IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Hi sisters..I have been reading ur good group posts n am vry impressed on how u share tips :) I jus got my mensus spotting today n am yet to call kkivf wen I have full flow to schedule for my scan to start on stimulating inj..can I know some tips on wat to eat 4 good egg growth?? I saw egg wgites only..but how many a day n what time to consume it?? ? anything else?

Hi Anita18, if u dun want to get the immunocal, u can have 4 egg whites in the morning...if u can't take it raw,u may half boil it and throw the yolk away..some prefers immunocal coz itz easier to prepare..juz pour water and shake it..depends on wat u prefer..

Hi Sue Dazey, u asked me the other time why Dr Sadhana asked me to go for scan at 5-6weeks..me nt sure..maybe they wanna see whether it is viable still and whether there is anything in the womb? In the end, she told me that maybe itz still early and asked me to come back next week...
Coz ur BT reading was high so maybe they are not too worried about ur pregnancy...

Although I wished that she wld ask me to go for 1st scan on 8 weeks wic is 8 Oct..1 day after yours..coz seeing an empty gestational sac at 5-6weeks made me even more nervous and anxious for my 2nd scan..At work, a friend of mine had a miscarriage and she is in the same pregnancy stage as me...make me even more worried..whatever it is, I tawakkal and leave it to Allah swt if this baby is meant to be mine and hubby...

I did have some cramps on and off but Alhamdulillah not so bad...may Allah swt grant us healthy babies...
Hi Sue Dazey, u asked me the other time why Dr Sadhana asked me to go for scan at 5-6weeks..me nt sure..maybe they wanna see whether it is viable still and whether there is anything in the womb? In the end, she told me that maybe itz still early and asked me to come back next week...
Coz ur BT reading was high so maybe they are not too worried about ur pregnancy...

Although I wished that she wld ask me to go for 1st scan on 8 weeks wic is 8 Oct..1 day after yours..coz seeing an empty gestational sac at 5-6weeks made me even more nervous and anxious for my 2nd scan..At work, a friend of mine had a miscarriage and she is in the same pregnancy stage as me...make me even more worried..whatever it is, I tawakkal and leave it to Allah swt if this baby is meant to be mine and hubby...

I did have some cramps on and off but Alhamdulillah not so bad...may Allah swt grant us healthy babies...

Salam Rashal,

It's normal for the doc to scan at 5-6 weeks. I had my 1st scan during my 5week too. Your BT indicate your BFP so the first scan is merely to confirm your pregnancy and also to detect the heartbeat of your baby at the early stage. This is especially so to detect early miscarriage. Ada org can be BFP tapi bila scan they cldn't detect the heartbeat, thus they classified as miscarriage for the empty sac.

Dun worry too much k... Berserah kepada Nya... Insya Allah, he will grant you a healthy baby. Amin. Now you have to keep remind yourself to be happy and stress free...coz this will help your pregnancy to be stronger and smoother sailing.
Alhamdulillah.. u are halfway thru ur 2ww.. take care and rest well.

Ive started getting nauseous at certain smells. And will puke after food. Bt other than that, im quite alright. Ppl at work been asking.. I just smiled. Going for my first scan this Monday. .cant wait!!

Hang in der dear...

I on e other hand feels like it's going to be a bfn. Feeling a lot like myself. Nothing different. I'm 11dp2dt. Maybe too early to say. bT is on 11 oct. Day 17. But I might ask for early BT cz my oral duphaston finishing on e 7 Oct.

At e same time no signs of Af coming either. Haha weird. Hv an awesome jumaah ladies, weekends here! :)
Salam Rashal,

It's normal for the doc to scan at 5-6 weeks. I had my 1st scan during my 5week too. Your BT indicate your BFP so the first scan is merely to confirm your pregnancy and also to detect the heartbeat of your baby at the early stage. This is especially so to detect early miscarriage. Ada org can be BFP tapi bila scan they cldn't detect the heartbeat, thus they classified as miscarriage for the empty sac.

