
Hello! I remembered my first consultation, doc ask how long we trying, how was my menses blah blah. Then i got schedule for bloodtests, hsg scan and cervix ultrascan. Hubby was asked to go for semen test. We did all these tests to see if we got any problem. We only choose to go for ivf at a very later part.

There is no waiting time for ivf. You can choose the month that you want.

Hi mrscheng thanks for your info. I actually already did bloodtest, hsg and cervix scan before in august 2012. do you think I will need to do again? I hate it especially the hsg!! anyway I will bring all my records and film down to show them. husband also did semen analysis in January 2014 only
Hi ladies, just collected my puregon today and will be taking my first jab for this cycle tonight. Bring on the next two weeks of emotional stress and analyzing every single symptom!

@aquamarine10 I'm really quite envious that you've produced so many follies, and hope I get similar results! Can't remember if my discharge changed while on the meds. All the best!
Hi jemma how's your jab coming along
Hi mrscheng thanks for your info. I actually already did bloodtest, hsg and cervix scan before in august 2012. do you think I will need to do again? I hate it especially the hsg!! anyway I will bring all my records and film down to show them. husband also did semen analysis in January 2014 only

That one i not too sure... have to check with the doc, just bring it down.

For ivf, once you choose the month you want, eg i choose February. They gave me an appointment date late Jan to go down with hubby for the consultation (signing of documents) and bloodtests (to test for hiv etc...) before i can proceed with my ivf...
Good morning @Sonia_78 and ladies!

Not much plan for weekends actually...

Hubby got company dinner tonight so i shall self entertain with our dog. haha. Or maybe go out window shopping...
Hubby still thinking to go or not. I gonna push him to go as he deserve to have a break too, but i did reminded him not to drink too much thou...

How about you all?
I m at doc clinic now going check how much dosages needed...jabbed for 4 days liao... The doc said he is going home -.-" asked me to rush down from work....-.-" really chiong all the way just now...now waiting outside to see him whew
Hahaa ya the doc rushing off...seen him le...he said my eggs not growing too much -.-" so i will continue to jab till Sat then urine test on Sun n iui either monday or Tuesday....*prays hard*
Everything will be ok. Who knows by the, your eggs are growing good.

Yup yup~ later go home shower already i will try it. Wait for me try a few days before i update you all~
Hi all.. Just wanna check anyone did so-iui before? Besides the extra jabs needed for so-iui, is your experience worse than iui? The thoughts of going through the numerous jabs make my hair stand..
Hi all.. Just wanna check anyone did so-iui before? Besides the extra jabs needed for so-iui, is your experience worse than iui? The thoughts of going through the numerous jabs make my hair stand..
Hi I'm doing SO( super ovulation )iui at KK
The dosage of Puregon is high (125 units)
Highest cost is for the meds especially Puregon around $800/- till now ( I'm on my day 8 of taking Puregon ) paying thru medisave
No extra jabs ; jus Puregon n later pregnyl if required
Good morning @Sonia_78 and ladies!

Not much plan for weekends actually...

Hubby got company dinner tonight so i shall self entertain with our dog. haha. Or maybe go out window shopping...
Hubby still thinking to go or not. I gonna push him to go as he deserve to have a break too, but i did reminded him not to drink too much thou...

How about you all?
Attending my soon to be 2.5 yr old daughter , I baked cheese chicken macroni for her for lunch , she slept at 3pm so now can relax a bit
No such plan for the wk end , most of my wk ends jus fly away , don't noe where time goes by wif her
I hv nt been running for a week since on jab so feel awkward :(
I have not been going back to tcm eversince im with kkh. My cousin asked me to eat GNC prenatal supplements. She and my cousin in law got pregnant after eating it. Im just trying my luck. So currently im only eating this and folic acid. Actually the prenatal supplements have folic acid in it too.

