IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Hi sue,
I sld hav ask b4 nursr release me. Nak call my ET is alr gg to be monday. I wasnt thinkibg gd tat time, I was push in at 7.40 for ER, but I had cardiac prob for 4hrs during my recovery. Kesian nurse2 kat situ OT cos today sat kn should be half day. Hee2

Hi sar_san, oh dear how? Tink u better call KKIVF of any other alternative way of paying. KKIVF ada 24hr nurse-on call tak? u might wanna call to ask? Money order leh? Nuh ada 2 ways of paying. Cheque or money order.

What time is ur ET on mon morning? Abt ur egg, try not to worry so much k. Mmg risky coz only 1 egg. But who noes ur only egg can make it. U only need 1 embryo to succeed. Insyallah have faith k. I will pray for u. Amin amin. I had 2 eggs last round so i paham ur situation. Byk berdoa k. Leave the rest to Him. Yg important now is for u to recover from ER. Hows ur cardiac prob? Feeling better now?
I will tell e nurse upon reaching kkivf tmr 7.30. If can tell em to wait I ask hubby to go nearest bank & pay $5 for cheque.
I will f/u with cardiology at NHC, I have palpitation & svt, e team of dr tried for almost 4hrs to bring down my 150 hrtbeat so they conclude I b admitted SGH. Bila i dgr suddenly my hrtbeat drop to norm. Dr pun heran, cos im all calm. But dr advise mmg its not gd to be having this condition if I plan to concieve.
Im feeling ok aft ER, just mild cramping. I terserah je pada allah, dialah yg maha pencipta. Amin..
Sar_san, u mean u dun have existing cardiac prob? Just that after ER, u suddenly have palpitation. Is it the side effect of the anasthesia? Hope u will be ok.
Syrian, I do hav past history but that was 2011. Same thing when I had to undergo laparscopy, my heartbeat was high same sign of svt. I went to cardiology for a yr but I was discharge cos e symptoms did not repeat I was told am fit to undergo any operation. I will chk with cardiology at NHC if it was due to anasthesia. Hope to sort this out soon eh.
Go afternoon ladies!

Sar_san, oic having svt seem scary. 150 heartbeat is too rapid. No wonder the team at recovery panic. Did NHC give u any medications to control ur condition? I hope u can find ways to resolve or keep ur condition in control. Take care..
I will tell e nurse upon reaching kkivf tmr 7.30. If can tell em to wait I ask hubby to go nearest bank & pay $5 for cheque.
I will f/u with cardiology at NHC, I have palpitation & svt, e team of dr tried for almost 4hrs to bring down my 150 hrtbeat so they conclude I b admitted SGH. Bila i dgr suddenly my hrtbeat drop to norm. Dr pun heran, cos im all calm. But dr advise mmg its not gd to be having this condition if I plan to concieve.
Im feeling ok aft ER, just mild cramping. I terserah je pada allah, dialah yg maha pencipta. Amin..

Dear Sar San,
I hope u are feeling better nw. InsyaAllah...bykkan doa. Allah works in mysterious ways. May Allah permudahkan urusan you. Take care ya.
Hi syrian,
I'm will f/u with cardio just waiting for appt date.
Hi sue,
In sha allah mudahan2. Im have faith yg allah da merancangkan segalanya yg terbaik. Thks ladies for all ur doas..
Dear San San,

Hmm quite scary for your case..But I do hope u r feeling better.. We need 1 egg to succeed...So we hope for the best...
Hi ladies, anyone take immunocal before? Besides for the protein content & egg quality, any other benefits of it? Still comtemplating if i shd take immunocal this round. Last round i only take egg whites to up the proteins during stim. So we supposed to take immunocal during stim rite?

Immunocal is high in protein...It helps with OHSS...It's actually a good supplement drink...U can take during stim stage..Not a problem..It's on alil ex side..

Egg whites pun good jugak...The best is raw la..
Salam syg sistas semua,
Just had ET with dr sadhana. Alhamdulilahi rabbi alamin.. my 1 lucky egg turns into 4 cell embroys. Dr kata a nice looking, equally fragmented. Syukur kpd allah, moga allah da tertulis inilah satu2nye harapan sar. Doakan2 moga menjadi ye..
Salam syg sistas semua,
Just had ET with dr sadhana. Alhamdulilahi rabbi alamin.. my 1 lucky egg turns into 4 cell embroys. Dr kata a nice looking, equally fragmented. Syukur kpd allah, moga allah da tertulis inilah satu2nye harapan sar. Doakan2 moga menjadi ye..

