IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

hi ladies
i have decided to go for IVF. This is my first time in IVF after 2 failed IUIs. Gynae told me to go for a blood test tomorrow which is the 3rd day of my menses.

Can anyone tell me whats the next step?

Hi all,
Congrat to those tt has jus been promoted to new ivf mtb!
I'm new to this forum thinggi. I often read pp's experiences here but today is the first time i am posting. I jus saw Dr, SF Loh today n decided to start the IVF program after reading so many gd reports about him. i am given contraceptives to take from now to 17oct when i come back from my holiday. Lucrin jabs will start from 18 oct..........
Anyone starting around the same time?
To those that have gone thru IVF ,

Thanks for hanging around helping us newbies
Dear koala,

thank for your advice

After discussing with hubby, we decide to go for SO-IUI first..before trying out IVF.

Thank all for sharing your experiences...

I am new & currently on my 3rd day of Puregon. Just wondering why some people go for accupuncture? Is it helpful in IVF?

hi, im new to the tread. for those who managed to conceive, able to reveal which gynae u using? I had 2 cycles of failed IUI and wish to contemplate IVF.
Hi everyone

I've been searching for a IVF support group and found this forum. I'm glad I'm not alone in this.

I just started my first phase of injection for IVF procedure. The only side effects for me are mood swings in the morning and body ache at night. Actually, my husband had a vesectomy from his previous marriage so that's why we are going through IVF. I'm still learning and gathering information about the entire procedure. So hopefully someone will share/advise me as I go along.
don't worry too much and you have to relax. You can always refer to the past postings here to help you. You can also go to IVF mummies to be or IVF mummies to look for support... WIsh you good luck and hope to see you soon in the forums I mentioned.
don't worry too much and you have to relax. You can always refer to the past postings here to help you. You can also go to IVF mummies to be or IVF mummies to look for support... WIsh you good luck and hope to see you soon in the forums I mentioned.
hi FHC,
there is another more active IVF/ICSI support thread. It is IVF/ICSI Support Group (U can find it under Matters of the Heart topic). The sisters are very helpful and supportive in that thread as well.
Like u i also just started my first injection. Not sure if my bloatedness or giddiness is due to it or just me eating wrong food...but no matter one... we will go thru all this bravely.
Thanks Vanilla & Jeni for your support.

Its comforting to talk and share experience with one another. I also realised that I've been a little bloated recently, especially after taking the jects. Is it normal? I've been drinking ginger ale to help me keep it down.

Thanks for the recommended tread.

I am also just starting on IVF. I do feel that my stomach seems to be a little bloated as well.

Good luck to us

Hi Koala,
thank you for advice...i am finally giving it a try.
Hi Rabbit and FHC,
Just checked with my TCM doc and the bloatedness is normal during this Lurin injection stage. Also the giddiness as well. To think I thot I overeat during lunch
One question - can I drink during the Lurin injections? I don't drink all the time, only occasionally.

The nurse at KKH did not mention any food that I need to give up. Is it too early to go through all that?
I think it is not advisable as it is not good for your body. Going through IVF is already very taxing on your body. You will experience bloatedness etc...It is better if you check with your gynae before you drink.
Hi all,

Have been TTCing & thinking of going to Dr SF Loh at KKH.

Can any1 explain the proceed? Will he arrange test to check my womb, tubes blockage within the 1st few visits?

We r tired of the waiting time in KKH & hate to waste time going there only to be told to try slowly :p would really wanna do the tests fast coz we r not young.

Pls advise, thanks
Hi all,

Have been TTCing & thinking of going to Dr SF Loh at KKH.

Can any1 explain the proceed? Will he arrange test to check my womb, tubes blockage within the 1st few visits?

We r tired of the waiting time in KKH & hate to waste time going there only to be told to try slowly :p would really wanna do the tests fast coz we r not young.

Pls advise, thanks
Hi Ms Choo - I am not with KK but i think the first few tests will not be checking of fallopian tubes.
For myself, the first thing the gynae is to check ur cycles - see if regular and how many days. From there u will be able to better gauage ur ovaluation time.

