IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

Great to know you 've conceived naturally.

I'm under 35, but was also recommended to have DS test by my DR (think it is optional). I've gone thru the screening test. There are 3 packages at KKH:A,B,C and it costs $157,$315 and $245 respectively. Best to get details and brochures from your Dr at your next visit. The test is done from week 11-14.Hope the info. can help you!

Hi, I'm new to this thread. I'll be starting my IVF/ICSI program in SGH next week since my menses is coming any time now. They told me that mine will be a long cycle which lasted for 6wks. I would like to know what to prepare for when undergoing this program? I have PCOS so will I get OHSS easily? Any ladies can advise?
Hi Cancerian,

In my opinion, just stay happy and relax throughout the treatment. You will be guided throughout the entire treatment so don't start to feel worry about it. Your appointed Gynae will be closly monitor you. If you have any concern on your condition please let your Gynae knows. He/She is the best person to advise you your condition.
hihi..i will b starting my cycle next wed at kk wif dr loh. now start 2 feel worried.feel lost 2 as there uncertainty abt wat will happen.
Hi Mika,

Why dun u join us at the IVF/ICSI Support Group thread. Most of us are starting the cycle soon or are in the early stage of the cycle. There is a lot of information sharing that will help to relive ur worries a bit. Dun worry too much, just keep a positive mind...
hihi gals

been in this thread on and off since last year and MIA for a while due to miscarrige and ectopic pregnancy.

have finally overcome fears and decide to start IVF. will be under SF loh at KKH.

just a couple of questions, we had a brief consult with SF loh and he was rushing through. I gathered that after inducing AF for 2 weeks, AF will come within 3 days after that. when do we start the BCP then? 1st day of AF? and need to finish the entire course of 31 tabs? or up till day 21 and then start on lucrin jabs?

he didn;t really clarify and i'm a bit lost now. i will prob get more info on friday when i go down kkh ivf but it has been nagging at the back of my mind, so anyone who been thru it can clarify, will defintiely help to ease my thoughts.

on a side point, how do you break the news to your employer that you will be taking leave and mc on and off in the next 6 weeks?
Hi babymaking

Remember me? glad to know that you have decided to start IVF with Dr Loh.

Yes, after Dr Sheila Loh left KK, Dr Loh is very busy now, sometimes, he is quite rush. I suggest in your next session please prepare a list of questions before hand so that you won't missed out any queries.

Please call KKIVF to clarify your doubts. Alternatively you can e-mail to Dr Loh. Although I didn't take BCP for my last IVF, but from what I know, is really different from case to case basis, some of the sisters here started lucrin with different timing after finisning BCP. There is no "standard" solution for every one.

As for the leave, I just told my boss that I am going for the "woman surgery" so I need to take hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks. No need to go into details. The medical certificate given to us also won't indicate we are going through IVF. So don't worry. Once we have decided to go for IVF, please put this as priority.

Good luck.
hi Koala

Thks for advice. you are right, hubby also told me to put this as piority even if it means losing the job - worse case scenario.

what's your status right now? are you undergoing any treatments?

I am in my 2nd trimester.
Have faith with Dr Loh, although he is very busy now, but he is still a good doctor, he really helped me a lots, not only help me to conceive, but giving me a lots of supports since day 1 I visited him until now.

I have a lots of "hu ha" during my treatments times, my work stress, my boss asked me to go back to office even he knew that I was having spotting. but my answer was "NO", if he wanted to fire me, please go ahead. I have prepared for the worst. My eggs quality and quantity not so fantastic. I even worried that I have no embryo to put in.. After I conceived, Dr Loh told me that actually he also has not much confident in my case. So stay relax, happy and cool, it helps a lots And please dont compare with others symptoms when you are in 2WW, it will make you more stressful.
congratulations! I'm glad it has been a worthwhile journey for you.

so you know if it's a boy or a gal yet? singleton or more? :p

I have confidence in Dr Loh, in fact was surprised when he said i can start anytime i want - he said he did away the waiting list - thank goodness.

the waiting time last time was a huge deterrent - as i couldnt plan my time ahead at work, yet unable to commit the ivf schedule.

do you know who else will be cycling the same time as me?

