IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

Ooops guess am late again ... hahaha coz tis thread not so popular as the other so did not check.

Hi pretyy, i just took my final jab today, n have to wait slightly over a week b4 my BIG day. i hope is good news too, hm .... dun think i will do HPT ba, too scare.

well, be positive n hopefully all of us will be mum to our baby soon. ladies let's encourage each other n 加油

For those who have enough “frozen” embryos to spare, I would like to suggest that you consider this procedure called blastocyst. The procedure is similar to FET except that instead of doing the transfer at day2/3 , you let the embryos develop further (at the lab) to day 5 until it is ready for implantation.
The only problem is some/all the embryos may not survive the full 5 days and you might be left with nothing. But for those embryos who managed to survive….the chances for getting pregnant are so much higher cos the cells are more developed.
I did a google on this and some websites are saying that the success rate is almost 50%.
The cost is only slightly more expensive, if you are doing it in KK, it just cost $200 more. $1500 compared to $1300 (for FET). Pls note that even you are only allowed to implant 2 embryos, apparently some gahmen regulation.
HI Swan Lim,
how do we ask for blastocyst?hom do we asked from. i am doing medicated FET in June in KKIVF, so tot of asking. do we have to meet DR Loh first?

Hi ladies

I'm new to this forum. I am starting my IVF treatment this coming october and is quite nervous coz i'm not sure what to expect.

Can anyone help me out with this or any advise for me?
Hi, I am new here. Did my 3rd ivf but was unsuccessful

Have some qs here:
1) anyone ever did 4th ivf onwards? can we use medisave?
2) i read abt dr zou for acu. Can she speak english or should i just go for EYS?
Hi Aiko,
I am also looking for a good acu for iVf cycle, I have heard dr zou does not speak english so I am looking for another reliable refernce also
Hi ladies, I am a mother of triplets thru FET and want to give away a DVD given by my friend from Australia.
"Fertility Secrets Revealed" presented by Stacey Roberts.
Just need to send me a self address envelop with stamp on it.

All the best!
Hi Yumyum,

Congrats! Where did you do your IVF at?
I'm contemplating between private (high success rate) vs KKH (dr loh) and i must decide soon since Im starting my pre-med work next month!

Mikela, I had dr Loh and according to moh, he has one of the highest success rates. However, do ur reading/research first on the process first, the ivf clinic at kkh is not very comfy, only with bare essentials.
U can consult both sides and see who suit u better if cost is not an issue.
Hi, i just had a failed IVF/ICSI. I am 34, with antral follicle count of 14 (intermediate). During my last IVF, i only had 7 mature eggs (i find it surprising). Only 3 eggs were fertilized by ICSI, i.e. fertilization rate ~40% (i find it even more surprising). Reason given: activation failture. According to literature and reputable fertility clinics, the average success rate of ICSI is ~60%. May I know if anyone managed to achieve 60% success rate with ICSI here?
hi HOPE. I'm at my 2ww right now. did frozen embryo transfer on the 19th oct. I'm under SGH too with Dr Yong. Which doctor are you with?

andante, so sorry to hear bout your failed IVF/ICSI. i went thru icsi too. 21 eggs retrieved and 7 fertilized. right now going through my 2ww. hopefully it will be positive.
Anybody taken puregon and gonal f in e same cycle? I was given puregon for 1st 5 days n today collected another round of injection but pharmacist gv wrongly. Gv gonal f to me instead and I also blur. Didn't check e med. Now dunno how. Suppose to tk 200iu puregon but I left with 150iu only. Call e hospital and one of e doc told me to tk e 150iu puregon plus 50iu gonal f. Anyone with similar encounter? DH is very upset with me n the hospital.
hi ladies,

i had just seen my gynae today after doing a couple's checkup and was told that ivf is the way to go..

my doc said i had to go thru lapo to clear the tubes or cysts if any before starting on ivf...

anyone can share the experiecne on lapo? is it scary and painful?
