IVF/ICSI Support Group

Baby, dun worry about the HCG levels, i think they are doing just fine. When my HCG was low at D14, i was worried and google the web and found the following

In about 85% of normal pregnancies, the hCG level will double every 48 - 72 hours. As you get further along in pregnancy and the hCG level gets higher, the time it takes to double can increase to about every 96 hours.
Caution must be used in making too much of hCG numbers. A normal pregnancy may have low hCG levels and result in a perfectly healthy baby. The results from an ultrasound after 5 - 6 weeks gestation are much more accurate than using hCG numbers.

So your BT is less than 72 hrs ago right, since u did the 1st BT 2days ago, and it has increased at least 60%, so dun worry. Like ur doc says could be ur blood is dilute today, don't focus too much on the number.

wow, Gan, u really done the research! i tink its very useful information.

i tink hor, the whole ivf is very stressful becoz all of us strive for certain numbers at every stage...if only somebody can get rid of all the information and numbers...then dun tink so much..wun stress so much...
Wow, so many posts, I can't keep up and can't keep logging in.

Thank you.. The fresh bleeding had stopped prob due to the cyclogest but still got brown spotting and stains. So still resting, lying down alot. Can’t sit for long. But appetite no gd now. Started some MS. Got food cravings.

My utrogestan is small, round & white. The box says can be oral or vaginal. But because vaginal means that anytime I poop, it’ll come out too, the clinic says best taken orally. Maybe different docs have their reasons?

I’m very happy for you. Congrats!!!

My hubby had worse results than yours. Only sluggish sperm. At the start, was so bad that was zero. But he was put on tribestan and we both went for accu. He stopped the tribestan eventually. But continued with accu. His results improved gradually with each week of accu. We also saw Prof PC Wong once but when he saw the inital results of the sperm analysis, he said to skip iui and confirm that we’d have to do ivf. But because he’s stationed too far, he recommended our current gynae to us. .... But Just Faith is correct in that iui is alot cheaper than ivf. The ivf’s ICSI itself was expensive!

En En,
Longan & SEEDLESS red dates will not be too heaty. I’m the type who gets sore throat even from candy and cookies! But during the 2ww, I took the londan drink on off (maybe 3 day interval) and had NO prob. Hope you enjoy the pasta. If you cook too much, you can keep the cooled extra portion in disposable aluminium foil baking cases (those used for making butter cakes) and when you wanna eat them, add some mozz cheese and bake it.

Just Faith,
You very very lucky your hubby so sayang you. Very happy for you.

Thanks for sharing.. I too now prefer soup to food. So i have either chicken broth or western soup with crackers.
I read that also... But still cant help to be worried.
It also says in the most early stages the hcg will double more.. It should double in 48-76hrs.. If it did not increase at least 66% in 48hrs.. The pregnancy is grim even if its increasing..

Its abt 48hrs for me.. I calculate my increase is abt 68%...
I was expecting the nos to be over 1000 or at least abt 900... Didnt expect it to be this low... So worrying...
For u.. Thou u only has 80plus on d14.. Its more than double on yr d17 which is 380 right?

If i never did my bt 2 days earlier on my d12... 599 reading today will make me so happy without the comparison... Sigh...
Cos i read the most early stage the increasing trend should be more... Duno how to pass these 3 days to my bt on tue.
Baby, dun worry and stress yourself. your increase is healthy as it is at least 66% in 48 hrs. Look forward to your 6 weeks scan.
yah, accunpuncture does helps.will get hubb to continue too.
anyway, doubt i can proceed with ivf/soiui within next few mths as i was offered a job.
considering if i should take it up as the hiring drector sounds quite pessismistic over what changes she could make to team.
am tinking, at least better than contract job lor with risk of termination if i preggy.
still considering, shall give them an answer coming monday or tuesday.
meanwhile will ttc naturally first coz probation period is 3 mths.

Dont worry k, all willbe fine de.
continue encouragint ure little beanie...
pandawife: CONGRATS TO U!!!! so tomorrow still have to go down to CARE or no need liao?

Very happy for u....

Congrats to GAN too...
Take good care !
you can now rest well and enjoy motherhood ...
hope to have the same positive journey as yrs too...

the fraxiparine jabs are giving me blue blacks on the tummy....need to use hot compress to ease the blue blacks
i m sure it will be ur turn very soon!

yeah..i also had quite many blue blacks on the tummy during the jabbing period. after u extract the stringe, press the site with alcohol wipe, apply pressure and hold for a while. ning taught me this.
nm, ning says continue as if i m in 2ww...coz 1st trimester still considered high risk period. so i will continue to rest at home, have my meals "delivered" and "excused" from all housework. hee....
yup ning also taught me to use hot compress on tummy to ease the blue black..cos the fraxiparine will give me more bruising...

