hi pp,
well, the important thing is to maximise chance right? up to you lor... btw, there's some mathematical reason why most docs suggest 3 embies, simply because the success rate is about 30%! so put in 3, hoping at least 1 can make it! well, that's wat my hubby and myself think is the reason why 3 is the magic number!

yo sisters,
do go and check out my blog which i have just created last week! enjoy and feel free to post your comments there!http://nafeeza.blogspot.com/2007/03/my-2ww-has-just-begun.html


understand that u went to market to buy the liver. Would like to share with you what I have read recently:-

"try to avoid liver products becuase they may contain large amount of retinol form of vatamin A, too much of which could be bad for your developing of the embies/baby".

I also love to eat liver thought is very "po", but after reading this, I have immediately stop eating it.

Remember don't do any house work, esp bend down and raise hand to hang the laundry. Walk slowly and don't carry heavy thing. Ask your man to do it, now is the best time for him to contribute.

Talk to your embies more, ask them to cling tight.

Triplets is very very rare case.

Anyway, as long as we can be mother one day, the number of baby(ies) is not so important, it is a BIG blessing to us, right? So don't let this bother you too much, just have a relax mind to do your transfer and I thin your RE is the best person to advise you.

Cannot eat liver? I was low blood and i was encourage to eat all the pig spare parts especially the liver to replenish my blood levels.
well, the blog contains the update of my blood test today... i am getting a bit worried here. any sisters have or heard of similiar experience and can advise me? I will be going for a re-test on sat morning... thanks in advance!

Come to eating...me asian lah...i cannot stand eating burger and steak and potato everyday. Me into spice now...anything spicy...me ON! But need to control...if not constipation! Are you still on progestrone?

I saw your blog. Please do not worry...you need to stay relax, relax and relax...namaste! Re-testing of progestrone level is normal. I remembered my ivf centre did for me every 3 days during my first week of 2ww. If the level not high enough to their expectation...pump somemore progestrone lor...inject and oral...still not enough than add the insert lor...add until the progestrone is enough so dont worry...the medicine quite high tech one :)
bodhi, thanks very much for your advice! ya, now i am on all 3, which is crinon insert, oral as well as jab... phew! really going all out liaoz... 3-prong approach!

ok... relax, reLAX, RELAX is the word..

so, Bodhi, which phase are you at now?

care to share with the sisters here in brief how you survived through the 2WW? any important tips? thanks in advance!

all the best for your ET tomorrow! will pray for you! we'll all be here to support u!

Now you are typical local people liao. Ha ha. Me can't eat spicy food now, but always thinking of maggie mee. I find myself very cranky and moody, last time still can control control a bit, but now, just "bla... bla.." won't give face one, even to my hb. May be only now all the side effects of the jabs taken start to re-act already.

Yes, still on prosgetrone pills, oral form, btw, my RE has asked me to stop the Asprin liao. Actually wanted to finish the balance, but since he asked me to stop, ok loh. Now, I will do watever he asked me to do, now he is more important than my hb, ha ha...

Your blog really cute, I am computer idiot, can't learn new technology fast.. so really "pei fu" you.

Huh? how to survive my 2WW? Not surviving leh.. but is "enjoying"..

Me is a lazy bug, I seldom go out during weekend unless I want to run errand or catch for a movie. I also hardly go shopping, esp Orchard areas, hate to squeeze with people. Of course you can use "homely person" to describe me lah...

And before my 2WW, I always dream that I can have a good rest, watching tv, eating, shaking legs at home. And is true in my this 2WW, I can sleep at least twice and eat five meals in day time, so relaxing.. ha ha..

O...ya...try to take the progetrone pill. My OB actually said if i can afford i should take progestrone till full term likewise for baby asprin can take till full term. I am also taking folic acid with B6 and iron.

You didn't ask him why need to stop? Alamak..must ask mah than you can make a decision whether to continue to eat or not to eat. The baby belong to you and not your RE leh.

Try to eat whatever you feel like eating. First Trimester need to gain 1 to 2 kg leh...u so thin...can afford to eat more.

Actually i did a research. Crinon is the best and most effective. The Progestrone last longest in the body compare to injection and oral. However, is the most expensive. I have it twice a day during my 2ww and continue for another 2 weeks and reduce it to once a day for 2 weeks. Now, you have all the progestrone...you should feel secure and safe so dont worry about it and stay relax.

Asking more questions make me more worry leh. Nowadays, wake up in the middle of the nite my eyes big big can last about 1 to 2 hours before can sleep again cos too many "worries" in my mind. Worry this, worry that and my questions are endless one. So now decide just follow the doc instruction then won't create stress for myself.

I can't eat big portion since my 2WW started, last time use to eat more than my HB..I just can eat half portion of it now. I don't like to waste food, but really bo bian.

This is basic question...what to eat and what not suppose to eat...hai...i give up...i also dunno you worry so much for what. You got 260+ days to go leh...

