IVF/ICSI Support Group

haha u ladies so funny.... Babies not baby... So sweet...

Keeping saying abt wu xiang.. Makes me hungry mann.. I love wu xiang... And hei chor... Duno now still like not.. Most food i can take but not mixed vege rice and fish meehoon...
Yday at 11plus i hungry... Ask hubby to bring me out for supper.. Went kopitiam to eat ba chor me... Hahaha...
My hubby says i sure fat if i continue to eat this way.... Hee

But yday i weight myself at the clinic.. 48kg... My usual weight.. Slightly lower.. Usually abt 49kg... I tot i will be heavier due to the two lovely bbs on board plus the bloatedness...

haha u ladies so funny.... Babies not baby... So sweet...

Keeping saying abt wu xiang.. Makes me hungry mann.. I love wu xiang... And hei chor... Duno now still like not.. Most food i can take but not mixed vege rice and fish meehoon...
Yday at 11plus i hungry... Ask hubby to bring me out for supper.. Went kopitiam to eat ba chor me... Hahaha...
My hubby says i sure fat if i continue to eat this way.... Hee

But yday i weight myself at the clinic.. 48kg... My usual weight.. Slightly lower.. Usually abt 49kg... I tot i will be heavier due to the two lovely bbs on board plus the bloatedness...
Gan, my room is big enough to put one king size and single bed. Baby will sleep with us. But still hope to give baby his/her own bedroom. Also use as baby's playroom lah.
Gan, my room is big enough to put one king size and single bed. Baby will sleep with us. But still hope to give baby his/her own bedroom. Also use as baby's playroom lah.
Just Faith, we are shifting to a very small apartment. hopefully when Baby Ho is bigger, we can buy another bigger home and baby has more place to play around.
Just Faith, we are shifting to a very small apartment. hopefully when Baby Ho is bigger, we can buy another bigger home and baby has more place to play around.
My house is also small. Din like big flats at first. Cos scared house too big, no kids running around, the house like very empty. Still happy to stay in small flat. Anyway, 5rm or EA are not making money. Usually when sell 3 or 4rm, can make neat profit. Hehe
Gan, baby, Just faith & Pandawife,
wow..so fast have ideas on how to decorate bb room.. can go Ikea see see look look after your pregnancies have stabilized..

My hubby bought guardian pregnancy tests for me just now and the morning urine was collected a few hours ago...is guardian pregnancy test reliable? tested juz now a v faint line..dunno what does that mean..in it's instruction leaflet said it might just probably preggy but why my bleeding still appear but since yst nite, it has decrease abit...any one encountered faint line and indeed BFP??
Gan, baby, Just faith & Pandawife,
wow..so fast have ideas on how to decorate bb room.. can go Ikea see see look look after your pregnancies have stabilized..

My hubby bought guardian pregnancy tests for me just now and the morning urine was collected a few hours ago...is guardian pregnancy test reliable? tested juz now a v faint line..dunno what does that mean..in it's instruction leaflet said it might just probably preggy but why my bleeding still appear but since yst nite, it has decrease abit...any one encountered faint line and indeed BFP??
Wow wow wow. I have never tested on guardian hpt. U hv spotting now? If u r really preggy, u need additional support. Maybe u want to test again on clearblue. If really see spotting, better go n see yr gynae and relate yr problem to them. U really need additional support.
Wow wow wow. I have never tested on guardian hpt. U hv spotting now? If u r really preggy, u need additional support. Maybe u want to test again on clearblue. If really see spotting, better go n see yr gynae and relate yr problem to them. U really need additional support.
TTCing BB when i first tested with watson HPT also faint line.
Are u having bleeding...please go to a gynae quickly and asked for blood test and support. must take care!!
TTCing BB when i first tested with watson HPT also faint line.
Are u having bleeding...please go to a gynae quickly and asked for blood test and support. must take care!!
Just Faith,Gan & working wife,
I kept staring at the pregnancy test to keep checking am I seeing the v faint line correctly even now after 40mins later the faint line is still there..I noe after 10mins cannot read it liao..but still wanna be sure..

when did u go see gynae after you've tested faint line on watson HPT? I hope it's a good good sign..plsss...
Just Faith,Gan & working wife,
I kept staring at the pregnancy test to keep checking am I seeing the v faint line correctly even now after 40mins later the faint line is still there..I noe after 10mins cannot read it liao..but still wanna be sure..

when did u go see gynae after you've tested faint line on watson HPT? I hope it's a good good sign..plsss...

clearblue i know is most accurate. bt i tink more impt to call ur doc.. coz if pregnant, and bleeding, can be a serious concern.

