Last time I also used to go back for progesterone injection and time passed fast cos almost 1/2 day gone spending on the trip. You must be having more than 15 eggs retrieved then require to go back daily. How many embryo have you transferred? Stay relax and eat healthy.

Hi Stacy,

total 23 eggs retrieved.only 10 embryos is good,transferred 2 embryos.So far i'm ok.But get hungry easily.Yeah Jiayou.Thank you.

Times flies yah, glad to know that you are in 2WW now.

I don't know whether you buy this idea, when I was in 2WW, except going to KK to jab, I cut down all my usual activities and have bed rest most of the times in my whole 2WW.

Try not to do house work, eg bend down and raise hand to do laundry.

Stay happy and talk to the embbies...

Yes,thank you.I'll not do house work.Today feel very tired,woke up with -ve thinking.Don't feel like eating and doing anything.Maybe is the jab.
From start(ivf)i always keep myself happy and +ve thinking but not today...

Is common for you to have negative thinking, we are bound to have "up and down" in 2WW. When I had that type of thinking, I would pray and talked to my embroys. After a while, you will be alright.
hi ladies,

need some advice.

will be doing ET on Sat but must I really rest for 2weeks? is it safe to go back to work on monday or thursday? the co is shorthanded and i feel really bad not going back to work.

i was given mc from mon to fri cuz i came down with a bad flu and the dr wants me to rest well for the ER and have my body in optimal condition for ET.

how many days mc each centre give? NUH? KKH? TMC?

I rested the entire 2 weeks at home. Is your choice and no one else. Take care! I have 14 days MC from my Gynae but i took unpaid leaves instead.

Is up to you if you don't want to rest in the 2WW, I know some of the gals still strike even they just rested 2 to 3 days after their ET and some rested for 2 weeks still can't make it. So is really your choice which path you want to follow.
hi ladies,

thanks for your replies! really not sure if I should take more days and rest. anyway, i'll just have to see if my colleagues can manage.

Unlike Koala and Bodhi who are the
'guai' type, I am the noti one, after ET, I went home but still walked around, the second day, wanted to be good girl to take taxi for jab but ended up no taxi, fed up so drove myself from then everyday to jab, I did not really lie down, bed rest etc.. still walk around, buy lunch, go out for dinner but the things that I had done was drank lots of water and eat half boiled egg to make my bloatedness better, by day 3, my bloatedness was getting much better, therefore at times, I forgot that I am in 2ww, another factor that contribute to it is that I was much relax this cycle, I was not as anxious and "determine" as previous, kept telling myself that if i fail, i fail, nothing I can do about it, so just enjoy.

If you are tense, even force you to have bed rest, i think that is even worse, just be moderate and common sense,no heavy stuff, no crazy action, that's all, I have friends who went back to work after 2 days rest and strike too so good luck
know i shouldnt think too much but just a couple of questions..

1) transferred 3 on 21 April. 1 grade 1, 1 grade 1/2 & 1 grade 2.

2) am now in 2ww, experiencing pulling sensation at lower abdomen ?? is this what you call cramp? I also have gastric and this can happen in the middle of the night. btw, i have 5 light meals in day so gastic is not normal for me. is this normal?

3) i'm on Crinone and Tab Utrogeestan. these 2 days, i have pinkish discharge. is this normal?

4) went out for lunch yesterday with hubby and after walking for just a while, i was quite breathless already.. why huh? even when i walk from bed to bathroom to pee and walk back, i do get palpitation and breathe harder

5) my lower back is aching too.. sigh..

not sure how i should feel but i'm quite confuse.. maybe to bored at home.. think too much

Yes, I did have pulling feeling at lower abdomen, gastric pain and breathless problem during my 2WW. Try to avoid the too sour and spicy stuff and rest more.

As for question 3, may be other sister can help, KKH didn't practice the insertion Crinone and oral tablets. The pinky discharge can be the implantation bleeding too. (Implantation happend in day 5 to day 12). Anyway, you may want to check with your doctor on this if this is "normal".

Just relax and talk to your embroys more, don't do any housework and just treat yourselves like a pregnant lady.

Good luck.

I did have some gastric pain during my 2ww due to progestgerone because progestgerone slow down your entire digestive system.

Pink milky discharge is normal. It is from the result of Crinone.

I also experience palpitation but not sever.

I have lower back ache too.

Therefore, i zzzz and ate at home during my 2ww.
thanks koala & bodhi

funny thing is after i post my concerns this pm and went to sleep.. everything went away now that i'm awake...???? no discomfort- so strange

now that i'm back to normal, i worry. like some of them who post, want sufferings then more promising..

now that i've done the transfer, i'm just waiting to see if it implants and whether i'm pregnant right? but why wouldn't it implant huh? dr has already given the crinon and oral tab to help right?

sorry for these silly questions - just want to prepare myself for the worse.. in case it's negative

This is not silly, I fully understand how you feel. When we have symptoms, we suffered, but when we don't have symptoms, we scared... but don't stress yourselves over the "symptoms" issue, it it not always true.

