IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nadia and Su,

thanks for the response. havent receive response from the forum for my last few posts.

thanks, thanks. asked as my ER is tomo, and need to inform office.

For KKIVF, it is from ER to BT.. Sorry, lost count how many days in total. Maybe you count for me.

ER : 13 April
BT : 30 April

I bought 7up also... still left unopened. I dunno what my body wants. I couldnt decide what to eat for dinner. Only ordered mac at 8pm... I can go without food.. but I worry the little one, so I just ate one fillet burger. Lucky I din throw up. Baby faith seemed to like mac. Starting to reject fish soup.. sob sob.

I also started to stock up those sour stuff in the car... all in bottles, for me to choose. hehe.

I am not particular of what I eat, I just eat those food that will make me happy and gives me satisfaction. But I stay away from cold drinks, coffee, melons etc.

Like what I said, everything must eat in moderate. I also think it is okay to eat chicken rice. It is not as if I eat 24/7 for 3 meals...
Gloria, good luck to your ER tomolo.... Hope you retrieve many many good eggs.. and have high fertilization.. hehe.

Lota baby dusts to you!!!

My mum told me when she was expecting, her MS was until 4 months. She thinks I may follow her footsteps leh... Wa-kao, told her not fair, cos she can eat all the food she wants and have coffee once a day.. I dun have ... sob sob sob..
Just faith at least baby faith want something interesting I kept changing my mind and in the end ate 2 slices of bread with kraft cheese. Have ache at pelvic area for awhile

Gloria I had 19 days of HL from er to bt
I think ms is really depends whether yr mum has it...

I asked my mum.. She dont have ms.. Maybe tats y i dont really have them.. *touch wood*..

See panda and just faith.. Both mothers have ms.. And they are also having ms now.. Guess no way to hide frm it..

Gan, did u ask ur mum whether she has ms when she has u?
Actually I start to feel i am fickle minded.. I bought so much stuff from NTUC this afternoon.. I ended up only eating 2 pkts of those sour stuff... I bought kit-kat, but I changed mind abt eating. I bought chips, I ended up chuck them in the kitchen cabinets.

These few days, my appetite no good. BTW, I dont poo so regularly liao.. these few days, constipation for two to three days leh...very terrible.

Okay, Daddy faith says no more PC... Asked me to go n zzz... talk to u again.

I cant agree more with you.... Thats why I stock up alot of plastic bags. Everytime I throw up, my mum shake her head.. then I start to blame her. pek chek leh sometimes. Eat and throw up, eat and throw up. My legs feel so weak, everytime I throw up. So nowadays, I will sit on the toilet bowl, whenever I throw up, but I hold the plastic bag or toilet dustbin in my hand.
Just Faith and Gan, congrats on your BFP.

Just Faith, thanks for pouring baby dust here and your wishes.

Nadia, thanks to you too. will rest well.
Just faith
Im only having slight nausea.. Restless kind of feeling.. Already feel abit bad.. Yrs seems 10 times worst.. Sure very terrible feeling..

Dont think there is any way to avoid ms if u are gng to have it..
Dr told me to listen to my body... If my body tells me im tired i should go rest.. If she tells me she hate this food.. Avoid them..
And eat whatever i feel like having...

My dr even says can eat sashimi.. But only limited to salmon.. Cannot eat other fishes..

I just had another bowl of black bean soup that my mil tabao for me frm the earlier dnr.. She also tabao ginger chicken for me but cant eat now.. So i will just have them for my lunch tml with porridge..