Alhamdulillah..Gd to hear...Rest well...Stay hepi and cheerful during these 2 ww...;-)
Syukur alhamdulillah! So happy to hear tat sar_san. Insyallah dgn izinNya ia akan menjadi. Rest well & take things easy k. Enjoy ur 2ww.

Bubbli, heard tat immunocal kinda ex.. If i eat raw egg whites only for the proteins, shd be ok kan? Mayb juz consume more egg whites everyday during stim?
Syukur alhamdulillah! So happy to hear tat sar_san. Insyallah dgn izinNya ia akan menjadi. Rest well & take things easy k. Enjoy ur 2ww.

Bubbli, heard tat immunocal kinda ex.. If i eat raw egg whites only for the proteins, shd be ok kan? Mayb juz consume more egg whites everyday during stim?

yup ex..It's $106 tak salah skrg..30 sachets..so kalau nak tak during stim je la...

more egg whites pun ole..but take raw if possible...u take during stim stage...taku take too early..naik jelak nanti...
Salam syg sistas semua,
Just had ET with dr sadhana. Alhamdulilahi rabbi alamin.. my 1 lucky egg turns into 4 cell embroys. Dr kata a nice looking, equally fragmented. Syukur kpd allah, moga allah da tertulis inilah satu2nye harapan sar. Doakan2 moga menjadi ye..

Alhamdulillah San,
Rest well nw.....have a great 2ww... ")

I have a very bad cramp last night. Woke me up frm my sleep. So scary... the pain lingered for some time. It is normal during 1st trimester? I had cramps daily bt last night was beyond description lah...

I ve started working and has been going up and down the stairs..moving ard. By end of the day, I would hv dizzy spells and cramps.
Alhamdulillah San,
Rest well nw.....have a great 2ww... ")

I have a very bad cramp last night. Woke me up frm my sleep. So scary... the pain lingered for some time. It is normal during 1st trimester? I had cramps daily bt last night was beyond description lah...

I ve started working and has been going up and down the stairs..moving ard. By end of the day, I would hv dizzy spells and cramps.

Oh dear...U take care of urself dear..Rest more..Do things slowly...Cramps are sometimes common cos the uterus is stretching...Any concerns..call up ur dr to check...
Assalaam ladies,

Hi caramel/Syrian, of coz I remember u! Hw r u? *waves frantically... InsyaAllah dear I hope ur fresh is a smooth one with gd news :)

Sar San, are u in ur 2ww too?

I had my ET done on tues, 24/9 by Dr Jerry Chan. Supposedly scheduled on fri, 27/9 with blastocysts but it was unsuccessful. They thawed my balance 3 frozen and only 1 survived so had e transfer done ASap. Was a bit upset but alhamdulillah I hv a fighter in me now. E one n only. 5day old, 5 cells, grade 4 embbie.

Looking for cycle buddies. My last 2ww was 3 mths ago so I forgot what e pros n cons were, hehe.

Good day to all!

Oh dear...U take care of urself dear..Rest more..Do things slowly...Cramps are sometimes common cos the uterus is stretching...Any concerns..call up ur dr to check...

Thanks Bubbli,
Trying to tahan whatever cramps there is..I do hope I don't have to go to kkh becz of this.

Just need to know if theres any supplements I need to take during this period. I'm still taking chix brands essence and annum. Wonder if I shld get more supplements for more energy. Im so drained.
just to share that it's a BFN.. it's my 2nd SO-IUI with this dr and a total of 4th IUI since last nov. I'm going for the 3rd round of SO-IUI Insya Allah..and if it's still not rezeki yet, I will embark on the ivf journey..

frankly, i'm quite scared thinking of ivf but all of you ladies here are truly inspiring, Masya Allah...
just to share that it's a BFN.. it's my 2nd SO-IUI with this dr and a total of 4th IUI since last nov. I'm going for the 3rd round of SO-IUI Insya Allah..and if it's still not rezeki yet, I will embark on the ivf journey..

frankly, i'm quite scared thinking of ivf but all of you ladies here are truly inspiring, Masya Allah...

