IVF/ICSI Support Group

I also ate macdonalds yday nite... I kind of hate chinese food now... I used to love chinese food... Love to eat vege but now dont quite like it...

No.. My dr is dr foong... His clinic is O&G partners... Same clinic as prof ng... Not sure if u have heard of them..

My dr nvr mention abt edd... I also forgot to ask.. Probably cos now still early stage so dr nvr talks abt edd yet..
Yrs is 11/1... I guess will be quite near yr edd since we did et abt the same time...

pandawife, baby interestingly my baby can take all kind of food but usually dinner time, the appetite not so good, dun eat as much as day time

just had 3 seeds of durains....
Think I cant fit into most of my short skirts.. die... really running out of bottoms to wear. And I realised I am using the last hole of the belt.... I also stopped wearing my hush puppies undies.. they are too tight.. now i wear those "aunty undies". Big and baggy.
Congrats baby!!yipee
so happy for u and Gan..

Workingwife: we r both doing e test on e same date
i am also having an increase in bowel activities..lets hope tats a gd sign;)
nm... I'm not on suprefact yet...sorry..but wat is it for huh? Oh..u also gg care on mon..
hmm..u jab urself? Is it v diff to jab urself & is it very painful huh.. very worried...
Hi ladies,

Anyone knows how to clear ulcers real quick? Think I'm too heaty and stress with clearing work. Eyes itching. Ulcers popping out in my mouth and prob is they are mainly far back which is hard to reach to apply bonjela. I'm doing my laparoscopy on Mon and hops to get them healed asap.

If only can rest this weekend. Still have to work Sat and Sun...Argh!
syrah, i always use salt water to rinse my mouth when i have ulcers. Not sure if taking manuka honey helps, as manuka honey suppose to eliminate certain bad bacteria in our body.

Rainzz thanks.
I wish you success in your FET, just like mine.
Jia you!!
ronniemini: suprefact-buserelin
based on yr schedule when are u supposed to start the suppression?

initially hubby jab for me cos even at suppression stage i have 2 jabs already. then hubby had to go on business trip for a week, so no choice....i jab myself. its not that painful. its just anxiety i guess. Ning taught me to use ice to numb the area before jabbing which u can try. I did not try cos i want to know if i can jab without the ice and I did..
U can do it too!! When can u do yr fet?
We are waiting for u to join us here!! : )

U also taking honey? Im thinking to drink honey...
I went to nature farm yday... Saw their makura honey.. So exp..
So duno which one to buy.... Never buy honey before so no idea.. Which brand should i buy?
Baby, i bot from GNC. but i think whatever brand, best is buy organic. I checked with Dr Loh yesterday he said ok to drink honey. but said no banana, pineapple, green skin papaya and no smelly cheese. I took some honey water coz i tot i was starting to have a cough.

now i wondering will there be confinement lady for me, kekekeke since just faith mentioned our confinement period is into chinese new year.
baby/gan: i bought new zealand manuka honey from NTUC...oh dear must be organic? din think of that ...

GAN: when yr doc say no banana, is it during the whole pregnancy? or just first trimester?
nm, i never asked whether whole pregnancy. i was just asking can i drink honey, and he said yes and mentioned these few things i can't eat. kekekeke

no lah, just tot organic sounds healthier...just had some fried bee hoon with "wu xiang" i think baby Ho doesn't like wu xiang..i had a hard time to swollow the wu xiang....didn't puke or what just find it difficult to eat...
Gan, no worries abt CL. Once you break the news to yr family, I m sure many of them will volunteer to help.

