IVF/ICSI Support Group

glad to see your post..hope you're ok..

working wife & dec,
my bleeding started since tuesday..and a lump of crinone discharge dropped while I'm bathing on wednesday evening.. eeks! ;p am still bleeding.. I felt restlest and did not turn on pc the whole day yst.. in my mind, I think my menses has arrived early coz it's really bleeding type of AF..not spotting..usually my AF will slow down and produce lighter flow by D3 but it's still show a healthy bleeding color.. but I'm still taking medication and inserts till my BT on monday..

It's really a huge fright for you..Please do take gd care.. how's your condition today? able to fly back to SG?

You're really brave gal.. do take care and do mini-confinement ok.. bu bu & tiao your body... dun worry..my gf has miscarriage at 6-7mths and did D&C..she continued her chinese medication to bu her body and she conceived 3 months later.. miracles do happen..

You never go for earlier BT ah?

Suggest you go for earlier BT... At least you will know what's going on.

If strike, then at least can get the supports.

Take care yah!
hi there...i am new to this thread though have been a silent reader for some time.

in the 2ww, when can i test for hpt? i did iui and doc advised me to do a hpt on the 25th...is it too early today?
to all those here who have bfp such as panda, gan and the rest...i am so happy for u and ur stories have been the morale support for me these 2ww.

all those in 2ww....lets all hope and pray that we will hit the baby jackpot soon!

25th is how many days after you did iui?

i think you can test on D14 after IUI or if you can wait ideal is D16 or D17 after IUI.
hoping, some count transfer date as D1 some count as D0. So, i believe 25th is ard D14/D15. You can either test on that date or a few days after to be more accurate.

If not, you can test like 2-3 days after the date your AF is usually due.

Hope this helps.
Hoping, I was on so-iui last year. BT is 14 days after iui. I tested faint positive from day 11 onwards. When it was near bt date, the positive line become darker.
dec/nm: i guess i would have to wait then till day14 and aft. actually i did test and its neg today...now my hopes are like coming crashin down thou i m still hoping for a miracle...
nm: ya i have been talking to my babies since i read the thread here
have been trying to focus on happy thots all this while..its just tat now the result is jus round the corner...it makes me more anxious! i have been trying for 6yrs and had 2 failed ivf and i am just hoping that god will answer my prayer during this iui
better go for Earlier BT. if postive.. u need support. please take care.

i guess u tested early. stay positive all the best.
nm: ya did one fresh and one fet actually both by dr loh at kk and both failed..these were done in 07..i got v disappointed wen both failed and we just decided to try naturally which din seem to work till tis yr
we then decide to consult another gynae
Hoping, oh I see. I m just wondering how much u didn't attempt on soiui before you embarking on ivf.

Cos dr loh doesn't seemed interested to let me have ivf initially. That's why I started on soiui with him last yr. I striked but eventually lost it. Now is my second soiui but converted to ivf due to overstimulation of eggs. :p
justfaith: dr loh told me in 07 that ivf is a better success rate for me and not to waste time on iui as i hav endo
my cycst grows damn fast n i had to go an op in 05 once and then 07 once more with dr loh...he told me since i did laproscropy alrdy in 07 wit him...i shld strait away try for ivf to increase my chance as my endo jus cleared. i desperately want to get preg at tat time and jus strait away did ivf without thinking at all...
hoping, yes, i am.

my BT on 27 may. so i know what you feeling and going through now. i also very anxious. actually i also tested ytd morn also no good news. so just crossing my fingers.... and hope for the best. cos some sisters here told me might be too early... so you don think much.

stay positive!!!
sorry my sad story is kinda long actuali...my endo grew back and now i am already having 2 again but my current gynae do not wan to do another laproscropy on me saying that i hav done twice every 2 yrs and he is afraid it will make my ovaries weaker...he then put me on somethin to stop my menses for a year to stop the cycst frm growing and now a yr later, he told me to try iui and hopefully i can bfp coz if not then i would immediately need to do ivf
dec: thanks so much...i felt so much beta pouring my worries here...hav been reading silently and finally took the courage to speak out

yeah lets both stay positve and we will bfp soon together

venting out is always great. that's what the forum is here for. for the support to each other.

Jia You ok!
Elo all...

Rcvd call from IVF..my appt is change to Tues..so in the am go see Dr Sadhana @ 9am..hopefully can rush to sign the consent by 10.30am..if not have to go afternoon session at 2.30pm...

Very excited..My spotting is back it seems...so by tuesday confirmed got meds to eat liao..hai...hai..

Hepi Weekend to all..At last Friday is here..
nadia: good to hear..not too sure if i am remembering correctly. did you go to see dr zou for accu and take her herbs as well?

if u r the one, do continue ya though her herbs are hard to swallow...but i think they kinda help for me.
Hoping..yup me the one...now stop cos of the spotting..thot AF coming...still not..still the spotting..so no Dr Zou visit this week lor..Hai ..Hai...

Hoping: Dun give up as yet...Miracles may happen..BFP...BFP..all the way...(Positive Thinking MUST GO ON...;-)
Hoping... he was right abt no further time wasting instead of trying soiui... so i guess during that time, you didn't do anything to tiao your body etc?
justfaith: back in 07, i din do anything at all..kinda did everything blindly

only this year i tried to read up more and found this forum which hav taught me alot!
thus trying out accup at dr zou as well hoping it will improve my chances
am thinking but think I will do it on monday instead.. let see how..

How r you, fancy.. guess your AF should already arrived and over, right? what is your next step? will you go look for Dr Zou to tiao your body before your FET?
JJ: Not sure whether they will give medroxyprogestrone or other..cos that's wat normally they give for my spotting..will only know when me there on tues..Frustrating with the spotting..wish it was AF...hai..hai
nm... Thanks for ur reply..

I took gynera on my day 4 menses..today is the 12th day of gynera... Just abit if brown spotting..but now like dun have anymore.. Puzzled... So it's normal rite...was so worried jus now..cos it's oni my day15 of my menses.. Actually...why must take gynera? I was told that is to take over my cycle... Thanks nm..
ronniemini: maybe the brown spotting is old blood.

are u with CARE? gynera is to control when our menses come once we stop...thats y the nurse can tell u that menses will normally come 5 to 6 days after we stop gynera.

i supppose its for ivf planning to be prompt ..instead of waiting for af to come naturally
fancy - hihi,posted so early coz i hvnt slpt yet.
i am fine,my appt for followup is on 25/05..so i guess my FET shld be in 2-3 mths time.
mb we can be cycle buddies wor.
as my work is a freelance job i can stop anytime i take it as i am jobless.hahaa
timing very flexible one,so i shld b goin to tiao my body 1st.
this time round muz up my vitamins to prevent falling sick again.
Nm, mine is on nex thurs. Intially it was scheduled on nex tue but bcos of my late menses, the date was push foward. Oh, giant parkway selling loose brazilian nuts? Izit those fresh kind? I rem someone mentioning its still warm during the tm she bought.
leapgal: i am referring to basement of parkway. near coffeebean. there is a place where they sell loose nuts...all sorts...
u may wanna try there..
Girls saw my baby Ho. =)very happy!! EDD 11/1/11 =)) 6 weeks preggy
Dr Loh asked me stay at home to rest next week and will see me again on 27 May and then will check with him if i can go back to work.
Dr Loh will be away 2 to 5 June.

Hoping babydusts to you. Think you can test 2 weeks after your iui
