IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

Hi Anita, i think ur follies are still small. Usually doc wil trigger once few follies are above 18mm. How many days of stim have u gone thro? Ur lining looks great though. Try to up ur proteins intake so take the follies grow faster. All the bet for ur stim & scan tmr!

I am feeling okay. Like my normal self. Just woke up from my nap. Always sleepy aft inserts. No symptoms, just lots gas hehe. Trying hard to nt to be so paranoid bout tml, can't help it eh like u say e deciding factor..
I hope all goes well with ur 2 embbies. Will pray for u. :)

Bubbli! Thanks! I hope so too!! :D
NurA, thanks for the prayers. All the best for ur BT tmr! Cant wait to catch ur bb dusts! Jgn lupa update us here k!;)
Thanks caramel! Will do! U r all my inspiration :) do doakan for me tml hehe
Yup yup nurA, i pray tat u will BFP tmr! Hoping to catch lotsa of ur bb dust. We ladies here really need tat badly. All the best for ur BT tmr! Btw adv happy wedding anniversary to u & hb! May tmr bring more joy to ur special day!

Pray for me jugak k. Hope all will turn out fine for us all.
Yup yup nurA, i pray tat u will BFP tmr! Hoping to catch lotsa of ur bb dust. We ladies here really need tat badly. All the best for ur BT tmr! Btw adv happy wedding anniversary to u & hb! May tmr bring more joy to ur special day!

Pray for me jugak k. Hope all will turn out fine for us all.

Amin insyaAllah. Thank u caramel :D Tgh nervous sgt sgt getting ready to go kkh.
Hi ladies, updates frm the embryologist call this morning. Out of 2 eggs, 1 immature. The other managed to get fertilised. She will update me again abt the status tmr. At least i got 1 embryo. Alhamdulliah. Can only pray & hope tat it will make it till transfer day this sat. Worried lah. Anyone got similar problems having empty follies? During my stim, i got few dominant ones but during ER, only 2 retrieved. Wonder y? Mayb coz of my low amh?

Insya-allah ur 1 embbie will be a strong fighter for u...We need one to succeed...Hope everything goes smoothly for u this Sat...

Maybe u can ask the Prof the reason y only 2 was retrieved...Is ur ovaries too high for retrieval ke?
Hi bubbli :) thnk u 4 ur kind reply...so the triple is a norm thing ah?? I was worried. ..but my follicle size was from 6mm to 10mm..only 2 10mm were found..other few were 5mm to 9.5mm..tat was during tues scan...2mrw 8-9am is my nxt scan..hope no more injections n proceed 4 ER.

Hi Anita..As mentioned by Syrian..Ur follicles are too small..Normally they will grow abt 2mm more each day...So u will need to have a few more days of injection...

Triple lining whether a norm or not..That's I am not sure..But it's good to have triple lining...Meaning the lining is at tip top...

Best of luck dear
It's a BFN ladies.... Thank u for all the doas darlings.. InsyaAllah tt day will come for me...

Praying for u all to hv ur bfps :D Amin..

Looking ahead to my long cycle with scratching...
It's a BFN ladies.... Thank u for all the doas darlings.. InsyaAllah tt day will come for me...

Praying for u all to hv ur bfps :D Amin..

Looking ahead to my long cycle with scratching...

Sad to hear..Hugs to u dear...

Good that u r looking ahead..Insya-allah ur dreams will come true...

Take care...
Sad to hear..Hugs to u dear...

Good that u r looking ahead..Insya-allah ur dreams will come true...

Take care...
Thanks bubbli. No point fretting cz da takdir. But I am a bit sad, e fact tt e next round is a long cycle with needles n all plus endo scratch haha.. InsyaAllah dgn usaha n keyakinan kita, one day it will happen..

I ll be back soon ladies. Take care bubbli.
It's a BFN ladies.... Thank u for all the doas darlings.. InsyaAllah tt day will come for me...

Praying for u all to hv ur bfps :D Amin..

Looking ahead to my long cycle with scratching...
*hugs nurA* sorry abt ur BFN. Be positive k dear. Both u & embie have tried ur best. Great to noe tat u have planned out ur next strategy. Juz keep on trying k. Dun give up. We will all be blessed wif our own juniors one day insyallah. Juz have faith.
Insya-allah ur 1 embbie will be a strong fighter for u...We need one to succeed...Hope everything goes smoothly for u this Sat...

