IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

Hi Joelle
Have both of u went for the counseling session for IVF?
My hubby initially also don understand till he went for the session n better understand the IVF procedure esp to me.

When I went through the pre ivf consultation that was to see whether my passage to womb is ok before doing the embryo trsf, he even more caring than before.

Actually once we start, our hubby are more caring. Cos they know is not that easy after all.

I'm starting my first injection on 24th.. Excited

Dear Min
really glad to hear tat! Stay positive and relax yourself for this 2ww. Do things u love to do.

Joelle, u hav to first decide which hospital to go. For the consultation, in SGH waiting time is mths unless got couple absent then they can put u in. It will be 1 to 1 consultation. So before u go, u can think of questions u wan to ask, the nurse will answer all for u. The fee is $20+.

Dianna, what supplement are u taking for preparing ivf? U do acupuncture and take Chinese herbs ? Can share with me?
Thanks Dianna,

I hope all turn out well. I was pretty upset cos i just couldn't convince myself that this is the only route. But since we decided to go with IVF given time and other constraints, i guess i will be positive about it.

Hi Emily, I am already with SGH, make appointment for consultation before CNY, only got slot on 28 Feb... went and doctor explained different options for us. But we have thought about it before we went down, so we told doctor we want IVF. Then we are sent to make appt for counseling. We got a slot on the 6 Mar.

Is there anything I should be asking during the counseling? What should i b expecting during the counseling? I did asked on the 28th, the nurse said i will have to do blood test etc then they will submit my case to the IVF doctor team to discuss what programme i will be in. I think that will take 2-3 weeks before they come back to me.. Can't remember exactly..

I used to take TCM to TTC, but then after 2 months, i think i want to go for IVF, so will be going to get medicine for IVF preparation.I am seeing one at marine parade- BCC, which i think everyone knows which one.
Hi Emily
Used to take tcm herbs but no effect on me. That's y we took the option of IVF.

As for taking extra step to ensure our womb is strong... I did not do any tcm or acupuncture. For myself I don wanna stress too much and end up tcm doesn't take effect on me.

I might be stocking up protein intake though.
I happened to come across someone from the forum, cant remember which archive... she got successful with Thompson Fertility.

Maybe i am just paranoid.... anyone heard of any success story from SGH IVF?

I am contemplating whether or not to move....

I am going to visit Dr Ng Soon Chye for my IVF at Novena Specialist Centre. Next Monday going to visit him and check if both DH and myself are alright.

Anybody here seeing him before?

Thank you.

hi all, some updates from me. Went to sgh today to sign consent form and see Dr Yu. My result very poor, poorer than the previous one did 9 mths ago. my FSH change from 12.3 to 15.6 ! Seem that my 1yr+ chinese medicine and 7mths acupunture didnt help at all.. wasted $ and time
Dr Yu had decided short cycle protocol for me with max dosage(450units)! She is so straight forward telling me that due to my poor FSH result, highest dosage for my case might only stimulate like 3 or 4 eggs, plus one of my ovary not reachable, she asked me to prepare for the worst.. haha. My starting date will be ard 11 to 14 APR depends on when my mensus come next mth.
All the best Emily. I am gg to see Dr Yu for future management on the 22nd March. I am not putting much hope in my 2 frozen embies. See what she has got to say then. Which tcm are u seeing all the while?
Hi jackzel, thanks and i am seeing Eu Yan sang.
At least u hav frozen embryos. For me, dr Yu say that the form for frozen embroy is not required for my case.. Really made me a bit sad.! Meaning tat if I can get 1 or 2 will be a miracle! Anyway, just give myself a try ! No regret!
Hi emily,

All the best for your ivf! I know what the doctor told you may not be very positive, but if we don't try, we'll never know.. No harm giving it a shot.. I just went with the flow myself and moved step by step.. Stay positive and keep your faith

I was on the short cycle.. Was on gonal-f 150iu all the way from CD2-12, Cetrotide from CD7-12.. Trigger jab Suprefact 50ml on CD12..


Believe in your little fighters and have faith in them k.. All the best for your FET
Hi Min,
aiyoo... how come mine 450iu.. think must take longer time to poke.. then I asked the nurse to roughly calculate the cost of med, for me will be ard 4k to 4.5k. if like tat anyone know roughly how much in total the whole IVF process for me?

wow.. for CD7 to CD 12, how many jabs per day?
2 gonal-f and 2 cetrotide ?

CD12 will be 5 jabs? 2 gonal-f and 2 cetrotide and 1 superfact ?

besides, how frequest we need to scan?

Don't worry, the jabs will be ok
From CD7-12, only 2 jabs a day, morning cetrotide, evening gonal f.. But every clinic got diff protocol, so there'll be some differences here and there..

