IVF/ICSI Support Group


Thanks ... I will test tonight. Will update all of you once I've got good news!


yap i know in morning is better but hor I'm afraid if It's bad news then I will be too sad to come to work lah ... hahhaha at least at night have more time to recover ...
Hi Chemistry
Yah, I really reacted very strongly to the drugs... Too bad for me.

My embryo transfer is a 3 day interval. Maybe different RE will have different protocol.

Waiting to hear your good news soon

Hi Westbb
Thanks for your wishes. Before the embryo transfer, I oredi feel very bloated. Can't imagine what will happen after the transfer tomorrow.
Hi Tomatoes, good luck for tomorrow.

try not to buy the ClearBlue test kit. I used the Guardian one as was quite good. Good Luck and wait for your good news.

tomorrow "jia You"
, all the best to your transfer, don't worry too much,k . we all waiting for your good news too.
Hi Ladies,
I went for my 2nd scan today and most of the follicles are only at 17.5mm, so have to come back tomorow again for another scan. Apparently , the follicles mus be at least 18mm before they can do the retrieval. So have to wait another day... a bit stressed cos I tot tt I cn do the retrieval this Thurs or Friday cos hubby can accompany me. But looks like it will be Sat and I may hav to go to the hospital alone. So sad !!! But must stay positive so tt my eggs will be good ones!!! : )In hope tt I wont feel so bad after the retrieval!

CT, I'm so excited for you and good luck!!
Tomatoes, I hope everything goes well during your transfer!
Hi Ladies

Bad news!! It's negative!!! Not a single sign of positive ... I'm still ok as I'm mentally prepared. Though I really feel like having a big cry for the past 2 hours but there no tears ... I'm alright, still able to take it .. luckily it's not as bad as I tot would be.

My heart's really painful now .... finally as I type this message my 1st drop of tear start flowing down ... it's really so disappointing. Nvm I'll try again. I know some of you may say it's may be too early to test but I know myself ... It's not going to happen unless there's a miracle from now till this Sat.

Ladies, I'm sorry if I've affected your mood. Tomatoes, Dang99, chemistry ... you all must Jia You ok ... You must succeed to give me more confidence ok. I will be ok after a good night sleep tonight. Once my cycle is back to normal and my finances is ok ... I'll try again.

When are you going for your beta test? I just think that it is not the end of hope yet. Let the beta level decides. Though it is good to be mentally prepared but dun think too negatively yet.

Your chance is definitely still there....

My beta test is on this Sat ... I dun think there's chance. remember I've also been taking HCG shot last week ... I think I've really failed.
Dun think so much now. Must take care of your health. What is you are really preggie now? Your sadness will affect your bb. Wait till the beta level are out then you think of what is the next step.

Have a early rest tonite. We will always be around for you

do wait till the beta test before drawing conclusions... sometimes the hcg produced is really not high enough. It really depends on when implantation occur. So do hang on *hugz
CT, *hugz* wait until Sat morning and try test again? Maybe at night the hcg level not so concentrated leh!
CT, agreed with the rest of the gals, don't give up yet, you have come so far. hang in there and wait for the beta results. its still too early to draw conclusions.
dear CT, wait until Sat, maybe something will turn up. But be prepared. GOod to hear that you are holding up well. Let's put it this way, I think we all know that chnaces are only abt 30%, not very high, let's be realistic. Just try again if this round don't wk out. Give your best to this procedure before giving up.....
Hi CT,

Yah... it's still early to conclude that u have failed. Afterall, AF have not show face too. Maybe it good to wait till the beta test. If u read another thread, forgetmenot also keep getting negative result, even at KKH. The positive line only showed up many days later. Their is still hope & I'll pray hard for u!
Hi CT, pls dun despair..Perhaps your hcg level is too low at the pt of testing. Pls wait till your beta result. Perhaps you may hear good news.
Hi CT,
Pls dun give up yet...i tested negative the 1st time,n i thot is gone case liao..but who noes i got my positive one week later...

so dun give up,okie...
Thanks so much Ladies ... Ok I'm trying my best to think positive. I'm also praying hard for miracle to happen ... Thanks a lot for all your encouragement.
Hi CT,
Please dont giv up and pray for the best!!! All of us will pray for u! Take care.

