IVF/ICSI Support Group

tks gals..
im really very happy and glad tht i have u all here, if not i really duno what to do jus nw..must be still crying abt mense..luckily nw i got the jab for support for 5 days.
tml i will be seeing my doc, not sure when will need to do another blood test...i got take the hcg report from them to keep..hehe..

Hi all,
AF is finally here on Day 33. I started my Lucrin jabs on Day 21 and thought it would never come.
I rang up the nurse at KKH and she said it makes no difference if AF arrives or not during this stage.
Anyway, I'm going for my scan on 17 June. Hope all goes well so that I can proceed with Stage 2.
ya..coz tis morning i totally no mood when i saw full fresh blood when wake up and I thot really no chance at all...
jyjy and do get plenty of rest..
Bal: rest well ok
pink: come to think of it ... Always meet u at my care appts
u told ning about the needles? So how to resolve it ?
nm: she asked me to hold the syringe to prevent it fr moving haha...indeed we always meet. when is ur next appt?
this week i am there on alternate days man...
ladies, i had a huge scare yesterday. Woke up at 6am to use toilet, and saw red! Was so shaken, then i woke hubby up n said, i must go to TMC now. waiting for the doctor to come in was the longest hour i've been thru... It wasn't even spotting, it was full on red. Thank God, my babies seem ok, heartbeat still going strong. Doc also couldn't find any source of bleeding inside uterine. He said cld be from cervix or vagina wall frm the crinone. But it was heavy, soaked up a pad yesterday morning. now, there is brown spotting, which they said is old blood so shld be ok. I pray that God will continue to protect my little ones. Amd staying in hospital now.

Gan, Tickles, when u had yr bleeding episode, how long did the spotting last?
working wife, did u walk alot or carry heavy things??

must rest alot..and do everything slow motion leh...

today i was told tht the trick to carry the babies as long as possible is not to be too active....and alot of rest... and for my case, i need progesterone support all the way until delivery...
tzac the 66% cld be the fragmentation, do u see like little bubbles on the cells? 2 of my embbies after thawing had that.

Akachan grading of embbie are based on the number of cells and also how even are the cells. If the cells form are even, i.e. Circular and similar in size, will be better grade. but dun worry too much abt grade, most impt is the embbie continue to divide and stick with u.

All the best to tzac and u
this mornin when wakeup is cover my whole pantyliner..after i bath n change, is those when i wipe, then have red blood, exactly like norm 1-2 days b4 i hv mense those type lo.
today is d14 after ER, my HCG is 67.1. e report shows tht more than 5 is preg..
working wife: have a complete gd rest!
working wife, before my first bleeding, i had slight brownish spotting already and suspected the bleeding was because i walk around, climb stairs as i was working. after the first bleeding, i had brownish spotting for around 5 to 6 days. Then following week, had another bleeding episode and this time was really alot as i felt the blood gushing down when i stand up. The brown spotting after that second bleeding lasted around 4 days.

Do have bed rest and take good care.
balroggal, i rem u had 14days hl? ask for extend hl or if not, mc to rest for anoth wk or two before goin to work. do rest well.
well, it looks like i may nd u to sprinkle sum babydust to me...=)
Hi all.
Could anyone tell me what is the difference between CARE and other gynae in hospital?

Have anyone of you heard about Dr Cheng Li Cheng and Noel Leong from TMC? Are they good? Which do you recommend?

My husband is having asthenoteratozoospermia... I really dont know who we should approach... we have been on chinese medicine for 1 year and no results... so now we have given up hope but hubby has just started trying acupuncture now.

I am really desperate for answer now as age is really not at my side...
nm, 1st tri is most crucial.. after tht.. pregnancy considered stable liao.. bt if its multiples, still hv to continue to be careful.
sun, CARE is a fertility specialist centre.. so all the patients get very detailed care in the ivf/iui process. unlike other gynaes, CARE does not see normal pregnancy patients.. so the focus is very much on helping us get pregnant and stabilising the pregnancy during 1st tri.
nm, i had tomato fried noodles and steam egg.. my dad cooked for me..hee...

feeling tired now...bt cannot sleep coz just eaten dinner..and next dose of utro is 1030pm....
Hi Pandawife.
Is there a need to get a recommendation before going to CARE? Do you mean after the 1st tri, the patient will have to go and find another normal gynae?

