IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

Yaya... I aso like the feeling of being knockout... But there after the bloatedness will kill u!!!!! Dr say is bcos I've too many eggs to retrieve, hence I will b more bloated!!!
Don't mean to scare u all...at least give u all some heads up!

HI JC, I think I will not have the chance of bloatedness, coz I 36 already, sure dont have many eggs de la.. thks for the head up anyway
Emily, I'm aso 36 this year. So doesn't mean that old got lesser eggs...

Don't know if it is the jabs that produce more eggs.
oo really !?! .. I am so great to hear that le
But my AMH is 3.8 only.. then FSH also not good, as more than 12 consider poor egg reserve.. I 13.8 hahaha..

dont know what happen to me.. mensus getting messed up.. not sure bcoz of chinese herb I consume. last 3mths mensus late 3 days.. cycle change from 30 days to 33 days.. so this mth I also expect the same, but today D26 only.. see spotting liao... VERY SIAN !
A..I'm not sure abt Fsh. Just anyhow "humthum" lah!
Seem like I'm the only one complete the scary ivf....
Pass or fail hv to wait for results in 2 wks time..
salute u JC! actually I wanna do it last year May/June, tat why all pre-ivf tests done. But not mentally ready. Then tried chinese herbs and acupunture, but till now still no hope..really siao liao. No choice liao.. die die have to go for it this yr. But doctor told me that she can only retrieve my egg(s) fr 1 of the ovary. Coz another one hide at the back. haiiz.. really bad luck de. so my success rate will be 50% lower if compare yours.
I just got a call from SGH, going to kick start straight after CNY.

Mine is the long cycle which is 4 weeks of injection.

Dianna.. alamak.. long cycle.. really long le..hope mine will be short cycle..hahaha
happy for u that u gonna start soon !
Guess my body is not very healthy in a way that's y long cycle. I ask the nurse for estimation bill for long cycle, she say I need to pay upfront of abt $4k plus!!!
Dianna, good luck!!! I just left SGH. Haha
Mine is short protocol and today is the start of gona-f injections to stimulate my follicles. According to the scan I did just now I have got 30follicles. Hope I can have that many eggs with the low dose stimulation.
JC, when is ur BT day??
Emily, I've went for tcm for 1 year w my hubby 3 years ago too but aso see no news. Withine that 1 yr, I've spent near to $10k on accuputure & powdered chinese medication. Felt very cheated, w that kind of $$$$ I can do ivf then loh & I'm aso younger ( maybe higher chance).
Aso don't be discourage w the no. of eggs u will hv cos I aso hv problem retrieving the eggs from my left ovary too ( if u refer to my previous post). When my eggs were due for retrieval, the left ovaries which contains the eggs went higher, nearer to my bone/tummy area, so my gynae request more nurses's assistance ( to help me push my left ovaries down). Else doc will hv to extract the eggs from my left ovary from my tummy ( nt sure abt the process to extract direct from tummy). To my surprise, my left ovary came lower down during ET, so all the worries & extra nurses were nt nec then.
Things will turn better when time is up.

Dianna, y so fast u know it's long cycle? Nt jab first then see if u more then give more one ahr? Mine is like that loh, that y I jab for abt 9-10 days.

Jackzel, Gd luck to u! U aso hv Lotsa follicles woh!! Jiayou! Btw, what is BT?
JC, thks for your advise, hopefully i will be like you, ovary shift down. Enjoy your 2ww and baby dust!!

Jackzel, jia you! Do share with me your first jab. How abt your dosage?
Hi JC, BT is blood test. Hahaha

Emily, my first jab starts on the 12th Jan ( D1 ). Its called cetrotide 0.25mg. I have to jab it for 3 days everyday at 8.30am till D3 which is today. Then again today i started on Gonal-F 112.5I x 4 days till friday then review again. Its not painful. Just press the area harder with ur fingers so you wont be able to feel the prick of the needle.
The nurse told me is long cycle leh... mine special arrangement i think. Cos once i come menses, i can start doing liao. Tentatively appt is 31 Jan to sign consent.
Jackzel, ur jabs are totally diff from mine.
For my symptoms,
De4 ET: slight bloated
After ET: very bloated & was jabbed to both sides of my backside. So very bloated & backside pain for 2-3 days.
After Embryo trf: worse bloatedness, giddy, nausea, constipation. Only bloatedness will subside if u drink Lotsa water & take enough eggs.
3 days after trf: need to go hosp jab backside again. Jab will make u bloated again.
As of now I'm st the abv stages. Another 3 days later, need to go jab backside again. Then 1 last jab on backside is 6 days later.... Hopefully no more jabs!!!!!

