IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Juz nw I sampai ard 9.10am..although they asked me to be there at 7.30am..
But the queue for bloodtest very short so by 9.30am i dabis...they say between 1-4pm will call me
But ard 12.20pm tadi they already called me so maybe the lab test is ard 2.5-3hrs...
Knowing KKIVF, after 12pm aru dorang free sket so most prob after 12pm they will call you even though u dtg siang...

If ur HCG is between 0-5, then u r nt pregnant...if bigger than 5, ada chance you are pregnant but they will ask to come again to re-take blood test to ensure the number doubles..if the number doubles within 48-72 hours, then the embryo is growing and not stagnant...
Ni yang buat I nervous...mudah2an insya' Allah my number will double...Aamiiin...

By the time bloodtest, dorang tak continue HL anymore...actually I ni takde HL pun since they do ET for me on 29 Aug 2013...been up and about at work...penat jugak tapi I tawakkal je pada Allah swt...

InsyaAllah! Yakin dan tawakkal. Praying for u too Rashal.

Ice helps? I thought kene keep it dry. Takpe I will try that later.

Alhamdulillah rashes seems better today... Swell has gone down a bit and I can walk a bit more. InsyaAllah by tomorrow hopefully ot gets much better.

Wrapped ice in towel and dab at rashes..then wipe it dry before gg to bed..
Insya' Allah it will lessen the redness or ur rashes...
Alhamdulillah ur rashes went down..hv a gd breakfast aft ur blood test.. =)
salam sisters, in a bit of a dilemma-not sure if i shd go ahead for my 1st acupuncture consultation w dr zhao frm raffles hospital tomorrow-tomorrow will be my 7dpiui... it would be ok rite?
Salam ladies,

I went for my BT this mrng. They had to speed up my results cz they made an urgent apptmnt for me to meet Dr Sadhana due to my rashes.
Alhamdulillah, its BFP. Thanks all for ur doas.
salam sisters, in a bit of a dilemma-not sure if i shd go ahead for my 1st acupuncture consultation w dr zhao frm raffles hospital tomorrow-tomorrow will be my 7dpiui... it would be ok rite?

hmm shld be fine actually...u can check with Dr Zhao on this...I did accu throughout my 2ww previously..
Assalamu alaikum

Sorry I am not an IVF recipient, but I have just suffered from recurrent miscarriage. A big trial from Allah. I was 7 weeks, all set to be a new mom, again, but Allah decides to loan the baby just till then. I am now reflecting on my health, and have been pretty much studying more into the things that I feed my body.

I discovered that there is a nutritional supplement that proven beneficial. And it is called Elken Spirulina. I was introduced to it at an Islamic Parenting Talk, and since then I discovered that inshaAllah this can help a myriad of conditions. I am now embarking on a diet with Spirulina, and taking dates regularly, to revitalise my body after this miscarriage.

And I hope to prepare my womb for a healthy pregnancy in the future. After three miscarriages, it is really devastating, and I felt that surely I need to strengthen my womb.

Elken Spirulina has received many testimonies on Youtube, by the Muslim community. So it really is something that is worth trying.

Again, it is not a medicine, it is just extra nutrition, naturally.

If you would like to join this Spirulina diet, do get in touch with me. I am not promoting any products, I gain no profit from the sales of this product, but I do feel the need to share how it can help us, inshaAllah. This is about repairing and creating new healthy cells from the inside, and preventing diseases.
Assalamu alaikum

Sorry I am not an IVF recipient, but I have just suffered from recurrent miscarriage. A big trial from Allah. I was 7 weeks, all set to be a new mom, again, but Allah decides to loan the baby just till then. I am now reflecting on my health, and have been pretty much studying more into the things that I feed my body.

I discovered that there is a nutritional supplement that proven beneficial. And it is called Elken Spirulina. I was introduced to it at an Islamic Parenting Talk, and since then I discovered that inshaAllah this can help a myriad of conditions. I am now embarking on a diet with Spirulina, and taking dates regularly, to revitalise my body after this miscarriage.

And I hope to prepare my womb for a healthy pregnancy in the future. After three miscarriages, it is really devastating, and I felt that surely I need to strengthen my womb.

Elken Spirulina has received many testimonies on Youtube, by the Muslim community. So it really is something that is worth trying.

Again, it is not a medicine, it is just extra nutrition, naturally.

If you would like to join this Spirulina diet, do get in touch with me. I am not promoting any products, I gain no profit from the sales of this product, but I do feel the need to share how it can help us, inshaAllah. This is about repairing and creating new healthy cells from the inside, and preventing diseases.

