IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

hi ladies,
i read alot of the forum and i find great comfort in all your stories and encouraging words.

I have been ttc for 3yrs and have started my journey ttc via ivf (1st time). i'm with a dr in mt e and i'm really nervous. i started my lucrin injection yday and i'm both scared and excited towards the ER & ET.

i know very well that one of the very important key to success is not to be stress but i really cant help it. i've already started thinking negative. what should i do? what must i do to think positive? to have happy thoughts? please share!

Hi Koala,

wish you have a smooth 9 months

What make you have the negative thought? If you are negative why are you buying your treatment. The treatment dont come cheap and there is a price to pay financially, physically and mentally. Once you have decided on doing ivf treatment, you need to be absolutely positive on the treatment and there is no turning back especially when you reach stimulation stage. In my personal opinion, ivf treatment after all is not too bad, there isn't much physcial pain if your Gynae monitor you closely. When i was embarking to this treatment i tell myself i am one of the lucky that i can undergo ivf, what about those couples that want a child but unfortunately they can't undergo any ivf treatments due to physcial or financial constraints. Therefore, you should stay positive...is a mind over body...if you are not going to be positive no one can force you...we can be here encouraging you but you and your hubby is going to go through the treatment together.

Are you experiencing mood swing afer the Lucrin injection? I experienced that too when i was on Lucrin during my first treatment...that's normal. Just talk to your hubby that during this period...you will be experience mood swing and seek his understanding..you should let your hubby knows about your negative thoughts and talk to him about it. You hubby encouragement is many thousand times heavy weight than us here. Try to think of something that you enjoy doing...like for me idling champion ...did nothing...i can be sitting on a sofa for hours doing and thinking nothing...that's the true idling! :)

Agree on what you said,like me having mood swing on and off.Always tell myself to control but can't.Now on 2nd day puregon.

Mood swing is alittle hard to control...but i did alerted those people around me to "avoid" me or "ignore" me. I think i did not control my mood swing ...i just swing and swing...:p

2nd day of Stimulation...hmmm...i guess another 7 days or 8 days more no need to "poke" yourself so hard anymore...just stay relax..it will be over very soon. The more you cannot relax the worst you will feel...so tell your brain...stop thinking about it. I do not know where on earth i learn this technique...during my treatment my brain really think nothing leh...is empty inside. So please try.....think nothing :p

..swing and swing.HaHa
Now my mind is switch off,nvr think so much.Early morning eat 4 hard boil eggs white than poke myself,go to work.
Ya,next week go back KKIVF for scaning and c Dr.
I'm previously from this thread and lucky to say I have succeeded with twins on my 1st try.I would like to come back here giving you word of encouragment.
After reading your posting, I find it very normal and natural that you've(-)feeling. ME TOO during my injection days. YOu are now embarking on a journey, knowing what you want to acheive, but there are so many uncertainty ahead that you are unsure how to achieve it. My advise to you is to "calm your Mind", If worries come, just let it comes and it will go by itself. Dun need to force yourself to stop worrying,it will make you more stressful. It is common to feel anxiety once in a while.Remember there are so many things in life beyong our control, eg.luck. But since you take up the CHANCE to try, you must do your part well! That is to take good care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle and nutritious food. Mentally, you have to open-up,can seek some one you can confide with, or even religion. What you did is right, posting your problem and let go.
To be frank with you, once you cleared this stage, you may have to move on to a more challenging stage (MTB journey). Worries will never end after you tested +, there will be more uncertainty and symptoms to watch out. Since there are so many real cases here for sharing, you may like to look into some archive history for references. Hope those positive and good examples can motivate you to cultivate HAPPY thoughts.

Wish you
hi holi,

how to have positive thoughts? I know it is not easy but one important factor is to have faith in your doctor. fyi, i had tried my 1st IVF attempt last Oct but failed. Now, I am trying again using FET. I have trust that my doc will help me succeed. Go to my blog to see what we are doing differently for this 2nd try... http://www.nafeeza.blogspot.com/

Also, I am sure all the successful cases here would help you to have positive thoughts! one of my gf succeeded under my current doc on first attempt and had triplets!!

of course, throughout the journey, there will be much factors that are beyond our control... well, personally, i find that sharing my thoughts, fears and feelings here does help, because there are so many of us here on the same boat...

i also find that creating a blog is a stress reliever for me... on one hand, i can pen down my journey, my thoughts and fears; most importantly, that is a good platform for sharing of my experiences to others on the same journey, hoping they can benefit from it in one way or another...

take it easy pal... we'll ride it out together!
Went to your blog a few times. Really impressive. You are right to channel all your fears and thoughts on the blog, and share it with us. I believe you will succeed One Day.
thanks so much ladies! i am so full of emotions now that i feel like crying.. YES!! I should just let go and cry happily!! Life is too short to think about the bad things! should cherish and remember all the good things and that way, we stay happy and only happy thoughts. I will keep it that way..

i will make it this ivf..