*hugs rainbow sweet....
Take some time to recuperate mentally n physically... InsyaAllah it will happen one day.

Kita usaha, Allah menentukan insyaAllah...
*hugs rainbow sweet....
Take some time to recuperate mentally n physically... InsyaAllah it will happen one day.

Kita usaha, Allah menentukan insyaAllah...

Thanks a lot missyz... really need this..

Insya Allah kita terus berusaha... Semoga diperkenankan olehNYA.. Amin..
Hi sisters..I have been reading ur good group posts n am vry impressed on how u share tips :) I jus got my mensus spotting today n am yet to call kkivf wen I have full flow to schedule for my scan to start on stimulating inj..can I know some tips on wat to eat 4 good egg growth?? I saw egg wgites only..but how many a day n what time to consume it?? ? anything else?
Assalaam ladies,

Hi caramel/Syrian, of coz I remember u! Hw r u? *waves frantically... InsyaAllah dear I hope ur fresh is a smooth one with gd news :)

Sar San, are u in ur 2ww too?

I had my ET done on tues, 24/9 by Dr Jerry Chan. Supposedly scheduled on fri, 27/9 with blastocysts but it was unsuccessful. They thawed my balance 3 frozen and only 1 survived so had e transfer done ASap. Was a bit upset but alhamdulillah I hv a fighter in me now. E one n only. 5day old, 5 cells, grade 4 embbie.

Looking for cycle buddies. My last 2ww was 3 mths ago so I forgot what e pros n cons were, hehe.

Good day to all!


Hi missyz,
Sorry for e late reply. The post been getting in too fast that I missed urs. Alhamdulilah I am on my 2ww. My fresh ET was on 23/9.. means to say today is my 4dp. My beta will b on 9oct.
So far skr ape yg I baca frm forum, I cuba. I drink red logan date. Eat yam. Today i eat seulas durian.. all these they say to keep ur womb warm.. but drank lots of water. My mum is cooking for me ayam selasih (black chicken) tmr boil with some herbs bought frm eu yan sang. For daily protein intake I choose fish but avoid ikan pari.
Well so far im feeling on & off cramp esp when walking, cough or sneeze. (same feeling aft ER) so I tot mayb my ovary still swollen. No oth symptom. harap2 my only fighter stick to me.
berbyk doa kerana allah sahaja yg maha mengetahui... amin amin..
just to share that it's a BFN.. it's my 2nd SO-IUI with this dr and a total of 4th IUI since last nov. I'm going for the 3rd round of SO-IUI Insya Allah..and if it's still not rezeki yet, I will embark on the ivf journey..

frankly, i'm quite scared thinking of ivf but all of you ladies here are truly inspiring, Masya Allah...
Hi rainbow,
Jgn putus asa ok. In sha allah dgn terus usaha you, u akan berjaya. Just one thing, may I knw why you tak terus step in to do ivf? Ur dr advise iui dulu? Cos I failed 1 iui, then my dr advise to do ivf.
Assalaam ladies,

Hi caramel/Syrian, of coz I remember u! Hw r u? *waves frantically... InsyaAllah dear I hope ur fresh is a smooth one with gd news :)

Sar San, are u in ur 2ww too?

I had my ET done on tues, 24/9 by Dr Jerry Chan. Supposedly scheduled on fri, 27/9 with blastocysts but it was unsuccessful. They thawed my balance 3 frozen and only 1 survived so had e transfer done ASap. Was a bit upset but alhamdulillah I hv a fighter in me now. E one n only. 5day old, 5 cells, grade 4 embbie.

Looking for cycle buddies. My last 2ww was 3 mths ago so I forgot what e pros n cons were, hehe.

Good day to all!