I m one who is fussy abt food. Anything my mum and sis cook, I will eat. I hv also learned to appreciate DH cooking. But I m still not used to my MIL's cooking. Up till now, I dun let my helper cook for me too. Hehe.
ladies, i went to CARE early morning today..coz work up at 330am with bad aching pelvis pain....
Angela gave me another proluton jab.. and did a scan .. and saw 3 healthy yolk sacs + heartbeat.

she says can tell the 3 of them got character...very cute..haha.. so small.. after tht i told her about the pizza episode and my eatin problems... then she went "see, i told u they hv character lor" hahaahaha
GAN: now I wonder how i was like when i was still in my mum's belly? was i "difficult" to please? or she could eat anything? hahaha

organic stuff is quite ex..
but even prior to ivf i try to take multi grain stuff for high fibre intake...
panda: wow u were there so early? proluton jab is for what purpose? sorry if you have mention before...
pai seh..

u feeling better? when is yr next scan?
Gan, I think wu Xiang contains my wu Xiang fen. Baby faith also dun like leh. Baby faith likes chicken n pork. No wonder I had constipation these days. Not enough fibre. Lol.

Dr loh also mentioned abt honey. I m concerned abt sweet stuff. Cos I have pcos.
Congrats to yr triple joy!!!
Yr mil not with u just now? So can bring her on mon to see bbs heartbeats again....

Hows yr pelvis pain now? Better?
Did u ask angela how come u have this pain?
Btw whats this proluton japs?? Progestrone?
pandawife, congrats on seeing the three wonderful heartbeats!
Your babies are growing very well.

nm, proluton jab is progesterone, but stronger than the normal progesterone jab. i had that yesterday too. think will be having that once weekly.
Just faith: i am not used to MIL's cooking cos its so oily and fatty....during cny i will eat at grandma's place before going to mil's place and eat a little...

usually i will cook for hubby but recent mths due to this ivf process and work, hubby did not allow me to cook meals everyday
Just faith, ya i normally like my fried bee hoon with wu xiang for breakfast...but just now the wu xiang taste horrible lor although it is from the stall we always buy. i had a hard time to swollow.

Family members are excited, our immediate family members are aware of Baby Ho le. but i think will still get a confinement lady so that my mum won't be too tired. We have no plans for a maid though.
nm, when preggy dun eat fish more than 1.5m like swordfish mackeral etc coz of the possibility of mercury or other toxic in them. that one i read not from doc. kekekeke
Gan, last night my mil made wu xiang for dinner.. home made ones.. usually i love them..last night the smell of them, i wanna puke liao.
i think all babies dun like wu xiang...
Baby, dun eat any wu xiang, else u felt horrible like just faith, pandawife and myself
Hi babies, not baby anymore.

I think twins are really ideal leh. I love the idea of twins. So lovely. Guess you are now looking forward to know the baby's gender cos you have alot of preparation work to do. Hehehe

nope, mil not there just now..coz i sms angela at 7plus..then she ask me to go down at 8am... no time to bring mil...

angela says next scan is 2 weeks times, bt anytime i wanna scan to check on the babies she can do for me..just go there w full bladder...:p

prolution is progesterone support with longer lasting effect... she says will probably want me to continue 2x a week of the jab until 12 weeks..

pelvis pain is becoz the pelvis is expanding... one of the darlings are abit low in the uterus..thts y i feel more discomfort...she says its quite normal ...the jab will give me more comfort...

gan, thanks..yeah..glad they are growing well.. hehe..angela says i very guai..stay at hm and rest..so my babies oso very guai..grow well...:p

she ask me to rest more...and dun stress the tummy area by walking or standing for too long.. must be careful... so i hv to continue my home quarantine days.......

before my 1st ivf cycle, i painted and prepared an empty room just beside my master bedroom..tinking tht it will b baby room. bt it did not work out... so after tht, my hb in his efforts to console me, converted tht rm into our bedroom.. and the master bedroom into a walk in wardrobe for me! diao.. now i dun hv babies room....*headache*

before my 1st ivf cycle, i painted and prepared an empty room just beside my master bedroom..tinking tht it will b baby room. bt it did not work out... so after tht, my hb in his efforts to console me, converted tht rm into our bedroom.. and the master bedroom into a walk in wardrobe for me! diao.. now i dun hv babies room....*headache*
Gan, dun scare baby leh. Hehehe. But it is good to eat the food you like though our babies are not absorbing yet.

