IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats pandawife, Gan, baby.

so happy for u.
hope I can join u all soon...

ladies,can help by advising me... I've book holidays to hk in June..& is it advisable for me to start my ivf this mth?cos my menses is here..I'm very confused! Dunno whether to call care to book appt anot...
No worry... Im sure yrs is a 100% bfp!!! Congrats to u first ya!!
I also just did my bt.. Later in the afternoon should know the results liao... I also abit kan cheong hehe...

Wow u so fast have ms liao ah... Yr ms symptoms appear before yr bt is due... Must be v high hcg tats y will make u have ms..
I feel totally normal... Abit worried hows my little ones doing..

Like what gan says... No symptoms will make one worry whether is everything well or not.. But of cos ms also xinku la... Hee..
baby, hehe..tht makes 2 of us waiting for BT results today.

do u still hv cramps huh? i start to feel pulling kind of cramps at the sides..bt nurse says its normal...

MS is related to HCG? aiyoh...very very xinku...now i know how my mummy suffered also when she had me. she says she also MS very jia lat. i feel sooooo hungry..bt when the food appears, i wanna puke!
Angela told me its a happy problem....so cannot complain..
Ladies - MS usually happen from week6 of pregnancy and there is different stages of MS so ladies for those who has not had the MS enjoy the moment as the moment MS strike you will not have the appetite/strength to do anything depending on the seriousness of your MS ....
Ya ms is due to the hcg hormones..
If yr mum has it.. V high chance u will also have ms when u preggy...
Yup its a happy problem.. Ms also show the baby is growing well as its giving out the hormones that make u have ms..
But no ms doesnt means the baby not growing well.. Its very individual...

Since u aldy tested positive on hpt.. U wont be as kancheong as me on wed when im waiting for my bt... Hee..
Rem to ask for yr hcg level later ok...
I believe u will need to go bk to clinic tml to get new med support..

I ask my clinic abt the utrogestan.. Dr prefers us to insert rather than orally.. Unless not convenient then take orally..
Cos i think the med can be delivered directly to our uterus by inserting...

i was told to continue with all the 2ww medication..so nurse already made me bring back new supplies of the med. and hv to go for twice a week prog jabs...every mon and thur.

i suddenly feel very tired leh..and back aching also.... struggling to eat my lunch since 1 hr ago....

i can imagine how u felt on wed... must be nervous like dunno what...hehe.. yeah..later will check the magic numbers...wanna ask my hb go buy 4D..hahaha......
Awaiting 2 more good news from u this afternoon
Keep us posted

I dun have any appetite past few days. In front of me i have a packet of vegetarian bee hoon, one chicken porridge and 2 kuays. Simply cant ingest them. I am just drinking ribena with water. Even plain water i cant stand it. Wanna puke like pandawife says.
Haha yr clinic ask u to get new supply of med before yr bt results is out.. I wonder if u nvr tell them abt yr positive hpt will they do the same too...

Whats yr 2ww med? I have progynona, dupheston and utrogestan insert now...

I feel yr ms now is only a beginning leh.. As yr pregnancy progress.. Yr ms will get worst leh.. Maybe can ask for med to relieve yr ms else very xinku for u..
Eat some sour plums or drink some ginger tea...
baby, they asked me to giv urine sample there...then i show the hpt sticks..hehehe...

i hv utro, crinone inserts, aspirin, estrofem.

i feeling on and off cramps now..dunno if its becoz not enuff sleep last night..now body feeling stressed...i go take a nap...lets update later.

Can check with you where you bought those disposable heatpads? Cos i know those winter wear shop have but different heat types leh. Scared I buy too hot one. :p

Wishing you a safe & smooth pregnancy ahead!!! Must rest more....
Nancy, i was about to ask all those BFP ladies, how they are feeling in their early pregnancy.. Like you, i also dont have appetite to eat.. keep on vomitting now and then.. very tiring.. no mood to do anything.. want to sleep but can only take a nap.. been reading all the postings in this forum but no mood to type coz feeling head like want to burst..

Any advise from the BFP ladies?
Can we use axe oil to make us feel better?
nancy try take small meals but more frequently. My appetitie still goood. Feel hungry at meal times.

Dec i bot those heatpack from daiso. Cheaper $2 got 3 pieces in 1 pack.
Gan, i think you better enjoy the eating now.. i cant even taste the nice food around me..
the smell of it make me puke.. i really dunnoe what to eat..


I hope I have time to chiong to Daiso... hee hee.... Other than PS, where else have Daiso har?
briefing for ivf done, I made note in my file to start using June's menes. was told that whole procedure would be less then 2mths.

Group briefing with 5 other couples, flashed ppt & presented by female MO. then we have to sign the blue n white forms.

after briefing each couple wait outside for their turn or the individual briefing with the nurses where we are briefed on the details of the ivf n the breakdown of costing.