Then there will be a scan to see ur womb (to check if there is fiberiods) and then if it is closer to ur ovaluation time if ur follicles are developing.

For me i was put on 3 cycles on clomid (this is the first usual med they give). First was 50mg but not much effect then the 2nd and 3rd cycle i was on 100mg. Becos i am ovaluating (as per the test kits) and also on clomid, but still no success, my gynae then suggested HSG (this is the test to check on block tubes).

Also the first few questions the gynae will ask is how long u are TTCing...usual guideline is 6mths for 35 yrs and older and 1 yr for 35yrs and younger and still no success then really need some clarification to see what is wrong. But the doc will also not jump in and ask u go a HSG first cos maybe if u use Clomid u Bingo! it is a step by step process....
vanilla_pod_2, thanks for the infor :D

but I think my cycle is vy regular at 28 days & m ovaluating every mth according to the OPK test strips, still need 2 b on clomid? What is this clomid for, to regular ovaluation?
Hi Mrs Choo,

It will be to stimulate the eggs growth. For instance on the 14day, the follicle size should be around 20mm and above, if ur scan show less than 20mm, then one would generally be put on clomid.
Hey vanilla pod 2,

Thanks a lot for the infor, really need it

Sigh...Y it seems more difficult for us to get preggie nowadays as compare to our mom's time
i guess it is the stress level we are being subjected to...school, job, work, then now having a kid!

Take care... just take 1 step at a time...
Hi Vanilla_pod_2,

Sorry late response as I have not logon for a while.

Thanks. How's things going on for you?

Hi Mrs Choo,

I went from private doctors to SGH and KKH.

The doctor will ask u abt your past history and followed by HSG.

I find that it is faster to get appt dates (also scans by gynae) at my previous private gynae.

Feel free to let me know if you need more info.
Hi rabbit,

Thanks for the advise, may I know which gynae r u with at KKH?

I have got an appt with Dr SF Loh on 16/01/08 (earliest available appt date) at TPS coz only TPS has wkday evening sessions & wkend seesions but at a slightly higher cost at abt $10 difference.

Mayb will try to ask my TCM Doc if he can get me a faster appt :D This TCM doc has sent my DH to do his SA test liao, hopefully this will speed things up...ha ha
Hi Rabbit - thanks... i am ok.. still giddy but not the nausea feeling... it is the side effects from Suprefact...but ok ..have to just hang in there....

How are u? Are u starting the second course of injection soon?
Hi mrschoo,

I am with Dr SF Loh. I was initially at clinic D but went over to TPS for my last appt with him.

Hi vanilla_pod_2,
I had nausea feeling but it gradually wear off. Hang on..things will get better.

Will be going for the extraction of follicles etc next week...number of follicles not too good when I went for my last scan. Keeping fingers crossed.
hi, i am new to this forum. Can anyone share with me the process of ivf?

I have been seeing Dr SF Loh and he did a laproscopy to clear my tubes in Sep07. He gave me 4 mths to try naturally and i am due to see him again in Jan08. So far, no good news yet and time is running out for me (i am oredi 34).

In case i have to embark on ivf journey, can anyone share with me how long is the entire process? I just started my new job for less than a month. Must i take long leave to do ivf? Can it be done over the weekend and go back to work on the following Mon? Sorry, for so many questions coz i need to plan ahead...desperate for advice now.
This cycle, from my BBT chart (1st time charting) & OPK test strip, I realised tat my O day is day 11 & not day 14.

Which surprised me, all this while I thou I shd O on day 14 since I m a 28 days cycle.

Any idea, this can be happening?
Hi Rabbit - good luck! Hope u will have a smooth and abundant ER. So ur 2WW will start very soon! Take care and rest more during those 2ww.

Hi NZ - I am rather new too... just started my IVF journey. U will have to wait for ur period and then start injection of lurin on the Day 21. (not sure if KK procedures is the same though). That Lurin injection will take 2 weeks. If u r responding to it, then there will be another 2 weeks of Puregon. then it will Eggs Retrieval and then the fertilisation which in my hopitsal will take 3 days. Then on Day 3 transfer to womb and be on 2ww leave.

