sorry to hear about your bad news. I guess we all undertsand how you feel. hang on!you can sure make it one day. Please be strong, I am trying to be strong myself. btw,I get my menses today, 2 days after i stop crinone. to begin with, am not sure if it has got anything to do with crinone. and yes, very heavy and discusting, shall not go into detail.
take care and let get ready to ride another big wave, ya?
dodo, jiayou, not every gals here succeed on their first try so actually think your chances are higher the next time round
thanks all for all your kind and encouraging words! yes, i will be strong and move on... have discussed with hubby and we are thinking of removing the polyp at the cervix first, rest a couple of cycles then proceed to do FET, likely will be Jan next year...
hi dodo, jia you... juz to share with you.. i have poly be4 i started my FET... dr suggested after my period on day 7 to check whether the poly is still there and if still there will need a mini ops to remove it and can't proceed with FET... told my chinese sensei and she prescribed some meds to remove it so that i dun hve to go thru ops to remove it.... strangely after taking it a few times... i scan and the poly gone liao and i'm able to proceed with FET (although it din succeed)...

I have met up with my doc today and decided to proceed with SO-IUI... next year most likely in jan or feb will try IVF again if IUI fails...
dodo....jia you.....maybe you want to try auroa's sinseh for removing the poly....take care sister....

thanks hui....i don't place much hope.... yesterday had a bad night...can't sleep cos there's a pulling sensation on my tummy..i don't know whether it's what the sister here mention cramp or what??? this is the 1st time having such feeling....anyway, can't sleep after wake up to pee....kept thinking whether this time have miricle or not.....so silly right???
hi auroa,

when was it discovered that you have the polyp at the cervix? i find it strange that this was not discovered earlier cos i did 2 IUI procedures before trying IVF so i thought if there was a polyp, it should be discovered then. also, shouldn't there be a step to check that the path is "clear" before doing ET?
so hui, that is consider cramp feeling?? but why only happen at night...day time nothing at all....but i don't have bloated breast or sensitive nipple leh....

enhui...i don't think so...i read some sister here also have this feeling but not successful..so i don't think so....i will be doing my test this sat....getting nervous each day pass.....hope my AF don't visit me...at least still got little chance......hope guanyingnangnang can help me this time.....*pray hard*
oh gosh, i am so affected that i have to work from home today. not able to go office cos my eyes swollen from all the crying.. sob sob... i find it really difficult to control my tears cos i am an emotional person by nature... haiz... sisters, any personal experience to share on how you cope?
Hi Dodo

I understand how you feel, I have the same experience a week ago when my first IVF failed. But for me, I just look ahead to plan for the next FET, go for acu session to let my body recover better, talk to my hubby and friends who of course will console me, I gotten over it after 2 days. Just think the embryos are not fated to be my kids this round...
hi jo, thanks much for your advice... yes, am planning ahead and have arranged to meet my doc for a discussion on next steps this fri... will be going for FET too...

err.. will acu help the body to recover better? ya... also intend to visit my JE sinseh to "tiao" my body..

haha... u know, the problem is when people console me, i tend to tear la... never mind, i will overcome this, its a matter of seeing it from a diff perspective i guess.

pls stay positive... u'll make it! dun worry so much, enjoy these few days of rest first!
Hi dodo

Hope you are better now.

ACU will help to warm the womb and increase the chance of implantation.

FYI, for JE sinseh, there is no ACU services provided. There is one at AMK, recommended to me by Dr Xia Rong, you may want to try:-

Zou Yumin TCM physician and Acupuncturist
blk 505 Angmo Kio Ave 8
#01-2670 Singapore 560505
Tel : 64560833

There is another one at meiling street, I don't have the full address with me, don't know if other sister can help.
here's the add for the one at meiling street:

Qian Min Medical Centre
Blk 152 Mei Ling Street
#01-16 Singapore 140152
Tel: 6475 9621 / 6479 2865

there are 2 sinsehs (1 male & 1 female - they are husband and wife)

i went there for abt 8 sessions after my 1st fresh cycle and b4 my FET. Think it will somehow help.
Dodo..i also cried few days when i failed my 1st ivf...think positive..at least you still have embryos but for my case...i don't have any....so you still stand a chance. If i fail again, i don't even have chance to go for FET...i believe you can get over it....jia you!!!


jo you also jia you ok.........
huangling4, i did not do anything this time. actaully i stop after i failed my FET cos i find it is a bit far for me and very stressful and tiring.
thanks all for the advice and recommendations... however, i am thinking of continuing with the JE sinseh and dr fong yang for now. if include going for acu, may be too tiring lor... what is the frequency of doing acu?
Blurblur...thanks for sharing.

koala, i will check my mail. thanks.

