IVF/ICSI Support Group


I m by so far, been happy n satisfied with kk. At least, in kk, I feel that the nurses n doctor is really eager to help each m every woman to get preggy. I m a very "sui-yuan" and "Sui-xing" person. And I know pregnancies conceived through ARTS (ivf / so-iui) are fragile becos hormones are artificially injected and when pregnancies are confirmed, more progesterone are being given to support the pregancies. I can only say the pregancies are very unnatural and should accept the low success rate of ARTS.

Ladies who are considering which ivf centre to use, please do not strike off kkivf just becos of all the negative stories being posted here. If one needs xtra attention from hospital, then be prepared to pay more at these pte clinics. But not forgetting, what if the ivf fails and the huge medical bills to pay.

Dec - BCP is birth control pills. Usually before FET cycle, doctor will give u BCP to control ovary activity so that there won't be any activity when they start the FET.
nm, i hv not really thought about it leh... very high chance i need to jab prog thru out the pregnancy... coz there are 3 of them.. so hv to stay w CARE.... Angela have not discussed this with me yet...

just came back from my BT... she told me EDD is between mid-end Dec! diao.. how come so fast... and i also found out hv to C-sect, triplets cannot natural birth.

my next scan will be next Thur... she says smtimes development for triplets might be slower..so to minimise stress for me, scan next thur is better....
tickles... u must take good care of urself when u r back hor...

just now angela ask me to take the black chicken essence.. she says cut the chicken into half, crush all the bones and make chix essence..take 2-3 times a week...very good for the baby..

u can ask ur hb to make for u and start taking...

hmmm.. no way they can remove the blood clot? or its best to leave it there ...
blissful, not yet.. hv to wait for next thur scan for heartbeat. today only jab and bt.

hmmm.. i m eating pizza again..haha.. i tink the babies like pizza... :p
pandawife we need special pot to make the essence? How to crush the bones?? Use hammer?.
U shld eat whatever u like to eat now since u having bad ms.
haha..i say too fast leh... cozwhen i was going to finish one slice, the puke feeling came again!! luckily i only heat up 1 slice.. so thts my lunch liao..plus some juice..

can u eat ur lunch today?? still want to puke?
Gan, no need... u cut half right..then invert a bowl..place the two halves on each side of the bowl..then u need another bigger bowl to b placed together into a pot for the essence to drip down..... i hv seen my mil make b4.. she crushed the bones with the reverse side of a big knife... coz black chix is very small..so quite easy to crush i tink...keke..

yeah lor.. just now angela told me no need worry abt the babies now...they wun be hungry one..coz still very small.. only i will feel hungry..hahahaha... so just take wht i can eat...

but she seems very concern about getting enuff calcium...ask me to take this chix essence and milk.. bt i cannot drink milk now..coz cant stand the smell...she says nvmd.... take later when MS not so bad....
if its very bad, u can ask doc for anti nausea pills... esp if u going back to work... very xin ku if wanna puke all the time...

i was given some just now...when i told angela tht MS is very bad... she says safe for pregnancy use.. if very uncomfortable, just take it...
Gan, Just Faith,

Noted. Will test again on Sat and next Mon and see how bah.

Just Faith,

I tested on sensitive strip. The one 10 & above can detect liao. That time you tested yours is the normal type one?

Working Wife,

Oic... Hhmm.... KK never give BCP one leh... You with which hospital?
blissful fate, hehe... yes..put the invert small bowl into the big bowl...to let the chicken essence drip down into the bigger bowl...smting like tht..hahahaah..

this is how i see my mil do... see if anyone else here knows a better way of doing this?

dec, the bottled ones not so gd. the whole point of doing this is to get the calcium from the chicken bones... coz our body need alot of calcium for growing babies...
blissful fate,

i dun cook at all..haha.. only observe when my mil cook... :p so maybe lousy description...coz no hands on experience.
Pandawife, I take chicken essence from those "market" chicken. Cos I worry black chicken too heaty for me. I usually take once a week. Mum will make for me. It's very yummy. Y'day I hv my pig stomach soup again. I usually take all these food once a week.

Btw, usually mutiple pregnancies will not carry baby to full term. Yr EDD is correct. Be prepared for the huge hospital bills. Hehe.

December, from day 13 onwards, I use clearblue hpt. These those Internet strips are not zhum if hcg is too low, can't detect at all.
So lucky u have yr mil to make this chicken ess for u... Sounds very bu and nourishing... But sounds quite tedious to make.. I think i just stick to bottled ones...
Or maybe i ask my mum see whether she knows how to make not... Must cook for how long? Its kind of steam to make the chicken drip out the ess right?

I feel restless today again thou not very nausea... Just now finish the whole pack of beehoon... No craving for anything... Sometimes hungry but cant think of anything to eat...
pandawife, thanks for sharing, i guess i dun understand coz i dun cook often. Kekeke now i only drink black chicken soup weekly. My dh will make for me every weekend since he is not working.
Actually i think there is pot for making chicken essence.
How are you mummy baby?

Yeah, you are right. It is to drink the essence of chicken. N very tasty. I had char siew rice for lunch. N I like to eat from this stall only. It's 10mins drive from my home.

I m restless today also. Just had redoxon vit c. Have abit of blocked nose. Very scared I will fall sick.
Hi Ladies,

Can I just check whether it is ok and good to drink soybean milk during 2WW?

