IVF/ICSI Support Group

panda hihi...now u must have known i am super paranoid! heee....
i predict that when i return on Wed to scan, it wld be ard 10mm as well..coz on last Saturday (d4) it was6.4mm...today 8.1mm...almost growing on avergafe 1mm per day...
when do we count as final scan? day 11? my stimulation ends on 19/6, this coming Sat.
Hi Karen,

I have already hand over my job earlier scared that i went for mc.

Ur gynae is consultant. You have alreday spoken to your gynae? When and for what purpose?

anyone in 2ww and doing BT next week?

Ans : Me
i am in 2ww... Bt is on 23 June.. You do BT next week huh ? so exciting : ).... may i know which hospital are you with? ..... you got symptons or not ?: )

I am getting paranoid ..thinking abt it....so try to do some work to divert my attention.
yes, now is D5 for me... i dun hv alternate scansfrom d1 to d7 nw... only stated in the chart is 1st scan on D8, then 2nd scan on either D9 or D10 and 3rd scan on D11 or D12.. tat's all...

we keep each other posted of our development ya... keep each other motivated!

oh ya, i also feel my tummy more flabby with quite a no. of little holes.. hee

ok, tks i'll remeber to put into fridge and i think i'll be xtra careful 2.. tomolo i'll be busy.. cos hubby nt in town for a nite... still need to tke care of my gal... wow... sure no time to post liow...
Hi Lubna:

wow.. tat's gd tat u've tot of it earlier... we must reduce our work stress level to the the lowest if not zero... great!

i'v not spoken to my gynae on the day i embark on ivf journey... b4 tat i did see her for my papsmear results... i wonder when i'll see her again too... wonder if ER i'll see her again... cos this is my 1st ivf.. perhaps the other sistas here can enlighten us... ;)

if you r really not comfortable with ur gynae, pls call kkivf ya... to avoid any unnecessary stress during the process...
pink, u tink too much lah..hee.. try to "ping chang xin"..otherwise very stressful on urself...

actually...depends on the growth of ur follicles..biggest ones need to reach 18mm..then u r ready for ER... my D8 follicles were 14-16mm..then angela says i m ready for final scan by Dr Paul liao... if u response well to the drugs, stimulation might be shorter...
judebabe, i will b doing BT on 24 jun, one day after yours. me osso excited leh. I m with kkivf. Symptons-wise, only nauseous n burp pretty frequently. Oh yeah, back osso aching. Today is forst day back at work. Dunno isit becos the whole day sitting, now my back really aches. Dunno all these symptons gd or not as I understand that nauseous n burp are due to the medication. What about yourself? Are you on leave currently?
Oh stimulation can be cut shorter right? I thot die die must be a specific length...mine on chart states 11 days of stimulation...but body kiasu la...reacts fast...heee...wonder if it is too much Gonal-f??

u r right... i was so stressed I had no mood when I met my fren for lunch...was a delicious lunch buffet somemore but no mood to eat....thinking of FET i wanna cry man!

but with you ard as a living testimony of sucess I suddenly fee more assured!
I have 3 more scans to go...Wed, Fri and final one on Sat...
My biggest follie today is abt 12 or 13mm...
pink. ER/ET is just the beginning of the pregnancy journey leh...u must learn to cope with it well..coz after BFP liao, CARE will track ur ER/Prog/HCG for a period of time 2 times a week leh... tht one oso quite nerve wracking for me initally..coz 2x a week worry if the bt results are ok..hahah...

i tink my ER happened one day earlier than wht was on the schedule...

ok chill chill...*deep breath*
Erm my ER is scheduled on Mon...if ots earlier I wonder they can do it in Sun?
panda: Thanks for being ard...many many thanks!!
pink, dont tink too much! hehe..maybe u will be right on schedule... dunno if they can do on sun...

u go find something to do to distract urself? ur stress will affect the follicles and lining hor....
hey...i oso went for interview before my ER leh..hahaha... i tink it was the day just before ER...then after i BFP. they call me go for 2nd interview coz the regional director was in town...bt i cannot work liao..
U know wat Panda" I was thinking i wld be so lucky to get interviews and hired and BFP!
It would be like brand new beginning for me. But then if I dun get it i will stay in my current hell hole... :x
Pink: during my stimulation, dr Paul did not scan me at all cos he was too busy , plus I only had nine follicles, angela was frank about everything. Initially quite worried then decided to remain calm cos stress is adverse to follicle n lining growth;)
relax a little and go out with yr hubby for a nice dinner ;)
Hi all
i am in my 2ww too, BT around 21/6.

Ffaith, Tzac, i am with KKIVF too. When did you gals do your ET and when is your BT? Can share your embryo grades too?

My embryos are graded 5 and 3, the grade 3 embryo are 6 cells on D2 but shape is oval, not nicely round. Anyone knows embryo shape can affect success rate? I been searching on websites but cant find.