I wen for my scan again this morning and will hav the egg retrieval this Sat. The good news is , my follicles are finally ready. But the bad news is I may hav to use frozen sperm for my ICSI, cos hubby cant be around on Sat, he has to be outstation. : (
The embroylogist assured us tt it is still ok to use frozen ones. Any one of you ladies used frozen sperm and succeed? Im so nervous and really hope that its okay.
Keep on telling myself to think positive and hope for the best no matter what : )
dang99, i used frozen sperms and succeeded very luckily. best of luck to u!!

tomatoes, how was ur transfer? how many did u transfer? any left to freeze?
Hi All
I finally came home after a long day. During the procedure, I was so nervous that my RE said the caterer keeps bouncing out due to my contractions of the uterus :p

Well, 3 grade-one (best in the scale of 1-5) embryos was implanted and another 4 grade-one and 2 grade-two embryos were frozen.

Felt really crampy and tired after a long day. Not much appetite today also.
HI Tomatoes

Pls remember to take good care of yourself cos it maybe a crucial period now.

so do u need to go back to see Prof again?

Yes, I need to see him every 2 days to monitor my hormones level. Tomorrow, I intend to propose o him if I can see him every 3 days instead 'cos its too tiring for me. Scarly pregnant also become not pregnant b'cos of the stress of travelling (**Touch Wood**)


Are you feeling better today? Same old words - dun think so much now and wait for your beta results first. We will all pray for you here
Hi dang99

All the best to your retrieval tomorrow. It is definitely ok to use frozen sperms
There are no scientific reseach proven that frozen sperms are worse off than fresh sperm.

Btw, do have someone to accompany you there. I would not advise you to go alone. As least, you will have someone to take care of you when you are resting

Best wishes and do keep us updated again

Tat's very good news ... you have so many good quality embryos!! So happy for you.

I'm definitely heart broken but it's not too bad .. I still can handle it.

I think I got no hope liao as I have brown spotting since yday evening ... think AF will show face anytime now.

I'm already planning when I would want to start my 2nd IVF ... probably after the CNY. Btw, do you have a breakdown of the whole procedure bills ... I thinking if I want to switch to other hospital as I think in KKH the protocol used is very different and the service is also not so personalised. But I have to consider the financial factor thus need your help to advise what will be the bill like in pte clinics.


How about you? Do you have a breakdown of the bills?

yes I tot of trying him but $$ is a problem. I have to know roughly how much cash I need to fork out to decide.
Hi tomatoes,

That's good news... u have very good quality embryos. Did u use frozen sperm for the ICSI? Other than having to see your RE every 2 days, did your RE give u any other medication to be taken daily? Now u must take good care of yourself!

Today I'm starting my stimulation jab... very excited abt it. Can i check how long do u have to take the stimulation jab?

Hi Dang,

All the best to your procedure tomorrow. Yah,pls don't go alone. Think they will only discharge u if someone is there to take u home.

Hi CT,

Go for your beta test results tomorrow and see what Dr Loh say first. Don't think so much now.

I will still got for the beta test but I doubt I will have a chance to see Dr Loh ... The beta test result will only be out in the afternoon.
Hi Chemistry
Great to hear that you have started your stimulation jabs. After about 10-14 days, you will be ready for your egg retreival liao

For me, my RE gave me Crinone cream (progesterone) to insert into my vaginal 2x every day. My embrologist also reminded me continue not take the list of food that my RE has given my when I started this program till 1st trimester is over. He also ask me not to exert myself in any case. He said the next one week is very important.
tomatoes, u have a lot of good quality eggies and even many to freeze, wah very good. sounds very promising leh! congrats!

CT, yes i have the bills at home, let me go home and dig out.

dang99, all the best to ur retrieval tomorrow. like what other girls said, pls have someone to at least pick you up, cos some people may not feel very comfortable after that due to the sedating medicine.
Hi westbb

After your embryo transfer, how did you feel after that before you tested +ve? Me feel nothing now leh... only occasionally very minor cramps.

