IVF/ICSI Support Group

ladies: my aunts say carbonated drinks' gas help to "dissolve" or burp out some air, hence less bloated or the feeling to puke..

something like that..i heard them talk abt it once before

Gan,fancy,Pandawife,baby,Justfaith,nm & workingwife,
tested fainted line at kkh 24hrs clinic and Dr scan me and find that my lining is quite thin le..my mind is swirling around,I didn't ask how thick is it..She said my bleeding is quite alot...and took my bt (I asked Dr to call me once the result) wah, the jab is at the thigh le, quite painful le and I need to lift out my legs very slowly when I changed my clothes...

Anyone know what is the normal level of HCG for D15?
Gan,fancy,Pandawife,baby,Justfaith,nm & workingwife,
tested fainted line at kkh 24hrs clinic and Dr scan me and find that my lining is quite thin le..my mind is swirling around,I didn't ask how thick is it..She said my bleeding is quite alot...and took my bt (I asked Dr to call me once the result) wah, the jab is at the thigh le, quite painful le and I need to lift out my legs very slowly when I changed my clothes...

Anyone know what is the normal level of HCG for D15?
ttcingbb, hcg can be a wide range if u check the internet. Hope u are better now. have they called u regarding the bt?
Ya the progesterone jab very painful, when i first took the jab, i was limping around for a few days. after a few jabs, used to it le.
ttcingbb, hcg can be a wide range if u check the internet. Hope u are better now. have they called u regarding the bt?
Ya the progesterone jab very painful, when i first took the jab, i was limping around for a few days. after a few jabs, used to it le.
Yr d15 is counted frm when? 15 days post d2 et?
Cos if its 15 days post er.. Then it might be still early so the test line is faint... Sometimes also depends on the sensitiveness of the test strip... Some only show faint line when hcg is above 50...

The kkh dr will call u by today? Glad they given u the support jap.. Now just rest ok.. Lie in bed..

Some ladies here also has bleeding issues but still went on to bfp and deliver beautiful babies...

How r u now? Spotting has stop completely?
Did dr loh explain the possible reason for the spotting?
Finish the course of antibiotics?
Yr d15 is counted frm when? 15 days post d2 et?
Cos if its 15 days post er.. Then it might be still early so the test line is faint... Sometimes also depends on the sensitiveness of the test strip... Some only show faint line when hcg is above 50...

The kkh dr will call u by today? Glad they given u the support jap.. Now just rest ok.. Lie in bed..

Some ladies here also has bleeding issues but still went on to bfp and deliver beautiful babies...

How r u now? Spotting has stop completely?
Did dr loh explain the possible reason for the spotting?
Finish the course of antibiotics?
Thanks Gan. I'm just going to try all methods to get the ulcers gone. Otherwise aft surgery, hb starts to give me 'bu' to tiao the body will be again very heaty!
Thanks Gan. I'm just going to try all methods to get the ulcers gone. Otherwise aft surgery, hb starts to give me 'bu' to tiao the body will be again very heaty!
baby, no more spotting since wednesday.
*fingers crossed tight tight that they never appear again*. yesterday finished the antibiotics leh. Actually Dr Loh told me could be the miscarriage of the other 2 embbies as i put in 3 embbies when i see him last Thurs when i was hospitalised. But Dr Loh said he want to see me next Thursday again just to scan and check i am ok before he goes for his lecture in malaysia in early june and extended my HL so that i can continue to rest at home. Will check with him next week if i can go back to work.
baby, no more spotting since wednesday.
*fingers crossed tight tight that they never appear again*. yesterday finished the antibiotics leh. Actually Dr Loh told me could be the miscarriage of the other 2 embbies as i put in 3 embbies when i see him last Thurs when i was hospitalised. But Dr Loh said he want to see me next Thursday again just to scan and check i am ok before he goes for his lecture in malaysia in early june and extended my HL so that i can continue to rest at home. Will check with him next week if i can go back to work.
I think i am getting bored staying home all day, kind of missed working

TTCingBB, do as much bedrest as possible these few days. When u shower also sit on a stool to minimise standing. Take good care ok
I think i am getting bored staying home all day, kind of missed working