CONGRATS to Balroggal and all that just tested BFP!!
nm: hello nm... ya i am quite worry freak leh...this morning i was like in a crisis...though angela said everything looked gd (she even joked about my three-layered lining lookin like cheeseburger) i only chose to dwell in the possibility of a cancelled cycle. My hubby was like "tah boleh tahan" me lor...
Ning asked me to start Immunocal soon after seeing the 26 follies. Man, I hope I am not PCO or what!
yes yes I am relaxing..watching shows and taking walks in btw...but abdomen feels really full...
pink, u started ur immunocal today? better start now.. dun wait.. coz by the time u get too uncomfortable..it will take a while for the feeling the ease...preventive is better than cure...

today ning oso ask me to continue my immunocal.. coz i m feeling breathless.. she says my E2 is very high. i stop for a week coz the smell starting to make me nausea when i drink it...
Pink: haha panic for awhile is ok but don't dwell on it k ;) panda: me good .. I love this not working n no need to do housework life ;) he he
panda: i started Immunocal since d2 of stimulation...but stimes a bit hard to dissolve all Immunocal despite shaking and stirring. I still see some residual which I will force myself to gulp down. Yup, the smell stimes irks me...I can imagine it is worse for u!!

i did not know that more follicles will grow...i only have like 12 antral follicles before Gonal-F...
Pink, me too, preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. Thinking of spas and holiday packages and even my fav restaurant foods now. It helps make me feel less sad if BFN.
nm..hehe...sounds gd! pamper urself! u deserve it.

just now ning asked me if i hv bf, lunch and dinner served in bed! hahahaha.. coz my mum told her i m like a queen now...:p
my life now is basically, sleep, eat, chat with u gals and watch dramas...

pink..if u start to feel more bloated, can increase the immunocal to 2 times a day...if necessary 3 times a day... i was taking 3 times a day for about 2 weeks to keep myself comfortable....the bloated feeling continues even after ER...
akachan: this is the time u need ur favorite things more!!

nm: indeed. i just had lunch with a fren and she was so busy with her kids...lotsa of interrupted conversations...
Panda: Ya other than bloated I can feel weird twinges...i can imagine the many follies squeezing inside...haha...
i was thinking thankfully now I know ur real name...imagine calling u Pandawife at CARE when i see you!! :p
hahaha.. the first time i met Mel at CARE, i had to tell her i m pandawife in front of alot of pple! hahahaahaha...i oso pai seh...:p

we will miss each other again this week.. my next scan is on Thur 745am...
Pink: u r so funny .... Haha ;)so far my highest e2 is only 9000
when I go out with friends with kids .. It's attention on the kids not us gals ...
Panda: next time I must control and not call you Pandawife! when i saw poppy I mouthed "are you Poppy" then I talked to her...haha...
Woo...we will def get a chance to meet since we will get regular trips to CARE.

nm: u r correct man. Just now all the heads and eyes were on the baby...oooing and playing...heee...but its cute and fun at the same time!
nm, i oso dunno what causes the high E2..even before ET, my E2 quite high..thts y tht time ning commented tht she scared i will strike triplets..duno whts the relation....
akachan, ET is on 8jun n BT on 24Jun. As for the embryo grade, me dunno leh as tried asking but got no answer. only comment from dr loh when he did my ET is that one of the embryo multiplies which he said is gd. the other one is 66% something. dunno wat tat mean too...
pink..hehe.. if u whisper, its ok..hehe..
yeah..true true.. after bfp, u will hv alot of regular trips there.....

just now ning says my hip bones hav expanded..she can see a difference when she jab me.... i told her i cannot hide my bump liao..and its quite pai seh when pple ask me i m how many mths leh...then i say "2mths plus" ..the next qn will be, how come tummy so big! diao.. ning ask me to tell pple i m 3 mths liao..hahaha....
panda: i is ur surname is ng? Coz that "surname" on FB is so unique leh...
Hee now when I talked abt u gals to my hubby i can at least hv a face and real name...but my hubby has heard too much NM and Panda recently hahahaah
pink, ng is my hb's surname.
my surname is quite different..so i dun use it here..in case got pple i know who oso comes here..then sure can recognise me immediately...

ohhh.. i talk to my hb abt u gals too! now he reads the forum every night so tht he knows wht i m talking about when i start yakking non stop ...hee......
Panda: ya the surname on fb is very unique ;)
pink; same here now when I update my hubby abt stuff on this forum .. At least there r names to faces
nm: I think can tell u la...u met Poppy b4 right?
I asked abt the moving jabs and Ning said its the pressure. She laughed when I told her u said its eerie...haha

Panda...whats ur surname is chinese? So unique man!!
nm: my hubby remembers U...coz everytime we went CARE U will be there!! haha...like fated!
Panda remains as "the one with triplets" and yup he remembers Poppy and hubby too... :p
pink, hanyu pinyin is Liang.. shld b Neo..bt during my dad's time, nurse spell wrongly! haha..so me and my siblings end up with unique surname...