Is it ok to move bowels ah? Sorry for asking such silly question ;p
Hi hopeformiracle

The food restriction might be only for IVF patients. But I think one main food that you should avoid now is chicken. The rest should be ok for ladies who are TTcing.

Just to share with you what I was told not to eat/do during the program:

1) Chicken
2) Multivitamins
3) Alcohol
4) All Chinese herbs
5) Ginger
6) Soya Bean products
7) Bean Curd
8) Bird Nest
9) Noni Juice
10) No Hair Chemical treatment ( Like rebonding, colouring etc)
11) No Heavy make up
12) No excercise
Hi gals,

I just start my 1st stimulation jab and was asked to inject 300iu of Puregon! Seem like my dosage is very high, probably due to my high FSH. Hubby is also given anti-biotics to take for a week. Did your hubby take anti-biotics before the egg retrival stage?
CT, here was my bill:
IVF Package - $4400
ICSI - $1000
Anesthetician for retrieval - $200
Insurance for 3 embryos - $665
Embryo freezing - $1015
Medicine - too many separate bills to consolidate, anyway it varies from individual to individual. As a guage - most ex medicine is Gonal-F ($70 per 75IU). The other ex shots are like HCG shot for final maturation of eggs ($240.00) and Cetrotide to prevent early ovulation ($285). There are also 2 wks support medicine after the transfer (abt $300-400+). Everything still have to plus GST.

tomatoes, i think i didn't have much so-call symptons, only cramps like what u say. and my cramps felt like AF cramps, so that time also felt no chance liao.
HI Tomatoes

aiyor, still have to go back so often ah... pls take extra care of. if need be, take taxi lor. dont rush here and there.

Thanks for the cost breakdown.

Btw, who's your gynae? Do you have his email address?

Hi Ladies

My AF is especially heavy this time and I'm experiencing the most painful period since many years ... My back is so suan till I cannot sleep well ... I really dun feel like going for the beta test. Do you think it's ok?

Yes .. my hubby was given antibotics at that time too. Btw, 300iu I think it's good. I'm on 200iu and I did not result in many eggs.

Btw, when will you be going back for your 1st scan?

Sorry to know that you are experiencing heavy AF. The nurse did told me b4 that even if AF is here, u are still required to go back to kkh as they would do some test to ensure there is to pregnancy outside the womb or in the tube.

Im going back next friday for the scan. I have quite a high FSH, near 10 and so Dr give me higher dose as normal dose may not yield many eggs. Just hope that my body "zhen qi" and work hard with the medication.
Hi Chemistry

My RE would prefer to start with high dosage and adjust accordingly later. For me, I started with 300iu of Gonal F. My RE said it will "squeeze" out all eggs initially and he will grow them slowly after that.

Anyway, different RE will have different idea.

You must take good care. As what chemistry has said, it is safer to go for your beta just in case. After that, have a good rest at home and talk your RE a few days later.


Thanks for your concern. Yah, I am taking cab like nobody business (heartpain with $$). My hubby said he will pay, so I just take lor..
CT, my icsi gynae was Dr LC Cheng from Thomson. Sorry i don't have his email address, but u can give the clinic a call, the nurses there are very friendly and helpful one. This is the website http://www.thomsonmedical.com/tfc_main.htm I'm relieved to know that u are coping well. did u have any frozen eggs? Will not be so expensive if using thawed eggs cos u don't need to spent on the very expensive stimulation drugs.

tomatoes, how r u feeling so far? i also very heartpain to take taxi one, but my hubby always tell me "already spend so much liao, what is that amount spend on taxi fare to make sure everything is safe?" :p

dang99, how's ur retrieval today?

Hi Westbb

How's your bb doing?

My tummy is bloated and only have occasional mild cramps. Other than that, nothing. Now I am starting to feel fail liao.

Is there anything during the next one week that I should be careful about?

Just now, when I went to visit my RE, I saw one IVF couple in his clinic with twins, somemore 1 boy and 1 girl. Me so very envy.... I think it really takes 1 in a million to achieve that.

Hee! Our hubby really think alike in terms of the cab fares.

Btw, it is a must to buy that IVF insurance huh? Super heartpain... about $700 for 3 embryos.

Hi dang99
Yah, how was your retreival today? Do have a good rest