Hi NurA, *waves back* Alhamdulillah im good. Going for my scan later. If all clear, I will start my stim. Cant wait to start 2nd fresh but phobia from the 1st round still lingers. Thanks for the prayers. Syukur that ur only embbie survived the thaw and is in u already. Congrats on officially being in the 2ww.
You not alone. I pun kinda forget the dos & donts during 2ww. Need to start compiling now ;)

My last round I ate durian once every 2 days, drank longan red date tea almost everyday, took essence of chic on alternate days. Try to relax and distract your mind from the tortures of 2ww. Take care..
just to share that it's a BFN.. it's my 2nd SO-IUI with this dr and a total of 4th IUI since last nov. I'm going for the 3rd round of SO-IUI Insya Allah..and if it's still not rezeki yet, I will embark on the ivf journey..

frankly, i'm quite scared thinking of ivf but all of you ladies here are truly inspiring, Masya Allah...

Hi rainbowsweet, sorry abt ur BFN. Cry and let it all out. Afterwards, pick urself up and continue trying again. Dun give up hope and be strong k. Ini semua ujian dariNya. Byk bersabar. Btw, just a query, why didnt u try IVF terus since u already did 4 IUI? Take care aite..
Hi ladies,

Anyone noes where to get immunocal? Heard its available at OG. All OG branches? thought of getting one later. Thanks in adv.
Besides OG, are there any other places to get immunocal?
Hi missyz,
Sorry for e late reply. The post been getting in too fast that I missed urs. Alhamdulilah I am on my 2ww. My fresh ET was on 23/9.. means to say today is my 4dp. My beta will b on 9oct.
So far skr ape yg I baca frm forum, I cuba. I drink red logan date. Eat yam. Today i eat seulas durian.. all these they say to keep ur womb warm.. but drank lots of water. My mum is cooking for me ayam selasih (black chicken) tmr boil with some herbs bought frm eu yan sang. For daily protein intake I choose fish but avoid ikan pari.
Well so far im feeling on & off cramp esp when walking, cough or sneeze. (same feeling aft ER) so I tot mayb my ovary still swollen. No oth symptom. harap2 my only fighter stick to me.
berbyk doa kerana allah sahaja yg maha mengetahui... amin amin..

Hi Sar San,
We r cycle buddies yeah!!! I had my ET on 24/9. My beta is on 11 oct.

I am taking tcm meds to keep my womb warm, cz I'm nt a fan of durian n red longan hehe. I also taking anti oxidants and Brazil nuts 4 pieces a day. And I take lots it proteins. Fish n chicken alternately. Warm soya bean alternate days. I barely slept last night cz I had slight cramps. Yes walking or sitting up too much also can feel e tenderness. I am staying on my own so I am pretty active arnd e house. Kemas kemas and all but nothing strenuous. To nt think too much of e 2ww. Waiting for green light to go out hehe.

I felt a hundred times worst during my fresh with bleeding and mild ohss I was taking more stuffs to curb e symptoms.

Hang in der buddy!! Hopefully our fighters are burying deep inside us alredy :)
Hi ladies,

Anyone noes where to get immunocal? Heard its available at OG. All OG branches? thought of getting one later. Thanks in adv.
Besides OG, are there any other places to get immunocal?

Salam Syrian,

I bought my immunocal kat OG Orchard. If it's not on the shelf, pls ask the staff coz that's what happen the last time to me. Dorang belum replenish the shelf counter. Other sisters here also had bought immunocal kat OG Bugis. It's either OG or direct from the supplier.
Hi NurA, *waves back* Alhamdulillah im good. Going for my scan later. If all clear, I will start my stim. Cant wait to start 2nd fresh but phobia from the 1st round still lingers. Thanks for the prayers. Syukur that ur only embbie survived the thaw and is in u already. Congrats on officially being in the 2ww.
You not alone. I pun kinda forget the dos & donts during 2ww. Need to start compiling now ;)

My last round I ate durian once every 2 days, drank longan red date tea almost everyday, took essence of chic on alternate days. Try to relax and distract your mind from the tortures of 2ww. Take care..
Hi NurA, *waves back* Alhamdulillah im good. Going for my scan later. If all clear, I will start my stim. Cant wait to start 2nd fresh but phobia from the 1st round still lingers. Thanks for the prayers. Syukur that ur only embbie survived the thaw and is in u already. Congrats on officially being in the 2ww.
You not alone. I pun kinda forget the dos & donts during 2ww. Need to start compiling now ;)

My last round I ate durian once every 2 days, drank longan red date tea almost everyday, took essence of chic on alternate days. Try to relax and distract your mind from the tortures of 2ww. Take care..