Too bad, nobody can tell you the reasons and no doctor dare to guarantee with good lining, good grade of embroys, all oral, jabs and all kind of medical supports had been given, implatation will 100% take place... Sometimes, sad to say that it is really depends on "luck".
hi koala,

I totally agreed w wat u say ...really depends of luck..
Recent had a great cry of my Fresh IVF which wasnt sucessful. My 3 embies are grade 1 ( w 8 , 9 10 cells ) , lining is 9 mm , everything seems good and smooth during my jabs , ER and ET and also having some symptoms abt early pregnant. I m always thinkg the positive sign that i will b a mtb soon.
After my 2WW , tested -ve... so sad.. Like my husband say mayb Pang Tang as i told pple that i embark ivf...

Sorry to know that you are not successful. Now just let your body to rest for a while before you proceed to the next step.

I don't know if you believe in accupuncture, may be you can try for your nest ET/FET. Of course, again, no 100%. But sometimes we will have to give it a try, right?
Hi Holi,
I m do'g w Thomson Medical Centre.I have crinone insert.

Hi Koala,
I feel like like do'g accupuncture before ET but I m working overseas and only come before embarking IVF. Yes,i have read that alot of sisters do'g that before IVF but i hav no time as my hubby ask me to do Frozen ET in June. He is worried if too long,the frozen embies not so good. If i oni do a few day of accupunture, will it help or not..But for sure, next time, i will bedrest for 2WW. hehe

Hi Bodhi,
Thks. I will try again..I knw it is hard like roller coaster feeling embarking IVF but for the sake of baby , i will try..
i am feeling so down today.. i simply have no mood for anything. I have been feeling very wet for the last 2 days and i usually have this feeling when my menses is coming. Anyone has the same pre-menses symptoms?

I am going for my pregnancy test tmr and I just dont know what to do and what to think.

On one hand, i know i have to stay positive and wait for tmr's result which's most definite but on the other hand, i am aware of my body system and it's already showing me signs that my menses is coming.

I understand how you feel now. Not to comfort you, but p signs are quite similar as af sign. I experienced that in my 2WW too, cramping and feeling wet.

1 more day to go, just endure it.
thanks koala.

i'm so very much on the verge of nervious breakdown. i'm so weak isnt it? i've already waited so long, what's another 1 more day?

thanks for your encouragement.

becos u said u will test tomorrow, right? so just wait for 1 more day.

Hey, u are not weak, ok? who dare to say that? For all those ladies who went through IVF is brave fighters mtb, cos we can endure all the suffers, stress and pressure, phisically, mentally and finacially to fulfill the bb dream. Holi, serious, not every body can do that, so cheer up, buddy.
hi koala & all,

thanks so much for all your support. this forum has been so fabulous to have all you people to give encouragement and support.

I am blessed to have been tested postive today. I will continue to log in here to give support to others too.
hi ladies

I just did my blood tests and now waiting to see Dr Loh at KK next week. Should be doing IVF after that....but i will not be sharing it to anyone in the office (just do not want to explain all the times). Can anyone of you share with me how you get through from Day 1 to before ET? how many days leaves is required before ET?...

Hi ladies,

I'm new in this thread, just come to know 2ww is 2 weeks wait, yah i only had my ET on 5 May already feel very tormenting to wait so long for the blood test, i was asked to be back on 22 may for blood test that's 17days after ET and already feel the time is ticking very slowly...
Hi Piggy

Ya, KK practise is we will have to wait for 17 days before the blood test can be done.

If you don't want to wait long, you may use HPT to test urine 1st on 14 days after ET, it should be able to detect the results. If it is positive, you may request the nurse to do the blood test for you to confirm the results. But bear in mind if the beta is lower than 250, you still have to do another blood test on 17 days.

Good luck.

Beta HCG is "the pregnancy hormone", it will be shown in our blood test. I have extracted the below link for HCG beta for your reference:-


The nurse will tell you how high is your beta after your blood test results, KK guideline is, the beta border line is 250, if it is lower than 250, they will request you to do another blood test after 2 to 3 days later, they want to ensure that the beta is doubling every two days to indicate the pregnancy is progressing well.

If you have higher beta, you will just need to wait for the the other two weeks to see the doctor for the 1st scan to detect the sac and the heartbeat.
Hi koala,

Thanks for sharing the information, so even if the blood test show a high beta rate it doesn't necessary confirm that you're pregnant until the scan, though the possibilty is high?
Once beta is more than 60 (KK's guideline, for some private docs, they take it as 20), you are "confirmed pregnant", no need to wait for the scan.

The most improtant thing is the beta must doubling up every two days. (As explained in the link). Otherwise, very unlikely can detect the sac and heartbeat after two weeks later.