Maybe u can ask the Prof the reason y only 2 was retrieved...Is ur ovaries too high for retrieval ke?
Hi bubbli, thanks for the prayers. Hope my ET will go smoothly tmr. Prof managed to retrieve eggs frm both ovaries. 1 frm each side. But duno y i keep getting empty follies. During stim, can detect total abt 8 follies but after ER, only gotten 2. Lain smua empty. Juz like my first fresh. Asked him before but he said cant explain coz human body complex. Not much research is done y some pple like tat. But dr zhao frm raffles ckp, mayb my quality no gd den low amh plus endo, all predisposing factors. She might prescribe me some tonic to improve next round. But hope takya go next round lah. Hope can strike this round. Insyallah amin.

Wat abt u? When u wanna start cycling again?
Hi Anita..As mentioned by Syrian..Ur follicles are too small..Normally they will grow abt 2mm more each day...So u will need to have a few more days of injection...

Triple lining whether a norm or not..That's I am not sure..But it's good to have triple lining...Meaning the lining is at tip top...

Best of luck dear
Thank u bubbli26 :) yes my follicles were small n required a few more inj til earlier 2nite..god blessed my ER is on haji eve..Mon :) hope all will go well frm then...thnk u again girl!!
Hi Anita, i think ur follies are still small. Usually doc wil trigger once few follies are above 18mm. How many days of stim have u gone thro? Ur lining looks great though. Try to up ur proteins intake so take the follies grow faster. All the bet for ur stim & scan tmr!
Thank syrian 4 ur kind reply n wishes..my er is on haji eve..god bless! Hope all goes well :)
*hugs nurA* sorry abt ur BFN. Be positive k dear. Both u & embie have tried ur best. Great to noe tat u have planned out ur next strategy. Juz keep on trying k. Dun give up. We will all be blessed wif our own juniors one day insyallah. Juz have faith.
Thanks caramel. Take care :)
As salam all,
Just an update for me...I didnt see my sac growing during my 2nd ultrasound at 7 weeks and 6days and all my pregnancy symptoms went down. I finally ate the misoprostol tablets that Dr Sadhana prescribed for me and I had my miscarriage on Sat, 19 Oct...the feeling of miscarriage is really painful as I went through it coz I didnt want to go through any D&C(a mini surgery to remove the pregnancy sac).. I was even admitted to KKH as my stomach cramps were too painful to bear..right now I am resting at home and recuperating...

To missyZ, dun despair...if u have decided to go through IVF again, we will be here to support u...
To SueDazey,congrats on seeing ur little bean...may u have a healthy and beautiful baby...insya' Allah...
To syrian, all the best to u n may u get ur BFP too...
To Anita18, it juz takes 1 to strike..all the best to u too...
As salam all,
Just an update for me...I didnt see my sac growing during my 2nd ultrasound at 7 weeks and 6days and all my pregnancy symptoms went down. I finally ate the misoprostol tablets that Dr Sadhana prescribed for me and I had my miscarriage on Sat, 19 Oct...the feeling of miscarriage is really painful as I went through it coz I didnt want to go through any D&C(a mini surgery to remove the pregnancy sac).. I was even admitted to KKH as my stomach cramps were too painful to bear..right now I am resting at home and recuperating...

To missyZ, dun despair...if u have decided to go through IVF again, we will be here to support u...
To SueDazey,congrats on seeing ur little bean...may u have a healthy and beautiful baby...insya' Allah...
To syrian, all the best to u n may u get ur BFP too...
To Anita18, it juz takes 1 to strike..all the best to u too...

Dear Rashal,
I teared upon reading your post, but I understand its a deeper impact on you.
Sorry to hear about what had happened. Hve a good rest now.. InsyaAllah your time will come. I'll doa for you.

Meanwhile you take care. Rest well *hugs*
As salam all,
Just an update for me...I didnt see my sac growing during my 2nd ultrasound at 7 weeks and 6days and all my pregnancy symptoms went down. I finally ate the misoprostol tablets that Dr Sadhana prescribed for me and I had my miscarriage on Sat, 19 Oct...the feeling of miscarriage is really painful as I went through it coz I didnt want to go through any D&C(a mini surgery to remove the pregnancy sac).. I was even admitted to KKH as my stomach cramps were too painful to bear..right now I am resting at home and recuperating...