Hi caramel!

Wishing u all e best in starting ur stim. Keep me updated. Boleh I kasi semangat mana yg mampu. Haha yeah back to house arrest aft mths of getting life back on track. InsyaAllah this time many of us will get our long awaited BFPs.

Thanks for e advise
Good morning ladies! Hows everyone doing? Yay the weekends is here again!

NurA, thanks for the wishes! Btw juz had my scan. Afc for right is 4, left is 6. Think the numbers oklah for me with low amh. Officially started the stim jabs already. Suddenly the process seem so familiar. The waiting game of worries & fears have begun. Have to try to take one step at a time.

But actually, on HL best jugak kan? Away frm work. Its the mummy-embbie bonding time haha;) Enjoy the moments being a couch potato..Amin amin insyallah this time round kita kita smua will BFP!
Good morning ladies! Hows everyone doing? Yay the weekends is here again!

NurA, thanks for the wishes! Btw juz had my scan. Afc for right is 4, left is 6. Think the numbers oklah for me with low amh. Officially started the stim jabs already. Suddenly the process seem so familiar. The waiting game of worries & fears have begun. Have to try to take one step at a time.

But actually, on HL best jugak kan? Away frm work. Its the mummy-embbie bonding time haha;) Enjoy the moments being a couch potato..Amin amin insyallah this time round kita kita smua will BFP!

Caremel, sounds like good news to me.... Yeah! Stay strong dear. Bitter sweet...

Like u say a step at a time... Take one day as it is....

Haha yes breakaway from work!

Slowly but surely insyaAllah we will get our miracles soon... :)

I am enjoying mummy-embbie bonding time.. It's been so long in e freezer haha
Hi missyz.. ouhh confuse.. ure also known as NurA. Sorry la I wasnt existed in this forum ur last fresh cycle.. tuh yg confuse jap.
Dear I nk ask u abt tcm meds & anti-oxidant is wad eh. U f/u with tcm too eh?
I didnt, cos when I ask raffles hosp it was like 400++.. for e 5 session ivf boost. Costy & far location for me.
Also u had bleeding til which dp? Thats scary.
But im sure this time ard.. it be gd news.. cos u so deligently in ur supp & intakes.. wow! Thumbs up!

Yea.. i pun tinggal own hm. Just my mum staying nearby tuhh yg dia slalu dtg tgk2kan I. She keep reminding me tk payah buat keje rumah.. so biarkan la.. hee2. I spend rest time tgk movies aft movies & drama aft drama.
Good morning ladies! Hows everyone doing? Yay the weekends is here again!

NurA, thanks for the wishes! Btw juz had my scan. Afc for right is 4, left is 6. Think the numbers oklah for me with low amh. Officially started the stim jabs already. Suddenly the process seem so familiar. The waiting game of worries & fears have begun. Have to try to take one step at a time.

But actually, on HL best jugak kan? Away frm work. Its the mummy-embbie bonding time haha;) Enjoy the moments being a couch potato..Amin amin insyallah this time round kita kita smua will BFP!

Syrian, yay! Thats a gd figure. Just nice for Left & Right.. hopes ur follicles grows round2, nicely then can proceed to retrival. U on short protocol kan?
Hi missyz.. ouhh confuse.. ure also known as NurA. Sorry la I wasnt existed in this forum ur last fresh cycle.. tuh yg confuse jap.
Dear I nk ask u abt tcm meds & anti-oxidant is wad eh. U f/u with tcm too eh?
I didnt, cos when I ask raffles hosp it was like 400++.. for e 5 session ivf boost. Costy & far location for me.
Also u had bleeding til which dp? Thats scary.
But im sure this time ard.. it be gd news.. cos u so deligently in ur supp & intakes.. wow! Thumbs up!

Yea.. i pun tinggal own hm. Just my mum staying nearby tuhh yg dia slalu dtg tgk2kan I. She keep reminding me tk payah buat keje rumah.. so biarkan la.. hee2. I spend rest time tgk movies aft movies & drama aft drama.

Haha yes Sar San, NurA tu moniker in old page n also my name.