Unfort one cannot control the timing for this as it all depends on the body responding to the medicine.

Hi Mrs Choo,
if i am not mistaken, for the OPK, one should test it a few days before ur 14th day. if u r 28 days cycle, i think the instructions will ask u to test like day 11 or day 12.
Hi vanilla_pod_2,

had 7 eggs though (seems low but hoping quality not too bad), hopefully some will turn out to be +ve
Do keep me posted on your progress.

Hi Ladies,

Does anyone have any suggestions on the TO-DO after ER and ET? Is it normally recommended to take 14 days MC to rest?

Hi Vanilla,

Tat's what i thou too. But I have a lot of sticky clear mucus on day 11 & day 12. OPK showed +ve on day 11 & day 12 then start to fade on day 13.

I m confused now...

Does this mean I O on day 12? Or day 14?
Thanks NZ - all the bset to u too.

Hi Rabbit -7 is a good no. Have a good rest during that 2 weeks!

Hi mrschoo - yes, i think i read somewhere that the after the muchus is the day of ovaluation, So when u have the white discharge, u can try to do it cos the sperm can stay in the body. So in ur case u can do on day 11 and then day 13.
hi vanilla_pod_2,

put in 2 of the 3 embryo earlier....
had a little nap and checking out the internet for more info. kind of worry abt ectopic, what to do to increase the chances of pregnancy etc

when is your expected date for ER? Is it your first try?
Hi Rabbit... dun worry abt ectopic ..i asked my gynae and he said chances are same as normal pregancy. I read from the expat website that brazilian nuts good for implantation..

This is my first try...just started on Gonal F ... hopefully i will do the ER on 14 or 15th jan and then ET on 17 or 18 Jan...

Take care and rest well... first 10 days very important...
Hi vanilla_pod_2,

It is really quite boring to just rest and wait for the results.

I realise that you are given suprefact and Gonal F for the IVF cycle...different from mine.
Have you tried IUI before?

good luck..count down to ER and ET.
Hi Rabbit... ya.. maybe different clinics use differet medicine...

Ya, i know it will be real bored to just rest at home during that 2ww...so planning to stock up on dvds and magazines...

I did not do IUI.. cos mine is a structural problem... blocked tubes...so immediate IVF...

when does ur 2ww end? when are u going back for ur bloodtest?
Hi vanilla_pod_2,

Been watching shows, sleep a bit. Not too sure if too relax, can't sleep at night. ;)

Sorry to hear that. Hope IVF works out well for you.

Left the papers etc with hubby so not sure of details...think 2ww ends next week and blood test sometime next week and week after.
Hi vanilla_pod_2,

thank you. Just got some light spotting, wonder what's that. will ask when i go hospital tomorrow.

u take care. hope u are also feeling better
Hi Rabbit... hope u are ok..what did doc say abt the spotting? It cld be due to implantation....

I am better... just did a scan and blood test today to see how i am responding to the Gonal F...hopefully everything will be ok and i can do ER tom...

Take care..
hi vanilla_pod_2,

nurse says this is normal..hopefully. read from forum and internet, this does seem normal though.

hope your blood test ok...how's the scan? good luck for your ER next week.
hi Rabbit - thanks. good that u are ok...do u know if it is twins?

Yesterday scan the follicles around 7-8mm.... 12 on right, 8 on left...doc seems happy abt it... reducing the gonal F amt... and will be scanning on thur again....
Hi vanilla_pod_2,

Hope that I am pregnant..well, will only know if I can have no AF and can get a pregnancy blood test end of next week. As for twins, I read somewhere that we can know from the elevated hcg or scan.

Glad to hear the follicles are growing well....did the doctor tell you what is the required size? Take care..

HI Rabbit... went to scan again today...was too early and forgot to ask doc the required size (memory failing nowadays).... but going to ER on wednesday...

How is ur blood test? Hope all is well..take care
