IVF/ICSI Support Group


is it endo cyst or??? did doc tell u if its will recur? coz i had endo cyst...after lap surgery, when menses came, the cyst grew back again.... so quite pointless if its endo cyst...coz its recurring...

July2007, Gan,
Thanks for the information.

iam ok now..

ya first i need to find out the way to bring my womb size to normal before going for FET.
need to discuss with Dr.Loh

someone told that they had similar prob.. don't remember which sis in the forum
kurnia: i remember pandawife had a cyst aspiration? pandawife am i right?

can u ask yr doc about cyst aspiration? at least may not need to abandon cycle.
Dear all,
I'm very worried and sad.
I just did my second FET on Tuesday. The procedure was fast but unfortunately when reached home, I've the urge to pee and pee until I feel a pain on my lower area. I can rush to toilet very frequently but with little urine passing out. The next day, I went straight to KK 24 hrs clinic, they did a scan for me and realized that there is a large amount urine was not being pass out and end up stomach bloated. The doctor decided to release the urine. As soon as they release, I can feel the bloatness disappear. I need to wait 2 hrs until I can pass it freely by myself before I can go home. I worried the embryos will not survived. How? Today is my day 3 of 2www. I have no symptom. Can it be I already failed. This is my last chance. I have no more embryos and why this is happening to me. I'm very up sad.

i made horlicks ...almost to room temp then stir in eggwhites....eeekkkkksss...

haha i def cant do egg whites raw...its so eeky...when the bloating comes i will ask angela for immunocal..hahah

It is endo cyst. Yes it will grow back. But my gynea was saying if I dont proceed wit the lap surgery, i might have difficulty for the IVF. What is cyst aspiration?

I was shocked actually. Didnt have it before. Just when I want to start the stages the gynea gave me the bad news. Even worst to know that I can only produce 8 eggs which is low for my age. I'm 31. So when the gynea suggest lap surgery, I just jump on it.

Dont want to hold any longer. I am so afraid that my egg decreases as time goes by.
kurnia: i think pandawife is in the best position to tell u abt cyst aspiration cos she went thru it... and based from what pandawife mentioned, there was only 2 or 3 day delay in proceeding to the next stage.

u might want to seek a 2nd opinion on this. my first gynae did lap surgery on me to remove cyst and it came back.

cyst aspiration is like ER..they poke a very fine needle thru the ovary into the cyst and suck out the content.. the sac remains in the ovary...and will hav minimal impact on the stimulation. once u r pregnant, the cyst will go away on its own... so really no need to do lap surgery.

hv u started stimulation? how does ur doc know u can only produce 8 eggs?
kurnia: sorry but i am very confused
hmm...which stage are u at now? if u dont mind me asking..

what test did yr gynae do to determine the no. of eggs you can produce?

The gynea showed me the report. I was supposed to come today to discussed on which protocol. But unfortunately, the last scan report showed a cyst in the ovary.
Here goes the story.

Back in 2007 I went to consult Dr Yong of my infertility. they went to do all sort of test which i dont care to take note(i regretted). I was young and not so worried. I dragged the whole thing until 2009 when i decided to proceed.

Unfortunately, my hr told me to leave the company if I proceed. So I postpone. 2010 I returned to SGH to proceed. But all the test and 1st scanning was done in 2007. In Apr 2010, I did another scanning which shows the cyst. I have yet to start on any stages.

I hope you gals are not confused over my problems. Now very heartache. If I know I wont take things for granted.
i would strongly suggest u seek 2nd opinion
perhaps a private gynae cos sgh is govt hospital ..i m not sure if All govt hospitals share the same info on patients?
it is nt compulsory to go 4 lap to proceed. and doc will nt b able to knnow how many eggs u will produce until u start stimulation. suggest u seek 2nd opinion b4 deciding. doing lap k affect the future natural ability of our womb.
nm and pandawife,

Thanks for the input. I will call my gynea and ask abt the cyst aspiration.
Where else do you recommend for me to go for 2nd opinion?
Kurnia, I had endo cyst back in 06, had it and 1 ovary removed thru lap in the same year.....when I did all my tests in prep for IVF in 09, my test results showed everything normal...but as I was already 33 n left w 1 ovary, after discussion with my gynae at KKH, we decided to proceed with IVF instead of continue to try on our own....