Oh I take multi vitamin supplements esp with omega 3. It's for general well being. Tak senang fall sick n also make me more energetic alhamdulillah.

I only saw tcm for this cycle. Yes dear raffles very far and expensive. I can't afford and I stay in the west. So I am seeing Dr Su in bukit batok. First check up she said I dun need acupuncture. (Phew!) I phobia with needles aft fresh cycle and tt was e only fear y I procrastinate to see tcm. So far so good. Tho it takes a lot to swallow e powder twice a day every day for 3 mths. Anything for a miracle kan.

First Fresh cycle I bled at 11dp transfer. Second cycle (FET) I started bleeding e morning of my beta. It was very scary.

I am now on twice a day oral duphaston on top of e cyclogest pessary twice a day. I wish to not bleed at all for 9 mths haha.

Yes insyaAllah dear. We cycle buddies :) keeping each other strong.

My family all stay in e east. My in laws are 5 bus stops away. Mil comes over every day to send food cz she tak kasi I masak. But I kemas what I can. E rest hubby do. I am very eager to go for walks but he is very skeptical.

Yes mcm nak meletop tv ni. Switched on everyday. I watch cable n Hindustan. Any dramas to recommend? Hehe
Sar_san, yup im on short protocol. Thanks for ur prayers. Amin amin insyallah. Hope the follies grow well this time. My last fresh, they are of variable sizes & slow growers. Took my 1st shot of immunocal tadi. Taste not bad. I mixed wif milo powder. Dah rasa mcm milo dinosaur! ;)

NurA, wah best lah drama marathon everyday. Cant wait to have my 2ww. Nowdays dah mcm liat nk go keje haha. R u into korean dramas? If yes, u might wanna watch "Big" . Its showing on channel u 10pm on weekdays. Or u can watch it online..:)
Sar_san, yup im on short protocol. Thanks for ur prayers. Amin amin insyallah. Hope the follies grow well this time. My last fresh, they are of variable sizes & slow growers. Took my 1st shot of immunocal tadi. Taste not bad. I mixed wif milo powder. Dah rasa mcm milo dinosaur! ;)

NurA, wah best lah drama marathon everyday. Cant wait to have my 2ww. Nowdays dah mcm liat nk go keje haha. R u into korean dramas? If yes, u might wanna watch "Big" . Its showing on channel u 10pm on weekdays. Or u can watch it online..:)
Caramel, yes join us soon k..

Ermmm actually am nt into Korean drama. Hehe. I da abis watch Big Bang theory all seasons and how I met your mother haha.

Hindustan I love e old school ones with the veteran actors. Current ones all too much skin n lip locking.

Kudos to u dear. I tak feveret immunocal. Took for first fresh je hehe.

Happy sunny Sunday!! :)
Caramel, yes join us soon k..

Ermmm actually am nt into Korean drama. Hehe. I da abis watch Big Bang theory all seasons and how I met your mother haha.

Hindustan I love e old school ones with the veteran actors. Current ones all too much skin n lip locking.

Kudos to u dear. I tak feveret immunocal. Took for first fresh je hehe.

Happy sunny Sunday!! :)

Morning syrian,
Teruskan ur immunocal. Cos I think its better than taking egg whites esp when not too sure how many eggs is enough. Ada egg besar ada kecik kan. Jia yo.. may ur follicles grow &grow.

missyz, so far u ggt any symptoms? I, yest got ewmc like 3 times when I chk. Then this morning (7pd) I got a line of brown spot. I takot its my menses coming? Moga2 allah lapangkan dada. Ni buat I risau sgt2.
Morning syrian,
Teruskan ur immunocal. Cos I think its better than taking egg whites esp when not too sure how many eggs is enough. Ada egg besar ada kecik kan. Jia yo.. may ur follicles grow &grow.

missyz, so far u ggt any symptoms? I, yest got ewmc like 3 times when I chk. Then this morning (7pd) I got a line of brown spot. I takot its my menses coming? Moga2 allah lapangkan dada. Ni buat I risau sgt2.
Good morning Sar San,

My symptoms so far is lower abdo tightness other den e slight bloatedness. I cramp on n off but very mild. My discharges are always white or clear maybe cz of e cyclogest jugak. U had brown spotting? Sounds gd news to me, implantation! :)

I'm 8dp2dt today and I hv no brown spotting whatsoever, and I am more active nw den I was in e last two cycle.