Mine is singleton. Dont know the gender yet, actually I am not so keen to know the gender as long as bb is healthy, but it looks like Dr Loh is more interested to find out the answer leh.. ha ha.

Good, you dont need to wait. Dr Loh mentioned to me that he managed to clear the q nowadays, he dont want the patients to wait for months then can start the programme.

As for the cycling kaki, you may want to join the support group. I think a lot of the new comers are cycling now. This tread has been a bit quiet.

Wish you all the best ya!!!! Take care Hope to see you in mtb thread one day...

Hope I can join in the thread. I am planning to start ivf in Sep after failures with IUI. Was planning to do so at TMC. Was wondering if anyone had done ivf at TMC and how the experience was.
hi ladies

I have some questions.

1) Is it true then after ET, the tummy will be very bloated till it look like 4 mths pregnant?

2) When does the tummy start to bloat up? During the follicle stimulation phase with the puregon?

3) When does it subside? I mean even early pregnancy the tummy also not supposed to be so big. :p
Hi Jade,

1) depends on people. If you have had alot of eggs retrieved (say more than 20 eggs) than the chances are quite high due to OHSS! I had 42 eggs retrieved, and after my ET, my waistline went from 27inches to 33inches in 2 days....so it is like 4 months pregnant.

2) after the ET for me.

3) Keep drinking lots of water to get all these excess hormones out of your system, but sometimes it is a good sign that u remain bloated cos it may means u r pregnant. I remembered my bloated tummy suddenly "deflated" in about 10 days after ET, so was not pregnant that cycle.

When are you doing your ER and ET? Good luck!
hi dawn,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I have yet to start my jabs. Waiting for my AF to come, probably sometime next week - my AF not very "chun".

Gosh 42 eggs is a hell of A LOT! :) How many developed into embryos??? Well I think age really plays a part. I think my womb is AGED man, dun think I can have so many eggs.

I just hope I can be lucky with whatever that I can produce :)

Btw, I understand that to relieve the bloatedness, we can take protein drink or take lots of eggs? When do we start doing this?

Also, when can we start drinking lots of water to get all the excess hormones out of the system? I have heard that puregon might cause water retention, will this worsen the situation?

When I had my SO-IUI last year with Prof Chen, my stomach also swell up and I put on like 2kg but my number of eggs are miserable - only abt 6-7 - partly also because of the low dosage - at 150IU.

Btw, I presume you are pregnant now?
hi deerdeer!

looking for me ah..? hehe..

i'm doing fine..thanks thanks!

how are u and all the sisters here doing..?

I did not experienced severe bloatness after Stimulation drug or ER or ET. I think whether you ballon or not depend on your body reaction to the medication and i believe the active role of your Gynae play an important role in monitor the progress of your follicles.

According to my Gynae, a alittle bloat tummy (not severe) during and after treatment has a higher chance of positive result.
Hi Jade

I did 2 fresh cycle. The first not successful, but the second one is successful.

For the first cycle, i did not experience much bloatedness, the cycle is not successful.

For the second cycle, my bloatedness gone off one day after ET. But it came back and is serious like 4 months pregnant one week after ET till I have been tested positive.
Bloatedness subsided on my 6th or 7th week of pregnancy.
hi Jo,

When you mention bloatedness does it mean, you feel very bloated and cannot eat much?