Dianna, but the cost of ur long cycles not X leh, $4k.
JC, thats for the injections n medicines only. not the whole treatment.

But im not so sure yet, i will find out more when im there on 31st.
JC, what kind of jab are you given? Urs is long or short cycle? Think the jab you are now on is progesterone jab which help to support the lining for implantation.
Jc, wow how come so many jabs even after tf? I think Private will giv all the support even bfore u know it is preggie. I read fr other thread, for govn hospital, we hav to prove we are preggie with the hpt bfor can request for support. Dont know it is true. Anyone know?

I am on my way to do D2 BT and screening now. This is my second pre ivf test.
Now sgh waiting time is 3mths before u can start your ivf cycle after the BT and scan. So mine will be tentative mid Apr.
Hi ladies, I am back on this thread. Forgot password...sigh. Been feeling lonely, like I am the only one in this world going through this.

@Jackzel - I think I may have seen you in SGH. Well, I decided to go with Dr Yu in SGH for IVF and was put on long cycle (why why why?). I started Lucrin injections end Dec and now is on Menopur (tonight is night 8, really cannot wait for this to be over). The Menopur injection stings most time but there were lucky nights when I don’t feel much. After 21 days of Lucrin & 7 nights of Menopur, everytime I smell the alcohol swab, I feel like puking. Sadly, I still feel like puking whenever I think of the injections. Anyone feel the same way?

Went for 1st scan since on Menopur on the 14th & I was told to go on for another 3 nights of Menopur (standard is 10-12 nights, damn). They didn’t take any blood test, are they supposed to?
My follicles seem to be growing, I do not know the sizes though but the nurse said ‘good’. Will be going for 2nd scan this Thur 17Jan and ER & ET expected to be done next week (week of 21st, cross fingers). I am so very terrified of the procedure. I have been feeling down and been teary these past few days. I am afraid that I my body can feel the pain during ER and will jerk and mess up the procedure :-(. I feel a sense of dread and wonder why I have to go through this, why people can easily conceive & I have to ‘suffer’.

Lower abdomen feels like there’s something growing….duh! Sometimes there’s itchiness on skin surface & I go to the toilet more often. Is this normal? Do any of you feel dread? Most ladies here seem to look forward to conceiving but this process makes me feel dread instead.

BTW is this thread for those gg for IVF at SGH in Dec2012/Jan2013? Who else are going this month? We may have bumped into one another :)
Will be given pregnyl 5000IU jab after trf & every 4 days after trf. So total 4 jabs.
My cycle is 9 days of puregon jabs which dr will see me every 3-4 days to check the size of my folicles before she adjust my dosage again..I'm very new to ivf, so don't know the jab's name that u hv mentioned. But looks like pvt hosp & govt hosp uses diff type of medi for jabs leh.

Jordybaby, I'm pretty scare when I tot of doing my jab. But after 1st try, (maybe I pinch myself very hard) , I think the jabbing is nt as terrible. the terrible part is the bloatedness...u really can't work loh that y I believe we were given mc for ET.
Jordybaby, why did you say you might have seen me? Haha when is ur appt?

Every hospital has different protocol I think. And every drs have their own preference in the type of drugs they use too. I Just pray hard that everything goes smoothly.
At first I was told I need to wait till apr. I told the nurse to try checking again for slots n luckily I got one to start early.

That's what we are here for, to support each other. I also feel fearful esp v scans, is like foreign thing trying to invade my private space. But for the sake of starting a family, I bite my teeth n endure through.

You r def not alone. I thought ER we will be knockout, but awake for ET?? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Ya... Typo. Mc for ER but the mc is enough to cover ur ET too cos 7 calendar days. ET is usually 2-3 days after ER.

Yup was bloated for more than a wk, looked preggy.. Doc told me walking around a little will help to dispel the gas.. And i also took lotsa ginger tea, and longan red date drink with ginger.. That helped a lot.. Hope you get better soon.. Take care!

