IVF/ICSI Support Group

CONGRATS Pandawife! truly happy for you ! my confidence level with CARE jus went up a notch, esp seeing how much support they provide u during 2ww. have a smooth 9 mths ahead!
baby - the other meds were the antibiotic n the cabergoline which i started on the day of ER n finished within 8 days..
Rainzs, baby,
utrogen gives progestrone support with 3 times a day is enough.. other than that they take BT test to check BT - progestrone which will ensure our body is absorbing well and if required they give additional support..

This is the usual protocal for all KKh Patients..

so no worry..

I inserted d crinone insert in d vagina only when I'm bout to sleep n I try not to walk ard after tt unless nd to go toilet.
rainzz, today u be good ger and rest in bed more. dont walk around too much. take care ok??
keep up the good spirit!

TTCingBB, i had diarrhoea i tink the first wkend during 2ww. for about 2-3 days on and off. smtimes oso constipated.
when constipated, take a glass of prune juice in the morning.. before end of day, u shld b fine.
as for diarrhoea, can take 1-2 carbon tablets when necessary.

poppy, yes. u r in good hands. have good trust and faith in the team at CARE. I was still having a phone conversation with Ning last night at 1030pm on what i shld b taking note of
(i forgot to ask her some qns during the day time} and she told me if wkend any discomfort, dont hesitate to call her or Angela.

Just Faith, enjoy ur durians today!! i m up so early coz feel hungry....bt now i m struggling to eat my breakfast.

working_wife, yup yup, i remember our conversation.
All the best to your ET, remember to have more rest and don't tink too much. Important to have faith in your embbies.
*plenty of babies dusts*

syrah, thanks thanks!
pandawife - you're up early..congrats congrats on your BFP!!! so happy for you...all that worry was worth the wait!

my bt is finally today and I couldn't sleep the whole night....
jbean, thanks! *babies dust to you*

i can totally understand.. i had a few long sleepless nights too.

update us the good news later ok? u r not doing hpt??
u up early.. i was awake by 5.15. but didn't get up bcos i didn't know what to do , whether anyone will be there to chat. he he.. atlast did u sleep peacefully ?? how is ur MS?? take care..
me going to BT for progrestrone check now..

Hey J Bean,

All the very best Jia youuuuuuuuuuu

yeah lor....5am, hungry...then struggle to eat 1 piece of cracker and half a cup of holicks before the puking kicks in again.

now hungry again....just made some instant campbell soup...keke.. and hope i dun puke.

gd luck for ur prog test, all will go well and be fine.
pandawife u r up so early! How u doing this morning? I am up at 6am plus to pee, then try to sleep awhile more to 730am before taking my med.

Rainzz rest more and observe the spotting. Take good care.

Blissful i am super disappointed lor that the timing of army seminar clashed with my scan date but dun want to change a later date coz so diff to get dr loh's slot and i am eager to see the bb

jbeans all the best!!
Gan, good morning

I am glad its the wkend..hehe..coz hb at home to keep me company.

MS still going good and strong..everytime i eat, hv to standby a plastic bag just in case.

u must go eat some yummy good food over the wkend with ur hb.. enjoy while it lasts!

later i plan to go out for short walk nearby and also buy some essentials. my inner bottoms getting too tight for comfort, hv to go buy some bigger ones. :p

i oso wake up coz high tide..plus feel hungry liao..hehe.. poor hb also up at 5plus.
Pandawife, yes i am eating whatever i can now, wondering when my ms kicks in.

I don't think i can go out this weekend coz i realised once i walked abit longer say 10mins, my spotting will start. though little but better be careful. moreover have to go to work on mon so better rest.
my pants are getting tight and i need bigger pants.i already have a tummy before preggy now i think the tummy looks bigger coz i sit and eat and sleep.
Pandawif, congrats. Hope u will feel better after 3 mths nomally that when e MS end.

GAN, I understand same didn't want to change e date as I want to see how my little one.
morning gals!

U gals really wake up so early everyday...
I just woke up to take med and insert...
Btw can i check whether u have sore boobs?

The utrogen insert quite hard to manage.. Its so small.. Insert halfway like cannot feel it liao... Duno got insert deep enough or not... I wonder why dr dont carry on the cylogest.. Its also progestrone but higher in dosage... I tot we need higher progestrone support after bfp... But now dosage is 200... Cylogest is 400...
Btw the utrogestan insert will have the discharge like the cylogest? Cos yday after i lie down for an hr after inserting utrogestan... I saw yellowish discharge after that... Is it normal or i did not insert deep enough tats y it is not absorbed?
Gan, its time for hb to do his part...haha..ask him to go and buy back yummy food! hee.. i m so bad... i just woke up from a short nap and hungry again. diao... tummy growling.

then again, some pple dun hv MS at all leh, i remember my ex colleague, 9 mths of crazy eating! everyday lunch time make me go out have nice food coz she has craving..hee..

u also better rest in bed more in that case, dont walk about too much.

i wear more loose fitting dresses..so still can sustain..bt inner bottom wear cannot..tight until its like squeezing the tummy..

hehe..i nap once and ate twice from 5am liao..heheh...

i hv sore boobs.. quite painful actually.. bt they are not bigger yet. hahahahaha.. i m looking forward to bigger ones..:p

how r u feeling today?
blissful fate, thanks! i hope MS will end by 1st trimester. coz angela told me she has 9 mths of MS and hope tht i m not like her! my eyes nearly pop out when she said tht..hehe...
Pandawife, yes just sent my hubby downstairs to buy me fried mee hoon, kekeke feeling hungry though i had a bun at around 8am.

Baby, i also have discharge when on the utrogestan inserts, so dun worry.