Or does it mean physically your tummy is very bloated up and looks like a few months pregnant?
Hi Jade

Bloated can still eat. It does not affect my appetite. But after eating, the tummy even more bloated. Bloatedness is from below the rib bone all the way down to the tummy, I still have it now at 9 weeks, but not as serious as 1 week after ET (probably due to the side effect of pregnly jab during the 2ww).
i just did my first IUI last saturday. can i ask when will you know if you are pregnant? have to wait and see if your AF is here?

my tummy bloated like i am pregnant since I started the injection on thursday night.it has subsided a little today. does it mean i have lesser chance of pregnancy? i did a urine pregnancy test yesterday, i know it's pretty stupid of me to do that.
Hi Jeni,
long time no see.... Did my FET 2nd day of school holiday, tested HPT postive on 10th Jun, so now is about 5weeks plus. Unbelievable....even now, i don't feel preggie, except feeling tired, haha so scared that if i test the hpt next few days it will be negative!
I will report to the MTB thread when i have scanned and seen the heartbeat, like that then like confirm pregnant. It was indeed good to do the FET during the hols, at least i could rest completely for 20 odd days. I guess it must have helped. This week is very busy for me again, whole week need to return to school for worshop and meetings. How's your hols? giving birth in august rite?

Those in 2ww, jia you and all the best. I know it is torturous going thro this period. I practically had no symptoms, so tot i had failed this cycle again. In fact i felt my AF cramps coming quite strong, so even cried those few days b4 the test date.
Dawn, that's wonderful news. take care and take things easy.... work can wait.... don't care so much about work if possible... just do your best. You have reached this stage... and you know it's not easy at all... so take good care of yourself... my boss always tells me don't worry... think of yourelf and the babies first.
wow! Congrats! I am so happy for you! I am sure Stacy will be very happy for you too since we were cycling together last time!
Don't worry, I felt the way you felt too last time until I saw the heartbeat on the screen. You won't feel anything, maybe slight cramp I supposed as I did. But, you will have to be very careful due to our job nature. I practically rested almost a term and went back to school in 2nd term due to slight bleeding after teaching in school for like a week or so. By the time I went back to teach, I was already in my 2nd trimester. So, never be shy about asking MC (Dr Loh is very understanding and supportive in this area as he understands how important these babies are to us) and rest at home as our babies are precious to us! Also, be careful when you walk around in school as you never know whether there is an 'ambush' from the students around the corner. Please rest, rest and rest when there is a need. School management will sort themselves out for you. Your baby comes first!

I tried to rest as much as possible during the holidays but recently, I have been coughing badly till I felt stitches on the left side of my body! I am so frustrated as the GP told me that I can only take 2 types of medicine which I have tried and they are useless!!! The cough is making me mad!

Yes, I am giving birth at the end of Aug or early Sept or maybe earlier depending on whether my placenta moved up or not. If not, then will have to go for caesaerean around National Day.

Anyway, when is your scan and pls tell me if you are having singleton, twins or even triplets, ok? Oh, how many eggs did you put in?
BRAVO..Great to Know you are pregnant .
Sometimes I'm still thinking of you as we were cycling together b4. WE will be waiting for you at MTB forum, we have lots of things to share.
mesh, jeni and stacy,
thanks thanks for all the encouragement. It is indeed a prayer answered, but i really couldn't believe it when i saw the hpt turned positive so fast, cos i think i waitied till D17 then i dared to test. Beta Hcg was 2690 on D18 done at KK, so nurse sarah said got some possiblity of twins. Stacy yours are twins rite? Last time i tot it will be cute to have twins, now think about it very worried about complications that come with multiples leh.....how u coping with it? ;) hope to join u soon at mtb, lots of qn to ask and learn.

Mine was a frozen cycle this time, so it was much easier than the fresh cycle (less jabs, less pain, less bloatedness, less $$$). They did things slightly different as i have so many frozen embies, so took 11 frozen embies out to thaw and instead of putting straight in, they put on a medium to culture for 3 more days, only 2 managed to develop to blastocyst stage (Day 5 old, 100 odd cells), so Dr. Loh transfered 2 blastocysts in. After transfer, no need to go back kk during the 2ww for progesterone/hcg jabs like fresh cycle, just need to insert progesterone pesseries twice a day.

