IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

JC, did u gain any weight during the stimulation? I think I put on 1kg since the day of injection and looked very bloated. My friend asked if i am preg today!!

No. I nv gain weight but tummy little bloated during simulation. My bloated is very bad after ER & ET. So after my 1 wk mc, Pple tot I'm preggi which I told th I'm not. I told them I indigestion so bloated.
So u hv jab for how many days already?
Started Cetrotide from 12/1/13 for 3 days then start Gonal F. On Gonal F for 10 days already. And also back on cetrotide for another 3 days. Feeling damn bloated, nausea and giddy. Really hope my follicles will have grown to the expected size by tml. Feeling terrible......
Mrs Tan, I did I my HSG back in TMC. It's like doing Pap smear with little crampy feeling when they inject the dye in. I remember the cost is about $200+. Can't remember the exact amount.
Mrs Tan, I just did HSG yesterday. The uncomfortable part is when they put in the speculum and blow up the balloon so that they can pump the dye into the cervix.

The cramp comes when they inject the dye. If u have not blockage, the cramp is probably a few seconds. After which, u will have crampy feeling for the day and probably next day like me. But u will bleed. Bring a pad. I went to raffles, they provided the pad. HSG was S$107. On top of that, your gyne should give u antibiotics to take. oh, I was advised by gyne to take panadol 1 hr beforehand.

I have no blockage. Just to update all of u, I will be doing IUI one more round (the last one was about 2 years ago) this March. Doc's advice.
hi ladies,

i just went to see dr tan for my post-op review.

everything seems fine and can go for ivf le.. however, the ivf counselling session queue was so long and they only have 1 session per week. in the end, my counselling session is end march.

think can only start actual process in apr or may.. also the doc for ivf is different.. do you have any doc to recommend?
Jackzel, good to hear that there are 15! So when will the nurse call u again for result? ET will be within this week too? Please take more egg white and planty of water to avoid bloatness.

minibunny, I will also start ard Apr
I have done the pre-ivf test.
Emily, the nurse say will call me tml. Pray hard that all will fertilise. Hope I can have a Day 5 blastocyst. I feel so sad coz I put on 4kg since day 1.
wow..4kg ? is it due to the stimulation?
alamak.. I already 54 kg (154cm height), 4kg, I will be 58kg ! I really cant imagine
Hi gals! My BT show neg, so my ivf hv failed. There goes my hope! Will be leaving the thread since I'm nt going for ivf anymore...
Bye gals, hope u all succeed!
Jackzel & Emily, putting in weight is small thing since we r going thru so many pain, our main intention is to hv babies!
Hope all of u can make it! Bye!
JC, I am sorry to hear about it. You take care. Hope one day you might have 1 naturally. Maybe you can consider restructured hospital if you are worried about cash.

As for me, the nurse called me this morning and say that out of the 15eggs, 13 are matured and only 8 are fertilised. My ET will be this coming at Fri 8am. Will be doing a Day 3 transfer. I wanted to wait and see if mine embies can grow into a blastocyst but nurse said that Dr Yu will not be the one doing if its a Day 5 transfer coz she won't be around on Sunday. Well, guess its all fated. Since I choose Dr Yu, I will definitely want her to be the one who transfer my embies for me. So gotta go ahead with a day 3 transfer.

Emily, I dunno if its me or the drug coz I usually also put on 1-2kg before my period. But I am sad to look so fat and bloated. But If I am really preg, I don't mind. But now..... Haiz pray hard.
JC, sad to know your loss. You still have many frozen embroys right? maybe u cant try FET after several mths. Meanwhile, pls take care.

Jackzel, do u mean if it can grow to blastocyst, the chance will be higher? Read quite many post abt numbers of eggs retrieve and the numbers that fertilized and survive always like 30 to 40% only. How come like tat..

yalor I also agree with u, if put on weight but can preg, I really dont mind!

Melody, I also seeing Dr Yu.
Emily, from what I understand blastocyst is a day 5 embryo and it's only 2 days away from hatching and implantation. So if I can choose to transfer a day 5 blastocyst, that embryo should be one of the better ones. But I read that a lot of ppl doing day 3 transfer success rate also quite high.
As for the 30-40% I guess coz not all eggs extracted are of good quality and mature. So they die off after getting out of out body.
hi ladies, im considering ivf at sgh too. normally how is the waiting like and the procedure in sgh?
what is the counselling about and is it compulsory?
Miracle, welcome to the thread. U have to call SGH to make an appointment to see Dr first. If u really keen, they will ask u to attend counselling, which is compulsory and need to pay. I think one of the sister her mentioned the Q now for counselling is end Mar le.
Me n hubby decide to postpone another mth after further discussion with dr. End March will start the suppression injection then end apr will be my ER Liao as mine's long cycle
Hi gals, tho I''ve failed my ivf, I still want to come here to read your gd news ( if any$ give give u all some moral support).
Yo Jackzel, how's ur ET, u put in 2 eggs?
Dianna, ya.. Don't give urself unnec stress, enjoy CNY first.
JC, i managed to transfer 2 8 cells Day 3 embryos yesterday. Dr never tell me what grade are the embryos but just said that they are nice embies. No feeling at all. My blood test will be on the 14th Feb. Hope we can have a good V day present. I have been coughing away badly. Hope it doesnt affect my embies inside me.
JC, welcome back
Hope u can jia you, maybe u success naturally, who knows?