Dun worry too much k... Berserah kepada Nya... Insya Allah, he will grant you a healthy baby. Amin. Now you have to keep remind yourself to be happy and stress free...coz this will help your pregnancy to be stronger and smoother sailing.

Wa'alaikumsalam want2bamummy...jazakallahu khairan on ur encouraging words..it did help me to lessen my worry..skrg ni I berserah pada Allah swt..as long as I takde bleeding I bersyukur sangat2...mudah2an Allah swt permudahkan perjalanan kami utk mendapat zuriat yg sihat..
Hang in der dear...

I on e other hand feels like it's going to be a bfn. Feeling a lot like myself. Nothing different. I'm 11dp2dt. Maybe too early to say. bT is on 11 oct. Day 17. But I might ask for early BT cz my oral duphaston finishing on e 7 Oct.

At e same time no signs of Af coming either. Haha weird. Hv an awesome jumaah ladies, weekends here! :)

As salam missyZ....i had tested early 1 week before my blood test and it was faint positive..my other 3 fresh IVFs I hv nvr seen a positive on any of the HPT..insya' Allah, It will happen..Allah knows best..stay positive alritey..
As salam missyZ....i had tested early 1 week before my blood test and it was faint positive..my other 3 fresh IVFs I hv nvr seen a positive on any of the HPT..insya' Allah, It will happen..Allah knows best..stay positive alritey..

Thank u Rashal, praying hard still... InsyaAllah.
Hi Sue Dazey, u asked me the other time why Dr Sadhana asked me to go for scan at 5-6weeks..me nt sure..maybe they wanna see whether it is viable still and whether there is anything in the womb? In the end, she told me that maybe itz still early and asked me to come back next week...
Coz ur BT reading was high so maybe they are not too worried about ur pregnancy...

Although I wished that she wld ask me to go for 1st scan on 8 weeks wic is 8 Oct..1 day after yours..coz seeing an empty gestational sac at 5-6weeks made me even more nervous and anxious for my 2nd scan..At work, a friend of mine had a miscarriage and she is in the same pregnancy stage as me...make me even more worried..whatever it is, I tawakkal and leave it to Allah swt if this baby is meant to be mine and hubby...

I did have some cramps on and off but Alhamdulillah not so bad...may Allah swt grant us healthy babies...

InsyaAllah Rashal,
May Allah bless us all..
I was also worried despite the high BFP. Tawakkal ni...bykkan berdoa.

I heard abt another lady who lost her babies in week 8. Listening to that makes me worry even more. LeaviNg all in Allah's hands now.
Hang in der dear...

I on e other hand feels like it's going to be a bfn. Feeling a lot like myself. Nothing different. I'm 11dp2dt. Maybe too early to say. bT is on 11 oct. Day 17. But I might ask for early BT cz my oral duphaston finishing on e 7 Oct.

At e same time no signs of Af coming either. Haha weird. Hv an awesome jumaah ladies, weekends here! :)

True what Rashal. Dont assume anything first.
Anything cn happen.. InsyaAllah, may Allah grants a positive result for u.
NurA, continue having faith k. Keep ur hopes up and stay positive. No symptoms does not mean its neg. Will pray for u dear. Take care :)
NurA, continue having faith k. Keep ur hopes up and stay positive. No symptoms does not mean its neg. Will pray for u dear. Take care :)
Thanks caramel...still keeping my hopes up n continue berdoa. May He give me the strength no matter what the outcome is :)
Hi Anita18, if u dun want to get the immunocal, u can have 4 egg whites in the morning...if u can't take it raw,u may half boil it and throw the yolk away..some prefers immunocal coz itz easier to prepare..juz pour water and shake it..depends on wat u prefer..
thank u so much rashal :) u r the only person who replied to my query kindly..I appreciate it alot..I been injectin since mon n supposed 2 go tues 4 scan..so its 9days injections..I am on 200units purgeon frm tis Thurs upto cumin Mon..do u think I wil hve to continue wth more injections aftr tues scan??
thank u so much rashal :) u r the only person who replied to my query kindly..I appreciate it alot..I been injectin since mon n supposed 2 go tues 4 scan..so its 9days injections..I am on 200units purgeon frm tis Thurs upto cumin Mon..do u think I wil hve to continue wth more injections aftr tues scan??