The 1st 2 wks of recovery can be a little uncomfortable cos of the bloatedness which causes the stretching of the wounds.. But it'll ease off soon.. Hang in there k
Ok back from SGH & am confirmed for ER this coming Monday **shivers**. I asked the nurse if I will be knocked out totally but she said 'no'. I said "what if i jerk in pain & kick the Doctor?" :p

@JC - The morning Lucring jabs are a piece of cupcake but the menopur stings, am used to it now though but I still feel like puking when I smell the alcohol swab hehe. I only get occasional bloatedness. Lower abdomen just feels crampy but no pain. Only that sometimes I feel uncomfortable lying on my side cos the ovaries are enlarged and presses against the abs. Just take a deep breath before injecting & focus on injecting slowly & steadily. You can alleviate the bloatedness by moving around & put hwarm compressor to 'release the air' but if the bloatedness is causing u much pain, do check with the Doctor if its 'normal'

@Jackzel - In one of your posts you mentioned u were at SGH & tt was the same time I was there too so I bluff & say I may have seen u :p Are u having your ER/EC & ET nect week too? Pray for u & I (& all other ladies gg nect week). I have to be there 8am. Hope I wont faint before the procedure, or maybe its better if I do :p

@Dianna - I am fine wt scans cos they are gentle. I just bring my thoughts elsewhere & hum a tune or something albeit off key hehe. u can try or just repeat something over n over in your head. I just wish that the room is warmer. Its no fun having u spreadeagled on the bed wt the aircon blasting. Thanks for the encouragement, really appreciate it. We may need each other for support again when our kids are abt to go to Pri 1 haha

you r right abt the aircon blasting. even though i cleared my bladder before i go in for scans, i still have the urge going again.
Haha Jordybaby,

Maybe you really see me. Anyway I am gg there this tml after fours days jab of Gonal-F.
The ER hopefully is next week. But our regime is not the same so I cannot ask you also. Sad..... = (
hah? EC no total knock out ? scary le. JordyBaby, can ask the nurse is we request to be knocked out ok or not ? or hav to pay extra?

Dianna, glad that u can start soon. I cant even got empty slot..coz got oversea trip in Mar.. haizz
@Emily - I believe you will be under general anaesthesia or sedative so you probably won't feel anything. I think what the nurse meant when I asked if we will be totally knocked out is that they will not let our bp fall too low or we'll end up like Michael Jackson on propofol (sorry MJ). I will update u after I have gone through it next week k?
Hi ladies,

Just had a scan to see how my follicles are growing and apparently after 4 days of jabs, my follicles did not grow!! Damn sad la. Dr uptitrate my dose slightly higher to 150iu. Praying hard that they will grow big big this time.
Jackzel, hope the increase of dose will help. Did u ask doctor on wheather if the medicine used not suit u? I read from somewhere, the lady also having very small size follicles and not growing and made her first cycle cancelled. Then in second cycle, different medicine is used, largest she got is 1x 18mm, followed by 1x 17mm and 2x 16mm. When is your next scan?

I talked to my boss this morning abt my ivf in Apr. He asked me not to think too much and told me that 2 of his friends also went throw and succeed with 2 twin baby gals and another friend with twin, 1 boy & 1 girl
Really happy to hear that. Hope we all also the same, will ended with baby in our arms
Emily, I never get to see the Dr. Only scan and took blood test again. Nurse manager says that some ppl no reaction but after increase a bit she will have eggs growing to the size they wanted. She said anyway gotta have injection for 10-12 days so now still early.
Yo gals, I'm back. Tomorrow is my last jab of pregnyl.. Yeh, bye bye to all jabs!!!!
My current prob is serious constipation! Took prune juice, fybogel.. totally no effect. Call doc, was ask to buy lactolose to try out yest, still can't 'sh*t'. I really going nuts nt able to pass it out!! So my bloatedness may aso be contributed to nt able to sh*t.
Jackzel, don't be discourage, it will grow w the increase in dosage. I was given 150iu from the start for 4 days, then doc reduce the dosage subsequently. Jiayou k!
Emily, sedation is totally knockout too... U won't know a thing of what they hv done!
Jordybaby, Everytime I got for my pregnyl jab ( an tai Yao), it will make me bloated a little. The jab only hv a stinging pain for a while so I'm ok w it. Tks.
I'm now counting down w my constipation!!!! Argh......
Wow Dianna, u are faster than me. Was about to update you guys. But I am not too sure of the 75% thing. Previously was $6k plus 50% co-funding $3k, so total $9k. So now is $6k plus 75% co-funding which is $4.5k and total of $10.5k?