Salam Sis..

I am eating this spirulina..It's a good product..even my mum is taking it actually....

Wish u all the best dear...Insya-allah u will conceive again...;-)

Do try to enquire with NUH too abt ur m/c issues..Sometimes it's our body is rejecting the babies...They have a dept for this..They will run some test...Then provide some solutions to assist you to have a full term pregnancy...Take care Sis
I was at nuh for my previous m/c. Somehow the thought of returning there reminds me of my m/cs.

Bubbli26, how have you benefitted from Elken Spirulina? Did it work for fertility/pregnancy?
Congrats Sue Dazey...may u hv a smooth pregnancy..

Hi hilfe, I am also an Elken member and hv tried their Elken Spirulina and Lady Venus when trying to get pregnant but it didnt go the way I hoped...

Right now using Lumiglow cream in the hope it works as well...

Btw, I hv slight brown discharge..anybody experience this?My back also hurting..
Should I worry?
Salam ladies...
alhamdulilah... its a gd news for me... amin amin... its BFP... my beta :388.9

sue: congrats to you to.. btw.. sorry i nak ask... does that mean tht we are 4wk n 4 day pregnant?

Thanks for all the doa..
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Alhamdulilah.. congrats sue & blurs..
Tumpang gembita dpt tau u both positive positive.. menghagatkan semangat kitaorg semua utk tidak putus asa.
Sar doakan u both hav a smooth pregnancy.
Out of curiosity, u both tau ke kalo twins ke?
Congrats Blurs!!!
Dr Sadhana told me that im in my 4th week. I guess she count frm.my 1st LMP? 18 aug. Agaknye lah..

Thanks Sar_San.
Amin for the doa.
I duno abt having twins. We cn only know bila scan for heartbeat kan? Or is it based on the beta?
thanks sue & sar_san.i think we only wld know once we check the heart beat.
Sue, now can i know apa supplement you are taking?
Kkh kasi i folic acid and the progestron.
Alhamdulillah blurs...congrats on ur BFP...
Did KKH prescribe for u Dydrogesterone? Coz they give me that too....
Hw abt Sue Dazey? Btw both of u are also with Dr Sadhana too at KK?
Congrats Blurs!!!
Dr Sadhana told me that im in my 4th week. I guess she count frm.my 1st LMP? 18 aug. Agaknye lah..

Thanks Sar_San.
Amin for the doa.
I duno abt having twins. We cn only know bila scan for heartbeat kan? Or is it based on the beta?

Congrats Sue Dazey and Blurs!! Alhamdullilah for BFP... Just curious if one of you is my hubby's army friend's wife though sebab he was told of the gd news too :)

For IVF patients, your pregnancy counts starts from the date of your ET. You can roughly know whether you are carrying twins by your HCG level during your BT. Anyways, masa ET, how many eggs did Dr Sadhana inserted in?
Hi Rashal and Blurs,

Dr Sadhana gv me folic acid and Dydrogesterone... Plus 2 more for my rashes. I'm meeting her again on Thursday (tmr) to see if the rashes meds work for me.

Hi want2bmummy,
I did my ET on 31st August. So bila Dr Sadhana told me 4 weeks.. I calculated it could be frm my first day of LMP ...18 Aug. (started puregon on 19th till 27th, then ER on 29th). Kalau frm ET thrn its only 3 weeks eh? Alamak dah blur ni...

Doc inserted 2 embbies in me. My BETA is 2055.
Salam ladies...
alhamdulilah... its a gd news for me... amin amin... its BFP... my beta :388.9

sue: congrats to you to.. btw.. sorry i nak ask... does that mean tht we are 4wk n 4 day pregnant?

Thanks for all the doa..

Alhamdulillah....Good to hear so many good news....hehhe....Blur u r rite..4 weeks 4 days pregnant...2 more weeks to hear heartbeat....;-)
I was at nuh for my previous m/c. Somehow the thought of returning there reminds me of my m/cs.

Bubbli26, how have you benefitted from Elken Spirulina? Did it work for fertility/pregnancy?

No pregnancy though...but my body dun feel so weak or lethargic...Smooth skin...My mum has rheumatoid arthritis...so after she took this...her body improved quite alot..dulu kesian cos of the meds she took..her body is very drry sampai no saliva...but Alhamdulillah after taking this ..her body is not so dry...ada salvia...even her dentist is amazed...
Hi Rashal and Blurs,

Dr Sadhana gv me folic acid and Dydrogesterone... Plus 2 more for my rashes. I'm meeting her again on Thursday (tmr) to see if the rashes meds work for me.