Jackzel, 8 cells ? they are considered as very good developed embroys right? Hihi BT will be on Valentines Day! For sure it will be a good news !
Yes, my hubby also cough badly for 2 weeks. Didnt see doctor just drink lots water and tried chinese herbs but didnt cured. A bit worried his cough will affect his sperm quality.. we are trying our best for this 2 mths hope can strike before the ivf in Apr..
Hey ladies, I wanna update you guys on the total amount I spent this cycle.

IVF procedures - $9703.89
Medications - $2287.85
Total =. $11991.74

With the new additional subsidy, everything is covered. All I forked out since day 1 are only those consultations and tests prior starting the procedure.
I have got very good experience with the nurses there in SGH CARE. They are really nice and friendly.

P.S. IVF Procedures includes all scans, blood tests, retrieval and transfer and freezing of embies as well. I did ICSI and PICSI.

Emily, though its 8 cells and suppose to be good but when it's in I also dunno how is it progressing. All I can do is to pray daily and also imagine how they slowly grow every day. = )
Emily, I think tough for naturally lah, else I won't go for ivf..
anyway I ren ming already.
Jackzel, tat is cheap leh! Tot u jab for 1 mth? And u still manged to benefit from the new subsidy? Tat gd leh!
Think positive now & don't stress urself now... Things will be smooth...
JC, dont give up on natural besides trying other alternatives. My friend, married for 11 years, tried for 10 years, finally got preggie w/o go through ivf. They got twin girls by doing acupnture for 6mths.

Jackzel, happy to see that all covered
Now just relax and be happy everyday. I also like nurses in CARE, they are really friendly and give u opinion when necessary.
Hi Jackzel,

I am considering gg room sgh for ivf too..Are you a private or subsidize patient at ivf? How much hv u spent on pre-ivf tests n consultation?
Hi Li Hoon,
All IVF are consider as private patients. Think about $1k plus. Cannot remember the exact amount. Coz I did my HSG outside. So when I first consulted Dr Yu, I paid $300+ on my infection tests and hubby paid I think $200+ for his HBA sperm test. Subsequently, it's those scan and blood test to monitor the hormones level.
In case u guys are wondering, my IVF cycle is the short antagonist cycle ( if I never remember wrongly ). So my jabs only last 14 days from the start of day 1 menses.
Jackzel, I was told that I hv to go polyclinic n get referral letter to get subsidize rate by sgh when I called to check if I can get appt...since it is considered private so long s it is ivf...I can proceed and request for Dr Yu
Hi all, i had a depressing weeks... prior today.
I am considering the HSG test in my next cycle.

I have stopped clomid as i feel its affecting my mood. Then taking TMC medication.

I am using clearblue fertility test but then its still showing Low despite day 13. It should have went to high at least. So without clomid i am not ovulating

If my Fallopian tubes are blocked i will consider IVF and hopefully it will be fully covered.

However any idea how long i need to rest? Will there be disruption from work?

I am so so lost and confused.

I had my first child 10 years ago and now i am 30 hoping to have another but i have none..

i had a miscarriage 3 years ago.

HI Pinky, you are far more better than me. I still trying hard for first kid.
If u want to try naturally for the next cycles you can do HSG to see if you tubes ok. I also tried clomid for 6 cycles with no luck and got to know that it's side effect is thinning our lining, this will effect implantation. I also considered HSG before, but due to my age, I dont want to spend time on natural, so direct move to IVF, so HSG test is not required.
Hi Emily

Well first child frm my previous marriage hence I really need another child to bond our entire relationship

It's so depressing. I called KKH today they say IVF needs 4-6 weeks or even up to 8 weeks and you will have to go down every 2-3 days for a scan etc. in addition there is a 2 weeks DIY injection.

1. I am working, how to afford to take mc so often.
2. I am extremely scared of needles, how to inject by myself for 2 weeks?

The work part is really critical. I cannot afford to lose my job.
Yet I want a baby so desperately. I am hoping to do hsg test next mth and pray that it's not block. However if its not block why am I not ovulating and why am I not conceiving?

Btw anyone has any idea if we go private can we use the government grant - up to $6300?

Hi all, pls share your opinion w me. I plan to move away from my pte gynae to government hospital as it is really more economical for further treatment if I do decide to proceed w IVF. Will u inform ur Pte gynae abt the plan???
Hi hopemiracle, yes I will. My pte gynae recommended me to see ivf specialist in the restructured hospital. And I told her I will be back to see her if I successfully conceive.

Now the co-funding is $6300 instead of $3000. Its really a lot more. These amount of money can be use for future antenatal expenses.
Jackzel, looking at your cost:
IVF procedures - $9703.89
Medications - $2287.85
Total =. $11991.74

How is your dosage like ? higher dosage higher cost. Hope I no need to use high dosage.. coz I can only get co-fund $4500 only.
My dosage think not those high one. Max gonal-f is 225units. The cost of meds really depend on ur body as well. Maybe factor a bit more?