And ok to walk normal pace mar? No need to walk until very slow type right? As long as don walk too fast can liao hor.
hi pandawife: u have to take jabs thruout yr pregnancy?

angela also told me if i get pregnant ..must take frax throughout pregnancy...plus if got other prbs must jab extra...i almost fainted when she said that

black chicken essence? must put herbs?
Just faith, hv u checked with ur gynae u can take redoxon vit c? I don't think is gd for pregnant lady to take. My colleague's gynae said no. Dr loh was not supportive then when I asked. So I nv take.
Just faith
Mummy baby refering to me is it?

I just drink one bottle of chicken ess... Today weather so hot mann... Dont feel like doing anything.. Lazing on the sofa with the fan directly blowing at me...

Yr ms better today? Can describe yr ms to me? Cos i duno what im feeling is a form of ms not... I never vomit and dont have the feeling to vomit just restless... Sometimes slight nausea feeling..
Mouth bland taste... Sometimes even after eating stong taste food.. After awhile mouth have bland taste again...

Btw the redox vit c u drop it in cool water or room temp water??
hazel can't take redox vit c? Been taking thateveryday the first week of my 2ww and took 1 few days ago. Did dr loh say why not supportive? I have forgotten to check with him
Nm, is redoxon that I m referring to. Dunno why not gd. Maybe unlike the tablet kind, redoxon has other ingredents inside. Just like stepsils. No good to take also.. Stepsils contain an ingredent that if take too excessively is no gd..

Pregnant dun anyhow take supplements or medicines unless cleared by gynae. Even our skin care, pimple cream n make up, if contain vit E pls avoid. Coz dr loh told me we nv know if the Vit E is pure or the by product of retinoids. The latter can cause defects in bb.
Gan, I dunno why. My pregnant colleague told me last time not to take as het gynae said no. Then I asked dr loh, he nv give me a straight ans yes or not... He just said if I want, just take half only. I asked Camden prof also, also nv reply me direct, just said take honey better.. So I concluded they not supportive. Thus I nv took
My hubby's doc even tell me to take the real orange for vit C instead of redoxon. I asked him can take or not, his reply was yes n no. I dun bother to ask further
ok, just checked, redoxon contains zinc and vit c. 10mg zinc. And went to check my pregnancy guide book, it says if we have cold during pregnancy, megadoses of vit c and zinc are not recommended during pregnancy.
Nm, stimulation stage shld not hv much restriction. But when u r pregnant, then hv to be more careful. Fish oil supplement also must be careful unless precribed by ur gynae when pregnant. Coz certain deep ocean fish r no gd.. Those longer than 1m long.. So if pregnant, fish such as tuna must cut down.
Redoxon has 1000mg of vit c if m not wrong. It Is alot loh..

Gan, pregnant dun anyhow take supplement unless is natural one like orange. Wat we take when non pregnant may not be ok when pregnant. Unless gynae precribes one.
ok...thanks for the updates...i have been taking fish oil since a kid so suddenly to stop is quite sudden but will double check with CARE once i am lucky ...
Even outside food, herbal stuff like herbal chicken, turtle soup, bak ku teh, hv to becareful.. Coz hawkers like to put dang gui.. N that may cause bleeding, ESP 1st trimester.

Also certain veg are cooling also.. Like kang kong.. Avoid, tt causes leg cramps...
hmm..angela says either black chicken or kampung chicken..can alternate between the two types....

just now she told me i can start to plan for the care when the babies come out.. i blur..haha.. i told her my tummy havent even started growing yet...then she told me very fast.. EDD in dec..and in 1 mth's time, my tummy will be a good size liao..hahaha..opps...

nm, yes..it seems like i will need progesterone support all the way. angela told me the recent mummy who gave birth to triplets delivered at 38weeks..and average weight of 2.8kg each baby...thts very very gd... and she has prog jab all the way lor, until the week before she deliver....

angela never talk abt calcium tablet..she told me the chix essence very good for the babies..coz alot of calcium..so babies will be very strong..
hazel, thanks, i already took 1 tablet few days back, but never mind will be careful next time. 2ww i took too coz was scared i fall sick like fresh cycle. Ok band redoxon vit c now
after my pizza lunch, i try to nap..coz the proluton jab making me very tired...bt nausea feeling kicked in...cannot sleep... :S

i tink i will go take a hot shower to relax the body......
thanks hazel...for now i need to graduate from stimulation stage too successful 2ww before thinking of all these...hahha

our prbs never ending...sigh
nm, yeah..my MS quite powerful..haha... i told angela oso..then she told me, wht to do, 3times the power..:p

by the way, ning is away for 3 weeks.. so expect some waiting time when u go CARE until she is back..
panda: maybe yrs during xmas? heheh or ny's eve? hehehe so exciting..i always loved dec...

what does angela mean by plan for the care when the bb come out? sometimes i very frightened by her stern look ...heheh maybe i am afraid of nurses hahah ...i do appreciate it cos she doesnt want to give false hopes...but still scary at times...hahah

she told me not to buy immunocal cos very ex...and wait till next mon then see how ..cos if my bloating is terrible then buy if not no need too....tonight i try to take raw egg whites put in milk...see how eeky it is..hahahha

wah ning away for so long...angela will be very very busy..heheh

by the time she come back i think its time for my ER/ET ...hehe i think...

panda: do u remember an old tv series called CHARMED?

its a story of 3 sisters ...they call themselves the "power of 3"....hehe