Is Tues ur 1scan aft injections? If yes, then they may see the follicle growth whether they are the desired size which is 18-23mm..if yes they will proceed to do ER..if no,they will up the dosage for another 3-5days and if the follicles respond to the upped dosage then they will proceed to do the ER...hope this info helps..;)
Thank u so much rashal. ..yes yes 1st scan since I started injections..so tues is my 9th day injection. .really hope all goes well n wish u well too girl!! God bless u :)
Salam semua..

Just back from my holidays....

So how is everyone progressing?

Hope all are doing well...

Busy week after my leave....heheeh
Salam semua..

Just back from my holidays....

So how is everyone progressing?

Hope all are doing well...

Busy week after my leave....heheeh
Salaam bubbli,

Wah best nyer.
I'm 14dp2dt, BT on fri 11/10. Actually I tot nak go in for BT besok cz my oral meds finishes today but kkh tak kasi. Told me to come down today to collect more meds to last till fri. Oh well.

I hv no preggy symptoms and hv officially missed my period. No signs of af coming either, so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. Not gonna poas till BT. I take it as no news is gd news for now. Praying hard tt it ll work dis round even tho transferred only one embbie. Ligat like my normal self. Ni nak go jb jalan jalan hehe.

Hv a gd day bubbli n everybody!
Salaam bubbli,

Wah best nyer.
I'm 14dp2dt, BT on fri 11/10. Actually I tot nak go in for BT besok cz my oral meds finishes today but kkh tak kasi. Told me to come down today to collect more meds to last till fri. Oh well.

I hv no preggy symptoms and hv officially missed my period. No signs of af coming either, so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. Not gonna poas till BT. I take it as no news is gd news for now. Praying hard tt it ll work dis round even tho transferred only one embbie. Ligat like my normal self. Ni nak go jb jalan jalan hehe.

Hv a gd day bubbli n everybody!

Hmm..u dah 14dp2dt...Then can do bt...tak payah nak tunggu for Fri...This kk kelakar seram..
hmm tak pe..u collect the meds...Continue...Then on fri buat BT...

Well some no preg symptoms..Asalkan no red..Still got chance..hehehe...

Insya-allah will hear good news from u...We only need one to succeed...;-)

Buat things as per normal..it's better...asalkan u dun strain urself too much la..
Hmm..u dah 14dp2dt...Then can do bt...tak payah nak tunggu for Fri...This kk kelakar seram..
hmm tak pe..u collect the meds...Continue...Then on fri buat BT...

Well some no preg symptoms..Asalkan no red..Still got chance..hehehe...

Insya-allah will hear good news from u...We only need one to succeed...;-)

Buat things as per normal..it's better...asalkan u dun strain urself too much la..

Yeah itu la dier. Kkh say dey gt certain benchmark. Dey feel if do BT at day 17 got better results, entahlah. I ikutkan, a few more days. Yeap yeap dis cycle is by far e smoothest unlike e other 2 prev ones top it off I dun see red.

Den again I'm on cyclogest insert n oral duphaston since ET. Hopefully tt is nt e reason y no red. Hehe praying hard for good news, BT falls on my 4th yr wedding anni. :)

No straining just slow relax steps... Have a gd day n a very gd morning bubbli n everybody!
Hello ladies, I have been reading all your posts and is so heartened to see BFPs and successful births from some of the sisters here too. Just to intro again, I had tried one fresh and one frozen cycle about eh, exactly a year ago..heheh rmbr i found out i was pregnant on hari raya haji and was praying so hard masa tunggu kambing sembelih that this year i would be holding my little child. Well ok, that didnt happen cos both cycles i BFP but unfortunately miscarried at 9 and 6 weeks respectively.