Just faith, no choice.. Got to endure it.. Hopefully it will get better soon as the pregnancy progress.. At least its a happy problem.. There are alot others who hope to have yr problem.. : )
Eat whatever u feel like it..
baby, the thought if any chinese soup now makes me nausea! faint... i hv 3 little fussy eaters...

just faith, u r right abt flickle.. i oso dunno wht the little ones wanna eat leh.. now i very scared of meal time.. yesterday i had a duck drumstick for lunch and enjoyed it.. so i thot dinner can eat again, only took one bite, i wanna puke liao....

i hv not tried macs yet... maybe later lunch can order macs..haiz....

oh yes, i m also officially constipated....today is day 3 liao....i had half cup prune juice and a few pieces of pitted prunes yesterday...hopefully today can do biz..... dun like the feeling oso....

do u gals feel more irritable huh? haiz.. this whole wkend i super grouchy leh... every little thing will make me feel irritated...

i m only just past my 6 weeks..going into my 7th week.

i m so irritable, i banned my hb from using the laptop mouse coz it has this clicking sound tht i find unbearable.
Waiting at KK admissions now n it's taking sooooo long. It's my first exp admitting at a govt hospital. Does it mean that when it's delivery also must wait so long before u get settled into ward???
Pandawife, it's all those hormones that's why u feel so. i know i was upset over something with my hubby this weekend but now i can't recall what was it...i think my memory is not so good le.
These 2 days i have been waking up 4am to 5am to pee and feeling hungry...so has been eating at such hours
Macdonald was good , yesterday i enjoyed the mac lunch i had. Dinner was totally undecisive and decided shall just eat bread with cheese.
Gan, welcome to the early morning club! haha.. today i woke up at 530am hungry oso... had to drink some horlicks before i can go back to bed again......

wish i can eat bread or biscuit too...that would make things alot easier... my hb bought me 2 frozen pizzas last week...bt babies no longer like them... so he also dunno wht food to stock up at home for me...
pandawife, yes the hunger was so bad that i have to eat some bread before i can go back to bed again. 730am must be up again because time to take my med. gosh if like this, when i returned to work, i will be stoned all day!!

Can u take cereal, cornflakes? coz that would be nutrious and filling. I guess what Baby said is correct, just listen to your body, eat what u like.
Thanks Nadia.
Yeah admitting to do laparoscopy today. The last time I did it at TMC and it was an emergency case. No need to wait. Just wheeled from Gyna clinic to ward.

This time it's a scheduled one with Dr Loh. My goodness the laxatives were horrible to drink! Tortorous night... However no matter wat it's all for the sake of higher success with IVF. I'm already looking forward to my jul ivf. Each step now is a step closer to my own little one
Hi Ladies, goooddd morning..... i really envy those who are at resting at home.... I'm stuck at werk now with only packet Milo and curry puffs..
Appetite really bad in this 1st trimester... Eat, vomit, eat vomit.... So sien leh...
Good morning!

Gan, it's do irritating to get up so early in the morning to pee right? Then sometimes so difficult to get back to sleep.

This morning, woke up and found hubby missing from bed. He just came back from buying breakfast. This poor hubby dunno what the wife wants and bought pork porridge, 大包,siew Mai. He asked me to choose what I like. Let's see what baby faith picks later
Syrah: Laxative...argh...go laparoscopy must drink that...argh...well tru enuff..it's k to suffer alittle to gain much more to come in the future...Take care...Hope all goes well...

Brownie: Eat little by little mah...try to drink plain warm water...MS is good sign..baby growing well...Take care
baby: yes prof ng is very fatherly and patient

gan/pandawife: i think i be happy to have ms then that means i bfp
i did feel nausea last weekend at times but maybe its just me and my silly tots...my urine test is only supposed to be done tomorrow and now i m nervous abt it
Brownie, I din try laxatives. Though was constipated for 3 days (so far, my highest record). I had lota fruits, sweet/sour prunes, warm fresh milk. Finally, I ate a macspicy. Managed to clear everything.

Now on avg, I poo every two days. I think it is no good. I prefer to clear everyday like last time.
Justfaith, yah lor... feels very uncomfortable when unable to open bowel.. i cannot tahan and use lactulose to soften the stools... I'm not sure if its safe... i will ask Dr Loh tommorow when i see him... I'm not a vegetable or fruit eater.... Sometimes i feel constipation can affect your mood also..
Nadia: Thx again! Waiting to go to ward now. Starting to feel that it's all a little surreal. Maybe starting to feel slightly nervous.