To missyZ, dun despair...if u have decided to go through IVF again, we will be here to support u...
To SueDazey,congrats on seeing ur little bean...may u have a healthy and beautiful baby...insya' Allah...
To syrian, all the best to u n may u get ur BFP too...
To Anita18, it juz takes 1 to strike..all the best to u too...
Thank u rashal. .god bless u girl. ..u are a good soul..good will be blessed upon u soon :)
Dear rashal, *hugs, hugs, hugs* sorry to hear tat. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe tat pregnancy is not healthy enough. Be strong & think positive. Do a mini confinement to build up ur body back & try again. Im sure ur time will come one day. Try to have faith k.
As salam all,
Just an update for me...I didnt see my sac growing during my 2nd ultrasound at 7 weeks and 6days and all my pregnancy symptoms went down. I finally ate the misoprostol tablets that Dr Sadhana prescribed for me and I had my miscarriage on Sat, 19 Oct...the feeling of miscarriage is really painful as I went through it coz I didnt want to go through any D&C(a mini surgery to remove the pregnancy sac).. I was even admitted to KKH as my stomach cramps were too painful to bear..right now I am resting at home and recuperating...

To missyZ, dun despair...if u have decided to go through IVF again, we will be here to support u...
To SueDazey,congrats on seeing ur little bean...may u have a healthy and beautiful baby...insya' Allah...
To syrian, all the best to u n may u get ur BFP too...
To Anita18, it juz takes 1 to strike..all the best to u too...

Salam Rashal...U r very strong n brave to go tru the natural mc.. I didnt hv that strength last time... Meanwhile u take care Sis.. Do mini confinement.. Eat alot of ginger n keep ur body warm.. Gi urut too.. Insya-allah u will hv good news as long as kita tak putus usaha.. My doa for u.. Take care n Big Hugs to u..

Come here if u need to talk.. We will be here for u...
As salam all,
Just an update for me...I didnt see my sac growing during my 2nd ultrasound at 7 weeks and 6days and all my pregnancy symptoms went down. I finally ate the misoprostol tablets that Dr Sadhana prescribed for me and I had my miscarriage on Sat, 19 Oct...the feeling of miscarriage is really painful as I went through it coz I didnt want to go through any D&C(a mini surgery to remove the pregnancy sac).. I was even admitted to KKH as my stomach cramps were too painful to bear..right now I am resting at home and recuperating...

Big Hugss to rashal.. As a muslim we believe Qadak&Qadar, so we just think positive. Pasti ada hikmah disebalik ini semua. Nevertheless my dua is fr you sis.
Take good care of yrself and don't give up. Give yrself time to redha and try again whenever you & yr hubby ready.

I am postponing my IVF to January as I need more time to prepare my body to be physically healthy. Take care everyone!
As salam all,
Just an update for me...I didnt see my sac growing during my 2nd ultrasound at 7 weeks and 6days and all my pregnancy symptoms went down. I finally ate the misoprostol tablets that Dr Sadhana prescribed for me and I had my miscarriage on Sat, 19 Oct...the feeling of miscarriage is really painful as I went through it coz I didnt want to go through any D&C(a mini surgery to remove the pregnancy sac).. I was even admitted to KKH as my stomach cramps were too painful to bear..right now I am resting at home and recuperating...

To missyZ, dun despair...if u have decided to go through IVF again, we will be here to support u...
To SueDazey,congrats on seeing ur little bean...may u have a healthy and beautiful baby...insya' Allah...
To syrian, all the best to u n may u get ur BFP too...
To Anita18, it juz takes 1 to strike..all the best to u too...

*hugs* to rashal,.. i am really so sorry to hear of ur loss and i teared upon reading your entry..u're really a strong lady, to go thru the mc..i cannot imagine the pain (both emotionally and physically) that you had to go through... Insya Allah, Allah makbulkan doa you and doa kita semua satu hari nanti..Amin ya Rabb...

Do have a good rest and take care .. *hugs*
as salam sisters, may i ask for sistas who did acupuncture with dr zhao at raffles chinese medicine, did u drink this chinese herb tea tt she prescribed 'wu zi yan zong wan'? in sachets, 5 sachets for me, to drink 1 time a day after meal.
Rainbowsweet, im also wif dr zhao. But nvr got prescribed with tat tea. Wat is that tea for? I was only prescribed with some powdered herbs to be taken during my menses for endo.
Salam Sistas...

How r all of u dg? Hope everyone dg k...