So anyway, the doc wanted me to try again but i said a straight NO to him cos 2 miscarriages within 4 months had taken its physical, emotional and spriritual toll on me. But the past few weeks i revisited this forum and got encouraged again to meet the doc to discuss further and have made the switch to dr sadhana n meeting her this saturday. And yup, i need like sort of a refresher to what to ask the doctor and stuff. So just wanted to find out how is dr sadhana's style of consultation, is she the chop-chop kind that i need to prep my qns, will she review my files and decide on 3day transfer or to do blastocyst and how often will i get to see her during the whole process?

Thank you ladies. And those on 2ww, best nye dapat rehat pat rumah away from the sweltering heat outside. Lol.
Hello ladies, I have been reading all your posts and is so heartened to see BFPs and successful births from some of the sisters here too. Just to intro again, I had tried one fresh and one frozen cycle about eh, exactly a year ago..heheh rmbr i found out i was pregnant on hari raya haji and was praying so hard masa tunggu kambing sembelih that this year i would be holding my little child. Well ok, that didnt happen cos both cycles i BFP but unfortunately miscarried at 9 and 6 weeks respectively.

So anyway, the doc wanted me to try again but i said a straight NO to him cos 2 miscarriages within 4 months had taken its physical, emotional and spriritual toll on me. But the past few weeks i revisited this forum and got encouraged again to meet the doc to discuss further and have made the switch to dr sadhana n meeting her this saturday. And yup, i need like sort of a refresher to what to ask the doctor and stuff. So just wanted to find out how is dr sadhana's style of consultation, is she the chop-chop kind that i need to prep my qns, will she review my files and decide on 3day transfer or to do blastocyst and how often will i get to see her during the whole process?

Thank you ladies. And those on 2ww, best nye dapat rehat pat rumah away from the sweltering heat outside. Lol.

As salam mnadz, I am also with Dr Sadhana for my current FET and a bfp but i think I will also suffer a miscarriage soon as today, my 7week+5day scan didnt show anything..i leave it to Allah to decide for me...

During the IVF process, we dun normally see her except for ER,ET and after the BFP or BFN..1 thing gd abt Dr Sadhana is tt she is v patient with u..even if u ask a lot of questions she will answer you and not in a hurry to shoo you out ..I like to hv her as my doctor personally...

If u are embarking on ivf again, I do hope u will b successful this time around..As for me, if this is not viable as decreed by Allah, I will b juz moving on and try on my own...
Hi Rashal, thank you for the heads-up on dr sadhana and thank you for your kind prayers on my next steps too.

I hope you are able to get a second opinion on your pregnancy before deciding on anything? *hugs* I really hope for all the best for you and the rest in our journey to parenthood.
MissyZ - Yeah KKH has a benchmark to meet, hcg of 250. so I guess the reason they ask u to wait out till d17 so that u dun hv to repeat ur BT again. by d17, hcg wud be more than 250 already and since u r doin well no reason they dun want to rush ur BT. hope u succeed this time, insyaAllah. dun wori so much, to some KKH is a not top notch hosp but there are sum gud in them. I turn out ok..lol
Rashal- Yeah I agree with Mnadz, do seek a second opinion on ur pregnancy for sum ppl, week 8 then can see sac and the fetal pole.. *hugs*
Mnadz, I think I remember ur nick. Gud for u sis, get back on ur feet and come back stronger. im not under Dr Sadhana, so I cant give u much heads up..all the best for ur coming cycle
MissyZ - Yeah KKH has a benchmark to meet, hcg of 250. so I guess the reason they ask u to wait out till d17 so that u dun hv to repeat ur BT again. by d17, hcg wud be more than 250 already and since u r doin well no reason they dun want to rush ur BT. hope u succeed this time, insyaAllah. dun wori so much, to some KKH is a not top notch hosp but there are sum gud in them. I turn out ok..lol

Thanks for ur encouraging words sueanna. Wah tinggi tu 250. Yeah I'm just gonna enjoy the last few days before reality strikes haha. I was prev from Thomson medical n NUH but so far kkh is best for me.alhamdulillah insyaAllah this is it. :)

Mnadz, I'm nt dr sadhana's pt but I do hear gd reviews from her so far. All e best to u dear, and I chill kat rumah tapi mentel jugak go out for some vit D. Hehe
Hello ladies, I have been reading all your posts and is so heartened to see BFPs and successful births from some of the sisters here too. Just to intro again, I had tried one fresh and one frozen cycle about eh, exactly a year ago..heheh rmbr i found out i was pregnant on hari raya haji and was praying so hard masa tunggu kambing sembelih that this year i would be holding my little child. Well ok, that didnt happen cos both cycles i BFP but unfortunately miscarried at 9 and 6 weeks respectively.

