IVF/ICSI Support Group

BB Rabbit... No worries, there are many sisters with BFPs with KKIVF so no worries.

Can I know what is manuka honey for? Thanks!

nm..i din take the pills leh.. was tinking if possible i dun want to take any med.. i just bought the pills for standby in case i cannot tahan anymore... now still bearable..just need to rest more ....
bb rabbit, ya manuka is really exp... i bought the organic honey from holland and barrett... maybe can consider manuka now.... aftrall the price is nothing compared to ivf treatment... :p
Pink : I m with dr loh of kkivf.

Girls, must remember to relax as much as possible. Dun get too stressed up thinking abt bfp! I think it helps. Staying relax can also help you to get preggy. If work are too stressed up, see if u want to take no pay leave and stay at home. Try to talk to yr bosses if possible.

I m one who din go for accupuncture or TCM. I din eat brazil nuts or durians. But I have a happy heart. Always laugh laugh laugh. gals, stay happy. I know easier said than done. Too much stress is really no good for TCM.
hee Just Faith, me on no pay leave

I want to have your happpy heart too!
I now take up some light walking in the evening and floral arrangement courses
Pink- differ UMT level got differ purpose, the highest UMT is the best. Generally it is to build our immune system, and also help for those who always suffer from sore thoart. It also help for those with gastric problem.
My dad love KTV and he swear by it. HIs KTV kaki at the senior citzen club also swear by it
just faith.. my body is full of progesterone..haha.... thts the only med tht angela insist is very impt support during pregnancy.......
nm, no mood to watch tv oso.... the energy level fluctuates .... smtimes feel ok..smtimes major MS.... bt i tink i m starting to feel tired more often......
Hi nm, no la I took NPL coz very stressed from wk. But IVF also happened to coincide in the period of NPL. My wk is a torture so I am considering quitting. See how God leads me on this path
I am gg bk in July.

BB Rabbit, where can I buy such honey?

Pandawife: Pls take care!
Pink- There is alot of place where sell such honey. But my dad swear by Nature farm or GNC. They might be more exp, but at least reputable. If u are taking as preventative measure, UMT 10 is enuff.

I m also taking 1 spoon per day now, to ensure that i got better immune system and do not fall sick.

Panada- Enjoy your days before 3 babies arrive. U will be v busy then
BB Rabbit, i said tht to my parents and mil! hahahahaha....to enjoy the next 6 mths before babies arrive. i ask them to go tour if they want to... otherwise later i need their help liao..:p
Pink : good. Good. Good to hear you are on NPL. I suddenly dropped my work when I switched soiui to ivf. Cos I told my hubby sometimes I get stressed up talking to clients or trying to close a deal. I can afford to lose my 10k of commission. But if I dun rest well during this period, all our efforts will be gone to waste and I have to reset the clock to zero.

So since I have stopped working now, I must make full use. Hehe. To keep myself happy.

Hubby bought me a tigger soft toy. I feel very touched.
heheh just faith ..yr hubby so cute...

the five day HL leave i have is a blessing in disguise cos i was practically just resting, surfing net and watching tv at home....

like next week out of 4 working days i am taking time off for 3 days liao to go CARE....hehe ..at this pt i really dont bother abt how they view me at work...
hi all ladies (Just Faith, nm and pandawife)
I was a workaholic as I just got promoted. But it felt like an exchange of sanity for the pay I was getting. So I attempted a career suicide by taking NPL and I have never regretted.
Money can be earned back, when we are healthier and in better position.
Things like TTC is very time/age restricted so this is a little sacrifice we make for our little unborns.

Pandawife: U make me feel very at ease with CARE. Initially I was worried choosing CARE coz I have not heard of them until recently
The doc at kkh 24hrs called me at 1am and told me that my hcg level is at 43.5..
Thanks,nm for the link..it's v useful

Doc said it's at the low level..but asked me to check with my ivf doc further on mon..anyway she's very nice and given me 3days MC from mon to wed..but I will be going back to work on tue as I have alr informed my boss..I will try to limit my walking..
TTCingBB good to see u here. R u going TFC tomorrow? I think if possible take the mc and rest coz personally I find lying down help alot. Even when we sit, there cld be some stress to tummy. Take good care

ya tickles how r u doing?
Panada- Do u take Coq10 during lucrin stage? Or do we have to stop?

Can someone tell me if we can still take our supplement (Royal jelly, cordyceps and Conceive Well) during lucrin and suppression stage?
BB Rabbit, can take thru out..i m still taking it now.

i continue to take royal jelly thru out.. only stop when i BFP...and also ran out of supplies at the same time...
did u bleeding stop, if not ask them for more support . bed rest till monday. all the best.. keep speaking to embies.