i took a photo of my tummy before and during.... the jabs..hahah
congrats pandawife!

cupcake - 0 sperm count? did u guys retest SA & full bloodwork on reason for the 0 sperm count?
tickles, can you provide me the contacts for you massage lady? I heard womb massage is good. How often do you go for it? Does the lady come our place?
congrats congrats!!!!!
catching your babdy dust ,thanks thanks..keke, juz nice coz should O today or tmr.

i tink cupcake means motility lah, not count
my hubb during last so-iui was at 0% rapid motility too,
the best he has was 6% rapid so i guess, it does fluctuates esp, stress level, health status etc.

btw gers looking for Brazil Nut.
pls do not buy it from a medicine hall directly opposite Si Ma Lu Temple.
Chided me, gave me Pecan Nut which he claims is Brazil Nut.
i did some research on brazil but image and knew its sala lah.

for girls staying around Jurong area, there is this Orgnic shop at Jurong Pt 2, level 3.
selling 250g at $11.50, and its organic.
cheaper than the Fruits & Nuts stall beside the organic stall which is 5.50bucks for 100g.
Hope this helps :)
hor... cos if count is zero suppose to have some bloodwork to do to ascertain the cause.

brazil nut have a 'skin' around it like red-ish brown skin. abt thumb sized. Pat's oven got sell it by grams... city sq mall & vivo got a branch of Pat's oven shop
JJ & Ceraine,
Nope. I do mean Zero sperm count. I think it's called azoospermia or something. We were really upset. Which was why we kept testing every week and realised accupuncture really helped improved the count bit by bit. Of course zero sperm count meant zero motility. Which was why it was straight to ivf. Initially offered option of donor sperm but we not keen.
No blockage. We were told, can be any cause, eg: too much alcohol when young, tight underwear, smoking previously (now almost cut down) etc.

my brazil nuts quickly have which dots. is it common? can be eaten still?

Been wanting to send a message but I am really tired today.... typing from my iphone is not easy.

Congrats!!! Very well done!!! I am so happy in this thread, to see so many die-hard-mother-to-be trying so hard to get themselves preggy.

All ladies,

Think my "good days" is coming to an end. Just started very severe vomitting after lunch today. Was vomitting non-stop. I could feel whenever I cant burp properly, I will start to feel like vomitting. Threw up everything. Think I will stay away from fish for these few days. The smell of it, really makes me when to puke.. and especially when there are people who smokes around me, I start to vomit again. Luckily, there is no smoker in my house.

Mum laugh at my MS. Cos she was wondering how come I so zai, so good appetite for the last few days. But mum is really sweet. When I asked for chicken soup, she made for me 2 days back. Today, I requested pig stomach's soup, she made for me again. Yummy. Mum's homecooked soup is still the best.

You have not been good again. Think you shouldn't bother too much about the HCG readings. It is really not worth getting stressed over it. There are so many possiblities/reasons why HCG reading is lower for a particular day. Don't read too much into it.

My HCG was 322.7 on Day 17. I didn't even want to brood over it... Everyday, I m enjoying. Except for today, the MS were really really bad. Keep vomitting....

Don't think too much okay?
Thanks Cupcake!

No worries, I am fine. I enjoy all these MS. At least I dun feel guilty eating so much food leh... now I throw up, I eat again.. lol. Siao right?
Just Faith :
Okaaay... Sounds a bit tiring to throw up and to eat again;) But at least you taking it in your stride. Good for you. My nurses said that that very bad MS is a good sign.. Mine just starting so hope to join the MS club join. Ha ha.
Jusr Faith, thanks!

You very gd leh! can puke and eat....
i wanna puke all the time and cannot eat... wht i eat for the whole day now is less than my normal 1 meal portion..
PandaWife, dunno leh, though I dun finish the food. But I try to eat like half or 3/4 of it. But when I cant burp, i start to throw up. Then I feel hungry again.

And my vomitting is severe. Sometimes, really feel like out of breath easily.

I got cravings for durian now. But I dare not eat now. I scared, I vomit again....
hmmmm i am still not in ms club yet....and appetite still good.

Anyway just found out on 21 may, my hubby need to report to army, so can't go for my 1st scan together. Sianz
at least u can eat..thts already an accomplishment if u hv MS. i feel very hungry..bt the minute the food is here, i wanna puke liao.

its normal to be out of breath.. nurse told me its a pregnancy symptom too...coz this morning i sms her tht i vomit again, she ask me if i feel out of breath. at first i thot y she ask me tht...coz at this stage not possible to hv OHSS liao..hahaha.... later than she explain tht its a pregnancy symptom.

durians! aiyoh..now so late, dun eat liao.. tmr then eat lah..keke.. i had durians every day the 1st week of 2ww..so now the craving totally satisfied.

i m surviving mostly on liquid diet now.... luckily still can drink.
PandaWife, this is the first time I heard that "out-of-breath" also a pregnancy symptoms. I very pai seh when I throw up in public toilets. So I will look for drains instead.

