IVF/ICSI Support Group

Pandawife, congrats!!

Starbabies, thanks for the tips..


No worries, jus sharing what I've gone thru. And congrats to u!!!

Rest more for the first trimester. I have been on hospitalization leave for the whole of my first trimester. Stayed at home for nearly two and a half months. But, I literally slept thru and had a gd rest. It helps in our bb development. Take care..

Nurse says becoz i took the BT one day earlier, so she cant tell if its multiples.

Anyway, most impt is baby grow well, if multiple is a bonus.
Prayhard, kekeke yes transferred 3 but based on my HCG reading, i think should be singleton? Won't know till scan on 21 May, singelton, twins or triplets, I am ok as long bb healthy

yeah..i tink rest is very important..i need to try and sleep more. somehow the sleeping bug hasnt caught me yet. only the MS bug came. i always hear pple say expecting ladies will feel very tired all the time.

Thank you all for the well wishes! Ladies, this has also been a very long and difficult journey for me and my hb, until now i still feel like i m in a dream! I hope to be able to share this luck with all of u!!
Pandawife, maybe u were too tense up due to cming BT last few days that's why can't sleep well. Now you are pregnant, i am sure u will sleep well and the sleeping bug will catch u very soon!
Pandawife, it's true, u will feel more tired during ur first trimester, dats y to rest more now is very very impt..
PandaWife, Gan,

Ya, most impt thing is bb healthy ... can feel the joy coming from both of u..so happy for u both..please pass me your bb dust...see so many sisters BFP make me very nervous & envy now
Gan, yeah.. was abit tensed the last few days.. almost driving myself crazy kind..hahaha.. hopefully tonight can hv a gd night sleep...

Prayhard, it will be your turn soon! All the best to ur FET. *babies dusts*
I really feel so happy for u.. Sees like CARE also have good success rates..

Your turn will come k.. All the best for your coming FET..

Congrats !!
Another good news after a nap

Thanks for the tips

Nurse told me actually baby dun take our nutrients in first tri only our reserves. She menioned one lady lost 5 kg in her first tri also delivered healthy baby. I keep telling myself got all these symptoms means baby growing inside.

Ur turn will come soon. Jia you
Lots of baby dusts

What did doc says abt the brown discharge? u resting on the bed?
Congrats panda!!!!!!
U have very high hcg!!! Be prepared for multiples!!!
Maybe yr nurse is right.. May be triplets for u... !!!
Now u finally can offload the big stone in yr heart... Haha..

My dr hvt call me yet le.. I think he will only call me after his clinic close.. Seeing yr hcg level make me anxious ah.. Hee
Nancy, sitting on sofa now, was lying on bed just now...scared i fall asleep on bed as i need to take the duphuston at 3.30pm.
Dr at 24 hrs said some women during early pregnancy will spot. just ask me rest more. but now seems ok le..
I am thinking if I shld go TMC next Friday for another BT just to check everything is ok since i am on leave next Friday.

This morning when i was there, there was also another lady who tested BFP today. both of us were sharing with each other how bloated our tummies are! she also like me, suppose to BT tmr, but cannot wait.

Angela says both of us gan chiong spiders..hehehe

Indeed I am very glad tht I went to CARE, they hv given us very professional care and support during this period.

You know the triplets, Ning told me the mummy carried 3 of them full term leh! when they were born, average weight of 2.5kg! i m very impressed!
baby, I am sure ur HCG is good also. 2 days ago already a good number liao... no need be anxious..already confirmed BFP.