You are not suppose to eat big meal leh. Due to the slow down of the digestive system. If eat too heavy..you will feel nausea, vomitting and heartburn etc...I am eating 6 meals a day...half or quarter of the portion...what to do...tell the seller to reduce the portion but you still need to pay standard price if not share with someone else.

Eyes big big...cannot sleep...aiyoh this is not stress lah...i also experience this, especially gonna get up a few times to wee wee after wee wee cannot sleep liao lor.

Your days still yet to kick off...till later you experience MS...not that you will "merlion" or what but not very good feeling lor...feel lazy, nonchalant...got dragon meat infront of me also not interested! etc.
thanks for the comforting words... it is indeed reassuring. Just pray that my body react well to this 3-pronged approach.. haha..

ye.. it's quite fun to creat the blog and it's not too difficult really. if you are keen to give it a try, i can help you along.. no prob! i enjoyed the process so it's a form of relaxation for me! also penning down my thoughts and worries also help to release stress.. most importantly, other sisters on the same boat can also learn from my experience. it's great to hear that you enjoyed your 2WW. well, i am trying my best to do the things i enjoy and relax as well... watch TV, sleep, cook, eat, surf the net, haha.. occasionally, just go nearby supermarket to buy some groceries stuff for cooking la.

btw, RE refers to your gynae right? what does it stands for??

Glad to know that you are feeling better today. Fully understand how you feel now.

Since day 1 when I intend to start my 1st jab, I always tell myself, this is a game, wat I can do is to follow the rules and be a good player, but whether I can be the winner is really depends on the luck. So, for the time being, just enjoy it.

Thanks for your offer, sure will get your help if I really want to do it. But nowadays have been feeling lazy.

Yes, RE is my gynae. May I ask who is your RE?

Sigh, can't help leh, look like since day 1, me can't change already, remember we discussed abt the chicken a few months ago? ha ha.. that's me loh.

Hmmm... ya, I know what are you trying to tell me. Never mind will take 1 step at a time.

Wah, you see, you can even make chawanmushi... so great. I can never made japan stuff, only chinese dishes and spaggetti.. May be you let me know the receipe so that I can try out this weekend? Thanks.

Just sleep, think this way, your body need to rest so that the embies can get a good place, ok?

Dont tell me you still have not been eating chicken har? Aiyoh....

Ok...enjoy your evening har...me go zzzz liao...can u imagine i zzzzz at 8pm!
Hi Dodo
Its me again... thanks for sharing your blog wif us... wah... really detailed in your expressions... keep us posted okay...
hi hi,

Today, i went for my ET ... very hapi as all 7 embryos is good (Grade 1)so i put in 3 fresh embryos n freeze 4 embroys.
So today , i will be official 2ww ..but funny in TMC , it takes 17 days.. so i hav wait for another 2ww + 3 days.

Bloating is normal...you should experience it through the 2ww. The bloating is due to progestrone and i believe your Gynae now pump you alot of it.


I experienced giddy too during my 2ww...day 5 and day 6 after ER are very important dates...please take care of yourself...check whether you are low in iron or you are low in sugar. If low you have to pump it up.
ya... bloating is normal. i also felt quite sleepy too! haha... had been sleeping quite a lot these few days, ever since my doc put me on progesterone tablets!
hi gals,
i have been having quite a fair amount of whitish discharge these couple of days.. is that normal?

did you have a chance to try out the chawanmushi recipe?
hi gals,
did my blood test last sat and the progesterone reading is good @708. So, the nurse's advice is to continue with crinone twice per day and the progesterone tablets; 1 tablet, 3 times per day. the next blood test would be to determine the results. Just gotta pray hard that all will turn out well.

white and watery discharge is normal. You must know the hormone in your body is changing....now.

i think we are more keen on your beta hcg blood test result than your progesterone level result...hahahha...just stay relax.
hihi ,

Blackcurrant - Thats nice that we are both do'g ER on the same day... hhee then u do yr ET on Thurs too ( 29/3 ). Which clinic are u with ?

Bodhi - Day 5 & 6 are important... But i went shopping for the whole afternoon but couldnt sleep for the whole night.... On the Day 6, so Bloated until i cant even move.. Sleep for the whole day.. Then i drink 1/2 bottle of 100plus then ok liao... Maybe i m lack of salt ..

Do u have any 2ww symptom ? Me got lots of gases " farting all day long .." hahah ..

Any thoughts of doing a HPT to test on the day 13 ? At TMC , they oni test on the D17 so very eager to knw the result but also scared not accurate. End up got to worry for the next few days till D17 ..
hi everyone, sorry to disturb.

i am scheduled for a SO-IUI next month...
doing with dr thong at raffles hospital...
can anyone share the cost cos the nurse told be its abt $4K...

now me worried abt the fin part.
hi blackcurrant,

u encounter cramps at... leg or tummy ? nothing much symptom for me..Oni yest and today, i saw some rashes at my tummy...

But i thk, i will try to test tomorro.. hheeehe

Hi ladies,

Now i'm D8 of 2WW.Everyday still have to back KK for progesterone injection.
So bored at home,so everyday go back to my parent's place.heehee,mother homecook food.
