Hmm my so iui which will start in feb slightly different ? The doc said the jabs will start on day4 of my menses...
Oohhh. I haven't heard of jabbing from day4. Maybe different doc has different treatment method.
Or maybe the dosage he gave per jab is higher?
That I am not very sure...
This was my 2nd iui n felt uncomfortable. Started bleeding but not a lot. Anyone got similar experience?
Meganl, I remember there was spotting after the procedure. Maybe for a day or two but it's just spotting not bleeding. If yours is heavy maybe you call up the clinic to check. Hope this helps.
I was given misoprostol to eat on the day of my endo scratch. Sisters who done the scratch were you all given this medicine too? I think it helps to open up the cervix for the procedure. Any comments?
Thanks gal! Ya its spotting. Cos I didn't experience this the first time. A bit sian to repeat the process. Feel like doing ivf.

Wanna ask if anyone do ivf in kkh? Need to wait long? Private charges really ex man!
Hi Meganl, I did have some slight bleeding coz my womb bled a little during IUI. But it cleared up after a day or two. I'm now 6dpiui....dont feel anything at all.
How are you feeling?
I just did yst. Totally no feeling. N also the ovulating strip shown negative. It shd show positive right?
meganl your ovulating strip shouldn show any positive. iui is done after the opk tested positive so by right after your transfer the positive would be gone. at which day you did your iui.
Hi Ladies.....just wondering have you gers gone thru this stage? As now i'm taking clomid pills for ovulation and just finish the 2nd round of medicine and took blood test result is negative.....am going for 3rd round soon....but seems like very disappointing to know there is no ovulation.....one thing is my menses is not regular I have to take pills to induce it to come (so wondering will I still have chance to have bb?) but me & hub have done all the test everything is ok.....

Just did the iui today... Doc was v nice to give me 3 days mc to stretch thru the weekend to increase our chances...The 2ww begins now... & I was like a silly asking doc if I can still eat my pineapple tarts lol.
Jasmine u can try tcm first to regulate ur menses...my menses were irregular at first...but after taking tcm , they r v regular...i think ur chances r still high since u n hub did all the tests n everything was good :)

Hi Ladies.....just wondering have you gers gone thru this stage? As now i'm taking clomid pills for ovulation and just finish the 2nd round of medicine and took blood test result is negative.....am going for 3rd round soon....but seems like very disappointing to know there is no ovulation.....one thing is my menses is not regular I have to take pills to induce it to come (so wondering will I still have chance to have bb?) but me & hub have done all the test everything is ok.....

Just did the iui today... Doc was v nice to give me 3 days mc to stretch thru the weekend to increase our chances...The 2ww begins now... & I was like a silly asking doc if I can still eat my pineapple tarts lol.
So did the doc said u can eat pineapple tarts? Haa... Ohh nice then u can rest at home!! Bed rest after iui will increase chance? Anyway good luck n keep us updated :)
Ribbonz, the gynae didn't.
Iwhb, after the trigger shot I tested also negative. So I wonder what was wrong. Can I ovulate without producing egg?
Cos I told the doc I did not ovulate as I tested negative on the strip. Then he did a ultra sound n he said ovulated. Y the strip not accurate ma?
meganl, which trigger shot you did? i did pregynal and it will actually turn opk and hpt positive as it contains hcg. thats why people always say after trigger can dont test cause will create false positive, usually the hcg from the shot will leave body 4-6days, some say longer. you use clearblue or other brand? for me only clearblue works for me, the rest cant detect. but the u/s is more accurate so if your doc say you ovulated shouldn be a problem.
Hi sis...i have pcos..so my mensus are irregular.. n most of the time i take pills to induce mensus.. i tok 7 cycle of clomid...4th cycle i got preegy n ended in 8 weeks.. now doctor put me in letrozole.. not to worry. Dun take clomid more dan 6 cycles
Jasmine u can try tcm first to regulate ur menses...my menses were irregular at first...but after taking tcm , they r v regular...i think ur chances r still high since u n hub did all the tests n everything was good :)
Yea thats why my colleagues recommended me to that Mark Lee's wife go de tcm......have done the booking but the waiting time is 1 month hahaha......further more i'm a smoker and trying very hard to quit now (struggling) :( yea I hope everything will be good also....i even went to draw "lot" (sound silly) :p
Hi sis...i have pcos..so my mensus are irregular.. n most of the time i take pills to induce mensus.. i tok 7 cycle of clomid...4th cycle i got preegy n ended in 8 weeks.. now doctor put me in letrozole.. not to worry. Dun take clomid more dan 6 cycles
Yea i use to take Yasmin (which KK doc give) oh I tot clomid can only take 3 rounds? you take until 7 cycle? Sorry to hear that...also worry that take too much clomid the lining will be thinner right? :eek:
Yea thats why my colleagues recommended me to that Mark Lee's wife go de tcm......have done the booking but the waiting time is 1 month hahaha......further more i'm a smoker and trying very hard to quit now (struggling) :( yea I hope everything will be good also....i even went to draw "lot" (sound silly) :p

