IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

Still early.... Gotta wait till 14th Feb. Countdown to another 9 days. I have got a few episodes of sharp twinges over these 2 days but it only last for a few sec.

Went for blood test to test for progesterone level today and think its normal coz the nurse never call me back. = )

Jia you! I hope it will be a great gift for the both of you

Stay positive and relax
Jackzel, jia you! Hope u be the first in this thread for bfp. Hope to hear your gd news after i back to the thread on 18feb.

Happy cny to all sisters here, wish that all of us will be blessed with snake baby this yr!
Thanks emily! I have no symptoms till now. Today is already 6dp3dt. Am worried actually. Anyway enjoy ur holiday! Happy new year!
hello all, I saw most of the ladies out here are under Dr Yu. I starting my IVF again after a miscarriage. Dr Yu has added a new procedure to my program called "scalping" before I start the injection journey again. I hope this time everything will be smooth. I must said my experience with CARE are not too good but Dr Yu is good in IVF so I decided to stay with her until I m pregnant again.
Hi Emily, I too just failed my first ivf with her. But will be gg for FET again soon. Will be seeing her in march for future management. Ur first ivf also with her? How she usually manage after a failed ivf? I cant stand too many rounds of disappointment.
hi Jackzel, i just back to spore this morning and sad to know u hav failed the cycle. Heard tat there are less % who success the 1st cycle, so many sisters take the 1st cycle as experiment, to see how the body react. I will prepare myself to think tat way, so wont feel to sad in case of bpn. So, pls take good care, rest well and try again.
Hi Jackzel, I'm sorry to her the fail cycle. Think both of ur are the same. But like what Emily say, my friends aso say 1st ivf chance nt high. Nxt try Shd hv better chance..
U still hv how many eggs for ur FET? How much is Fet? My gynae aso ask me got FET but I'm still thinking...
I still have 2 snow babies left. Am thinking of trying acupuncture before starting the next transfer. You guys know where should I go for acupuncture? Prior to this I am already see the TCM located at Jurong and had been taking her mess for 6 mths. Still failed. I really dunno what is the reason.
Emily, dr Yu did mention to me that she scrape my lining 1 month before the transfer to increase the chances of implantation. Is that what she meant?
Jackzel, I did acupunture at Eu Yen Sang clinic at Jurong East by sinseh Lee Jian Ming. Did half a year and took medicine for 1 year plus with no news. So we have deciding on IVF. However, will still continue the acupunture and chinese herbs till IVF.

I dont have any idea of what scrape for. But if this will increase the implatation, can we request for "scraping" before transfer? Not sure if there is any side effect.

Sorry to hear about your failed cycle.. Wish you all the best in your FET! I think there's another lady under dr yu who also did the scraping of lining.. She'll be doing her transfer in a couple of wks..

I've just started my jabs on saturday.. My 1st fresh ivf.. Hpe it'll be ok..
Does the scraping same as abortion procedures? If yes, I suggest not to do often. Cos our womb will get thinner each time we scrape, hence the baby will not hold onto it.

But if its only for one time then I think is worth trying. All the best ladies!
Hi all, i also see Dr Yu Su Ling, failed the 1st fresh cycle Ivf in Oct'12. This month will doing natural FET. Pls advise how the natural FET work, the nurse talk me need to go down to 2 times per day for BT, scan & BT need to go 5 to 6days. Thanks
2 mths after failed 1st cycle, but bcos last yr i have taken 4 weeks hospitalisation leaves and my boss unhappy so doing after CNY. i have done the womb-scratching on 08.02.13.
min, i'm doing iui this cycle. gonna start the jab tonight! sorry gals I know I am not doing ivf.. just came in to say hi

JC *wave*

Thanks! Going for my 2nd scan tmr.. Will share more about it after the scan
Currently on 150iu gonal-f for 4 days..


All the best for your iui! Jia you
Dianna - I have tried and the next day my menses come immediately @@

Gigi - FET. This process is tougher then normal IVF. U have to continue to visit CARE morning and evening (4-5 pm) daily till they find the LH or ovaulation. 2 blood taking per day. I done for 7 days till my both arm are filled with "holes". But i succcess during FET.
hi Eil, wow.. I really dont know FET process also that tough until u tell us.

congratulation anyway. You are how many week pregnant now?
Eil, how long does the natural FET last? And is it very expensive? How much did u pay for the FET cycle? U mentioned u were under CARE and which CARE is it?
Had my scan this morning.. 10 follicles in the range of 11-15mm.. Next scan on monday.. Estimated ER will be wed/thur.. Glad to be ending jabs soon
Jazkzel, so go for the scraping since got higher chance.. My doc nv tell me anything any scraping, she only tell me to go for FET since I still hv frozen eggies. I so scare of disappt le.
Elf, ur FET is under CARe, is it prvt hosp or govt? My gynae told me FET very easy one, no jab or BT, only need to take oral medicine and a few times of scan. Then fix a date for ET.
Min81, do u feel bloated? All the best woh!
JC, I went to see Ban Choon Chan TCM today and was told he helped a lot of ivf couples succeed. Why not go try seeing him and tiao ur body before the FET? That is what I am doing now. He told me to wait till may or june to do the FET so he have enough time to prep my hormones and lining.
It's at marina parade. Read many reviews on him thus went to see him yesterday. There are so many ppl coming back to tell him they are preg. The queue is very long and waiting timing is around 4-5 hrs. His meds are really those herbs that u gotta brew and drink. I drank one dose yesterday and its not bitter.