Just now nurse call me, i was taking my shower, i came out dripping wet to take her call coz i wanna know the outcome. :p

no lah, i dun tink triplets..hehe.. maybe small possibility of twins.. coz she says my HCG by tmr shld cross 1,000.
U mean the brown discharge is often there or only once or twice? U mean to check the Hcg level? I thought of that before to just go GP and do another BT before nextscan but so afraid of drawing blood. U must rest well, ya
nancy had brown discharge twice yesterday after walking, like go downstairs buy food.?not alot
this morning a little but now ok.
Yes check hcg. =)
Ya.. The lady that I saw with the big tummy must be her. Cos her tummy was so big when she walk in, me and hub were like thinking, Gosh.. How many inside? Haha! But I think she gt very bad water retention prob too. Cos her feet very swollen. Then when we ask Ning, she say there's 3 in her tummy, carry till full term. Moreover, she and her hub looks like they are of certain age already. I guess when they know they strike, they must be super happy..
Tickles, yeah..they are in their late 30s liao.

they failed 2 cycles at my previous gynae and came to CARE. Ning told me they were overjoyed when they knew tht they were having 3! make up for all the lost time.

the mummy hor, hv to jab thru out her 9 mths leh... to support the pregnancy. ning says she only stop jabbing 1 week before EDD. amazing....
Hi Tickles...

Can u imagine..I haven't drink it yet leh...hhahaha...alreadi had a hard time drinking the meds from Dr Zou...yesterday went for accu...last meds..so got no more new meds to eat...So will drink it this coming weekend...will try one 1st...but must remember to buy orange juice..;-)

Thanks dear..How r u doing by the way...
Nadia, i strongly recommend to start to take immunocal before u start ivf. both me and hb feels tht it made a difference in our overall well being in preparing for the cycle this time.

best is if u can use freshly squeezed orange juice, it tastes better than those packet ones.

Thanks...that's wat I wanted..Need to tell my brain and mind..it's k to drink...hahaha..(Faints..)will heed your advise and drink soon...

Fresh squeeze..hmm need alot of it? or 1 orange will do...

one orange i tink u can use it for 2-3days.....

we did not go TCM.. just solely take immunocal and COQ10 as prescribe by CARE.
Huh? Jab thru 9m? I think that's why she can sustain it till full term.. Must have spent alot of $$. But $ happily spent..
So what are the sex? Do u know? That time Ning didnt tell us..

haha! Do try to start drinking ya. Its good for you.

For me, I'm alright. Excited as I'm seeing Dr Tan tml already.. Hopefully baby is doing well inside. Sometime I do feel strange, like my tummy at times very obvious, but at times, its flat. Erm.. But I do have some MS. So I console by telling myself MS is a good sign.
2 girls 1 boy! perfect combination!

ur tummy can be flat? tht means u will carry ur pregnancy very well right?? so envy....

my tummy looks like already 3 mths expecting..my mum says its very big since now only consider 4 weeks pregnant only.
Tickles & Pandawife...

thanks for the advice...will force myself to do it mah...hehehehe

1 orange squueze for 2 -3 days..can get lot of juice is it with 1 orange juice..I dun drink orange juice..that's y dun know...hehehe

gd to hear...everything k...MS...hmm minor one is it...Ya heard that having MS is gd sign..but sometimes not easy ma...

Well as long as baby is growing well and healthy...the rest doesn't matter...do take care
nadia, i oso guessing only..hahaha...

my hb does the juice squeezing..we bought this braun orange juicer...so he will usually squeeze a few and store in the fridge..and can last both of us 1 week... not very ideal this way...bt no time to do it everyday.

So happy for you.. Congrats.. please pour lots of baby dusts. have a smooth pregnancy.

do u remeber u were sounding so negative when u had low BT level ofprogestrone.. ..now apologise to the embies he he..

heheh...k i guess..i buy the juice la...dun think got time to squeeze mah...hehehe...i shall endure and drink...hehehe

Thanks dear...
haha..fancy...yes yes.. was quite upset when the BT results were not good.

already say sorry to the embbies liao, and told them mummy love them very very much!

thanks for the well wishes *plenty of babies dust*

hope u BFP and join MTB soon!
Gan & PandaWife,
CONGRATS!! Give me tons of babydust!! Take gd care!

I've done my ET today.feeling abit tired when rch hm,mayb c my bed makes me wanna slp hehehe progestrone taken but no pain le..is it normal coz heard some of u saying its v painful..and after inserting e crinone thru vag,muz stand up walk?