So anyway, the doc wanted me to try again but i said a straight NO to him cos 2 miscarriages within 4 months had taken its physical, emotional and spriritual toll on me. But the past few weeks i revisited this forum and got encouraged again to meet the doc to discuss further and have made the switch to dr sadhana n meeting her this saturday. And yup, i need like sort of a refresher to what to ask the doctor and stuff. So just wanted to find out how is dr sadhana's style of consultation, is she the chop-chop kind that i need to prep my qns, will she review my files and decide on 3day transfer or to do blastocyst and how often will i get to see her during the whole process?

Thank you ladies. And those on 2ww, best nye dapat rehat pat rumah away from the sweltering heat outside. Lol.

hmm do sad to hear ur news dear..But Alhamdulillah u r stronger now to embark again...M/C is something unpredictable actually...

I was under Dr Sadhana before..She is nice..She will patiently answer all ur enquiries...Normally if you have more eggs retrieved and fertilised u can try blasto..if not then go for D2 or D3 transfer as they can grow well in the uterus better than being thawed to D5...

Like wat Rashal mentioned..Before IVF, During ER & ET...And after ur 2ww...u will get to see Dr Sadhana...

All the best to you...;-)
As salam mnadz, I am also with Dr Sadhana for my current FET and a bfp but i think I will also suffer a miscarriage soon as today, my 7week+5day scan didnt show anything..i leave it to Allah to decide for me...

During the IVF process, we dun normally see her except for ER,ET and after the BFP or BFN..1 thing gd abt Dr Sadhana is tt she is v patient with u..even if u ask a lot of questions she will answer you and not in a hurry to shoo you out ..I like to hv her as my doctor personally...

If u are embarking on ivf again, I do hope u will b successful this time around..As for me, if this is not viable as decreed by Allah, I will b juz moving on and try on my own...

Salam Rashal...

Hmm maybe u can try seeking 2nd opinion...Is ur sac grow from ur last scan? If it does..Then try to wait till 8 weeks plus..Sometimes it's possible to see more after 8 weeks..No harm waiting dear...

I will pray for u and ur lil one dear...
Salams all,

I just had my first iui , today is my 17dpiui and went for my beta test tapi sadly it was negative. I still have not had my AF though, and been feeling pretty pms-y these weeks. I want to ask you all, have anyone gone for IUI or all of you went straight for IVF? I am pretty upset and hope to conceive one day.. Appreciate yr advice!!

Salam semua... selamat pagi.
Just spent a while to read what I have missed.
Rashal.. insyaAllah..*hugs*. Hope baby is okie.
Bubbli .. welcome back!! :)
Mnadz.. *hugs* insyaAllah.. ur turn will come... Im with Dr Sadhana for my IVF. Nice lady.. so far my journey with her has been smooth. Ya.. only see her for consultation before ivf.. then during Er n Et.. and on my BT day (urgent appt cz I suffered frm bad rashes). Then subsequently for reviews.

Mira.. I went straight for IVF. Dr Sadhana knows Ive never tried any IUI before and shes okie with it.

A little update from me.

I went for my first scan yest. Got to see the little one. 133mm.
And I realised high beta doesnt mean hvg twins. My beta is 2205.. bt im with singleton. Nevertheless, Im thankful. One is already enuf for us. Alhamdulillah. Seeing Dr Sadhana again in 3 weeks time. Funny thing is I have 1001 qns in my mind bt once Im with her I cant think of any. Dah balik baru teringat.. mc pon lupa nak ask. Ive to go back kkh tps to get one.