I do feel the tightness at the abdomen but am managing pretty ok.. Wish you all the best for your FET!!


All the best!! I'm seeing the same tcm too
He has helped 2 colleagues of mine get preggy.. He will not give any medication if there are jabs.. He told me if i want, can go to him to get a dose of med for 3rd day after ET.. But still thinking whether want anot..
Min81, go get it. Please do whatever you can to make it succeed. He did told me he helped a few couples on IVF succeed. Jiayou!
Jackzel, I've been to tcm acuputre & med @ AMK 2-3 yrs ago but still no news. So I give up on tcm which is so....costly cos I can use the same amt of $$$ for tcm. I hv heard abt ban Choon chan from my forum mates too but some say gd some say no effect on them.. So I gave up on tcm. The only thing I feel gd abt tcm is that they help to build my health so that I don't feel so cold when I'm at op theatre or when I go massage!
Had my scan this morning.. Nurse just called and told me egg collection is confirmed for this thursday.. Tmr will be last day of jabs.. Excited!


How's the progress of your iui? Have you gone back for scan yet?
Oh.. Iui aso need to jab ahr? U need to jab how long? Then got ER & ET?

Min81, haha.. At last u get over w the jabs...gd luck!
JC... yeah, cos i don't react to even 150mg of clomid, so no choice. No lah... no ER & ET.. hahaha just will have trigger shot to trigger ovulation.

Min, jiayou. First scan, only 1 egg growing but not ready yet. Not the doc up my dosage to 112.5 but he told me to start testing for ovulation though.
JC, emily, maomi,

Thanks ladies! Have 1 last jab tonite which is the trigger jab.. Tomorrow can rest a day before egg collection on thur


It's only 1st scan, won't be ready so soon.. I'm sure it'll get to good size very soon.. Jia you!!
Hope will be successful for all of us regardless ivf or iui!

Yeah min, that's right but i think it is a little slow. but i have ovulating symptoms aldy. boobs quite pain. Oh Oh.. the pen you are using is the new type. My doc said better, won't have human error that easily. but not avail in Raffles yet.

JC.. will u be going for your FET?
Hi Min,
Good luck in ur ER! I seen your nicks often in other threads as well. hope you can BFP this cycle!

My appt with SGH is in early april, with Dr Herma. Any idea how long do i need to wait before i can embark on this IVF journey?
Hi min, how are u? Eggs collection went smooth? How is the result of eggs collected, and fertilization? When is your ET?

Thank you so much for the well wishes


I'm doing well, just slight bloatedness.. Some not so good news.. My left ovary was unreachable as it was hiding behind cervix and there was the risk of piercing the uterus so prof wong had to leave the follicles untouched.. 4 mature eggs retrieved from right side, 2 fertilised.. Was updated again this morning that 1 is of satisfactory quality and the other is below average.. Transfer is set for monday so all there is to do now iss to pray that they survive till then.. Staying positive and looking ahead
Hi Min, before the stimulation we hav scan to see our ovaries condition. Did dr ever tell u one of it is unreachable? I was with NUH before, but the report show that my ovary stuck behind the uterus wall. Dr had also personally scan again for me and confirm not reachable but still depends on luck, it might drop if there are many follicles. But I don't wan to take the risk and waste egg from that ovary, so I transfer to SGH where they do abdominal retrieval in case it is unreachable. My AMH is very bad, can't depends on just 1 ovary.
I hope your snowbies doing well, pray hard for u! Be strong ok.

Anyone here drink immunocal? I checked the price at OG Centre Point, it was so exp $159! I read fr another link , sister over there say below $100.. I didn't buy then.
Hello everyone,

Anyone could advise whether SGH or KKH would be better for IVF? I am going for consultation this wed and thought to hear from advise before going ahead with them.

Also, hsg cost less than $200? the last time i was quoted $800 by glen eagles and $500 by SGH.
HI Joelle,
I heard KKH waiting time is longer. I am in SGH. waiting ard 2 to 3mths.
no idea with HSG as didnt check as want to proceed to IVF.

Actually i went thru lap last sept so we had photos taken of my insides.. Everything looked great.. Even during stimulation was good.. It was unexpected for the left ovary to adjust its position before egg collection..

Did my transfer today
When embryologist called this morning, one of my embryos only at 6 cells, very slow, but she told me don't give up cos still growing.. Just now after the transfer, she gave me the photos and told me gd news.. After the call in the morning, the embryo started growing faster and already started compacting.. So now hubby and i just hoping for the best

When are you starting your cycle?

Hi Emily,

Thanks. That was was first post and I am new to this forum. I forgot who our doctor is at SGH... so can't ask for further advise.

Anyway... Its a mix feeling for IVF. Am not sure whether myself are mentally prepared. hopefully after the consultation, i will have a clearer picture and not feeling so much uncertainty.

Can anyone share what I should be expecting and prepared for? i read so much that it is terrifying me even before any consultation and i got upset with my hubby cos i am the one that is suffering yet he is thinking "its just any other procedure".
