IVF/ICSI Support Group

RTG: you are not intruding.. you are helping your wife and that is very sweet and thoughtful of u

TTCingbb:how are u today?

wow this thread grows very fast!

nm: I am still on Gynera. The weird sensation comes and goes... I emailed Angela and she actually emailed me to tell me it's not of concern.
When will your ER/ET be?
Angela also advised me to take more tropical fruits and hubby to have more "cooling/citrusy fruits" as women need to keep their wombs warm.
She also advised fatty fish...like salmon and cod.
As I rarely cook and always eat out, I wonder if buying Omega supplements help.
Any advice?

RTG: I think you are a very sweet hubby. It is impt u continue to provide her the care and support, so U are welcome.

pink destiny: its good to take omega 3. My hubby is taking that. I am taking cod liver oil ( have been doing so since young).

hubby can drink orange juice if he doesnt like fruits?

for me: i am taking COQ10/vit c/cod liver oil/calcium/folic/aspirin ( aspirin given by CARE)

Did angela ask u to take any other type of supplements?
hello nm,
I realize you are faster than me coz I am only on Gynera now. Haven started stimulation. Would be starting Buserelin on 29th May then Gonal-F 225IU on 9th June.
my ET and ER would be in mid June.
I am allergic to Aspirin so I dun think I can take Baby aspirin. I hope I could be given other supplement.
Angela said Hubby can try coconut juice as it might help him have more ejaculation. She said some research in rural parts of the world show that coconuts help coz of its cooling properties.
For me, tropical fruits. So maybe if u want, u can try tropical fruits as they are "warmer" in properties?

Angela asked me to take Folic acid.. and my prev gynae gave me so much I am still eating them now...
Have u gotten yr schedule?

I started gynera on april 15. buserelin (for suppression) on may 3 ..then had a delay of 5 days for stimulation due to a day op hence i started stimulation 19th may.

Yr gonal f is 225IU? hope u dont mind me asking.... how old are u?
those who want to buy folic acid can buy frm Unity pharmacy...
Its v cheap.. Only abt $2.50 for 100 tabs... 5mg per tab..
No need to buy frm dr or those branded ones in bottles..

Didnt see u online today... How r u?
Ms v bad?
hello nm,
Im 29 gg 30. Why? Anything wrong with Gonal-F?
On the original chart it was origially 300IU then dunno why reduced.
O, yesm banana and honey dew are tropical fruits. Papaya is also one.
pink destiny: yr much younger than I am. May I ask why u are using ivf as a fertility approach. if i am asking too much, dont have to answer..
just curious only. ive got blocked tubes and had gone thru 5 IUIs but all failed.

I am 35 hence my gonal f was 300IU. Plus menogon of 75IU for stimulation.

luckily honey dew/banana are tropical fruits..hehe if not i sure to pengz...cos i take a lot of citrus fruits and berries.
no prob nm.
We are all here to support one another so nothing is taboo for me anyway :p
Ok, we only started TTC last June (2009) and nothing seemed to wk.
To cut the long story I wonder why I was not preg after so long. Hubby did 2SA but the gynaes did not inform us of the severity of his problems!
In fact I did 2IUIs when his morphology was 0% and 1%!
The last straw was when I did SO-IUI and CARE was the lab enhancing the sperm. Then I realized OMG he has low sperm count and morphology. Motility improved after lotsa vitamins!
We spent alot of IUI, SO-IUI, TCM, vitamins.
Then we decided to do IVF at CARE coz the prev gynae was a total rip-off!

I hope that since I am slightly younger and have no issue, IVF would be the best resort for DH and me.
You? Any issue with hubby?
i have blocked tubes..uterus is fine ..hubby is fine but age is an issue cos he is 36 and I am 35.

hence decided on ivf and like you i was at CARE to do sperm enhancement for IUI. I did a HSG last yr to confirm that tubes were blocked but luckily uterus is fine.

i think u will stand a good chance of conceiving...
dont worry. i have my age to worry abt...

can pm me who yr previous gynae is? hehe at least we can be careful...
dun worry abt ur age. I have a colleaue who conceived her daughter at 36 thru SO-IUI and then twin (sons) thru another round of So-IUI at 37!
So age is not an issue, esp when hubby has no prob
Gan/pink: thanks
today is day 5 of stimulation and I dont feel much bloatedness...
angela mentioned bloatedness is felt after day 6 or 7?

What about you, ladies?

pink: yup saw yr update.

btw dr paul is pro natural birth ..
yup got it... i cant pm u cos u did nt activate it.

but WOW he is a rip off. my IUIs were on hundred plus or two hundred plus....

never that amt....gosh
Pink destiny : how come yr previous gynae din update you when SA got problem? Really terrible leh

I striked on my first soiui with dr loh. But m/c later. Now is my second soiui (converted to ivf). I m turning 35 this coming July.
I can't believe it. 4k for soiui. I only spent less than 1k for my first attempt.

My ivf will costs me less than 9k.

Both times I think are well spent.
May I know the purpose for gentle rotation in circle motion clockwise after you have jab yr abdomen? Coz i already jab for 1 week and didn't do this. wonder is for what purpose?
hello Just Faith,
I dunno. They told me I can conceive naturally coz I ovulated normally. But that's not the point.
All gynaes did the IUIs blindly without telling me the chances are low.
So reality sets in and we decided to stop the wild goose chase and exorbitant treatments. IVF is the best bet for our current problem now.
Pinkdestiny- me too. I spent abt 6k on 2 soiui. Now i switched to SF Loh. Heart pain abt the money wasted and more imptly, time wasted and motivation gone. Can u imagine my pte gyane even tell me i do not need ivf, should contiue on soiui!!!
Just Faith: which clinic are you with? I got a shock when I saw the bill. It's not even itemized on the receipt why it was so exp...

Hoping: I hope whichever doc treats us, we will BFP!
BB rabbit, i hope we did not see the same gynae?!
I know I know, each failure just makes me closer to giving up. We even wonder if it is God's punishment that we have to be childless?
But now that we are on a new treatment (IVF) and that we have trust in CARE and Angela's good works, I hope God works his miracles thru her and her team.
Hi Ladies,
I just started my Suprefact injection today. I am with NUH. This is my first IVF cycle. Hope to learn from one another here...

In fact i am just recovering from a cold... still sneezing as i am typing away. Hopefully i can recover faster.
Yes hoping, that's what we want! Let's jia you together!

Hi Tigi, welcome. I feel very encouraged and welcomed by the sisters in this thread. They're all lovely!
pink: a lady (pandawife) here strike with triplets..also with CARE...
have faith in angela..she is experienced so what ever she tells me i do...hahaha
pink, yea i also think so... sistas here are very strong people and beautiful because of their caring hearts

nm, been taking them now.... i recover better during the weekend... but when i go back to work... seems worse
Pink- I am not with Care, I am with KKHIVF. Do not really dare to try pte after my experiences of SOIUI. I also did not know abt CARE until i come to this forum. No matter which IVF center we go to, i believe we will make it.

Tigi- U can try taking manuka honey, at least UMT15. Expensive, but worth it. I was sick for almost 1 week when i start on my lucrin.
Pandawife: Pls rest well and take things easy. have a beautiful pregnancy!

nm: yesyes, I read abt her success story and I am motivated. We would be well-CARED for, im sure, by Angela's expertise!
Oh nm, Im gonna hit the pharmacy and buy Omega later. Make it my dietary plan now!

Tigi: Agreed. I just joined the thread yday and I immed feel welcomed and cared for the sisters here.