Luckily, you still can drink. hehe.. okay lah, i be good, pamper myself with durians tomorrow then.
Been eating full meals...coz feel very hungry during meal times. nowadays 6pm hungry le whereas last time my dinner is always around 9pm since we work late.
hi gals,

any of u had spotting coz u misssed the timing to insert the utrogestan?
coz i nvr set my alarm for this morn's insert n i overshot by 5hrs.
then i quickly insertwhen i realised,then 3pm insert my 2nd dosage but already hv abit spotting. :s
so i tried calling kkivf a few times nobody picked up abt 3 plus,then i call the KKH dial a nurse hotline(the pay $0.80 min)..
the response i got from the nurse in a impatient and harried tone was "u shld call KKIVF not us,they shld noe how to ans your qns.and they are not off work yet.i give u 2 other numbers to call"
i was quite fed up with the hotline response since they r supposed to b reliable.
lucky i m not bleeding to death or wat.
and since at tat time i cldn't get thru KKIVF definitely i wld hv to call the other professional line which is so unpro.
in the end manage to get thru kkivf,they advise me to wait til tmr if there's any more spotting.

sorry for the long post,need to vent off some steam.esp abt the bloody professional hotline which is so unprofessional.please if anything happens to anybody in similar position,don't bother to call the hotline.rather u go to the 24hr clinic
Thanks! Finally in 2ww

couldn't update yet coz hubby usingg the notebook while I'm using blackberry.. Abit ley chay.. :p did u or any sis here encounter tummyache like diarrhea?I'm having it now but nothing coming out. I'm constipated,wondering can still drink prune juice?

Nancy,skies & snappack,
Can advice if crinone insert only in vag? And walk ard awhile before lying on bed?
Hey take care .. was just wondering y no post from u ..

Listen whenever u have probs. 2 things u need to simuntaneously . Email the doc - Sub - urgent and mention IVF pateint and which stage of IVF u in . does Dr sadhana respond to email ??

if within KKIVF timing, better call them , no repond.. and u r stressed out , just go there direct.

if it is after 5.30 P.M . go with ur papers of IVF. to KKivf 24 hrs.. and put ur foot down and make sure u get the support..

now no stress liao.. go and sleep well
fancy - i juz woke up not long only.hahah..
hmm...no idea abt Dr.Sadhana email address.
coz i was having some spotting n i m not sure whether izit due to missing the timing for the inserts..and i wanna check b4 i go all the way down.
dun b like me and forget to set the alarm for the inserts hor,only 1 time and this happened.
at least KKIVF is more professional when i managed to get them.
juz pissed off with the supposedly professional hotline nurse.
thanks dearie for ur advice.so how r u doing?
so happy tat so many BFPs.hehe
ya so many BFP's...
feeling good .. thread is in positive side.. hope to continue ..and we should all be together in MTB thread...

Don't worry.. Speak to embies and tell them sorry for forgetting the medicine..
and no stress , now like good girl.. Smile big..
fancy - ya lor, :D .. my sis cooked chicken essence for me.hahaha...b drinking it ltr b4 i slp.
now watching tv dramas online while waiting for hair to dry.

the cookbook i mention the other time was - The Chinese pregnancy and confinement cookbook by Ng Siong Hui.

Sorry I blur... I'm referring to Dr Jerry Chan too. Was busy thinking of other things and catching up on the postings here and ended up typing the wrong name. Obviously cant multi-task that well. This thread is moving way too fast and I'm trying clear as much work as possible before my op.

In any case, you should be in good hands with either Dr Loh or Dr Sadhana.
i miss my sis :-(.. enjoy..
iam very close to her and i used to tell her she is teh only reason why i need 2 kids ( so that they enjoy the sibiling relationships) .. never thought.. i will striuggle even for one :-(
ha ha.. me too watching Friends US drama comedy series .. my favourite..
take rest.. tomm going to KKH for BT - progestrone check..
I think missed a few hrs is ok cos utrogestan is not the only med support.. U had the other med rite? Somemore yrs is 3 times a day.. Some of us only had it twice a day.. So yrs already at a higher dose liao...
Congrats Pandawife! I remember when I first joined, you told me that you failed your first cycle, and not to give up. And you're right! Important to never give up! Really happy for u!

Spread the baby dust our way.... I am getting more and more anxious about my ET now... just 4 more days!

GAN, don't be sad my hb to can't go with me on 13 may as he can't take leave. My parents offer to go with me n my good friend too. :p

just faith, I'm scare of MS but due to that I didn't gain much weight. But not having MS now make me gain weight, my hb just said my thigh r very big