I think the crying part is normal.. believe all sisters here went thru that kind of emotional roller coaster at a certain stage of our IVF treatment.. but.. must think positively too ya!

There are many more unfortunate ppl than us in the world out there.. so.. when we think of them..then we'll feel how fortunate we are...
would you tell people around you that you are going for IVF?

i accidentally blurted out to my ex-colleagues during dinner gathering tonight! When I was in my previous job, my ex-colleagues have been very encouraging and supportive of my TTC and even suggested IVF. Seeing that i still dont have any news, they asked if i have considered ivf./ not wanting to deny plus i was caught off guard, i told them that i've recently started ivf.

suddenly i feel so stressed! if i dont succeed this IVF, i'm going to feel really down and depressed cuz i'll need to explain..

ai yo!!! i cant stop feeling angry with myself!! sigh!!

ai ya.. really regret telling.

since u have already told them.. then let it be lor.... dun fred over it... just hope that the more ppl know.. the more blessing u will get ..and the more ppl will be able to enjoy ur success or share your sorrows (touch wood)..

since u have already told them.. then let it be lor.... dun fred over it... just hope that the more ppl know.. the more blessing u will get ..and the more ppl will be able to enjoy ur success or share your sorrows (touch wood)..
holi00 ,

I only told very close frens and colleagues (coz i need time off now and then).

I never tell my parents or in-laws :p
hello ladies

Anyone know how to reduce bloatedness? I feel so terrible.. Sit also cannot.. lie down also cannot.. what to do? please advise?
If you have just had ER done, must drink at least 2 l of water a day to reduce bloatedness and it could be due to OHSS symptom. If get serious, please seek medical help.

you are right.. it's OHSS..I toke a lot of water (about 4 L per day) to reduce the bloatedness..

Pinky Panter..
I will try your "Mi Fang" and see if it's helps..

Thanks Gals
yeah! i was told to have 2 l intake of water a day and I remembered I took abt 4 L. Agree with Pink Panter that egg white also help. but dun take it "raw", if digestive system is weak, it may cause diarrhoe, cos I had a bad experience b4 taking it half-cook and raw ,and later ended up in hospital when I just got pregnant. Do Take CAre.
today is my 5th day of simulation and i'm a little disappointed that my follicles are not big enough. i have to increase my purgeon to 250IU and to add ?Lurevis.. i'm worried that i cant proceed with the IVF. Now, i have to jab myself 3 times - Lucrin, Purgeon & Lurevis. Even though i jab myself well but 3 times everyday..**Sigh

Can anyone advise what's an appropriate size for ER?

dun worry.. mine was growing slow initially also but towards the end...when they increase my puregon dosage... ended up i got quite a few usable follicles..
so.. dun worry..

i think the appropriate size for ER is 15-17mm.

thanks but the dr was also implying that i may have too few follicles.. i forgot to ask how many i have but he did mention that if there are too few, like " 1 or 2 on the left and 1 on the right" they'll not proceed.. that didnt sound too encouraging. i afraid after all the injections, the ivf may be aborted. sigh**

by the way, i realise that i'm extremely forgetful recently. is that one of the side effects of all the injections?

hmm... if too few follicles...can try other options..? like SO-IUI..?

I wasn't forgetful when on puregon..more tempremental thou..
hi holi00,

Maybe yr follicles are small and few.. but dun worry, the doctor will increase yr dosages and lengthen the days of injection to archieve the required follicles sizes before he embark on ivf.
I went for my scan today. Follicles are not responding well to the additional dosages. only 3 follicles caught up but my lining is too think - 16 so will only do ER and not ET. I'm so disappointed.

dr was initially worried that i may flare up cuz i'm PCOS but now i didnt flare up. i have a total of about 8 follicles only despite increasing the dosage. so do i have pcos or not? i rather i flare up and have lots of follicles than to have so few.

i was too disappointed to ask what's the next course of action when i was at the clinic just now. can someone please share with me? i am just too depressed now. why is my lining so think? what causes it? and what must i do to ensure the next cycle i have thin lining?