Dun worry dear, it's all in His Hands. Rest more.

What's on tv today? Hehe
Ouhh hugs2.. yea im having slightly intense cramping now at lower abdomen. I harap2 implantation but tuh la e symptoms is same as my early sign of menses. :(
Ouhh nari I hiburkan ati I dgn astro world suka tgk ceria popstar, suka sgt tgk bdk kecik ni namanya wafi dpt peluag kedua utk ke semi-final. Dia cute sgt with his bakat nyayi. Hee2

Tk sangkat u minat hidustan, kalo I suka tgk like choori2 cupke2 ovr2 again. My mum yg peminat fanatic. Hee2.
Im also watching series of my exes, my girl & 2 broke girls.
Ouhh hugs2.. yea im having slightly intense cramping now at lower abdomen. I harap2 implantation but tuh la e symptoms is same as my early sign of menses. :(
Ouhh nari I hiburkan ati I dgn astro world suka tgk ceria popstar, suka sgt tgk bdk kecik ni namanya wafi dpt peluag kedua utk ke semi-final. Dia cute sgt with his bakat nyayi. Hee2

Tk sangkat u minat hidustan, kalo I suka tgk like choori2 cupke2 ovr2 again. My mum yg peminat fanatic. Hee2.
Im also watching series of my exes, my girl & 2 broke girls.

Sar San,

No worries dear. As long as we dun see red we are all doing well.. Bloatedness n cramping may mean implantation. Haha actually af symptoms n pg symptoms also almost alike. So takmo stress... Kita chill... InsyaAllah all is well :)

Lol I watch Hindustan to kill time since one movie is 3-4 hrs and I take cat naps in between their singing haha.
Oh ya I saw tt before on Astro. Cute la sgt sgt.

I am soaking in masterchefs today and cougar town, I like 2broke girls too. High five!
Salam semua,
Its been a while since the last time I'm here. Hows everyone? InsyaAllah good results for everyone.
Wsalam sue,
I'm ok I guess.. Had like af cramps this morning n den I realized I'm constipated n full of wind. Did a gd one in e bathroom sorry tmi. A bit more light headed n tired now. 9dp2dt. Otherwise all is well.

Hw r u?
NurA, wah best nye movie marathon. Tats the spirit! Keep ur positive vibes going strong. Insyallah all will be fine.

Sar_san, dun worry it might be implantation bleeding. As long as no red its still safe. Try to have faith in Him k. All in his hands now. Keep ur mind off looking at symptoms. They make u more stress.

Updates on me. Tadi went for my 2nd scan. Left ovary position high. 5 follies ranging from 9-12mm. Right ovary ada cyst. But prof said ok. Got 4 follies. Size ranging frm 7-11mm. Hope all will grow well & fast. Insyallah amin. Will continue taking egg whites & immunocal. Thanks ladies!
NurA, wah best nye movie marathon. Tats the spirit! Keep ur positive vibes going strong. Insyallah all will be fine.

Sar_san, dun worry it might be implantation bleeding. As long as no red its still safe. Try to have faith in Him k. All in his hands now. Keep ur mind off looking at symptoms. They make u more stress.

Updates on me. Tadi went for my 2nd scan. Left ovary position high. 5 follies ranging from 9-12mm. Right ovary ada cyst. But prof said ok. Got 4 follies. Size ranging frm 7-11mm. Hope all will grow well & fast. Insyallah amin. Will continue taking egg whites & immunocal. Thanks ladies![/qun caramel!

So far so good caramel! All e best dear :)

Wsalam sue,
I'm ok I guess.. Had like af cramps this morning n den I realized I'm constipated n full of wind. Did a gd one in e bathroom sorry tmi. A bit more light headed n tired now. 9dp2dt. Otherwise all is well.

Hw r u?

Alhamdulillah.. u are halfway thru ur 2ww.. take care and rest well.

Ive started getting nauseous at certain smells. And will puke after food. Bt other than that, im quite alright. Ppl at work been asking.. I just smiled. Going for my first scan this Monday. .cant wait!!