By the way any one know of any female gynae? Dr Sadhana is releasing me in week 12 cz she doesnt do delivery. Asked if I have any gynae in mind bt I dun have any. U gals hv anyone in mind to recommend? In kkh or other hosp. Thanks in adv
Salams all,

I just had my first iui , today is my 17dpiui and went for my beta test tapi sadly it was negative. I still have not had my AF though, and been feeling pretty pms-y these weeks. I want to ask you all, have anyone gone for IUI or all of you went straight for IVF? I am pretty upset and hope to conceive one day.. Appreciate yr advice!!


Hi Mira...Dun be too upset dear..This journey is tough...It's ups and downs..Keep on trying..I didn't try IUI though..I went to IVF straight after trying on clomid dear...

Insya-allah all of us will succeed one day...Keep the faith and strength to keep on going Sis..All the best...
Salam semua... selamat pagi.
Just spent a while to read what I have missed.
Rashal.. insyaAllah..*hugs*. Hope baby is okie.
Bubbli .. welcome back!! :)
Mnadz.. *hugs* insyaAllah.. ur turn will come... Im with Dr Sadhana for my IVF. Nice lady.. so far my journey with her has been smooth. Ya.. only see her for consultation before ivf.. then during Er n Et.. and on my BT day (urgent appt cz I suffered frm bad rashes). Then subsequently for reviews.

Mira.. I went straight for IVF. Dr Sadhana knows Ive never tried any IUI before and shes okie with it.

A little update from me.

I went for my first scan yest. Got to see the little one. 133mm.
And I realised high beta doesnt mean hvg twins. My beta is 2205.. bt im with singleton. Nevertheless, Im thankful. One is already enuf for us. Alhamdulillah. Seeing Dr Sadhana again in 3 weeks time. Funny thing is I have 1001 qns in my mind bt once Im with her I cant think of any. Dah balik baru teringat.. mc pon lupa nak ask. Ive to go back kkh tps to get one.

By the way any one know of any female gynae? Dr Sadhana is releasing me in week 12 cz she doesnt do delivery. Asked if I have any gynae in mind bt I dun have any. U gals hv anyone in mind to recommend? In kkh or other hosp. Thanks in adv

Congrats Sue..Nice to hear..Yup high HCG doesn't mean twins..But no matter wat...Singleton pun k...U take care and enjoy this beautiful journey dear..

Hmm female gynae..I only know there's one gynae Dr June Tan je...She is very specialise in multiple pregnancies though..But I have heard good reviews of her...
Good morning ladies..thank you thank you all for the kind encouraging words. Really appreciate all of them.

Sue Dazey - Congrats on the baby..kalau nak female gynae i know dr suzana sulaiman operates at TPS and also clinic A/B kalau tak salah. Heard she is a very straight to the point doctor, will tell you the truth w regards to ur pregnancy but yet kind and gentle at the same time. If you dont mind a male, i was with dr han how chuan at TPS, very nice encouraging doctor who will really look at you when you are talking to him and will answer all my ridiculous qn abt tcm, days to try, ovulation etc. hehe.

Mira - I had tried clomid 4 cycles and 1 iui cycle before deciding on ivf. I understand your worries and the many qns you have at this moment. Just know that although the decision to go ahead with ivf is tough, just trust that something good will come out of it, insyallah.

Rashal - I hope all is ok with you...
Hi rainbowsweet, sorry abt ur BFN. Cry and let it all out. Afterwards, pick urself up and continue trying again. Dun give up hope and be strong k. Ini semua ujian dariNya. Byk bersabar. Btw, just a query, why didnt u try IVF terus since u already did 4 IUI? Take care aite..
tanx syrian...yar ive cried it all out and i'm ok now.. hmm, w regard to your query, since it's my 1st time with this specialist, i thot i'll give myself 3 rounds of SO-IUI with him. if the 3rd round is still unsuccessful, i will try ivf (frankly im quite scared of ivf also)...
tanx again.
Salams all,

I just had my first iui , today is my 17dpiui and went for my beta test tapi sadly it was negative. I still have not had my AF though, and been feeling pretty pms-y these weeks. I want to ask you all, have anyone gone for IUI or all of you went straight for IVF? I am pretty upset and hope to conceive one day.. Appreciate yr advice!!

as salam mira, i can totally empathise with what you're feeling... i've gone through a total of 4 IUIs with 2 different hospitals- all negatives.