Hi want2bmummy,
I did my ET on 31st August. So bila Dr Sadhana told me 4 weeks.. I calculated it could be frm my first day of LMP ...18 Aug. (started puregon on 19th till 27th, then ER on 29th). Kalau frm ET thrn its only 3 weeks eh? Alamak dah blur ni...

Doc inserted 2 embbies in me. My BETA is 2055.

Quite high ur HCG dear..Chances of twin is there...Wish u all the best...
Hi Bubbli,
I read from the website that the high beta level doesnt guarantee twins. Wallahualam.
InsyaAllah kalau rezki I.. Kalau tak .....Satu pon dah bersyukur, :D

yup memang true...but chances r there..High beta means pregnancy is very strong and stable if singleton...Tak pe la..satu or 2...doesn't matter..as long as we have our babies in our hands...;-)
Hi Rashal and Blurs,

Dr Sadhana gv me folic acid and Dydrogesterone... Plus 2 more for my rashes. I'm meeting her again on Thursday (tmr) to see if the rashes meds work for me.

Hi want2bmummy,
I did my ET on 31st August. So bila Dr Sadhana told me 4 weeks.. I calculated it could be frm my first day of LMP ...18 Aug. (started puregon on 19th till 27th, then ER on 29th). Kalau frm ET thrn its only 3 weeks eh? Alamak dah blur ni...

Doc inserted 2 embbies in me. My BETA is 2055.

Your beta is high so you have the chance of carrying twins... Dun worry so much which pregnancy week you are in... Usually IVF patients have plus minus. You will know better when you have your first scan later. So happy for you!

Now, you just have to enjoy your pregnancy, though it may have its ups & downs at times... Insya Allah, yours will be a smoother ride than mine. You can join the forum 2014 ivf mummies support group to have better hindsights of your pregnancy. Many mummies there are carrying twins...
Alhamdulillah. Congratulations to the BFP sisters on your upcoming bundle of joy. Rest well, eat healthy and take extra care of yourself k.
Your beta is high so you have the chance of carrying twins... Dun worry so much which pregnancy week you are in... Usually IVF patients have plus minus. You will know better when you have your first scan later. So happy for you!

Now, you just have to enjoy your pregnancy, though it may have its ups & downs at times... Insya Allah, yours will be a smoother ride than mine. You can join the forum 2014 ivf mummies support group to have better hindsights of your pregnancy. Many mummies there are carrying twins...

Thanks and insyaAllah...I've see the thread bt currently silent reader...hehee

Cahayasuci, alhamdulillah... thanks :D
Congrats Sue Dazey and Blurs!! Alhamdullilah for BFP... Just curious if one of you is my hubby's army friend's wife though sebab he was told of the gd news too :)

For IVF patients, your pregnancy counts starts from the date of your ET. You can roughly know whether you are carrying twins by your HCG level during your BT. Anyways, masa ET, how many eggs did Dr Sadhana inserted in?

Hi want2bamummy.. by any chance urhubby yg telll my hubby abt brazil nuts? If yes... betul lah tu.. maybe we ever jumpa at kkh..
im with dr tan heng hao.. he insert 2 eggs masa et.
Dapat satu , i dah bersyukur... if dapat twin kira extra bonus... how abt u..twin ¿
Congrats to Sue & Blurs abt ur pregnancy. So happy for u ladies. Wish u ladies a smooth & healthy pregnancy ahead. Take care..
hi hi.. hmm im not Muslim but I saw query abt where to buy brazil nuts. so wanna say u can try pat's oven. google and they hv a few locations. I got mine fr vivocity at $4.40/100g :)
Hi want2bamummy.. by any chance urhubby yg telll my hubby abt brazil nuts? If yes... betul lah tu.. maybe we ever jumpa at kkh..
im with dr tan heng hao.. he insert 2 eggs masa et.
Dapat satu , i dah bersyukur... if dapat twin kira extra bonus... how abt u..twin ¿

Salam Blurs,

Yup yup... Your hubby was checking with him what I did during the 2ww... He was happy to share together with his buddy of what we went through. I think we met once kat KKH, masa my follow up with Dr Sadhana. Alhamdullilah to hear the gd news. I thought you are under Dr Sadhana too?

I was inserted with only 1egg masa ET due to mild OHSS so didn't want to take the risk, we freeze the remaining eggs. Thus expecting one singleton now, although my BETA reading was 655. Syukur alhamdullilah to see my baby is developing well, despite the ups & downs during my 4 to 7 weeks pregnancy.
salam sisters, just to share that i went to see dr zhao of raffles hosp yest evening and she couldn't do the acupuncture for me bcos' she said 7dpiui is too late. just sharing..

but she's nice, she didn't charge me anything yest altho' we did talk a bit and she asked abt my background info..
Assalamualaikum ladies,

It's been a while since I was here. My oh my they have renovated e whole forum and added in new stuffs. And it's pink! Awesome.