No one can tell what happen to your lining...only GOD knows. It is the same situation as implantation. You just has to stay relax and take thing one at a time. Take good care of yourself.

Sorry to hear abt it..

So..they will do the ER first and then ET another time..?

PCOS or not doesn't result in how u body reacts to the puregon jabs i think..

U mean u lining too thick at the moment..? Lining too thin also no good.. the embies won't stick leh..

Did you check with ur doc on how to improve lining..? as for the no. of follicles.. u may only have 8 but u only need 1 really good one to succeed.. so.. dun be too upset over the quantity.. dun be too upset over it ok..?
hi holi...

Hw many days of injections have u done? If yr follicles are not responding well, can't Dr increase dosage to 300 or more ?

Maybe Dr will do ER then from there to see how many mature eggs in the follicles. So he will decide to do ET or not...

Dun be too upset, look at the bright side...
It is not the quantity that matters , it Quality..

Never give up on hopes...
thanks ladies!

dr called to say wanted to scan 2nd time yesterday afternoon and concluded that we will convert this cycle to SO-IUI.

dr said that it's not economical to do ER & freeze even though he originally planned to do this when he saw me in the morning. I have also forgotten to ask the reason properly.

the lining should be between 8 and 10 whereas mine is 16 so dr said he'll not do ET. A friend checked NUH for me and the nurse said they have not encounter this before. only heard of lining too thin cannot proceed not the other way round. I'm puzzled too.

i had 4 days of puregon 150IU, and another 4 days of 250IU as of yesterday. after he scanned me on tue and found my follicle size to be below his expectation, he increased my puregon to 250IU and even so, only 3 follicles caught up to the appropriate size..
hi holi..

So.. at least can convert to SO-IUI not so bad..

Think on the bright side.. u save $$ and SO-IUI is not as invasive as IVF.

Wishing you success for your SO-IUI !! Jia you! dun give up babe!
hello ladies

Just wanna ask if anyone ever encounter abdominal pain just below the belly button area?? The pain is just like when we are having mesus cramp...
Is this normal? i'm 5 week Pregnant now..
I had a miscarriage 6 years ago and the pain is just like before just that the pain is not that severe as like 6 years ago?
Is this a miscarriage sign?? I am very worried..
Please help..

You have any spotting beside the pain? I asked Dr Loh this question before, as long as no spotting and bleeding, the pain may be due to the expansion of our uterus. However, I read from some where that there is one gal also experienced continue menses pain in her 6th week, no bleeding/spotting but when her gynae scanned for her, there was a blood clot in her womb.

So you may want see your gynae asap if the pain still continue. You are still under KK? who is your Dr now?

I see you at mother-to-be thread, there are more sisters there, they may able to share with you their experience too.

Here is the link:-


There's no spotting. The pain was on and off not continuous..
I'm still with KK.. My Doc is Marianna Hendrick.
I got so worried about the pain. Thanks for your infor.. I will be seeing my doc next Fri so I will see if the pain still continue....


I am relatively new to this forum. Been thru 2 IUI and I am just completed my first IVF via KK.
Trying fingers cross that it will be sucesssful...

I need some advice pls. I am feeling extremely bloated, is there anything I can eat to reduce the discomfort ? Thanks
Hi Stacy, many thanks for your recommendation, I have started on the egg white today. Any idea how long this bloated feeling is gonna to last ?
My bloatedness does not go off and according to nurses it will last thru the whole process and pregnancy period. So having bloatedness also not bad, unless it bcome too severe then you may have to watch out for OHSS.
Different pple might have different xperiences.So not to worry!
I suppose I will have to endure then however it is extremely uncomfortable (Arrg...) and for some reason I woke up suddenly last night with tummy cramps but it went off after a short while. I certainly hope it is nothing major...

Hi, ladies, to share a good news with you, I am pregnant. Actually I found I was pregnant on the day I was about to register for the IVF.
I am 35 years' old. So I was advised to check for down synchrome. Has any of the mum-to-be here gone through any of the tests? Just wonder which test I should go for, maternal serum screening or the ultrasound scan (nuchal translucancy)? how much do they cost in KK? Thanks.