Do you know how much does the 1st consultation at CARE cost?

Hi Working wife,
are you seeing Dr Cheng Li Chang at TMC? How is this doctor? The manager of the clinic sounded quite fierce...
Prayhard : Not doing anything particular. Now on OCP until 4/7 as my doc is away for IVF conference. Hence, my cycle have to be delay. No TCM until start of cycle, as physician say now accupunture also no use. Only trying to drink more chicken soup till then.
hi Bal, happy that u managed to seek help on time...u must rest well, ok.

Ladies, i was tested 136 last fri and was called in for a retest today. retest at Day 20 post Embryo Replacement reads only 259.

to all Sisters undergoing the cycle, pls remain positive and have faith, ok.

to Sisters who've BFP-ed, working wife, pandawife, Gan etc, please rest well and enjoy the journey.

next appt is 6weeks 5days scan, is that the same for you gals? and what type of support are u on until the 1st scan? i'm given Duphaston and Folic Acid currently. and any advise on the Dos and Donts durning this period? and webpage that i can read on? is court shoes acceptable? pls advise. thanks
Sunstillshines : I was recommended to go to Noel Leong last year by my Gynae. But after 1 SO-IUI with him I left. coz his cost is quite steep and I dun really like the service and felt that I wasn't that well taken care of. Just my thots. But of coz I think there are ppl out there who loves this doc. Just my thots.
nm, yeah..struggling to stay awake now...napping now will affect my night time sleep later....

my babies very blessed...coz my parents very supportive ..today my appt w CARE was done quite last minute..they cancelled all their afternoon appts to send me for my jab.
sun, no need recommendation. u can just call CARE direct to make an appointment. bring along all ur medical records.

CARE works closely with Dr Paul Tseng (he is from TMC). during 1st tri, scans are done by him at CARE. after 1st tri, u can continue with him at TMC or pick ur own gynae.

sorry, i cannot remember how much is 1st consultation cost. Nm, pink, u gals remember?
ladies, my IVF is schedule in Aug but we have to call kkivf on 1st day of menses right?

I suddenly remembered last thu after sign consent form, the nurse ask me to call back on 1st day of menses, does she mean Jun/Jul/Aug? Are there any further tests before Aug IVF?
usu when we say Aug cycle, we meant basing on Aug mense. meaning u have to call the hospital when your mense report in Aug.
tests ought to be completed before you are referred for IVF, hence, no tests is required except the standard HIV test for you and hubby etc.

Sisters, anything to add on for Minako?
Tokkie, thanks for your info.

Pandawife, does CARE does SO-IUI? SO-IUI is super IUI? Do you think I should wait until AF comes before going to see Angela? In this way I can save some cost?
Pink, thanks for your info. This is so much cheaper than DR Cheng Li Chang... I was told on the phone, that he charges $165 for first consultation.
sun: yes CARE does IUI and SO-IUI. So-IUI is superovulation IUI, where drugs are given to stimulate more egg growth for hopefully, better success rates.
IVF cost abt $12-$14k minimal...CARE is private so there is no govt subsidies...but you can use medisave $6k for 1st try, $5k for 2nd try and $4k for 3rd try. These medisave subsidies can be used for IUIs and IVFs.
I'm fine Tigi n pink. Just minor discomfort only.
Lining, it was 10mm on sat, today I'm not too sure. Did not ask :).
They took 8 follicles wit 5 eggs. Will see how fertilization go?
Prof did my ER. I think he's back n could only do that not the morning. How was your scan Tigi?

This time round I wad not given the gas mask I think, just injection, recovered faster than last year.
Pink, Nuh is usually d3 transfer. So tentatively it's on thursday. Saw from post u went to care..how many follies do u have?