TTCingBB, do as much bedrest as possible these few days. When u shower also sit on a stool to minimise standing. Take good care ok
About cold drink, I need to drink at least 1 cup during meal but try not to drink coke.
Baby, yes my temp very high that day when I went to kk24 my temp was 37 n at nite I feel very hot.
About cold drink, I need to drink at least 1 cup during meal but try not to drink coke.
Baby, yes my temp very high that day when I went to kk24 my temp was 37 n at nite I feel very hot.
Gan, I understand actually yesterday I have gone back to work. In office I'm ok at home feel like puking etc n everywhere wrong. At work ok accept on the way home ;)
Gan, I understand actually yesterday I have gone back to work. In office I'm ok at home feel like puking etc n everywhere wrong. At work ok accept on the way home ;)
singapoh they never give me any booklet wor, will ask them

blissful, did u get the booklet? i stay home too long le, almost a month besides the few days i worked in the first and second week of May
singapoh they never give me any booklet wor, will ask them

blissful, did u get the booklet? i stay home too long le, almost a month besides the few days i worked in the first and second week of May
Glad yr spotting has stop... I think might be the infection. Tats y after taking antibiotics it stop the spotting...
Now after seeing bb heartbeat our heart are more settled... : )

Ya my body really v hot.. Esp my hands and feet.. My hubby keep saying my hands v warm when i touch him... Haha...

Btw gals
U gals have intercourse with yr hubby now that u are preggy?
Or we have to abstain thruout the pregnancy?
Why cant take chicken rice? I tot the chicken is fully cooked ones? The link u provide never state cannot eat chicken rice le..
I had it during 2ww..

I tot the chicken is fully cooked in boiling water then hang to cool... I only think maybe not too good cos its been hanging there for some time.. We should eat piping hot food to play safe.. But its kind of hard to always eat hot food..

I just went out to eat supper again.... Went to eat teocheow porridge... Yummy.. Finish the whole bowl of porridge.. Ate duck, preserve vege, fish cake, lady fingers....
Gan, booklet wil be given when the nurse register u n give u a pink booklet to keep track of all ur visits n scans.. That is done at your 2nd visit to see dr loh after he confirmed pregnant. So next wk u will get.. Together with details of antenatal class.

I m waiting to give birth :p. My EDD is June 22 but I m gonna induce on May 31, before Dr Loh is going away on his trip. I m 35.5 weeks now. Total baby weights are 5 kg, safe to pop anytime. Feeling really heavy.

If u are not given the booklet, u can get from Doc's room.

the link is not local that's why no chicken rice in the list. Sometimes u see blood in the bone which means not fully cooked. Pre roasted poultry also not good for pregnant ladies. Contains a lot of bacteria when left too long.

There are a lot of food we hv to avoid in pregnancy. Better check before u eat
Hi all, my wife n me are with kkh for ivf icsi treatment.
Currently she is on lucrin jab n after abt 1 week, her menses came today, is she going to continue the jab everyday till her 1st scan?
Hi singapoh

Soli being so keh poh here, why u induce so early?? Checked with the kkivf nurse, dr loh only away from his duty 3rd - 6th June. Or i'm heard wrongly?

Me will start my FET soon, just happened my AF still not report yet. Me oso very scare dr loh away when i do ET, if he away, he will appointed associate doc do ET.
Hi Gan,

thanks. Pretty nervous as it is our 1st cycle..
Forgotten to ask the nurse during her explanation.
My wife 1st scan was next week. Sorry to see her undergoing those jab and i did nothing. : (

he's going away from June 2nd. I also had an induced labour in my previous pregnancy and it took 2 days for me to deliver. I was induced twice.

when it came to my turn for ET (FET), Dr Loh had to rush off for a meeting. Dr Marianne did the ET for me and I striked twins

oh dear, induce twice? the pain must be unbearable.... Ya, is better to deliver the bb b4 he's away, if not he'll assigned to others doc which is we're not familiar...

Twins.... sounds good! Congrats!!!

I did ask the kkivf's nurse if dr loh away, can i get dr marianne do the et since my first ivf is done by her. They said got to check with dr loh...

Anyway, my AF late, so by the time he suppose back to his duty liao... unless any emergency matters to attend lo...

no intercourse in 1st tri. After that should be fine if u hv a normal pregnancy. Meaning no bleeding, low placenta, etc. Get a green light from doc first.
Thanks Gan,
i m feel awkward for intruding a "motherhood" forum,
i have no choice as my wife not internet savvy.
Will give her my TLC:D
thanks again