Managed to bfp in my IVF attempt, and now waiting to receive my previous little one in another 2 wks plus.....

Just wan to share w you that nothing is impossible.....must learn to be positive....
Kurnia, dun despair...u r only 31, as long as u try, I'm sure u will hv the chance to be a mummy too....8)

Like wat some of the ladies are suggesting, if u r unsure wat to do now, go for 2nd opinion....
Regarding the maternity insurance, I asked my agent abt it before. She said it's not covered for IVF pregnancies. Btw, my policy is with Prudential. I have the PruSmart Lady which includes the maternity risk.

Is there any insurance company that will cover maternity risk for IVF cases?
nm, i dun have much side effects from gonal f, some tiredness and gradual bloating. ER supposed to be next Mon, but may delay cos my follies growing slowly. Angela will up my menogon and cont to monitor. tummy is big but i dun feel uncomfortable. oso, i poop everyday at same time now!
Kurnia: Take care...like wat other Sistas says seek 2nd opinion...Will never know wat the outcome may be...No harm trying though..;-)

Syrah: IC...hmm..that's wat I was thinking will they cover for us when it's under IVF...so far i tried to find but none here in SG...not sure whether any sistas have come acroos of any...
Poppy: when did u start bloating ? I m fine so far but praying hard for minimal side effects . Me only day 2 of gonal f .got longway to go
fancy - so relieved to c ur post that u r ok,well..perhaps we can b cycle buddies again for FET.
pls take good care of your health.
if u r not working,mb we can go accupuncture 2gther.haa
Hi. I rem reading sumwhere someone bought fresh brazil nuts. If u know where to get those, could u kindly pm me the place pls?
Today never see yr post early in the morning le...
Manage to sleep later today? Or yr ms is disturbing u badly?
I just woke up for my morning dose of med... Now lazing on the bed... Still having the slight nausea feeling.. Only slightly...

woke up at 530am today, bad MS.. feel like need to poo...bt cant do it...

wht time is ur scan today?? feel excited for u and gan...
U woke up later than usual today....
Ya i also find it difficult to poo on certain days.. Then i just dont force it and let it be... Will poo when the urge is strong...
My scan is at late afternoon... Im also v excited and anxious..
Gan scan is abt 1plus in the afternoon if i recall... She must be anxious too like me...
Baby and Gan,

You will be seeing your little one heartbeat today. Aren't you all excited? Do update us when you are back!
Nm, every woman who go thru ivf is a warrior. Really!

I m doing fine. Idle at home. I just had two slices of bread and Milo. Now resting on the sofa.

You remember to keep talking to yr eggs. I think it helps. I had a very resistance stimulation stage. Almost wanted to abandon cycle. But we didn't give up. Keep talking to the eggs. If finally grew at 3.5mm overnight. Hehehehe. Enjoy!! Looking forward to see you in 2ww.

HL for KK i think given for 7 or 14 days. You can extend to BT date if you want.

All the best and Jia You!
how come so early u posted..didn't sleep??
how r u ?when r u planning for FET?? i will decide after my followup visit with dr loh. iam working leh. need to visit accupuncture doc too. will work out a plan and things to do for 3 mths before embarking with FET. is ur followup visit done?? any reason given ??

must be excited for the scan today..
Hi nm... Can chk wif u when u r taking gynera..when u have ur menses? I'm on my day15 after my last menses..&i saw brown spotting last nite & today..I'm also having abit of cramps today..I'm abit worried..
cos this is the first time I'm experiencing this..is this due to gynera? Thanks..

Baby & Gan, it will be a touching moment for u gals and hopefully it will be our turns soon. **Imagining nw...

I'm still in Lucrin stage, my tummy area where the jab is feel kind of suan suan n when i exert some force to go toilet,it kind of suan suan. Is it normal? Anyway I try nt to think too much. Hope u gals are coping well

Enjoy ur wkends ahead!

How are you doing today? Hope you can come back home today! :0


How are you getting on? Hope everything's well!
Ronniemini: when did y start taking gynera? I took mine on day 2 of April menses . Five days after my completion of gynera course, my menses came .