Dr Loh will be on leave 1st week June. the counselling by social worker have to call another dept to make appt (only avaliable weekdays) so we asked if it's complusory they stated no but encouraged to attend since it's complimentary to the ivf package.

decided not to go for the counselling since it means my dh got to take leave (he not much leave liao)...

so from now till June's af I will 'tiao' my body, want to ask dr Zou if can switch to once a week accupunture then nearer to June then start to intensive acc
dec hmmm vivocity, imm have. But dun put too long ok. I think brownie put alt day..u can check earlier post in april sometime around 23 where she shared what she did in 2ww.

When is ur et?
brownie, no didn't scan...i am only 4 weeks pregnant dun think can see the sac yet, will scan on 21. Got an injection....super painful
Gan, i noe.. the injection is progesterone rite.. yah lah.. very painful.. i cant walk for almost 3 days.. did they increase your duphaston?
dr loh informed kkivf tht i have 3 times a day. I emailed dr loh abt my spotting. Will stop aspirin for the time being
i wonder if anyone has invented home devices to detect our HCG and progesterone level, so that we dun hv to keep drawing blood for these tests. hehe
JJ, tks for the updates! I tink I'll oni 've the gp counselling & signing of consent form. As for the individual session wif the nurse, I had oledy done in Mar...the nurse showed me the breakdown of the cost & details but I simply can't absorb much..heh.

How long did the gp briefing take juz now?
brownie, nancy,
just now nurse told me, if very bad, wanna puke, dont force myself to eat.

can just drink milo. she says eat and drink as and when i can..no need to worry abt taking proper 3 meals if wanna puke.

nancy, i also had a pack of vegetarian bee hoon for lunch today...bt barely even finish 1/4 of it. then i drank a glass of juice and a bottle of chicken essence.

maybe u can try taking juices. i can still drink plain water, bt not as much as my normal intake..probably only 1/3 of it only.
I didn't take note of the exact timing but I reached 10am, paid $$$ at 11.30am after going for grp n individual briefing.
Syrah, my doc is not Dr Tan, its Dr Chan. I check from KKH website that he is an Associate Consultant. I'll probably ask for Dr Loh or Dr Sadhana since they have 'magic hands'.

If you r having MS, take small but more meals each day. Dont eat a full meal. Also, try not to take oily/ spicy food. Maybe eat more soupy stuff. Or if you find you can eat certain food better juz eat. I always snack in between meals.
Drink more water or juices to replenish d fluid loss. If it is really that bad, ask anti- nausea pills fr your gynea.
brownie, i dun hv headache. bt like u, cannot sleep.. nap also very fast will wake up..coz my bladder feels very full all the time.. and body alot of discomfort. i hv not been sleeping well since tuesday liao, really turning into panda.
dr zuo said still maintain the 2 times a week accupunture then will schedule the daily one at the scanning stage

good luck panda for yr bt results!

I hv been having bad MS since Week 6, only got better recently. I learnt from Singapoh and oso read from books that before u get up from bed every morning, eat one or two pcs of crackers and cont lying down for another 20 mins before u slowly get up. This mtd helped me initially but when the really bad MS kicks in, it didn't help me anymore.

Basically, like what Skies said, my diet consists of soup and porridge only, despite that, I only could eat 1/4 of what I usu eat during my normal meals. I cldnt drink plain water oso, only can take flavoured water like Ribena. Do not drink Ribena on an empty stomach though, cos I found myself vomitting badly if I do that. Avoid oily and spicy food as well as food that will produce alot of air in our body, esp food that contains coconut milk, like curry and laksa. It created havoc for me.

I realised that usu my vomitting is caused by air in my stomach and I cldnt get it out thru burping. Therefore, eat slowly to avoid swallowing alot of air.

Recently, I realised that cold drinks help to ease my nauseousness too, however, I will make sure I leave the cold drink from the fridge at room temp for a while first before drinking. I oso make myself honey drink wif lemon, really opens my appetite a little too.

Finally, I oso eat alot of fruit and veges as I cldnt eat meat now. Also, during this period of time, I avoided hawker centres etc, places where there's alot of smoke and smell. Eating at home is the best, although whenever my mum cooks, I will shut myself in my room cos the cooking smell makes me puke. I can't take any smell, didn't use medicated oil as the smell oso makes me uncomfortable. Basically, I lie down everyday as it will help ease the MS.

Hope this helps
brownie, i m only sensitive to food smell now...as in nausea when i eat certain foods...esp meats for some reason. fish, chicken..all cannot eat now.

i stop using perfume since start of 2ww..and also use only organic skincare.

starbabies, thanks for the tips! i m trying to make myself as comfortable as possible so tht my body can hv more rest....bt very challenging...