How r u ?? must be excited to see the heartbeat leh. take rest .. so happy for u...
catching everyone 's baby dust and saving it for my FET.
Fancy, I am doing fine. just felt alittle tired and tummy abit uncomfie today, from the gas i think.
*Babydusts to you*
Hi TTCing, glad you ok. Yes, do take rest as much as you can. Are you going to TFC tomorrow?

I am also planning to go tomorrow morning for my BT. Somehow, I'm not too hopeful, so let's see what the results are. Still hoping for the best for all of us!

Glad to see your post again. You are in early pregnancy n need additional med support. I know you already planned to return to work tomolo but if you could, try to take more rest n dun walk so much. Even though u will minimise walking, but your body is not in fully rest mode. You have gone through alot to make this day happen.... Rethink abt going back to work

gan, baby, panda : my ms is terrible again. And when I puke, I feel like the air/gas rushing out at the same time. Lucky I dun have History of asthma.

I just bought six different flavours of those sweet/sour stuff from ntuc. I finally feel like preggy. Also stocked up some biscuits. I dun have good appetite these 2days
I tot im the only one with glen... Hee..
I once saw prof ng for my scan when my dr is away... He is very fatherly... Patient dr...

U should take the med.. Its suppose to help u.. Dont have to make yrself so miserable with the ms... Maybe aft taking med u feel better and can eat better.. So its overall better for yr well being...

Gan/just faith
I went out for lunch with my parents... Feeling nausea in the morning.. Take biscuits and i feel better..
I also went the 酶屋 to buy sour plums.. Feel better after eating..
Yup,will be going down to TFC for another bt and additional support..hmmm..will go back to work on tue and let my boss know that I'm unfit for stressful work..maybe will try to work out a schedule with him and see if I could work from home..but that's really depends on him.. I felt from that episode when I applied for 2wks HL, he's like not very receptive to these stuff..

I'm v glad my bleeding has almost stopped when I woke up this morning and when juz changed my pad, there's just v v extremely light stain...hope my hcg level will catch up... I go rest now..thanks all for the concern..
Thats a good sign that the bleeding has stopped... So u still hold a good chance even when the initial bt is on the low side... That might be due to the early bt...
Rest well ok... Keep us updated!
TTCingbb - rest well

baby - I just finished two packets. Still got four packets left. Think I got no appetite for dinner. I just want to sleep, sleep, sleep.
I dun feel like puking or anything, just tired. Tummy like alot of gas and kept having a feeling I want to poo. Maybe yesterday kept thinking abt the no no food I have eaten. Lunch didn't feel like eating but just now felt like eating macdonald. Finished the nuggets and fries but still hungry now. Hmmm
hope 3 of u r better now after taking the sour plums
Sour plums, etc r preserved.. Better dun eat too much.. Want sour stuff can take natural ones, like those sour sweets sold at marks & spencers... Or the healthy yogurt..
Hazel, I think it is ok if food are taken in moderate. If need to go so far to buy sour stuff, I would have fainted in the car. I can't travel for long these days. I feel much better after eating these sour stuff. Now hungry again. Just ate Milo and 4 pieces of biscuits.
Has tickles reported? Worried abt her and baby leh

I will never travel for the nx 7.5mths. Free tickets also won't go le
Just Faith, i oso like sour plums leh... somehow makes me feel better..

u shld try sprite or 7up, it also helps relieve the MS esp during meal time...i take small sips of it before i start eating....

my body is rejecting, milo, biscuits and bread, everytime try to eat, will throw up....

oso super sleepy today..just woke up from another nap...

baby, i still hv 1.5mths to go to end of 1st tri..dun want to be dependent on the med leh..i worry once i start taking, i will keep taking...i will observe if really too bad, i will take it. angela did not offer me the med when i told her i hv bad MS... i asked for it then she gave me... so i figured its best not to take...
panda: if really no good then take ok? cos yr bb also need nutrients from u ..if u throw up everything u eat, hmmm...would that be an issue?

maybe can ask angela?
nm, babies taking from my body reserve now... angela says they will not b affected if i m not eating well.. they are still v small....

the med is to make me feel more comfortable...
When i feel some nausea i already feel quite bad.. Can imagine yr agony.. Hopefully u will feel better once u step into 2nd tri..

I can still eat very well.. Hopefully will stay that way.. : )
I had black bean soup for dnr just now... Hee.. Very nice..

Btw i notice i will feel nausea when my stomach feels empty.. And i will go eat some biscuits.. I will feel better..
Gloria: From wat I heard from Sistas here here is 2weeks HL..but not sure whether it will be till BT...can't remember though cos thread moving fast..but if i am not wrong is the HL won't last till BT unless you wan to req from the dr..

Sistas..correct me if I'm wrong..tanks