My cousin asked me to eat royal jelly too. I haven't really start eating that thou.
Hi I'm doing SO( super ovulation )iui at KK
The dosage of Puregon is high (125 units)
Highest cost is for the meds especially Puregon around $800/- till now ( I'm on my day 8 of taking Puregon ) paying thru medisave
No extra jabs ; jus Puregon n later pregnyl if required

Thanks Sonia.. May be going kkh in mar as well if this cycle doesn't go well.. Do you feel a lot of discomfort after the jabs?
Thanks Sonia.. May be going kkh in mar as well if this cycle doesn't go well.. Do you feel a lot of discomfort after the jabs?
Hi booy no jabs nt painful , it's the mental physiology tat causes pain
My daughter 2.5 yrs old was born after trying for 6 yrs , I hv had several failed iui and two fail ivfs until we conceive her by iui
And going thru pain of labor n Brest feeding this is nothing
Booy wat special are you eating during this time pl share

Just eating clomid tablets this month.. Nothing special.. After 1 failed IUI, my mood is already quite affected.. Cannot imagine the emotional pain of ivf.. SO-IUI procedure doesn't require bed rest right?
Just eating clomid tablets this month.. Nothing special.. After 1 failed IUI, my mood is already quite affected.. Cannot imagine the emotional pain of ivf.. SO-IUI procedure doesn't require bed rest right?
No need rest only one day on the day of the procedure
Hi jemma how's your jab coming along
Like that lor... Today is Day 3, then going for scan on Tuesday. Don't feel any symptoms or side effects. My dose is 75 a day.

Do you ladies alternate sides when you jab? The nurses never told me to alternate sides but for my last iui effort, I only jabbed my right side and my one and only follicle came from my right side. Wondering if it affects in any way so this time, I'm switching sides daily.
Like that lor... Today is Day 3, then going for scan on Tuesday. Don't feel any symptoms or side effects. My dose is 75 a day.

Do you ladies alternate sides when you jab? The nurses never told me to alternate sides but for my last iui effort, I only jabbed my right side and my one and only follicle came from my right side. Wondering if it affects in any way so this time, I'm switching sides daily.
No jab same side always
For me I'm nt running for a week cos of jabs tat really sucks :(
Just eating clomid tablets this month.. Nothing special.. After 1 failed IUI, my mood is already quite affected.. Cannot imagine the emotional pain of ivf.. SO-IUI procedure doesn't require bed rest right?
Yea tats the most difficult part THE MOOD
I don't feel like doing anything , I sometimes freeze in meetings! :(
Hey @Sonia_78 what's the difference between so-iui and iui, in terms of the procedure? And in what situation do doctors recommend so-iui?

Really feeling quite sian. My MIL called me yesterday to update me on my SIL pregnancy and how the baby has grown 1cm in the ultrasound. I know she didn't mean anything malicious, but it took all my willpower not to roll my eyes. My SIL took less than half a year to conceive, and I'm still struggling after close to 3 years. Zzzzzzz

Whatever it is, I will soldier on and hope that this year works our for me and hubby. He really loves kids and I feel quite hopeless I can't give him what he wants.

Cheer up! Who knows you might be success soon? My cousin got pregnant(tried for 1/2 yrs) and shortly after my cousin in law also pregnant(tried for 2 to 2 1/2 yrs).

I know the feeling of helpless. I always ask myself why some people just pregnant so easily, even can shot gun while i put in so much effort to try all ways but could pregnant naturally. I guess God wants me to go thru a long way...
My hubby and I married since 2009. Tried for 3 years in vain. We get referral letter from polyclinic to NUH for series of checkup on June 2012. Test shown that Hubby is diagnoise with low sperm count of while I am clear from check up. Doctor suggested IVF as IUI/SO-IUI is only suitable for lady with difficulty in conceiving and not suitable for low sperm count. Anyway doctor prescribed my hubby vitamins to build up his body while i m on folic acid for 3 months. While I am waiting for my period on October 2012 for the next course of action from NUH, it did not arrive. As I am busy with my house renovation and house moving, i didn't take note of that. I only started to notice on around December end when i feel vomit. I tested with those cheap pregnancy test which i bought from the spree, cannot believe my eyes when i see the double line.