jeni, i also worried about going back to school, sure very siong one, esp today i just received one email telling me they adding to my timetable one more period of a super notorious P6 class health education starting next term.(cos the retired teacher teaching them refused to teach the rude incorrigible bunch of insolent creatures anymore, so her periods are distributed to different teachers) *sigh* must remind myself not to sream at them in class. which week did u get ur slight bleeding? is it safe to try honey/lemon to help with cough? recently a lot of pple sick....pl take care.
like I told you before, do not hesitate to take MC to rest if there is a need as you are still in your 1st trimester. By the way, I found out from the MOE officer of my zone that we are only entitled to 30 days MC and hospitalisation leave, not 60 days on the year that we are going on maternity leave. Can you check with the officer of your zone and see if it is true as my colleague's wife called hers, the officer provided a different information. So, I am confused. She is due around the time I due.

By the way, can you tell me the details of FET, like the procesure and the cost etc? I have only 3 eggs left frozen and my hubby and I are keen to try FET a year after our son is born. I want to find out more so that I am mentally prepared... What happened to the rest of your 9 thawed eggs?
Jeni, I am not sure about the MC thing, never heard that there will be a difference on the yr we going on maternity leave. Will check with my school clerk. What zone r u in? I m in the East.

You so fast think about FET oredi ah? If your menses are regular, they will do a natural cycle FET, it is very simple and cheap. They will just need to scan u to monitor ur lining/when you ovulate. I think once u ovulate, they will place the embies in. My AF not regular, so have to take oral contraceptive, then take lucrin to supress, take oral medication (estrogen) to thicken the lining, once it is ready (from blood test and scanning), they will transfer the embies in. Cost about 1K plus including all the medication/scan/procedures. The rest of my 9 thawed egg din divide properly, most prob gone liow. I am still left with the remaining 9 frozen ones.
hahaha... yes, KS right?
Well, my hubby and I are very excited about our son's arrival and we are already thinking of giving him a sibling. I am ok with doing FET and told my hubby that if we can't give our son a brother or sister, then so be it but the other day, he said maybe we can try another cycle which I am not really keen, due to the pain of ER and the bloatedness. Did you suffer any bloatedness this time round?
Anyway, we are already counting our blessing that we are pregnant this time round, with first try. We may not be that lucky next time, especially I am only left with only 3 eggs frozen and they may not be thawed successfully

Anyway, anyway, anyway, let me get this pregnancy over and done with first...hehehe...

By the way, don't check with your clerk as she may be blur blur herself. I am in the North zone. I think you should call HQ to check it out.
Meanwhile, take care of yourself and tell us asap if you are having singleton or twins, ok?

I am seeing doc SF Loh in KK. I heard somewhere that you can see him either in Clinic D or The private Suite. Any idea what is the difference between the 2 ??
Hi Ladies,

We went to see Dr. SF Loh last July and we signed up for IVF procedure! Last Aug. 11 (day 21 from start of menses), I have started taking Buserelin (in lieu of Lucrin) for suppression of hormones. After 2 weeks, I am scheduled for blood tests and scan. If the results are favorable, I will start with Puregon.

I just have one question though. Today is my 7th day of taking Buserelin(Lucrin) and I have my menses. Is it normal to still have my menses while taking Buserelin or Lucrin? This may sound like a silly question but I just got the impression that Buserelin or Lucrin is supposed to suppress the body's normal release of hormones thereby suppressing the onset of menses as well. Would appreciate feedback on this.

Thank you Ladies for the support .:)
Hi Marley,

Yes, menses will still come while you are on Lucrin, it is normal.
I suppose it is surpressing some other kinds of hormones?
Good luck for your IVF procedure! Jia you
Usually once you're given the green light to go for ivf then puregon will be administered. If you're at lucrin stage i am sure you will be given puregon after that.

While you're on lucrin, you will get your menses then you will be scheduled for a blood test on your 2nd or 3rd day of menses. The doctor will check your fsh level and E2 level. Preferably the fsh level should be below 10 meaning you have good reserves of eggs and E2 level should also be lower around 100 or less. Puregon is to stimulate your hormones so you can produce more eggs. From there you will be monitored every 2 days to ensure your eggs are growing nicely. Another drugs maybe added to avoid the eggs to mature too quickly. Or you can go straight to trigger and have your eggs picked up. It depends on the individual protocol.