Will update e excel tonite.
Gan , thanks.

Judebabe, pandawife, I'm with prof wong now. My first successful ivf was at care paragon. I was referred to angela by my doc. So after I was pregnant then, I need not go back to care. I heard paul tseng is gd too. My friend's bb was very high up when she was pregnant and her doc told her that it is impossible to have natural delivery. After she switched to Paul tseng, he helped her to deliver naturally.

I hear so many gd news. I must Jia you too.
Tickles, Gan,

We failed our IVF in last Dec..almost the same timing..now both of u BFP...me so scare and worry now...told my husband that a lot of the sisters BFP liao..he said dun give myself too much stress..haiz...hope my turn will come soon...
Welcome to 2WW..
every one else passed to MTB and waiting for us..

oops raizs is also there but her BT is coming soon - 12th may & enen on 13th May.. All the best to bothof them..

Hey ladies .. all newly joined MTB memebers.. please pour lots of baby dusts to ladies in 2ww.
En En, i oso heard good feedback abt Paul. only problem for us if we go to him is his clinic is at TMC. My hb just hates to go there...hehehe... if only he is at Paragon too, tht would be perfect.

All the best, u are half way thru 2ww liao. bt now implantation would hv already happened...

PrayHard, u dont tink too much leh. our mental well being is very impt for ivf to work. one of the biggest Don't during 2ww is STRESS.
Ya. I still rem that both of u were my cycle buddies and we all fail except for Zaza. Now that me and Gan also got promoted. U must also jia you k. But dun stressed yourself too much. Relax and prepare yourself. Rem to regularly go Dr Zou there for poking k. Me and Gan were very diligent with that. So u rem to go regularly and prepare your body for your FET. I believe I will def hear good news from you in July.

I noe..that's what I keep telling myself..must stay happy & positive always..

Ya lor..now you and Gan have promoted..I really feel happy for both of u as you guys were my cycle buddies before...but you know rite..the feeling of seeing all been promoted but left me alone now..will start wondering when is my turn..so feeling very scare and worry...

I go for acc twice weekly except menses period..very quai rite? Taking her med faithfully also...dun know what else I need to do now..ya..I went to Daiso to get the heat pad few days ago..
my hcg is 599 today.. 2 days bk is 356...
Im so worried now... Dr says the hcg is not doubling as expected.. Thou he tells me not to focus on the numbers too much.. He says maybe its twins but one is not doing too well and is tapering off... And maybe today the my blood is more dilute...

Can anyone advise me on this?? So worried... : (
For me, when i prepare, I drink only warm water or room temp water. No cold drinks at all. I dun drink liang stuff too. No cold fruits too. I drink black chcicken soup to keep my body warm too. Of cos regular acu and faithfully taking Dr zou's herbs. I also went for the womb massage once a month after my AF ends. Other than that, exercise if u can to promote blood circulation. Rest well and eat more fish and leafy veg. Oh, I also drink ensure milk and also at times drink the red dates and wolfberry drink.

Dun worry too much, ur turn will come soon. Me and Gan we strike first cos we did our FEt earlier than u ma. So, stay happy and positive k. Then your body will produce happy hormones. And dun keep testing HPT during 2ww to stress yourself hor.
baby, i read tht HCG will fluctuate also leh... just like prog.. ur doc is right..dont focus too much on the numbers.. otherwise will feel stress...most impt now for us is to have alot of rest, be happy so tht babies will grow well!

think of celebrating mother's day next year!

go play with the link and see when is ur cuties' EDD date.


must help to distract u abit...hehe.. come to tink of it...our babies will be due around the same time! hee... so cool...

Prayhard, don't worry and get stressed. We are cycle buddies so you will also be promoted this time, so that we can be buddies in our pregnancy journey.

Stress is definitely a no-no in 2ww. So tell yourself that you have strong embbies, who survive the freezing and thawing and therefore they are here to stay with you. That's what I told myself during this 2ww. The embbies are fighters so their mummy will also be a fighter.