I hv been not doing well since hari raya haji.. Down with flu n fever the whole family.. Ingat dah baik... Sun kena lagi .. This time extreme.. Still hv yet to recover.. Drinking alot of fluids..

U sistas take care..Flu season n dengue too...
Rainbowsweet, im also wif dr zhao. But nvr got prescribed with tat tea. Wat is that tea for? I was only prescribed with some powdered herbs to be taken during my menses for endo.
Syrian.. Just saw a post abt a lady Mag who conceived even with severe endo under Ivf/icsi.. Do read it.. Hope it will help u too dear
Rainbowsweet, im also wif dr zhao. But nvr got prescribed with tat tea. Wat is that tea for? I was only prescribed with some powdered herbs to be taken during my menses for endo.
hi syrian, the chinese herbal tea is made up of 5 different herbs to strengthen my kidneys. she said my kidneys are weak-i have asthma, also allergic to shellfish-crabs,prawns, clams and ive sinus too. she said the chinese herbal tea would help strengthen my kidneys to be taken from day 6th to day 10th.
rasa dia-haiii, mintak ampun. tapi telan ajer la...
Hi ladies...
Need ur opinion on the oscar tests.
I decline to do it initially. Cz I dun want anymore unnecessary stress...
Rezki ni nak dpt susah... so im leaving all in Allah's hands.

But now hvg 2nd thoughts after hearing frm a friend. I shldnt be feeling this way..subhanallah.

I just feel like sharing with u ladies..
Shld I or shld I nt go thru it?
Hi ladies...
Need ur opinion on the oscar tests.
I decline to do it initially. Cz I dun want anymore unnecessary stress...
Rezki ni nak dpt susah... so im leaving all in Allah's hands.

But now hvg 2nd thoughts after hearing frm a friend. I shldnt be feeling this way..subhanallah.

I just feel like sharing with u ladies..
Shld I or shld I nt go thru it?
Hi Sue..

Hmm my sis didnt go for Oscar n both her kids r fine.. She says tawakal n redha.. Even no matter they r her babies.. Insya-allah all will be fine..

If u need a pc of mind then can do it Sis.. No harm.. Dun stress urself too much masa tgh preggie ni..u take care..
Bubbli, thanks for the tips. Already spoken to mag08. Her case similar like mine. At last i found someone wif similar condition. Thanks a lot yeah.. ;)
U take care sis. Nowadays cuaca unpredictable. Kejap panas den ujan lebat. Mmg musim fever & flu. Better rest well & drink lotsa water. Dun forget ur supplements too!! Hope u cepat sembuh k..take care aite..

Rainbowsweet, alah try to tahan jelah for the tea nye taste. Endure je. U nak bb kan? If nak bb, endure, tahan nafas & telan. Before u noe it, dah abis pun..hehe tats wat i do too! Push myself mentally.:) U can do it babe!
Hi ladies...
Need ur opinion on the oscar tests.
I decline to do it initially. Cz I dun want anymore unnecessary stress...
Rezki ni nak dpt susah... so im leaving all in Allah's hands.

But now hvg 2nd thoughts after hearing frm a friend. I shldnt be feeling this way..subhanallah.

I just feel like sharing with u ladies..
Shld I or shld I nt go thru it?
Hi Sue Dazey, I went for the Oscar test not becuz I hv doubts in HIM but more I want to see more of my bb. The Oscar scan is abt 20mins, and best part u can really see ur beanie wriggling n jumping abt. normal chk up appt, they will prolly scan u like 2-3mins just to chk on heartbeat but the oscar scan lagi lama sikit..so terpulang masing2..:)
Hi ladies... It's been a while since I visited this thread, how are u ladies? Bubbli, u started cycling? Im at my 2ww on FET, my only 2 embbies on ice from 1st IVF in May. BT on Mon!
Hi... im new to this thread but had been reading from page 1 b4 joining in.
I had done my ivf in aug 13... with the injections and bulan puasa managed to do well with 21 follicles, 19 eggs fertilised, Alhamdullilah. However I had OHSS and my ET was cancelled. 14 embroys were froze. In mid nov I started my 1st FET. Went for scan and when the time right, I need to take blood test for LH twice a day. Very hectic together with working hours and driving up and down. Finally, on 8/12 I did the ET. Cant described the anxiousness. The 2ww really awfully. Eventhou I had HL till BT, on and off I will drop by to office juz to pass tyme. I went thru emotional state and always look out for symptoms. True enough non came by. At last BT date 20/12. The nurse called me and said I'm weakly +. Neither + or - . I had light bleeding on 14dpt cont.. on for next 3 days. Was worried & insisted for BT again recently on 26/12. And confirmed BFN. Was upset and hubby giving me semangat and never give up. Now im looking into acup and enquired at Raffles TCM b4 my next fet. Very ex but hubby said if its gd y not try. Any good TCM for recommendation?
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Hi dear, so sorry to hear about that. im not too sure on TCM, I did go to Raffles for accu during my fresh cycle.. Yeap its ex, I think $400+ for a package of 5 sessions? I took a package and added 1 session. She just poke the needles around the thighs and tummy area and will place a lamp near the tummy and ask you to rest about half hour. Anyway that was in May this year, unfortunately that cycle was a failed one. I know how you feel as I had high hopes that it would be a success. Anyway, theres one TCM doc in bukit merah i think who is quite popular with the IVF ladies in the other forum group. Maybe you can browse through that? Youre lucky you managed to freeze 14 embies!
salam sisters,