clearblue i know is most accurate. bt i tink more impt to call ur doc.. coz if pregnant, and bleeding, can be a serious concern.
after 1st seeing the brownish bleeding on tue, I faster went out to buy clearblue, it was tested -ve..so my hubby bought guardian pregnancy test this time.. I have just sms TFC..seeing the faint line and the concern of bleeding makes me very worry now..hope they reply fast...
after 1st seeing the brownish bleeding on tue, I faster went out to buy clearblue, it was tested -ve..so my hubby bought guardian pregnancy test this time.. I have just sms TFC..seeing the faint line and the concern of bleeding makes me very worry now..hope they reply fast...
TTCingBB when i tested on the HPT, i already had a BT day before because i was not feeling well and kk 24 hours did a BT for me and told me i have some HCG, 38.8, could be in early pregnancy but not confirmed. So next day, i got a watson HPT and do get a faint line, subsequently 2 days later i went back to kkivf for early BT to check HCG again.
I advise u to go see a gynae immediately, dun wait till even tomorrow or monday. Because bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy is something not to be taken lightly. U may need an injection to stabilise the pregnancy.
Please call your doc now.
TTCingBB when i tested on the HPT, i already had a BT day before because i was not feeling well and kk 24 hours did a BT for me and told me i have some HCG, 38.8, could be in early pregnancy but not confirmed. So next day, i got a watson HPT and do get a faint line, subsequently 2 days later i went back to kkivf for early BT to check HCG again.
I advise u to go see a gynae immediately, dun wait till even tomorrow or monday. Because bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy is something not to be taken lightly. U may need an injection to stabilise the pregnancy.
Please call your doc now.
Today is sat.. Quite difficult to get a gynea... Maybe u want to go down kkh 24hrs clinic? Request for support injection even if the bt have not confirm the pregnancy yet... Additional progestrone is ok even if u are not preggy...
Today is sat.. Quite difficult to get a gynea... Maybe u want to go down kkh 24hrs clinic? Request for support injection even if the bt have not confirm the pregnancy yet... Additional progestrone is ok even if u are not preggy...
Gan,Justfaith,workingwife,Pandawife & baby:
I agreed today is sat, most gynae clinics have closed and I will be going down kkh 24hrs clinic as advised by baby in a while... keep u gals posted later... tq very much for all the concern..
Gan,Justfaith,workingwife,Pandawife & baby:
I agreed today is sat, most gynae clinics have closed and I will be going down kkh 24hrs clinic as advised by baby in a while... keep u gals posted later... tq very much for all the concern..
Dear all
My BT today still not very good. Don't know what more can I do to increase the HCG. Today's reading is 89 while thursday's reading is 53. HCG increased very slow and the nurse said does not seem too good. She wanted me to go back testing again on Monday and if still not increase has to see Dr Loh on Tuesday. She said scare ethopic pregnancy..

Haiz.. why this journey is so tough. I am really disheartened...
Dear all
My BT today still not very good. Don't know what more can I do to increase the HCG. Today's reading is 89 while thursday's reading is 53. HCG increased very slow and the nurse said does not seem too good. She wanted me to go back testing again on Monday and if still not increase has to see Dr Loh on Tuesday. She said scare ethopic pregnancy..

Haiz.. why this journey is so tough. I am really disheartened...
ttcingbb, when u r at kk 24hrs for registration, tell the nurse u have done hpt and positive but having some bleeding now.. So that they will put u to see the doc who is gynae not other docs
ttcingbb, when u r at kk 24hrs for registration, tell the nurse u have done hpt and positive but having some bleeding now.. So that they will put u to see the doc who is gynae not other docs
greenie: dont give up....have faith in yr embbies...

ttcingBB: think clearblue is the most reliable? go to kk first and let the nurses check.
greenie: dont give up....have faith in yr embbies...

ttcingBB: think clearblue is the most reliable? go to kk first and let the nurses check.
greenie, continue to talk to ur embbies and ask them to grow. Although pple always say best to double every 48hrs but i did google and check last time that as long got an increase of 66% consider ok. I just check for u, u had an increase of 67% , so keep the faith. Just keep asking the embbies to jia you. hope ur hcg on monday will go up up up
greenie, continue to talk to ur embbies and ask them to grow. Although pple always say best to double every 48hrs but i did google and check last time that as long got an increase of 66% consider ok. I just check for u, u had an increase of 67% , so keep the faith. Just keep asking the embbies to jia you. hope ur hcg on monday will go up up up
nm/ Gan
Thanks.. It is already up to this stage and all these beyond my control and i leave to fate.
Of course I still hope for the best and the HCG to go up eventually. Keep my finger x and hope that my embbies are fighters..
nm/ Gan
Thanks.. It is already up to this stage and all these beyond my control and i leave to fate.
Of course I still hope for the best and the HCG to go up eventually. Keep my finger x and hope that my embbies are fighters..
hi ladies,
I have just started my IVF prog with CARE.
Now on Gynera. Do you feel little pulls and twinges when on Gynera?
Wish me luck for success for this IVF pls! many thanks!
hi ladies,
I have just started my IVF prog with CARE.
Now on Gynera. Do you feel little pulls and twinges when on Gynera?
Wish me luck for success for this IVF pls! many thanks!

nm...yeah..even at 8am she was already running betw her ofc. the scan rm and nings rm! u waited long 2day...

hmm...when is ur 1st scan..