How's everybody? Intro intro sikit. I left the page shortly aft I failed my 2nd natural FET during the first week of ramadhan. And I am all geared up for my 3rd natural FET in a few days with kkh ivf. Any cycle buddies?

Bubbli, hw r u?

Waves frantically*
Assalamualaikum ladies,

It's been a while since I was here. My oh my they have renovated e whole forum and added in new stuffs. And it's pink! Awesome.

How's everybody? Intro intro sikit. I left the page shortly aft I failed my 2nd natural FET during the first week of ramadhan. And I am all geared up for my 3rd natural FET in a few days with kkh ivf. Any cycle buddies?

Bubbli, hw r u?

Waves frantically*

Hi MissyZ...

hmm ur nickname previously is not this is it? Not familiar...ehehe..

but wave back to u..Muaks Muaks..heheh

I am doing k...Lingering ard...hehehe

Good to hear u r gg for ur FET again..Alhamdulillah..best of luck dear..;-)
Ya la bubbli. It's NurA. Trying to figure out how to change my nickname with all this new set up hehe..

Alhamdulillah sis. I am so glad u r doing ok. I have missed u so much. Muacks muacks!

As I was prepping for this cycle I contemplated joining e forum. Has its pros n cons n I was, no! I need bubbli!!

Haha. Yeah 3rd try dear. 3 frozen so hoping tt all can go to blast.
Ya la bubbli. It's NurA. Trying to figure out how to change my nickname with all this new set up hehe..

Alhamdulillah sis. I am so glad u r doing ok. I have missed u so much. Muacks muacks!

As I was prepping for this cycle I contemplated joining e forum. Has its pros n cons n I was, no! I need bubbli!!

Haha. Yeah 3rd try dear. 3 frozen so hoping tt all can go to blast.

Oh NurA....Elo Elo...

Gd to hear from u...;-)

Yup doing k as per normal..eheheheh...

Oh I understand the pros and cons..So sweet of u...U need me..hehehe...

Insya-allah this time the result will be good...And ur dreams will be fulfilled...I do find all of u sistas who pursue ur journey continuously are very brave and strong...This is the spirit we need..Kita usaha seberapa boleh...The result we will leave it to HIM..Insya-allah our dreams will come true...

This week is very happening tau NurA...We have 3 sistas who BFP...Best kan...Wish all BFP sistas a smooth journey ahead...Take care..;-)
Hi, back frm ER..
Nk tanya u all knw tak, ARP yg great eastern insurance we hav to pay depending on e no of embroys on ET day, only by cheque?

Salam Sar San,
Hows ur ER?
Yup... I paid my cheque the other day.. thats what was mentioned to me. So on that day just pass the cheque and the form to the nurse at the counter.
Hi nurA, how r u? Glad tat u are starting ur FET in few days time. All the best for ur FET k. Im starting my 2nd fresh next sat insyallah. Yup this forum migration got all our nicks changed. Im caramel btw if u still remember..

Hi bubbli, thanks for always be here encouraging the old & new sistas..we need u! yup this is the spirit tat we must have. Keep on trying, usaha seberapa yg boleh. Insyallah we will all get our own juniors soon. Amin amin...

Hi sar_san, hows ur ER? How many eggs retrieved? Hope u are feeling fine. Abt ur question, i think no other modes of payment. They only accept cheque & money order, amt depends on how many embbies transferred. I asked before. Take care..
Hi ladies, anyone take immunocal before? Besides for the protein content & egg quality, any other benefits of it? Still comtemplating if i shd take immunocal this round. Last round i only take egg whites to up the proteins during stim. So we supposed to take immunocal during stim rite?

Hi syrian & sue,
Ouh thks I must fine oth ways to get a cheque bk, cos my hubby's expired. My ET mon morning, tkd plak time nak go bank as just now I finish ER ard 1pm.
My follicles was'nt gg as expected. The 2 leading ones got big til 28.5 & 22.5 but yet e small ones r ranging 14-10. But dr put me to ER as I was alr 16days of stim. I didnt knw what to expect but when I ask e nurse b4 I dischage she say I got 1 egg. I was retain long at e procedure room as I got cardiac problem.
I hav no idea if this 1 egg retrive can be used or of what grade. I bedoa & berserah je pada allah.