Just faith, how r u today?
Take the crinone out from the fridge one hr before sleep. Insert into vaginal. I dun get up after inserting and pee only one hr after inserting. Rest well in ur 2ww

Lucky u still can eat
Eat more while u can, add to ur reserves. I am now living on fluids. The best part? Dun feel hungry at all. Weird
pandawife: up so early ? should rest more..

not sure why but when i use the heat pad on the bruising on the tummy..the bruising became more spread out..

is that normal?
nm, hmm.. i hv not used the heat pad on bruises before. maybe can call ning and check with her?

i woke up coz hungry and high tide..hehe.. after tht cannot sleep liao.. my body feels abit haywire these few days...
heheh....just called CARE ...she say the blood under the bruising is dissipating so its ok...
i think its due to my additional jab that cause the bruising...

i am halfway through the suppression stage...yippee...next thurs and fri will be doing BT (E2) for the second time then start on stimulation drugs...
Pandawife, fancy, gan, blissful_fate, nm - thank you so much for all your well wishes!

Just got back from BT and seeing the dr - my HCG is 966.5

Next appt is only on 24 May - to confirm sac and heartbeat etc. Have been given crinone inserts for another 3 days, and oral duphaston and folic acid. I feel quite relieved now altho dr says the next 2 wks also quite critical... was quite worried as had gone back to work quite early...
nm that's because the heatpack helps blood circulation, that's why spread out.

nancy, ya eating whenever feel hungry. i think got alot of reserve le!
don't worry abt your body going haywire. At the start, i thought i was imagining stuff cos my symptoms didn't follow the timeline of early pregnancy.. But eventually, it settled down.
I had problems breathing around the 3rd week to about 4.5 weeks. Couldn't breathe properly so thought i didn't have enuf fresh air. Opening windows didn't help. Even thought my bra was too tight. But that feeling passed too. I guess our bodies are just adjusting to accommodate our lil one.

I'm only on oral utrogestan (3 times daily) & folic acid. I have cyclogest insert BUT it's only for fresh bleeding emergency.
Gan: thanks gan...i was a little shocked to see the spreading..hehe ..will continue to use the heat pad..

jbean: CONGRATS! very high HCG...possible twins?

ladies: just a side track since you are talking abt MS symptoms..one of my friends when she was preggy loved the smell of the rubbish truck! Can you imagine? hehe

I was so amazed by our body development to accomodate the little one
Thanks..I drank slighly more den half a cup of prune juice yst nite after I read ur reply. But hor while in toilet trying to get it done, I suddenly broke out in cold sweat n feeling v bad. I ask my hubby faster insert crinone so I can faster rest..still feeling pain contraction on & off so couldn't reply.
Thanks..heng,I didn't get up after inserting yst nite

Nancy,pandaWife & skies,
I juz called TFC n am told my ovaries r still swollen so that might caused the pain. Need to continue 6-8 egg whites,drink 2l of H20. For constipation,can eat bananas,papaya or prune juice. If severe cramps again or having pee that looks like chinese tea,either go straight to them or 24hrs clinic or to call them..
I gotta guai guai take 6-8 egg whites coz the most I took is only 3..
Have a beautiful wkend everyone
thanks Gan, nm & baby.

baby - my ER on 21 Apr; ET 23 Apr. my dr counts it ER day 0, so bt today is d17. how r u feeling today? hv u started MS like pandawife?

pandawife- hope u manage to eat despite the MS....must hv enough nutrients...

gan - my tummy also big, but think it's bloating due to pregnyl...last few days, sometimes hv to go without buttoning hehehe

nm - i hv quite a few bruises also as on asprin, so bruise v easily. dr said could be singleton or twins, can't tell until wk 6. but she ruled out triplets as the HCG would be in the thousands then.
Congrats to U! Pls rest well and have a happy pregnancy ahead! Pour your bb dust to me and I hope will have MS soon (silly me)

Congrats to u too! Have a smooth mths ahead!

Pls rest well.
jbean: me on aspirin and fraxiparine (blood thinning jab) as i got blood coagulation issues..

hope you have twins...

any special things you do during yr stimulation and 2ww period? tips for us ladies who will be entering stimulation soon?
We did et on the same day...
Yr dr calculation is different from my dr.. My et is d0... So yr d17 is my d14... Yr hcg is so much higher than mine..
No ms le... U have ms liao?
I notice i have certain werid werid feeling around heart area like its pounding v fast like that...
I also feels my tummy like not so bloated liao... Cham.. Worried.. The bloatedness should get worst as it progresses after bfp right?
Jbean, i have also return to work since 29 April. just take care and not stressed out during work. now i find i have spotting when i walk alot, will try to sit at my desk as much as possible when i am back in office on monday
thanks cupcake, noi & suyana.

nm - actually l learned a lot from the ladies here. I started accupuncture from the beginning of the cycle, 10 sessions in total. diet wise:
stimulation phase:
-drank ginger/red dates/brown sugar daily
- chicken essence daily
-1-2 egg whites daily

- 3 brazil nuts daily
- drank longan/red dates every 2-3 days
- chicken essence daily

all the best to you, important to don't be too stresed..
baby - not sure if my HCG is higher coz my last pregynl jab was last sunday. but dr said for week 4 (since LMP) HCG can range from 50 to 4,000+.

gan - yes agree with you, try not to get too stressed at work. but with the spotting, u better take care and rest more. if it continues, maybe chk if dr can increase support? what r u on now?

jbeans: for yr egg whites ..were they eaten raw? what did u do with the yolks? its so wasteful to throw them away

thanks for the advice...
will keep them in mind...

yr ginger was mixed with red dates?