I guess is because we are seeking medical help that why we strike when we least expect about it. I am on folic acid for 3 months and hubby on health supplement prescribed by NUH doctor. I gave birth with cute bb boy on August 2013 and we are taking things natural without conception.
@lady081980 that's the miracle all of us here are hoping for instead of undergoing these invasive and painful procedures. Hope your luck rubs off on some of us.
yes jemma, that why i told hubby that our son is our miracle as we are busy with our renovation, we only do one time on that month without knowing that we strike naturally.
Hi Jemma

My blood test not good. Super low hcg level, gynae diagnose as likelihood of early preg loss. T^T
Going back tmr for blood test again to confirm the miscarriage. Sigh. I'm still holding on to a tint of hope that my hcg will rise. But am largely prepared for a failed so iui again. Gynae wants to do a final attempt on so iui. If still fail, she'll want me to do ivf. Ivf sounds very scary to me. >_<
Hey @Sonia_78 what's the difference between so-iui and iui, in terms of the procedure? And in what situation do doctors recommend so-iui?

Really feeling quite sian. My MIL called me yesterday to update me on my SIL pregnancy and how the baby has grown 1cm in the ultrasound. I know she didn't mean anything malicious, but it took all my willpower not to roll my eyes. My SIL took less than half a year to conceive, and I'm still struggling after close to 3 years. Zzzzzzz

Whatever it is, I will soldier on and hope that this year works our for me and hubby. He really loves kids and I feel quite hopeless I can't give him what he wants.
SO ( super ovulation ) IUI has higher dose of stims; for my case since I tried few times and it failed so they are being aggressive with the stimulation so iui change to so-iui
It depends on how each body reacts to stims
My case based on past experience they tot I cud tk higher dose of stims
Oh shit. Hang in there, @chanel83. I wish I could say something to make you feel better but I know words cannot make up for the disappointment and sadness you feel.
Good morning @Sonia_78

Monday blues~ haha...
Yea no mood to work
And then at the back of my mind I hv this tot
It's nt going to work ! Jus be happy wif one child n move on wif ur life , don't fight wif ur fate , :(
In fact my hubby is nt so keen for second he says I hv arthritis n u r nt capable of handling a second bb

Yup! That's a good thinking. At least you still have 1 child...

As for 2nd child, you don't stress yourself, let nature takes course. Who knows when you are not thinking about it, a surprise will appear...
Hello all!

I just wanna rant. I find it difficult to reject frds at drinking session, and if I do, they ask. It's irritating when they know that I have been trying to conceive for a year, and obviously I want to be safe on everything.

Anyway, I am turning 7 week and I don't intend to tell them, not even at week 12 cos I know all the "I know too well" advices start coming in.
Do you guys have frds like that?

Another of my frd admitted to me that she has a frd who is ttc, and always rejecting their invitation to club. After they while, they got so sick of her and stop asking her out. It's sad to know that some frds just cannot be more supportive.
I am looking forward to sharing the good news when I hit my 2nd trimester, but, thinking about how it will turn out, it kinda scares me. Sighhhh.
Just because, people around us gets pregnant so easily they never understand our plight.

Hello all!

I just wanna rant. I find it difficult to reject frds at drinking session, and if I do, they ask. It's irritating when they know that I have been trying to conceive for a year, and obviously I want to be safe on everything.

Anyway, I am turning 7 week and I don't intend to tell them, not even at week 12 cos I know all the "I know too well" advices start coming in.
Do you guys have frds like that?

Another of my frd admitted to me that she has a frd who is ttc, and always rejecting their invitation to club. After they while, they got so sick of her and stop asking her out. It's sad to know that some frds just cannot be more supportive.

oh dear... friends should be more caring and supportive, especially since they are aware that you are ttc.

If i'm you, i will just tell them straight that i can't join them for drinking session at the moment since im ttc. But i would love to join them for other session that does not involve drinking. I think they won't only meet up for drinking right?

We can't pleased everyone so just do what is right for you.