CD12 I had 3 jabs -- cetrotide, gonal f and suprefact.. Not 5, that'll be scary.. Hehe.. Mm for me my scans were on CD2, 6, 9 and 11.. Just a rough guide, it depends on individual..

Btw, will you be doing the abdominal retrieval?
Min, thks for the advise.
Before my result, Dr said after stimulate the folicles will bring the ovary down, which will make abdominal egg collection possible. But after she see my result, she mentioned not reachable.. maybe for my poor result, it is difficult to have many follicles which can bring the ovary down. So the answer shld be No.. I can only depends on 1 ovary.
devil_pinky: I called them up in late february.. and the earliest date i manage to get is early april. crazy schedules they have haha.

Min: good luck with ur BT on Friday! I was told by my sil that most IVF patients started with long protocol for their first as it is more or less a trial and error. May i ask why your doc start you on short protocol instead?

I may be in my CD10ish on my first appt with SGH. Any idea if the doc will let me go straight for lucrin on CD21? I want to start ivf badly...

i heard that i need to take some BT and these BT have specific timing to take, which i took before but the results are dated 1 yr ago.

I see.. Don't worry, i'm sure your doc has good plans for you already.. All the best k!


Thanks gal! Actually, it's not true that ivf patients usually start on long protocol.. It depends on the individual condition.. More are starting on the short protocol now.. Since it's a trial and error, might as well try the one with shorter period and less jabs first
Less costly too..

Hmm i guess you'll need at least a mth or 2 after the 1st appt to officially start.. Cos must review ur results and there's a queue too.. You can take the waiting time to build up your health first
Jia you!
Min: Ohh icic... sigh that's what i hate about public hospital.. well, we are so broke spending 10 over thousands on fertility treatments. This is the best we can do for myself

By the way im waiting to catch ur bbdust tmr!

if i not wrong u are seeing the tcm at marine parade right?

I've been taking tcm for more than 1 year already.. cant wait to start ivf asap! lol. im impatient lah hurhur
Hi miracle and the rest.
Dr Yu is my fertility doctor now at SGH and seen her last week for my first appt. however the counseling is 1mth later and after that we have to wait for 3 mths before the ivf. But when I called they told me that the earliest date is in may.

Just to check did SGH ask your SO to do sperm test?
When must it be done?
Anybody has done the ivf with Dr Yu? How do you all find her and what are the things I should do before I proceed with my IVF.

I am so depressed each time I see my AF comes
Yo, i just came back fromy holiday!!!
Reporting time again. I failed my FET with raffles. Think I hv spent enough for my ivf and FET. So hv to come to a full stop already..
Jiayou to the rest of u!
Hi JC, sorry to hear that. Did the dr tell you what exactly happen?

I just went back see Dr Yu yesterdy ever since i failed my fresh cycle in Feb. She told me that my eggs and sperms are good and trasfer was easy. So the only reason she could think of why it failed is due to my lining. She told me that me that both my snow babies are both 8 and 9 cells so should be good and SGH uses a new way of freezing and thawing of embryos which makes the success rate of embryos survival higher. She planned for me to go from stimulated cycle instead of a natural FET coz my ovulation is not accurate. So i will be going through a trial cycle with biopsy done on D22 to see the thickness of the lining then the actual cycle of transfer the next mth. Will be starting the cycle after another 2 rounds of AF. Meanwhile, i will be taking more TCM to tiao my body. I am actually worried coz this time round the govt subsidy is so little only.
Today is my 1st day of Lucrin injection.

Overall experience = painless
I thought it would be painful and dramatic to self inject myself. Haha!

Seeing 28 needles at home is scary for me.
HI Dianna, I will also start soon, mid Apr.
on short protocol.

Anyone having ensure life milk? Need to drink how many time per day?

Sorry for the late reply.. Yup i've been seeing the tcm at marine parade.. But i didn't take any tcm during my ivf cycle.. Your appt coming soon right? All the best!


I take 6 scoops of ensure milk daily as indicated on the tin.. If you can't drink so much at one go, can always take 3 scoops twice a day.. All the best for your coming cycle!

Wanted to come here to spread my babydusts after my 1st scan shows all ok.. But we saw an elongated sac with no yolk sac.. Doc says could be too early but i'm still worried.. Took 2 hcg tests within 3 days and hcg levels were doubling.. Hope that's a gd sign.. Will know more at next scan.. I'll then come back here and spreads loads more of baby dust
Min, Thks for the advise. I just took 5 scoops. I think I can take 6 scoops, but a bit sweet.

Hope all the best for u and the little one
hopefully we can conceive ard the same period.

tomorrow is my 10th day of lucrin, ask to go back for blood test.

AF did not visit yet, hopefully by these few days. cos im really tired, body aching all the symptoms is killing me.
Dianna, u are on long cycle? In suppression stage ?I will only start when my AF is here. No injection at all now.