Brownie: I was reading thru the instructions on my laxatives yesterday n it says not to consume if preggie unless doc's directives. So better try the natural methods of prune n prune juice that I read the other sistas here taking.
brownie better dun take laxatives unless prescribed by doc. try prune juice, apple juice, yogurt.

Hoping, i dun have morning sickness.
though i have a few instances burp till feel like puking, feeling giddy sometimes, tired, bloated with gas. Pandawife, brownie and just faith have bad ms.

Just faith, yes can be quite distrubing to sleep coz i wake up like at least 2 times a night but now dunno why 4am to 5am wake up feeling hungry too. ur dh very doting wor, so nice got buffet breakafast....that bao sounds good. so what did baby faith choose?
gan..i call it hungry attack! haha...

i can take those instant cereal.. have been alternating betw horlicks and tht for bf....
brownie, prune juice works perfectly fine for me.... i took yesterday evening.. just now managed to poo liao... half a cup for a start..if cannot then can take 1 cup...

yes, constipation definitely affects the mood! i feel so relieved after pooing..hehehe..

just faith, u r so lucky..hb so sweet...went out early morning to buy u bf....
pandawife, yes that's the right word coz i feel so hungry that if i dun eat, the gastric juice seems to be coming to my mouth and made me very uncomfie to the extent want to puke. hungry attack.

Syrah, dun worry, everything will be fine.
wow so early in the morning have so many posts here!

Good morning ladies!

Tell u gals... I woke up 3 times to pee in the middle of the night... First time... Very disrutpive to my sleep... So tired to drag myself out of the bed.. Not sure if this will to continue or only an isolate time...
Thanks syrah, gan... i guess i'm so desperate.. i will ask Dr Loh 1st tommorow.. or else, i guess i must try swallowing those fruit juice..

Gan, better enjoy your appetite now... how i wish i dun have MS... i also have lots of gas and bloating..
brownie, tomorrow u are how many weeks? I am seeing Dr Loh again on Thursday, will be 7 weeks then, wonder how much my bb has grown.

Baby congrats on joining the waking up to pee club.
Thx Nadia & Gan. It's a good thing that sistas here are awake early here. At least someone to tok to n keep my mind from wandering. Big hugs!
syrah i think dr loh normally performs op on monday. i recalled the day surgery he did for me to remove polyps was on a monday too. maybe monday he doesn't have to be at clinic d or TPS
brownie, me too really envy those who are at resting at home....but it is my fault today i suppose to be on mc...

Gan, pandawife, just faith, baby, Brownie, yes having MS is really bad, last nite i only have plain rice with so duck, cant eat the others dishes....
very very sad
Gan/panda, actually baby faith chose da-bao. But I worry if eat porridge later, it will be cold by the time I eat. So I told hubby I eat porridge first. Anyway, I only finished half. Hubby says ok. Dun force myself. So on the table, still left da-bao n siew Mai. Btw, I stay in sengkang. He purposely drive to Hougang ave 8 to buy porridge and handmade da-bao at Blk 322 Hougang ave 5.
blissful, yah lor, yah lor... appetite really bad rite... sometimes, just the sight of food makes me wants to vomit...
i really dun fancy rice at all... i guess my baby prefers western food.. hehe..
Brownie, so fast 8 weeks!!!!! Means 7more mths to go!!! Sorry, did you mention when is yr EDD? Mine 5th jan. Blissful fate 8th jan, gan 11th jan. Is yrs 1/1/11?

Panda/baby sure pop early. Cos carrying multiples.
brownie, u see food will feel like vomiting?? That's bad.......nvm, eat what u like ok. I am very excited abt seeing bb again on thurs. I think after thurs, dr loh will see me when i am 9 weeks bah. Maybe the edd will change coz based on bb growth

Blissful if not well, stay home and rest.

Just faith, u very lucky lah. I just had bread, yogurt and milk for breakfast