All sister...i try to tell myself don't worry...anyway I stand very slim chance but i just can't control myself...my tummy not so bloated liao and seem like the cramp also gone...don't have it last night...i think it's very obvious that i am gonna fail....sigh!!!!
Hi, all sister, as i expected....I failed again. My AF show face today...I had wrote a letter to my doc and said that I will not go for the blood test...I am so sad. Thanks for all your encouragement during 2ww. There's no miricle for me....My hope crashed!!!!

By the way, I am planning to go for accu...I have 2 in mind...don't know which one to choose...can any one help me? One is Dr Tan at clementi..heard he is good in treating male fertility but don't know good in female case or not? The other one is Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio...actually wanted to see Dr xiarong but heard she only in singapore 1 week per month..if i were to see her, have to wait till dec....I don't want to wait....Can any one help me please....especially those who had succeeded...I will be grateful cos I really don't know what to do liao....I had taken chinese medicine for so many years.....

Take care. I am currently doing acu at meiling street. But I cannot advise you which is good, which is not, I am still a novice for TCM.
Hi Huangling, really sorry to hear that... pls be strong.. sorry that i cannot advise on accu cos have not tried before either... dun worry, we'll continue to encourage each other ok? i believe our turn will come, its just not the right time yet la...

btw, i will be meeting my doc tomorrow afternoon to see what are my next steps... as of now, i intend to take it easy for a while cos the last few months had been pretty stressful doing 2 iuis and followed by ivf... haiz...

pls take care and pamper yourself with some food and retail therapy! haha... that's what i did after a good cry!
huangling4, pls be strong and see if dr loh can offer any alternative.

i used to do acu at meiling street...did abt 8 sessions b4 my last FET.

Don't give up hope okie.
Thanks jo, dodo and blurblur.....

Dodo, I also plan to do tcm 1st....have been through 2 cycles...very xiong and tiring....better tiao my body 1st.....
huangling, i also have been with the marine parade sinseh since jan this yr and i have posted the details in the support thread...hope it helps.

My HB and I had also been with the marine parade sinseh for the past 1 1/2years. He sees patients in his chinese medical hall correct? Maybe his medication is not suitable for us. Have recently switched to another one.
atlas, that's the one...think this type is up to individual. Who are u seeing now? it seems to work quite well for my gal friend though cos she strike naturally.

ya true. I saw many couples seeing him for fertility reasons. The q can be quite bad on weekend. I am currently seeing Dr Koh Lee Hoon, my HB seeing Dr Tan at Clementi.

have anyone heard of this chinese sinseh?

Wholistic Healthcare centre
390 Victoria St #03-04
Golden Landmark S188061

My friend successfully conceive after seeing her for 2 years and she do acu as well. I was thinking of going to her for acu treatments.

fyi, I had went to my doc, Dr Fong Yang for a discussion on next steps. His recommendation is to remove the polyp at my cervix first, and probably in Jan 07, to do FET. He also proposed hat i'll be put on GA for the FET procedure as he said i was too tensed during the last transplant and that could be a factor for the embies not transplanting... well, my previous ET proc was super long cos my "path" like not so direct lei
Hi all

Have registered myself in the Jan 07 q for IVF in KKIVF. surprisingly, it is quite crowded for Dec... nurse Sarah said there is no way for her to "squezze" me in.. But for me ok, cuase still need some times to "tiao" my body.

The nurses are so friendly and helpful and the waiting time to see Dr Loh is much shorter than last time when I was with TMC and Gleneagles (May be is only for this round?)

Hope to have a good start and smooth IVF journey with KKIVF.

wow, long time never drop by here.....missed a lot liao!

Firstly my heart goes out to all those who did not make it this time, but remember gals, many of us who have succeeded now had failed a few times before so soon will be ur turn to get preggie....stay strong and positive, I know its hard but please try....love all!

Big big congrats to blurblur and anyothers who have succeeded.....Take good care of urself and rest well for now!