For me, I can't travel for long hrs. Anything above 25mins. I will start to look for plastic bags. Think baby faith likes to travel on mega transport like mrt. But I find it too crowded with strangers. May get viruses easily.
Gan, dun scare baby leh. Hehehe. But it is good to eat the food you like though our babies are not absorbing yet.

For me, I can't travel for long hrs. Anything above 25mins. I will start to look for plastic bags. Think baby faith likes to travel on mega transport like mrt. But I find it too crowded with strangers. May get viruses easily.
Panda, I m also tempted to convert our study cum office to baby's room. But for pandang reasons, I hvnt done anything yet. I plan to change the roller blinds into those cartooon themes. Also plan to use cartoons wallpaper. So many things I want to do for the baby's room. But shall kiv until pregnancy more stable.
Panda, I m also tempted to convert our study cum office to baby's room. But for pandang reasons, I hvnt done anything yet. I plan to change the roller blinds into those cartooon themes. Also plan to use cartoons wallpaper. So many things I want to do for the baby's room. But shall kiv until pregnancy more stable.
nm, actually we are in the midst of starting the renovation of the apartment we are shifting in July. but no baby room becoz i want my darling to sleep with us! =)

Pandawife, ur walk in wardrobe so big??? i mean masteroom as walk in, i thought the other way round.

Just faith, better dun take mrt now coz quite pack, in fact since preggy when i go to work i call cab back and forth
nm, actually we are in the midst of starting the renovation of the apartment we are shifting in July. but no baby room becoz i want my darling to sleep with us! =)

Pandawife, ur walk in wardrobe so big??? i mean masteroom as walk in, i thought the other way round.

Just faith, better dun take mrt now coz quite pack, in fact since preggy when i go to work i call cab back and forth
Just Faith, i hv one more guest room and study room...so most likely hv to convert guest room into bb room, and study into guest room, coz my mil will come and stay with us when babies are out.... yes...dun do now.. i oso pantang.. my bed is those tht has storage below the mattress..i dun even allow my hb to take things from below the bed.. coz hv to lift up the mattress..

gan, coz of feng shui reasons....my master bedroom alot of built in cabinets, so the only position for the bed is facing the toilet door... alot of pple tell me its no gd last time..bt i dun believe.. so when the last ivf cycle failed... my hb took the chance to change our bedroom ..so masterbedroom became walk in wardrobe...more convenient too coz my dressing table, and clothes are all in there already...just add on some structures to keep more clothes and bags..hahaha...
Just Faith, i hv one more guest room and study room...so most likely hv to convert guest room into bb room, and study into guest room, coz my mil will come and stay with us when babies are out.... yes...dun do now.. i oso pantang.. my bed is those tht has storage below the mattress..i dun even allow my hb to take things from below the bed.. coz hv to lift up the mattress..

gan, coz of feng shui reasons....my master bedroom alot of built in cabinets, so the only position for the bed is facing the toilet door... alot of pple tell me its no gd last time..bt i dun believe.. so when the last ivf cycle failed... my hb took the chance to change our bedroom ..so masterbedroom became walk in wardrobe...more convenient too coz my dressing table, and clothes are all in there already...just add on some structures to keep more clothes and bags..hahaha...
ladies, we shld avoid crowded places now.... very impt not to catch flu bug... kiasu abit better.... :p

my gf was telling me now GSS, i shld go and stock up bigger size lingerie...BHG has some gd deals...bt i told her i shall wait.... better dun join the crowd now.. not worth saving the few dollars and end up falling sick...
ladies, we shld avoid crowded places now.... very impt not to catch flu bug... kiasu abit better.... :p

my gf was telling me now GSS, i shld go and stock up bigger size lingerie...BHG has some gd deals...bt i told her i shall wait.... better dun join the crowd now.. not worth saving the few dollars and end up falling sick...
Gan, i was tinking i sleep in bb room with them, so tht they dun disturb my hb leh... hahahahah.. i worry 3 crying babies will cause my hb sleepless nights...

Gan, i was tinking i sleep in bb room with them, so tht they dun disturb my hb leh... hahahahah.. i worry 3 crying babies will cause my hb sleepless nights...