Don't worry, KKIVF nurse will guide you along when you have + results. Now, the most important thing is to rest more and to relax....
Hi, I'm new in the forum. Would need some advise. I just had my ET yesterday. Unfortunately, i have been unlucky to have this dry cough. Am now very worried the my constant coughing will affect my chances. Am wondering if anyone knows how the embryos stays in the uterus? Will it be expelled when we cough? Am very worried now.
HI Wild,
Dun worry as I also had terrible cough
during my 2ww, tot I stood a slim chance but still get pregnant. Remember to drink lukewarm water ( no cold drinks). Dun anyhow take medicine so best to check with DR 1st. I took hot honey drink with lemon as natural remedy. Hopes it helps. Good Luck!!
dear all,

thanks so much. i hope all will turn out well..i will keep you all posted.

for those still trying.. jia you jia you! i will come here often to support too!

The embroys won't expelled out when you cough. Try to drink more warm water and have plenty of rest to cure your cough. Please treat yourself as a pregnant lady from now on, every medication that you take must consult doctor. As for honey water, it is belong to "liang stuff", please take moderately.
Hi Stacy and Koala, thanks for your advise. I'm not very positive for this cycle. I put in 3 embryos of a reasonable grade, but not the best and we did not have any left overs for freezing. Stacy, what was the quality of your embryos? What you said have given me some hope.
Am so glad I can talk to you ppl here in this forum. At least we all understand what we're going through. Was starting to feel a bit depressed with this cough. Tot I didn't take care enough to be in tip top condition for this cycle. I'm so afraid the I may have to do another fresh cycle.... anyone knows how long we'll have to wait before we can start a new cycle? Not sure if my employer will allow me to keep taking leave.
Same as you, I was not in tip top condition for my cycle and feel very remorseful for not taking GOOD care of my health during the cycle. I insisted not to take cough syrup prescribed by KKIVF Dr and took the natural remedy, about 2 glasses a day. The cough lasted for 2 months+. Though our physical health might not be as good as others, but we can build up our mental health. It is normal to feel moody at times, but we have to have some confidence in ourselves, the Dr, the nurses...Jiayou Jiayou! Dun give up
Hope my little fairy can bring you LUCK.
Well! It is my 1st attempt. I have 8 embryo and used up 3 for the cycle. I remembered Dr Loh help me to select the combination of grade 5/4/3 since my DH wanted to put in 3. I'm lucky to strike twins and in 2nd trimester now.
yeah! Forgot to share with you, when I was like you very, very worried abt the chances due to my condition, there was another buddy in the thread kept on encouraging me as she also had the similiar experience and even hospitalized for coughing and flu in 2ww. She is also pregnant with twins. haha... so coincident
Thanks for your encouragement. It really made me feel much better. Yes, i do agree with you that we all should feel positive... maybe its all the drugs that we're taking that is making us moody.
What is grade 5/4/3? which one is better? 5 or 3?

You're having twins? congrats!!! know their gender yet?
Hi wildcherry

Personally experience is very difficult and impossible to stay positive in 2WW. But what we can do is to take good care of ourself, stay happy and divert attention to something else. When we first started the 1st jab of lucrin, we know that this is a game, a "luck" game, to see how good is our luck and we are willing to go through all the suffers to see if we have the good luck to fulfill the bb dream.. If luck is not on our side this round, then too bad we will have to try again.

I still remember I asked one sister here, who has failed a fresh and frozen cycle, how to face to failure if I can't make it ? Her answer is : "well, life is just back to normal, no need to face any change". So I make this as a guide line to me, if strike, is a bonus, if not, just go back to normal, basically nothing to lose.

I am like you too:- 3 embroys transferred, not so fantastic grade, no forzen at all, so if can't made it, have to go through the fresh cycle again the worst is my boss not happy about my medical leave.

But, never mind, we don't compare to others, end of the days, we just need 1 embroy to stay in our womb, so so, my dear, please do not worry about frozen or not frozen issue, this is not important at all now.

Now, the most important thing is talk to your embroys, have good rest, sleep well, be happy and do not do any house work and try to eat healthy. You may see good news after two weeks times...
5 is the best and 3 is average. I have put in 1grade5, 1grad4 and 1grade3. Anyway what is important to you now is implantation, so dun bother too much abt grade and no. of embryo.
I've 2 boys
, the other buddy I mentioned to you also having 2 boys. Haha... really coincident!
I'm asked to go for blood test at the end of the week. Am just wondering how many times are we required to do a blood test after the ET? And what does these blood test shows? Will we know whether we'll be preg during these blood test?

Also, any idea when implantation will be? Read online there may not be any symptoms right?
I think the best part of this entire cycle is the 2 weeks away from work. It's so unfortunate that the weather has been very hot though. I was sweating buckets while watching TV in the afternoon. Not too sure if it's the weather or the tons of hormones in my body.

Hi wildcherry,

I've also the same symptoms. Went to KKIVF to have my second pregnyl jab, and manage to ask the nurse she say it's normal
