. Will be starting my lucrin jabs today, but only stopping ocp on 4 Jul. Just to check roughly how long it will take to get the lining to the right thickness. thanks.
I didn't really rest well during my 2ww (Natural FET). I did housework, cooked, took care of a toddler, played wiifit, took cold drinks, etc. 

After ET, I went home and washed the yard floor. I striked twins ~ a boy and a girl. They just turned 1 month
Phoenix, when i failed my Dec fresh cycle, Dr Loh said i can start my FET using Feb menses, that will be the 2nd menses cycle not counting the menses i had immediately after the failed cycle.

When i started the FET, nurse told me only 1 day MC, i was surprised loh so asked how come fresh can have 19 days, FET only 1, the nurse said because fresh we had a lot more hormones injections an we went thru ER. But on ET day, nurse actually asked how many days of HL i wanted, so i told her 9 days. so guess there is no standard. i know some sisters took HL to BT day, some took 1 week etc.

Tokkie, depends on ur reaction and hormones level, i knew some on their first scan their lining was the right thickness, i.e. around D14 of their cycle. Mine was not good, i had to go for 3 scans to finally reach the minimum thickness. I only did my ET on D27 i think of my cycle.

Baby i definitely need maternity pants for my work. now i am wearing those bigger sizes dresses but i find myself looking very sloppy.

I've not started on my IVF yet. It's schd for Aug. However I was trying to calculate when the ER/ET will be. Also, cos my cycle is usually 5-week long. That's y I was wondering how to decide how long to suppress. I was only told to call them Day 1 of AF for Aug. Nothing abt bcp. I'm concerned cos with the 5-week cycle, does that mean I will need longer lucrin jabs? Aiyo...hope to minimize jabs as much as possible.
Hello Gan / Ladies,

I was advised by my Dr. to stop tcm meds during IVF program. I assumed that I should stop the tcm meds once I start suppression and only continue with acupuncture?.
if they ask u to call D1 of AF then most likely u'll start on ocp first then lucrin. dun worry, i dun think yr longer cycle will affect the length of lucrin jabs cos it all depends on how u react to the lucrin.
i hv non existent AF leh, i had to take noristherone to induce AF, then take ocp to for 21 days then start lucrin. so i think how long yr natural cycle is should not make a difference.
pink-M: how are you?
my main parish is Holy Family...but I usually go ard a few parishes in the east... :p
im NOT bloated at all...called Ning and she said my E2 level on Sat was more than 10,000...so no need hCg...tmr shall see how...
Hi Syrah... I am now on my D4 of Puregon, D27 into Lucrin. I think it all depends on individual. Don't worry as I used to get sleepless nites before the jabs but the sisters here were so sweet... they were telling me that "no scare"
Daylesford, i didn't see a TCM during my fresh cycle but during my FET, i went for weekly accu. I think accu is perfectly fine as it promotes blood circulation.
I know dr loh doesn't like TCM during IVF. coz when i asked him abt taking TCM for my FET, he said i should stop the TCM when i start my hormone pills.
Gan, Thanks for your inputs. I am with Dr Cheng and he suggested that I should stop TCM during IVF program as well but I have forgotten to ask if I should stop when i start my pills. Anyway Will ask Dr Zou exactly when I should stop the the tcm meds. Coping well with your pregnancy ?
hi gers... back from a short trip overseas... feel tired but glad that able to go out of spore even if its nearby or just for a short while

but I've been not guai .... ate lots of iced items .... so bad !!! now trying to be a good girl n stick to warm drinks...

7th July is collection date for my Lucrin! I also intend to stop all tcm herbs when injection of hormones. but I'll still continue my acupuncture
Hi ladies, I was told to start gonal-f of 375 units. Seems to be quite high dosage hor. May I ask what is the dosage usually?and what determine the dosage?
Daylesford thanks. I am getting on fine but just discovered i became a merlion after i took milk or yogurt these 2 days. it's kind of weird for me to start puking only now coz i am in my week 12 now. i think pple's morning sickness starts earlier like week 6.

Dr Zou may tell u it's ok to continue with the tcm but take it 2 hours apart from the pills from Dr Cheng. All the best to you!