I hope i answer your question.

Dear koala,

May I check with you about Dr Loh? Does he check on your condition when you decide to proceed with the IVF? In private hospital, the doctors will normally assess your current situation before determing if you should proceed with IUI/IVF? Is it the same in KKH with Dr Loh?


You may not able to proceed to Stimulation Stage (either Puregon or Gonal F) if there are finding of any cysts or any irregularies to your womb after you did you Lucrin injection.
Dear Koala,

Thank you for your reply. Do you mean once he assess your situation on your first visit, you proceed with the IVF procedure immediately after that? Sorry for the questions as I am new about IVF..heard that it has a higher success rate than IUI.

Yes, I sign up IVF program immediately after my first visit with Dr Loh. I started my program after 3 months as I and HB want to use this 3 months to tiao our body before embarking the program. We did ACU and taking TCM.

Yes, IVF chance is definitely higher than iui. For myself, I have done 3 iui and 1 so-iui within 2 years. But all failed. However, you and your HB must be mentally prepared for failure as this is not 100% guarantee that you will be able to conceive with IVF.

IVF is not an easy journey, you need a lot of support from your HB. Of course you are the most important role than him. Be prepared for all the discomforts (mentally and physically) and stress from family and work (if you are working) that you will be going through along the journey. From the jabs, scans, ER, ET and 2WW. I did a lot of reading of past experiences of the senior sisters in forum to gain knowledge, they are very helpful.

Stay strong, calm and happy. Dr Loh is a good and supportive doctor, I trust he will be able to help you. Good luck.
Dear Koala,

Thanks so much for your reply. I read that it takes 1.5 months for the IVF process. Does it mean that you have to be in the country during this period of time? Thinking about the balance in work and personal life.

I almost emerge on my IUI this cycle but due to some reason went to another doctor and was told that this round does not seem appropriate for me to embark on IUI. This is why I was wondering if the doctor will check on us before proceeding with IUI/IVF. Due to my irregular mens, it is quite difficult for me to fix medical appt timely with the doctor especially in public hospital.

Thanks once again
Hi Rabbit

For KKIVF, normally the doctor will conduct a long protocol, ( taking surpression drugs on our CD 21 for 2 to 3 weeks, and continue with 1 to 2 weeks for stimulation drugs before we enter into ER and ET) that why it took us about 1.5 months.

I know for Thomson Fertility Centre, they are practising short protocol (take stimulation drugs from CD 3 or 4 for 1 to 2 weeks then we can proceed with ER and ET).

As for KKIVF, when you are at surpression stage and you need to travel, the doctor will issue you a letter so that you can bring your drugs over to the other country. Should be no problem for travelling. However, when you reach stimulation stage, your ovaries are producing more eggs than usual so you might feel discomfort, like bloatedness and mood swing... So might not be a good idea to travel.

Talking abt balancing life, frankly, once you embarking IVF, we must be ready to "give up" a lots of thing, like our favourite food, our social life and the worst is our carrer. Anyway, just 2 to 3 months times only we will be able to fulfill our bb dream, so is still worth it, right?

I think the irregular menses should not be the problem in fixing the appt, just highlight to Dr Loh on your condition on your 1st visit. For those who have irregular mensus, if I am not wrong, I heard that they will be given something like birth control pills to regulate the mensus before starting IVF.

Hopes the above help.

hi there...been away for a while..just don't wanna think bout TTC...but that doesn't help for me...was on clomid for 4 cycles...all in total for about 2yrs..then metformin..did ovarian drilling last Feb...as i don't have my menses for sooooo looongg....and still AF never come..therefore no menses till aug...so no ovulation...just went back to see my doc...and last resort..IVF!!! i'm scared..what should i do? is this it?i really wanna have a baby...i'm only 25yrs..doc says since i'm young chance for success for IVF is very high..