2 X IUI : in Nov and Dec 2012
2 X SO-IUI : in Aug and Sep 2013

I'm trying for the 3rd round of SO-IUI and if it's still unsuccessful, i'll try ivf..

take care ok mira..cry it out and then try and try again ok!
Last edited:
Salams all,

I just had my first iui , today is my 17dpiui and went for my beta test tapi sadly it was negative. I still have not had my AF though, and been feeling pretty pms-y these weeks. I want to ask you all, have anyone gone for IUI or all of you went straight for IVF? I am pretty upset and hope to conceive one day.. Appreciate yr advice!!

Hi Mira. I did 2 rounds of clomid and den 3 iuis before I started on ivf. No worries dear, dun stop trying. I hv no pg symptoms, af is also missing. Beta is this Friday. I am all for the best news and prepared for the worst. :)
Yeah itu la dier. Kkh say dey gt certain benchmark. Dey feel if do BT at day 17 got better results, entahlah. I ikutkan, a few more days. Yeap yeap dis cycle is by far e smoothest unlike e other 2 prev ones top it off I dun see red.

Den again I'm on cyclogest insert n oral duphaston since ET. Hopefully tt is nt e reason y no red. Hehe praying hard for good news, BT falls on my 4th yr wedding anni. :)

No straining just slow relax steps... Have a gd day n a very gd morning bubbli n everybody!

NurA, as long as no red means still got chance. Ur BT on ur 4th wedding anni?who noes it might be a sweet gift for both u & hb. Insyallah amin. Take care
Bubbli, welcome back! Hope u enjoyed ur trip!

Rashal, juz like the other sistas suggested, i think best is for u to wait for wk 8 onwards & try scanning again. Or u can seek a second opinion. Hope ur lil one will be ok. Have faith k sis.

Rainbowsweet, better recover 1st before u embark on ivf. Ivf not easy. Must be mentally & physically strong to tahan everything. But dun give up trying k. Im sure we all do coz our maternal instinct to become a mummy is so strong.

Sue, alhamdullilah tats great news. Must be so emo kan? Seeing ur lil one. I hope i can be like u one day. I really dream of tat day to come. Insyallah it will. Amin. Take care k.

Mira, sorry to hear tat. Hope u be strong k. Juz dun give up trying. Im sure there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Juz wait for tat day to come patiently. For me, i went straight to ivf. No chance to try iui even. ubal problems so cant try natural too.
Hi ladies, update abt my ER juz now. Retrieved 2 eggs frm each ovary. Juz like my first round. During stim got 8 follies but got only 2 eggs. Hope they can make it. So worried now. Woke up after ER wif cramping frm my left side. Having slight spotting now.

Question: already mandi hadas tadi but right now still having slight pinkish spotting. Can i still pray or must mandi again? Didnt have spotting for my first round. Really appreciate any answers. Thanks.
NurA, as long as no red means still got chance. Ur BT on ur 4th wedding anni?who noes it might be a sweet gift for both u & hb. Insyallah amin. Take care

Hi caramel! Thank u dear. I am 24hrs away from BT, insyaAllah gd news coinciding with the anni. Yup no red is still gd news I hope.
I too didn't hv spotting during my ER tt time, but for me kalau was was just mandi lagi. Like menses, must be totally clear if nt still need to re-bathe. Hmm tts wat I think. U take care too. Lotsa rest. Quality is still better den quantity. Dun worry k :)
Hi ladies, update abt my ER juz now. Retrieved 2 eggs frm each ovary. Juz like my first round. During stim got 8 follies but got only 2 eggs. Hope they can make it. So worried now. Woke up after ER wif cramping frm my left side. Having slight spotting now.