Hi dear, where is the tcm huh? can advise address and name?
Hey happyblossom,
Temp is good! Did two blood tests and Going for the third blood tests next Tues to monitor the HCG level. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Hey peeps. Very worrried. I'm doing so iui and today is cd11. Went for my scan today and I have 10 big follicles measuring 10 to 14. Dr said they need to monitor me closely. Im so worried they will ask me to abandon this cycle. Anyone had this before?
Hey peeps. Very worrried. I'm doing so iui and today is cd11. Went for my scan today and I have 10 big follicles measuring 10 to 14. Dr said they need to monitor me closely. Im so worried they will ask me to abandon this cycle. Anyone had this before?
Hi aquamarine, I'm going for my second IUI this month. my doc has said that if there are too many eggs, then convert to IVF. That way, you don't waste all your effort for this month. Good luck!
Thanks @jemma for the reassurance. Hmm will dr as me if converting to ivf. Im not so prepared for ivf. This my 2nd iui as well.. so scared and confused now. What shld I do if dr wants to convert and im not mentally prepared? Should I agree or should I takd the risk and do iui?? :(
Hi ladies, today is 12dpiui for me.. Still BFN... Preparing myself for the worst as I tested positive 11dpiui on my 1st iui attempt. I'm just feeling v sad & tired if this time fail again. It's been a long & hard journey. Why is it that other people had it so easy... On progesterone & have been feeling bloated, giddy & preggy! Sigh. & today's newspaper article on hospitals gearing up for bb boom this year. It's like a joke slap right in your face.
Thanks @jemma for the reassurance. Hmm will dr as me if converting to ivf. Im not so prepared for ivf. This my 2nd iui as well.. so scared and confused now. What shld I do if dr wants to convert and im not mentally prepared? Should I agree or should I takd the risk and do iui?? :(
Haha i wish I had that problem as I only had one follicle (20mm) in my first Iui which wasn't successful. Discuss all possible options with your doctor to make the best informed decision you can.

Personally, if it was me, I'd not waste this cycle but ultimately, it is your decision and you should not be pressured by the dr. I'm sure deep down you know the best step to take!
Hi ladies, today is 12dpiui for me.. Still BFN... Preparing myself for the worst as I tested positive 11dpiui on my 1st iui attempt. I'm just feeling v sad & tired if this time fail again. It's been a long & hard journey. Why is it that other people had it so easy... On progesterone & have been feeling bloated, giddy & preggy! Sigh. & today's newspaper article on hospitals gearing up for bb boom this year. It's like a joke slap right in your face.
Hi chanel83, I know exactly how you feel. My sis-in-law just announced her pregnancy after a few months of trying, and it took all my willpower not to feel sorry for myself.

Don't get dragged down by negativity as it's not a healthy mindset when trying to conceive. Just don't allow yourself to be bothered by third parties and focus only on yourself.

I think that's one reason why I've joined this forum as there are lots of women who empathize, genuinely understand and don't judge me when I get more upset than normal when AF comes. :D
Hey chanel83, don't give up yet as long as AF hasn't show! I heard that some people only tested positive beyond 14-15dpiui! Besides, my doc also said to test on the 15th day after iui.

Every pregnancy is different, so don't compare with your previous indicator. Stay positive!
My first IUI also failed. I'm planning to go for 2nd IUI this month. I dont really feel very hopeful...and i really dread to go through it coz it was quite painful for me the last time. If IUI doesnt work for me, i'll be quite lost coz i think I wont be able to endure IVF which i heard is a much more painful process.

For those going through IVF, are you working or not working? Does it help to stop work and take a break?

Is anyone seeing TCM at the same time also? I'm wondering if i should go for TCM just to increase my chances?
Hi ribbonz, looks like we're gonna be iui buddies this month! If all goes according to schedule, my procedure should be 3rd week of February.

I haven't done ivf before but have two friends who have and they say that the pain is not so bad. We women are built to be tough machines and if we can tahan those daily injections (I almost cried when I had to do my first one - my hand was trembling so badly!), then we can also grit our teeth for ivf. Just think about the bigger purpose!

I'm currently working and if I go for ivf, i plan to take the two-week MC. Am not going for Tcm.
@jemma @jooo thanks for the encouragement!
Tested today to what seems like a very faint positive?? Am keeping my fingers crossed my eyes are not playing tricks or its not my imagination from all the yearning... will test again tmr.

@ribbonz.. I understand how u feel... if iui fail again Im not sure if we want proceed ivf... Heard its v v ex too?? My hubby say just give up & be happy with each other. He's against adoption too. :(
Hi jemma, i estimate my IUI should be done around 3rd week too. :) Are you taking clomid also? I'm only taking clomid...no injections.

Hi chanel83, yes it's very ex but there is govt subsidy for govt hospitals. My husband and I are very open to adoption. But i feel i just needed to go through IUI at least.

Can i ask, is your husband with you when you go for IUI?
Hi Ribbonz
I went alone as my hubby has work commitments. After tt i just took cab home to minimize walking.
Hi chanel83, I know exactly how you feel. My sis-in-law just announced her pregnancy after a few months of trying, and it took all my willpower not to feel sorry for myself.

Don't get dragged down by negativity as it's not a healthy mindset when trying to conceive. Just don't allow yourself to be bothered by third parties and focus only on yourself.

I think that's one reason why I've joined this forum as there are lots of women who empathize, genuinely understand and don't judge me when I get more upset than normal when AF comes. :D
Well said! Actually i always feel that way too...like why so hard to get preggy n ppl can have theirs so easily..n really dread to hear another close relative getting preggy ... Well, like u said, just got to stay focus n keep the neg thoughts away....do u girls tell ur frens/relatives that u r undergoing iui? Somehow it is still not a v open thing right...just the other day my cousin in law commented that test tube babies r not healthy...n i m like wt......! Ppl dun understd this iui or ivf unless they experience it....sigh....

Going to do the first jab today!! The nurse said to jab at night ,same time ...scary scary....
U girls eat anything special during this period? I know some girls drink red dates Logan after iui/ivf n ate Brazil nuts...how abt before?
Hi every body I'm new here
Currently on 4th day of Puregon jab; doing IUI this month
Glad to join this forum !
I hv a bb gurl 2.5 yrs conceived through IUI after several failed ivf and iui and a miscarriage
I am now trying for second child