Min, beside Ensure, what other food u take during injection?

Thank you for the well wishes

Besides ensure which i took daily, i also took 2 egg whites daily in beginning.. Started taking abt 3-4 only during 2nd half of stimulation.. Drank lotsa water, abt 3 litres a day.. Tried to have more fish and beef in my meals for protein.. Months before ivf, i also started taking coq10 75mg daily.. During stimulation stage, i did lotsa brisk walking as it is believed to improve blood circulation and help the follicles grow..
Dear all, what if my menses came on Sat?
Nurse asked me to call them the first day of mensus, then second day to see them. But if it is on Sat? is this mean my cycle will be postpone to next mth? my mensus became not accurate for past several mths. Last mth is 7 week earlier, and I think it will happen again this mth. Last mth first day on 13Mar, and I started to see some fresh blood this morning.. means again 1 week earlier. Not sure if it will effect the ivf.. worried
Hi emily,

No worries k..If your menses start on saturday, your first scan will be on monday at CD3.. It's all right to start on CD 2 or 3.. No need to postpone at all.. With regards to your irregular menses, it should not affect ivf as it will be under controlled environment..
dear all, today my 1st day for lucrin and Gonal-F. No pain at all
Tomorrow will jab myself. Kan cheong.. My first scan will be on CD6. Hope I will response well to the medicine.
Hi Emily!

Ya, part of it comes from lucrin. how much is ur dose? mine a 20units till recently decreased to 10units..but still i have mild aches.

Gonal F is on the max of 450iu though.
Dianna, I think I saw you yday morning ard 8:30am at CARE. I heard nurse called 'Diana', I think should be you. If yes, I were sitting next to u with my hubby. My hubby was doing 2nd storage yday. I were doing scan and BT. During scan, the nurse asked me 'have anyone tell u that u are having cyst(s) the last scan'? The nurse didnt tell me anything in my last scan. I was worried and dare not to ask further. After that I see the nurse bring my report to the opposite clinic, I think she have to approach Dr Yu if I can still proceed with the existence of cyst.

We will be cycle buddy. Is this your 1st IVF? why your body aching, that is the symptom of you AF coming? or bcoz of the lucrin?

Min, when is your next scan?
Dianna, mine short cycle, started with 20unit lucrin and max 450unit Gonal-F. I asked the nurse for 2 days mc, (yday and today) as I am not sure if I can manage the injection myself. I have just done it ard 7:45am ! took more 30mins to poke the needle in... haiiz.. so scary indeed.

yday bought 5 days medicine, already cost me $2k. Hope tat the med work for me. How come yours also 450units? Mine is due to poor AMH, high FSH, 1 ovary stuck at the lateral wall of uterus, most probably can depends on 1 ovary only.

by the way, are u working?
Yup, my first fresh ivf cycle.
The bleeding has already visited me on 5th Apr, called up and told me is not considered AF. Hormones went down, then will bleed.

Gonal F is done at night though. u do both in the day?

actually the jabs not scary, once u get used to it. cos i got endometriosis, i was given long cycle and the highest dosage.

today took leave.
Hi emily,

Thanks for the concern
I had a scan last wk and we were able to see bb's heartbeat.. Hubby and i were more relieved.. Will take it one step at a time.. Another scan coming up next wk..

Glad to hear you were able to do the jabs yourself
Jia you! Once u get used to do it, you'll be able to do it faster.. I think your cysts should not be an issue if you were able to proceed so don't worry k


Jia you jia you!!

Baby dusts for you ladies!
Hi Emily!
Today scan I have abt 8-9 follicles. But found 3 small cysts.
Doc get me to take the E2 blood test, luckily I can still go ahead with gonal F. Schedule this fri scan again
Hi emily,

How are you progressing with the jabs? Had your scan already?
For my day 5 of stimulation, had nine 10mm follicles, another 2 were smaller..
HI Diana, your next visit to SGH will be on Fri? mine on Wed (tmr). I didnt ask how many follicles I have, dare not to ask as I prepare for the worst. But when the nurse see me, I slight see 9mm. So, the biggest I have shld be 9mm on Day5. E2 is for what purpose? E =estrogen?
Min, thanks for the information. I didnt ask at all abt my follicles, number or size.. I just scare to ask..
Thks for your advise anyway. I am more than happy as long as nurse still ask me to continue with the gonal-F. Hope everything goes smooth.

I just hope I can get 1 or 2 good follicles, so that I can proceed with EC and ET.
Hi Emily!
Yup, next visit on fri.I din ask abt the size as well, cos i just hope i can continue on gonal f, continue means still got hope. heehee

ya check whether the hormones still under supression
hi DIana, today scan, biggest 12.5m only. Tomorrow have to go back scan again. Why they keep asking me to go back. But you On friday after the Mon scan..