Question: already mandi hadas tadi but right now still having slight pinkish spotting. Can i still pray or must mandi again? Didnt have spotting for my first round. Really appreciate any answers. Thanks.

Hi dear..Alhamdulillah u have done ER...Insya-allah ur 2 embbies will be ur warriors...Have faith Sis...Meanwhile u take care....

Ur spotting is due to the ER...so not considered as menses...Should be able to pray Sis..That's wat I think...
Hi caramel! Thank u dear. I am 24hrs away from BT, insyaAllah gd news coinciding with the anni. Yup no red is still gd news I hope.
I too didn't hv spotting during my ER tt time, but for me kalau was was just mandi lagi. Like menses, must be totally clear if nt still need to re-bathe. Hmm tts wat I think. U take care too. Lotsa rest. Quality is still better den quantity. Dun worry k :)

Hmm NurA best of luck..Hope to hear gd news..;-)
Thanks for the reply nurA. Mesti super anxious waiting for BT day. Its the deciding factor if preggy or not. So how r u today? Feeling gd? Any symptoms today?

Waiting for embryologist call now. So nerve-wreaking. Hope all goes well. Pray for me k. Thanks.
Thanks for the reply nurA. Mesti super anxious waiting for BT day. Its the deciding factor if preggy or not. So how r u today? Feeling gd? Any symptoms today?

Waiting for embryologist call now. So nerve-wreaking. Hope all goes well. Pray for me k. Thanks.
I am feeling okay. Like my normal self. Just woke up from my nap. Always sleepy aft inserts. No symptoms, just lots gas hehe. Trying hard to nt to be so paranoid bout tml, can't help it eh like u say e deciding factor..
I hope all goes well with ur 2 embbies. Will pray for u. :)

Bubbli! Thanks! I hope so too!! :D
Hi does any1 know wats the term meaning Lining 8.3mm, Triple?? Tats wat was in my 1st scan aftr 9day inj. What is the right size for follicle size to go for ER??? And wats the right lining size??
Thanks for the reply nurA. Mesti super anxious waiting for BT day. Its the deciding factor if preggy or not. So how r u today? Feeling gd? Any symptoms today?

Waiting for embryologist call now. So nerve-wreaking. Hope all goes well. Pray for me k. Thanks.

So any news dear?
I am feeling okay. Like my normal self. Just woke up from my nap. Always sleepy aft inserts. No symptoms, just lots gas hehe. Trying hard to nt to be so paranoid bout tml, can't help it eh like u say e deciding factor..
I hope all goes well with ur 2 embbies. Will pray for u. :)

Bubbli! Thanks! I hope so too!! :D

Insya-allah Sis..;-)...Excited for u..;-)
Hi does any1 know wats the term meaning Lining 8.3mm, Triple?? Tats wat was in my 1st scan aftr 9day inj. What is the right size for follicle size to go for ER??? And wats the right lining size??

Hi Anita...

That's ur lining..8.3mm is good..Triple lining...

Hmm if I remembered correctly once ur follicles reached 18mm..U r ready for ER....Lining range from 10mm to 12mm is very good enough dear..
U r progressing well..;-)
Hi Anita...

That's ur lining..8.3mm is good..Triple lining...

Hmm if I remembered correctly once ur follicles reached 18mm..U r ready for ER....Lining range from 10mm to 12mm is very good enough dear..
U r progressing well..;-)
Hi bubbli :) thnk u 4 ur kind reply...so the triple is a norm thing ah?? I was worried. ..but my follicle size was from 6mm to 10mm..only 2 10mm were found..other few were 5mm to 9.5mm..tat was during tues scan...2mrw 8-9am is my nxt scan..hope no more injections n proceed 4 ER.

Hi ladies, updates frm the embryologist call this morning. Out of 2 eggs, 1 immature. The other managed to get fertilised. She will update me again abt the status tmr. At least i got 1 embryo. Alhamdulliah. Can only pray & hope tat it will make it till transfer day this sat. Worried lah. Anyone got similar problems having empty follies? During my stim, i got few dominant ones but during ER, only 2 retrieved. Wonder y? Mayb coz of my low amh?