anybody does sengkak rahim before you does the egg transfer? And also minum air kacang hijau petua kuatkan rahim and subur?
Salam everyone,

I baru join this thread :)

First of all, wishing u good luck for those who are trying to get pregnant :)

Let me tell u my story, I'm married for 10 and half years skrg.

About 4-5 years ago, i ada consult dr. Juliana abu from Mt.E

Tried clomid few cycle tapi takde perubahan, my telur mmg tak membesar.

So Dr. suggest buat IUI, i start amek that injection every morning. And alhamdulillah i get pregnant ! Tapi after few weeks gugur.

Lepastu mmg i dah malas nak berubat kat mana2, no more urut, no more ubat2 traditional . Semua nya stop !

Surprisingly, last Nov i found out i'm pregnant again alhamdulillah. Normal. Without any medication.

Memang tak sangka, coz i selalu buat exercise lasak, lari turun naik tangga, buat sit up, star jump ... Lompat2.

Tapi ... Mmg semua rezqi Allah dah tetap kan kan ?

So what i can say here, teruskan berdoa je. Minta yg terbaik dari-Nya. Sebab bila2 Allah nak kasi rezqi, kite semua tak tahu :)
waalaikumsalam shahirah. welcome to the forum :)

Syukur Alhamdulillah & congrats! May Allah smoothen yr 9mths pregnancy journey.. Ameen.

sis, i nak tanya did you do daily vigorous exercise or few times a week?
and did u change yr eating lifestyle or any specific diet u change before this pregnancy?

My upcoming 2nd cycle of fresh IVF is in February. Tak taulah apa pengakhirannya nanti.. :s
Cahyasuci -

Badan i naik after kawin .... Makin lama makin naik sampai more than 70kg, i ni pendek 1.55 so 70kg too much for my height.

After I gugur, i tried to loose weight, mula2 running tapi tak berkesan.
I tried skipping, mmg termengah2 hehehe tak sampai 10 kali je mcm nak semput !
But lama kelamaan i bleh buat 600-700 skips in a day. I buat ni je n jaga makan, stop cemelan n tak makan nasi mlm.

Within 8 months my weight turun ke 58kgs !

So i tried to maintain je, run 3-4 times a week, coz kaki i start sakit bila buat skipping tu.

Good luck my dear , i doakan yg terbaik for u k :)
Hi ladies... It's been a while since I visited this thread, how are u ladies? Bubbli, u started cycling? Im at my 2ww on FET, my only 2 embbies on ice from 1st IVF in May. BT on Mon!

Hi Nur...

Sorry for the late reply dear...I will be cycling soon for my last FET...After this no more IVF alreadi...For my age to continue further mcm too risky...Dah cuba mcm2 cara..So this time either succeed or not..It's k..I have tried everything...As long as I am hepi with my hubby that's wat matter most...

How was ur FET? Any good news to share...

I do hope all sistas r doing well here...

I have been not working since Dec...Kena buang keje pasal my co nak bangsa dia..I intro my ex-colleague to my co..Werk as temp...Dia apa lagi ambik kesempatan to angkat my bosses...But I take it as it is all fated so that I can rest while doing my last cycle...Everything happens for a reason...

I wish each and everyone will succeed in this journey soon..Insya-allah

Shahira...Congrats Sis..Nice to hear good news...Take good care..;-)
